Change object data - javascript

I have this text file (800kb url) inwhich a some JSON data is stored. After I load the data from the text file I would like to change stuff and loop over it.
I did this using this sample simple function;
var convertPriceFormat = function(content){
var obj = {};
for(var appid in content){
var gameEntry = content[appid];
for(var hashName in gameEntry){
var entry = gameEntry[hashName];
obj[hashName] = entry.price;
return obj;
There's four sub-objects in the returned object ofwhich they all have about 3000 entries, that's not like a huge amount.
All data per entry is structuated like so;
'Pinstripe Suit Jacket': {
average_price: 0.02,
listings: 11,
volume: 1185.03,
price: 0.03
Problem is; for some odd reason when I log the length of the gameEntry (so the total of entries per sub-object), there's like 12 seconds between the first log and the second log.
Why is this?
Load time (relative since start, numbers are the amount of entries it had to loop over):
2373 '3.48s'
5769 '24.422s'
1405 '25.326s'
641 '25.436s'

Most likely the entry does not really look like what you think it does. Try this code or a variant of it to trace what is going on.
var convertPriceFormat = function(content) {
var obj = {};
for (var appid in content) {
console.log(`appid: ${appid}`)
var gameEntry = content[appid];
for (var hashName in gameEntry) {
console.log(`hashName: ${hashName}`)
var entry = gameEntry[hashName];
obj[hashName] = entry.price;
return obj;
const entry1 = {
'Pinstripe Suit Jacket': {
average_price: 0.02,
listings: 11,
volume: 1185.03,
price: 0.03
const entries = []
for (let i = 0; i < 3000; i++) {
console.log(`Number of entries: ${entries.length}`)

use hasOwnProperty to filter for in loop.
var convertPriceFormat = function (content) {
var obj = {};
for (var appid in content) {
var gameEntry = content[appid];
for (var hashName in gameEntry) {
var entry = gameEntry[hashName];
obj[hashName] = entry.price;
return obj;
var convertPriceFormat2 = function (content) {
var obj = {};
for (var appid in content) {
if (content.hasOwnProperty(appid)) {
var gameEntry = content[appid];
for (var hashName in gameEntry) {
if (gameEntry.hasOwnProperty(hashName)) {
var entry = gameEntry[hashName];
obj[hashName] = entry.price;
return obj;
const entry1 = {
'Pinstripe Suit Jacket': {
average_price: 0.02,
listings: 11,
volume: 1185.03,
price: 0.03
const entries = []
for (let i = 0; i < 3000; i++) {
console.log(`Number of entries: ${entries.length}`)
results are better in avarage


