How do I add JavaScript to an Object in Unity? - javascript

You can skip this: I could do research but a YouTuber Recommended asking a fourm group for help. I guess the reason for this is to get more knowledge then just finding the answer without thinking about any other variables.
Question: I was wondering how I add a Javascript File to my object in Unity. I am new to Unity and the only coding knowledge I have is in JavaScript (Although limited from 1 year of basic programming and 1 year of AP computer Science) not C#.
What I Tried: I have tried dragging the JavaScript File to the object in the hierarchy but that seems to not work. Is there a specific route I should take?


Date/Time on Articles <time>

This is a fairly simple question. While I'll certainly accept and appreciate a detailed answer, guidance in the right direction is all I'm looking for as I have no qualms about learning. I still consider myself an amatuer so please forgive me if you find this trivial.
I'm sure you've all seen what I'm looking for here if you've read a blog or any type of news site. Articles usually have some type of heading with "1 Year Ago", "28 Minutes Ago", etc to reflect the difference in time from when an article was published to the current time you are looking at it. What I'm trying to figure out is how that is accomplished?
I learned today that a tag exists but so far I haven't been able to determine how the attributes you can assign to (e.g. datetime="2015-04-27 20:00") it turn into a readable "1 Year Ago". In my head, I'm imagining some ways I might be able to do this with JavaScript but I'm wondering if this is how it's typically done.
Thanks in advance.
What you might have read is that the "special attributes" actually are pseudo-attributes in some front end framework like Angular, React or Vue etc.
In angular they are known as custom directives. Where you can define custom attribute to pass some data into angular code and get some thing back in this case the humanized form of a date.
What you probably want is moment.js and some way to pass the the date into moment.js to parse it if your not using Angular or other frameworks. Since you are nt so descriptive about your code behind I leave it here on how to work that thing out.
A simple example to demonstrate Moment.js Time from now
moment([2007, 0, 29]).fromNow(); // 4 years ago

Best way to protect javascript code from working with modified parameters array

There is a new javascript game.
Programmatically the game consists of:
already obfuscated javascript code
big javascript array with a lot of objects and values (several arrays for several levels)
The problem:
anybody can get this "already obfuscated javascript code" and change parameters of this "big javascript array with a lot of objects and values" and the game will works in a new manner.
what can I do to force this "already obfuscated javascript code" to work only with "big javascript array with a lot of objects and values", created by me?
For example the values of this array/object (generally numbers) should have some "secret" to satisfy a given condition of my javascript - what the "secret" it may be?
Or please offer some additional decision?
I understand, that it impossible to solve completely, but I need nice particular decision, it would be better more than one.
A determined user will ALWAYS be able to work around any "security" you try to create. A dedicated user will always be able to obfuscate anything you write.
There are techniques to make this slightly harder, like making a checksome of your objects, then you pass that object and checksome around ... see if anyone has fiddled with the object behind your back.
A dedicated hacker could then calculate a new checksome.
This cat-and-mouse game has been going on with game binaries for DECADES.. at least three decades and they have proven ineffective them.
They will be less-so today.
I think that you should first look into the basics of Javascript programming.
Both Codecademy:
and W3 Schools:
provide excellent tutorials that teach you how to use javascript.
In terms of how you described how a game works:
Programmatically the game consists of: already obfuscated javascript code and big javascript array with a lot of objects and values (several arrays for several levels)
Is part of how one section of a game might work. But by no means is it all of what a game is made of...
An array could be used to do any number of things from storing location data, to keeping a list of high scores.
I think to get a better understanding of how a game is made you should look into the fundamentals of javascript first!
If you learn enough you may be able to make your own game!
Best of luck!

String translation with dynamic text and inputs

I am working on front-end only React application and will soon be implementing internationalization. We only need one additional language... at this point. I would like to do it in a way that is maintainable, where adding a new language would be ideally as close as possible to merely providing a new config object with translations for various strings.
The issue I know we will have, is that we have dynamic inputs inside of sentences as demonstrated below (where [] are inputs and ** is dynamically changing data). This is just an example sentence... lots of other similar type things elsewhere in the app.
I am [23] years old. I was born in [ ______▾]. In 2055 I would be *65* years old.
We could break out 'I am', '*age input', 'years old. I was born in', '*year dropdown'. etc. But depending on the language, word order could be changed or an input could be at the beginning of a sentence etc, and I feel like doing it in that way would make for a really weird looking and hard to maintain language file.
I'm looking to know if there are common patterns and/or libraries we can use to help with this challenge.
A react specific library is react-intl by yahoo. Which is part of a larger project called FormatJS which has many libraries and solutions for internalization. These and their corresponding docs are a good starting point.

Replacing an equation and embedding a math function plotter?

I am actually searching for a javascript / jquery library where I can pass a function equation, such as sin(x^2), and it plots the graph. Example link:^2)
Furthermore, I would like to scan my website for function equations and replace them with this function graph embed. It should have navigation features (scrolling, dragging the stage etc).
Over the last 4 hours I have searched the net without satisfactory result. Even the popular, and jsxgraph do not offer this kind of features. The only thing that comes close to what I need is You can pass 1 equation by URL but it has no embed feature (widget or alike).
Wolframalpha offers a widget but it seems to be just an embed without the option to pass the equation.
Update: Found out that offers an embed feature, if you purchase one of their API keys. Price is not stated.
I also considered using Google's geometry calculator but there seems to be no embed features.
Before starting to build such a "graph embed" myself, I would like to ask if such a project exists already. Maybe it is hidden in some github repo and I just can't find it.
Thank you.
PS: If the question is too offtopic (saw the first close flag), even though it is related to js/jquery, where should I ask it? On Superuser? Please advice me. I am sure this is an important question for many math developers.
All right, I took the time to write a first prototype based on jquery, math.js and easeljs (about 300 KB with v0.0.1):
Source: or here:
Github repo:
Disclaimer: The code is a bit messy but worked in my tests. You just have to embed the js file, the script runs over all elements on your site and parses only if an enclosed equation has been found, the characters for enclosing are: *# x^2*sin(x) #*
I also added the possibility to change the graph later on by simply providing an input field. So after the embed you can change the graph as you wish:
Enjoy and improve the source code if you like :)

How to implement different languages on html page

I am just a newcomer developing an app with html/css/js via phonegap. I've been searching info on how to make my app be displayed in different languages and Google doesn't understand me.
So the idea is to have a button on index.html that let the user choose the language in which the app will be displayed, in this case Spanish/English, nothing strange like arabic blablabla....
So I guess that the solution must be related to transform all the text that I load in html to variables and then depending on the language selected display the correct one. I have no idea how to make this, and Im not able to find examples. So that's what Im asking for... if someone could give some code snipet to see how html variables works and how should I save user language selection...
Appreciated guys!
This can be done by internationalization (such as i18N). To do this you need separate file for each language and put all your text in it. Search Google for internationalization.
Otherwise you can look into embeding Google Translate.
This depends on the complexity of language-dependencies in the application. If you have just a handful of short texts in a strongly graphic application, you can just store the texts in JavaScript variables or, better, in properties of an object, with one object per language.
But if you expect to encounter deeper language-dependencies as well (e.g., displaying dynamically computed decimal numbers, which should be e.g. 1.5 in English and 1,5 in Spanish), then it’s probably better to use a library like Globalize.js (described in some detail in my book Going Global with JavaScript and Globalize.js). That way you could use a unified approach, writing e.g. a string using Globalize.localize('greeting') and a number using Globalize.format(x, 'n1') and a date using Globalize.format(date, 'MMM d').

