How to get element from HTML stored in variable - javascript

I am running an API to retrieve email from external system. I managed to get HTML code from the returned JSON and store it in a variable. Now, I would like to run some further operations on this HTML - for example get all elements with
It would be easy in html document:
var x = document.querySelectorAll('[data-type="whatever"]');
However the HTML document I want to work with is stored in the variable so the code I write in API does not recognise it as a document. How can I do it? Any suggestions with vanilla JS?

You can try something like this.
let rawDoc = '<html><head><title>Working with elements</title></head><body><div id="div1">The text above has been created dynamically.</div></body></html>'
let doc = document.createElement('html');
doc.innerHTML = rawDoc;
let div1 = doc.querySelector('#div1');

What if you use innerHTML? or maybe I don't fully understand the question.

Since you are working without a document you have 2 options.
1. Use regex to get what you need (something like /<.+>.+ data-type="whatever".+<\/.+>/gi) should do (but for an exact match you may need to make something better).
2. Insert the html in a hidden part of the dom and select what you need from it (like in Zohir answer - he provided a good example).

I used following code with angular to store whole html content in a variable and pass it as argument to call API.
var htmlBody = $('<div/>').append($('#htmlBody').clone()).html();
This might work for you as i was working on sending email to pass invoice template so try this.


Convert a javascript variable to scala in play framework

I have some variables in javascript:
var something = 1;
var url = "#CSRF(routes.Some.thing(something))";
I get an error during compilation because "something" does not refer to the javascript variable, in other words; the compiler can't identify it. Is it possible to convert/inject the javascript variable somehow? Also, does this work in real time in javascript or do I need to prepare an "#CSRF(routes.Some.thing(something))" array containing each possible "something" value?
It's supposed to be a simple rest call, seen in routes file:
/something/:something controllers.Some.thing(something : Long)
An alternative would be to use a form, but I want to try not to.
You need to use a Javascript Routing and add the CSRF token to the request.
Javascript Rounting description:
Look at my answer to the question with explanation how to use it for assets("Correct and long solution"), the usage for other activities is the same: How to update src of a img from javascript in a play framework project?
So in your case, the Javascript routes generation can look like:
And in the JavaScript:
var something = 1;
var url = jsRoutes.controllers.Some.thing(something).url;
The last - do not forget to add Csrf-Token header to the request.

Find text in source code of page and create hyperlink

I need to use JavaScript to search the source code of the current page for a string, e.g data-userId="2008", then extracts the id number (2008 in this case) and creates a hyperlink to include it, e.g.
I've been attempting to use indexOf and document.documentElement.innerHTML approaches but not getting anywhere. I've got closer with the help of this post but no success yet.
Here's what i have so far:
<script type="text/javascript">
function getVals() {
code = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].innerHTML;
results = code.match(/data-userId=(\d*)&/g);
for (i=0;i<results.length;i++) {
value = results[i].match(/data-userId=(\d*)&/);
onload = getVals;
Due to restrictions on our network the solution needs to be JavaScript.
Use the getAttribute() method of the Element object
I'm not sure why exactly you'd query the html element and then look at innerHTML. Do you not know which tags/selectors will contain the data attribute you're looking for? If you don't know which selectors you're looking for you can use a recursive function like this to walk the DOM and store the values in a data structure of your choice - I'll use an array of objects in this example (not sure how you need this data formatted).
Also, I'm not sure how you're choosing to visit these pages, but the below code could be easily modified to create hyperlinks when/if the attributes you're looking for are found.
var storeElements = [];
function walkTheDOM(node){
if(node.getAttribute('data-userId') !== null){
storeElements.push({"element": node, "attrValue": node.getAttribute('data-userId'});
node = node.firstChild;
node = node.nextSibling;
Then you can call the function like this:
If this isn't what you're looking for let me know and I can change my answer. For those of you who've read Douglas Crockford's "Javascript: The Good Parts" this function may look very familiar :).