applying mulitlevel json to endpoint response

I have the following code deployed as web app on google sheets
function doGet(e){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("");
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("TV_Series");
return getData(sheet);
function getData(sheet){
var jo = {};
var dataArray = [];
var rows = sheet.getRange(2,1,sheet.getLastRow()-1, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();
Logger.log("rows = "+rows);
for(var i = 0, l= rows.length; i<l ; i++){
var dataRow = rows[i];
Logger.log("i ="+i);
Logger.log("dataRoes = " +dataRow);
var record = {};
record['series_name'] = dataRow[0];
record['season_name'] = dataRow[1];
record["season_number"] = dataRow[2];
record["episode_name"] = dataRow[3];
record["episode_number"] = dataRow[4];
record["media_url"] = dataRow[8];
jo.series = dataArray;
var result = JSON.stringify(jo);
return ContentService.createTextOutput(result).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON);
So the web app url returns the following JSON:
[{"series_name":"Dance Academy","season_name":"season 3","season_number":"3","episode_name":"Glue","episode_number":"1","media_url":""},
{"series_name":"Dance Academy","season_name":"season 3","season_number":"3","episode_name":"New Rules","episode_number":"2","media_url":""}]}
i would like to separate series, seasons, and episodes to different objects in the JSON file. So i will get something like that:
"series":{"name": "Dance Academy",
[{"name":"season 1","season_number":1,"episodes":
[{"name":"episode 1","episode_number":1,"url":""},
{"name":"episode 2","episode_number":2,"url":""}]},
{"name": "season 2", "season_number":2,"episodes":
[{"name":"episode 1","episode_number":1,"url":""},
{"name":"episode 2","episode_number":2,"url":""}]}]}}
How do i do that?
This assumes there is only one "series". Here is an example script to build a multilevel object from the sample json. You have to build the first object outside of any loop so that you have something to compare with inside the loops.
function testJson() {
try {
let json = {"series":
[{"series_name":"Dance Academy","season_name":"season 3","season_number":"3","episode_name":"Glue","episode_number":"1","media_url":""},
{"series_name":"Dance Academy","season_name":"season 3","season_number":"3","episode_name":"New Rules","episode_number":"2","media_url":""}]};
let result = {};
let series = json.series[0];
let name = series.series_name;
result.series = { name: name, seasons: [ { name: series.season_name, season_number: series.season_number, episodes: [] }] };
result.series.seasons[0].episodes.push( { name: series.episode_name, episode_number: series.episode_number, media_url: series.media_url } );
for( let i=1; i<json.series.length; i++ ) {
series = json.series[i];
result.series.seasons.forEach( season => {
if( === series.season_name ) {
season.episodes.push( { name: series.episode_name, episode_number: series.episode_number, media_url: series.media_url } );
else {
// add a new season
let j = season.push( { name: series.season_name, season_number: series.season_number, episodes: [] } );
season[j-1].episodes.push( { name: series.episode_name, episode_number: series.episode_number, media_url: series.media_url } );
catch(err) {
Execution log
7:48:56 AM Notice Execution started
7:48:59 AM Info {"series":{"name":"Dance Academy","seasons":[{"name":"season 3","season_number":"3","episodes":[{"name":"Glue","episode_number":"1","media_url":""},{"name":"New Rules","episode_number":"2","media_url":""}]}]}}
7:48:57 AM Notice Execution completed

Promises in Node js: how to improve?

I'm working on a coding assignment for node.js and I finished it. However, I am wondering if there is any way to improve upon it. The assignment is to take in 3 promises with JSON objects and merge the data as such.
My code does take in the three promises, resolves them, and merges them according to the specifications. I am worried that the code may be too convoluted.
Are there any recommendations to improve it?
travelers: [
flights: [
legs: [
As I said, my code works but I'm wondering if it can be improved. Here is my code.
'use strict';
// TODO Import what you need
var tripService = require('./api/trip.service.js');
var profile = require('./api/profiles.service.js');
var airlines = require('./api/airlines.service.js');
function getTravelersFlightInfo() {
var tripServiceGet= () => tripService.get();
var profileGet = () =>profile.get();
var airlinesGet = () => airlines.get();
var trips = tripServiceGet().then(function(trip){
return trip;
var profiles = profileGet().then(function(profile){
return profile;
var airline = airlinesGet().then(function(airlines){
return airlines;
function assignLegsToTraveler(passengerFlight, legs , airline , ff){
passengerFlight = {};
passengerFlight.legs = [];
for(let i = 0; i < legs.length; i++){
var airCode = legs[i].airlineCode;
passengerFlight.legs[i] = {};
passengerFlight.legs[i].airlineCode = airCode;
passengerFlight.legs[i].airlineName = airline.airlines.find( x => x.code === airCode).name;
passengerFlight.legs[i].flightNumber = legs[i].flightNumber;
if (ff.hasOwnProperty(airCode) === true){
passengerFlight.legs[i].frequentFlyerNumber = ff[airCode];
return passengerFlight;
function assignFlights(passenger, trips, airline, ff){
for(let i = 0; i <; i++){
if([i].travelerIds.includes({[] = assignLegsToTraveler([],[i].legs, airline, ff);
return passenger;
return Promise.all([trips, profiles, airline]).then(function([trips, profiles, airline]) {
var result = {}; = [];
for(let i = 0; i < profiles.profiles.length; i++){[i] = {};[i].id = profiles.profiles[i].personId;[i].name = profiles.profiles[i].name;[i].flights = [];
assignFlights([i], trips.trip, airline, profiles.profiles[i].rewardPrograms.air);
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null,2));
return result;
module.exports = getTravelersFlightInfo;