HTML Append Variable to Query String

I have http://localhost/?val=1
When I click on a link, is there a way this link can append a query variable to the current string, for example:
so when I click it the url would be:
but when I click the link it removes the first query string and looks like
Is such a thing possible with normal HTML?
You can't do that using only html, but you can do it with js or php:
Using JS:
<a onclick="window.location+=((window.location.href.indexOf('?')+1)?'':'?')+'&var2=2'">Link</a>
Using Php:
Notice 1: make sure you don't have the new variable in the current link, or it'll be a loop of the same variable
Notice 2: this is not a professional way, but it could work if you need something fast.
Basically you want to get your current URL via JavaScript with:
var existingUrl = window.location.href; // http://localhost/?val=1
Then append any Query Strings that are applicable using:
window.location.href = existingUrl + '&var2=2';
or some other similar code. Take a look at this post about Query Parameters.
Note: A link would already have to exist with an OnClick event that calls a function with the above code in it for it to work appropriately.
Now obviously this isn't very useful information on it's own, so you are going to want to do some work either in JavaScript or in Server code (through use of NodeJS, PHP, or some other server-side language) to pass those variable names and their values down so that the button can do what you are wanting it to do.
You will have to have some logic to make sure the query parameters are put in the URL correctly though. I.E. if there is only one query param it's going to look like '?var1=1' and if it's any subsequent parameter it's going to look like '&var#=#'.

Use dynamic element ID in #{rich:clientId()} function

We can get element by static ID using rich:clientId() function as follows
However, I need to use a dynamic ID which takes the form of var + "_ID" where var can be employee, student, etc and thus resulting in employee_ID, student_ID as actual ID.
I tried as follows:
dynamicID = var + '_ID';
However, it didn't work. How can I achieve this?
It looks like you are setting dynamicID via JavaScript, am I right?
If yes, the EL-expression #{rich:clientId(dynamicID)} cannot be evaluated as EL on the server during the rendering of the page since the dynamicID is only available on the client (=browser) when the page has already been built up on the server and sent to the browser.
Where does var come from? How is it applied to the component with the dynamicID? Can't you use the same approach for the getElementById?
For concatenating a variable with a constant in JSF on server-side, see the following already answered post Concatenate strings in JSF/JSP EL and Javascript. Basically it gives you a how-to in creation of an own concatenation function for jsp/jsf. Works pretty need.
As a hint: you can use #{rich:element(JSF_ID)} instead of document.getElementById('#{rich:clientId(JSF_ID)}') to keep the source readeable - it will render identical results.
Good luck...

Can a variable be passed as an element id in javascript

I'm trying to get some AJAX running with Django using jQuery. The problem is that the ID of the element I'm trying to change isn't set in stone, it's a Django template variable so it is different for each element in the table, but I want to use AJAX to change that element. I'm passing the dictionary from a Django view to JavaScript via simplejson, the pertinent objects being ID and model (not real variable names, just wanted to make it obvious what I am trying to do). Some pseudo code (third line, wrote it like python because I don't know how to do this in JavaScript):
var quantity_update = function(msg, elem) {
var response_obj = eval('(' + msg + ')');
var newtotal = document.getElementById("%s, %s"); % (, response_obj.model)
subtotal.innerHTML = "<td>"+response_obj.subtotal+"</td>";
Is something like this possible, and if so how?
Javascript doesn't have fancy string formatting (%s), but you can use plain string concatenation, just like you can in Python:
var id = + ', ' + resonse_obj.model
You don't need to worry about the string being generated dinamically. It is still a string after all and getElementById accepts it the same way .
You probably shouldn't be doing the eval() yourself to parse the JSON. I'm pretty sure you can have JQuery do that for you when you do the AJAX request.
If your element ID is not set in stone, you might want to identify the element using other means. Many JS framework such as jQuery supports identification via CSS Selector. For example you can identify the element you want to change by combination of its tag and class.
For documentation on the available selector you should read jQuery Selector Documentation
You can totally pass jquery css selectors as variables. Simple example:
var elementId = $('td').eq(0).attr('id'),
myElement = $('#'+elementId);
In this example, we grab the ID of the first TD in your document, find its id, and use that to get "myElement"
You may find it helpful to review the "selectors" section of the jQuery documentation ( to review all your options for finding an element. In my example I also am using the jquery.eq() method, which filters a list of selectors (in this case all the TDs) to a specific one.