Javascript group URLs by domain and directory

How can I group the URLs from a sorted list by domain and directory?
If two URLs have the same directory (just the first one after domain), then they should be grouped in an array;
Those URLs whose first directory is different, but have the same domain, should be grouped in an array;
For example, the URLs from this list:
var url_list = ["",
Should be grouped as follows:
var group_url = [
I wrote some code but only managed to group the URLs by domain:
var group_url = [];
var count = 0;
var url_list = ["",
for(i = 0; i < url_list.length; i++) {
if(url_list[i] != "") {
var current = url_list[i].replace(/.*?:\/\//g, "");
var check = current.substr(0, current.indexOf('/'));
for(var j = i; j < url_list.length; j++) {
var add_url = url_list[j];
if(add_url.indexOf(check) != -1) {
url_list[j] = "";
else {
count += 1;
It seems like you want to group the URLs by domain+dir, but if they end up being alone in their group, to then regroup those by domain only.
For that you can use this script (ES5):
var url_list = ["",
// Group the URLs, keyed by domain+dir
var hash = url_list.reduce(function (hash, url) {
// ignore protocol, and extract domain and first dir:
var domAndDir = url.replace(/^.*?:\/\//, '').match(/^.*?\..*?\/[^\/?#]*/)[0];
hash[domAndDir] = (hash[domAndDir] || []).concat(url);
return hash;
}, {});
// Regroup URLs by domain only, when they are alone for their domain+dir
Object.keys(hash).forEach(function (domAndDir) {
if (hash[domAndDir].length == 1) {
var domain = domAndDir.match(/.*\//)[0];
hash[domain] = (hash[domain] || []).concat(hash[domAndDir]);
delete hash[domAndDir];
// Convert hash to array
var result = Object.keys(hash).map(function(key) {
return hash[key];
// Output result
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
NB: I did not use ES6 as you mentioned ES5 in comments, but consider using ES6 Map for such a hash, which is better suited for the job.{return el.split("://")[1].split("/");});//remove protocol, split by /
var obj={};
for(var index in urllistextended){
var el=urllistextended[index];
Use like this:
obj[""]["tr"];//[url1,url2] enter "result"
I would recommend using the excellent URI.js library which offers great ways to parse, query and manipulate URLs:
For example to work with the path (what you are referring to as directory) you could easily do the following (taken straight from the api docs):
var uri = new URI("");
// get pathname
uri.pathname(); // returns string "/foo/hello.html"
// set pathname
uri.pathname("/foo/hello.html"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// will encode for you
uri.pathname("/hello world/");
uri.pathname() === "/hello%20world/";
// will decode for you
uri.pathname(true) === "/hello world/";
// will return empty string for empty paths, but:
URI("").path() === "";
URI("/").path() === "/";
URI("").path() === "/";
The rest should be easy going.
I suggest to use an object and group by domain and by the first string after the domain. Then iterate the tree and reduce it to the wanted structure.
This solution works with unsorted data.
var url_list = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
temp = [],
url_list.forEach(function (a) {
var m = a.match(/.*?:\/\/([^\/]+)\/?([^\/?]+)?/);
m.reduce(function (r, b) {
if (!r[b]) {
r[b] = { _: [] };
r._.push({ name: b, children: r[b]._ });
return r[b];
}, this)._.push(a);
}, { _: temp });
result = temp.reduce(function (r, a) {
var top = [],
parts = [];
a.children.forEach(function (b) {
if (b.children.length === 1) {
} else {
return top.length ? r.concat([top], parts) : r.concat(parts);
}, []);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
This does exactly what you need:
var url_list = ["",
var folderGroups = {};
for (var i = 0; i < url_list.length; i++) {
var myRegexp = /.*\/\/[^\/]+\/[^\/\?]+/g;
var match = myRegexp.exec(url_list[i]);
var keyForUrl = match[0];
if (folderGroups[keyForUrl] == null) {
folderGroups[keyForUrl] = [];
var toRemove = [];
Object.keys(folderGroups).forEach(function(key,index) {
if (folderGroups[key].length == 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < toRemove.length; i++) {
delete folderGroups[toRemove[i]];
var domainGroups = {};
for (var i = 0; i < url_list.length; i++) {
//Check if collected previously
var myRegexpPrev = /.*\/\/[^\/]+\/[^\/\?]+/g;
var matchPrev = myRegexpPrev.exec(url_list[i]);
var checkIfPrevSelected = matchPrev[0];
if (folderGroups[checkIfPrevSelected] != null) {
//Get for domain group
var myRegexp = /.*\/\/[^\/]+/g;
var match = myRegexp.exec(url_list[i]);
var keyForUrl = match[0];
if (domainGroups[keyForUrl] == null) {
domainGroups[keyForUrl] = [];
var finalResult = {};
$.extend(finalResult, folderGroups, domainGroups);
<script src=""></script>

Filtering an array of Objects in javascript

I'm really new to JS, and I'm now stuck on a task, hope someone can guide me through it.
I have an Array of Objects, like this one:
var labels = [
// labels for pag 1
{pageID:1, labels: [
{labelID:0, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt1 Eng'}, {lang:'de', text:'Txt1 De:'}]},
{labelID:1, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt 2 Eng:'}, {lang:'de', text:'Txt2 De:'}]},
{labelID:2, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt 3 Eng:'},{lang:'de', text:'Txt 3 De:'}]}
// labels for pag 2
{pageID:2, labels: [
{labelID:0, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt1 Eng'}, {lang:'de', text:'Txt1 De:'}]},
{labelID:1, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt 2 Eng:'}, {lang:'de', text:'Txt2 De:'}]},
{labelID:2, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt 3 Eng:'},{lang:'de', text:'Txt 3 De:'}]}
What I am trying to do is write a function to return me an array of labels (Objects) for a specific page and a specific lang. By calling this function specifying pageID 1 and lang eng, I'm basically trying to build an array like this one:
var desideredArray = [
{labelID:0, text:'Txt1 Eng'},
{labelID:1, text:'Txt1 Eng'},
{labelID:2, text:'Txt2 Eng'}
Now, I'm trying to write the function to retrieve/build the new array:
this.getLabelsForPageAndLang = function (numPage, lang) {
// this part filters the main object and selects the object with pageID == numPage
var result = labels.filter(function( obj ) {
return obj.pageID == numPage;
var tempResult = result[0].labels;
var desiredResults = []; // here I want to store the new objects
for (var i=0; i<tempResult.length; i++) {
var simpleLabelObject = {};
simpleLabelObject.labelID = tempResult[i].labelID;
// simpleLabelObject.text = ?????
results[i] = simpleLabelObject;
console.log (results);
...but how can I access the right value (the one corresponding the lang selected) in the content property?
You can use the same technique as the one used to keep the matching page: the filter method.
this.getLabelsForPageAndLang = function (numPage, lang) {
// this part filters the main object and selects the object with pageID == numPage
var result = labels.filter(function( obj ) {
return obj.pageID == numPage;
var contentFilter = function(obj){ return obj.lang === lang};
var tempResult = result[0].labels;
var desiredResults = []; // here I want to store the new objects
for (var i=0; i<tempResult.length; i++) {
var simpleLabelObject = {};
simpleLabelObject.labelID = tempResult[i].labelID;
var matching = tempResult[i].content.filter(contentFilter);
simpleLabelObject.text = matching[0].text;
desiredResults[i] = simpleLabelObject;
console.log (desiredResults);
I didn't do bound checks because in your code you assumed there is always a matching element, but it would probably be wise to do it.
And if you want to avoid creating two closures each time the function is called, you can prototype an object for that:
var Filter = function(numPage, lang) {
this.numPage = numPage;
this.lang = lang;
Filter.prototype.filterPage = function(obj) {
return obj.pageID === this.numPage;
Filter.prototype.filterLang = function(obj) {
return obj.lang === this.lang;
Filter.prototype.filterLabels = function(labels) {
var result = labels.filter(this.filterPage, this);
var tempResult = result[0].labels;
var desiredResults = []; // here I want to store the new objects
for (var i=0; i<tempResult.length; i++) {
var simpleLabelObject = {};
simpleLabelObject.labelID = tempResult[i].labelID;
var matching = tempResult[i].content.filter(this.filterLang, this);
simpleLabelObject.text = matching[0].text;
desiredResults[i] = simpleLabelObject;
return desiredResults;
console.log(new Filter(1, "eng").filterLabels(labels));
Just filter again:
var getLabelsForPageAndLang = function (numPage, lang) {
// this part filters the main object and selects the object with pageID == numPage
var result = labels.filter(function (obj) {
return obj.pageID == numPage;
var tempResult = result[0].labels;
var desiredResults = []; // here I want to store the new objects
for (var i = 0; i < tempResult.length; i++) {
var simpleLabelObject = {};
simpleLabelObject.labelID = tempResult[i].labelID;
var lg = tempResult[i].content.filter(function (lg) {
return lg.lang == lang;
simpleLabelObject.text = lg[0].text;
A rather 'safe' implementation for cases when pages have the same pageID and multiple contents with the same lang:
this.getLabelsForPageAndLang = function(numPage, lang) {
var result = [];
var pages = labels.filter(function( obj ) {
return obj.pageID === numPage;
for (var p = pages.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) {
var page = pages[p];
for(var i = page.labels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var labelId = page.labels[i].labelID;
for (var j = page.labels[i].content.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
if (page.labels[i].content[j].lang === lang) {
result.push({labelID: labelId, test: page.labels[i].content[j].text});

Save values into an array from a function which is called consecutively

I have a function which is called when a file is needed to be read in a folder. In this case since i have 3 files in that folder, it is called 3 times consecutively. I need to save all files info into array mapped_data2 like that:
mapped_data2[0] = inner_data1 //first file info,
mapped_data2[1] = inner_data2 //second file info etc.
However using my code i am having just the first files information 3 times. I am a bit confused with global variables, if you can point out the problem, i would appreciate it.
here is the code:
var mapped_data = [];
var mapped_data2 = [];
function o(msg) {
if ( {
var inner_data = [];
var lines ='\n'); //read lines of a file
for (var i = 2; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].length > 0) {
.. //do same data format here
inner_data.push([son, vactual, voutput]);
mapped_data = inner_data;
else {
if (msg.topic == "/somefolder/somefolder") {
for (var i = 0; i < msg.args.length; i++) {
var filename = msg.args[i];
function de() { //where i wanted to use these files info
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
mapped_data2[i] = { key: "Group" + (i + 1), values: mapped_data };
var datam = mapped_data2;
var den = JSON.stringify(datam);
function init() {
..//create new client called aw for the server application and start it;
..//if the connection is established:
aw.onmessage = o;
aw.get("/somefolder/somefolder"); // request list of files in a folder
//when html page is being onload, call the functions init() and de()
var mapped_data2 = [];
function o(msg) {
var mapped_data = []; // this doesn't need to be global
if ( {
var inner_data = [];
mapped_data = inner_data;
} else {
mapped_data2.push({ key: "Group" + mapped_data2.length + 1, values: mapped_data };)
// do more stuff as in den()

