How to calculate total? - javascript

I faced a problem for my code and I could not solve it. I have 2 functions, the first one calculates the total and second one discounts the total (if the user write the discount code, it will show the discounted total). But I don't know how to get and call the right value from total to keep it in the second function to calculate the discount because it always shows 0 in the amount. The TOTAL is for the first function and JavaScript code is for the second function.
total = parseInt(TicketsPrice[i].value) * parseInt(NOfTictet);
document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = total;
function discount(coupon) {
var yCoupon = "winner1";
var price = Number(document.getElementById('total').innerHTML);
var amount;
var input = document.getElementById('discount').value;
if (input == coupon) {
amount = price || 0 * 0.25;
document.getElementById("Offerprice").innerHTML = amount;
} else {
<input type="text" name="coupon" id="discount">
<button onclick="discount()">discount</button>
<p id="total"></p>
<p><span id="Offerprice"></span></p>

Something like this?
function discount() {
var coupon = "winner1";
var price = Number(document.getElementById('total').value);
var input = document.getElementById('discount').value;
if (input == coupon) {
var amount = price * (1 - .25) // 25% off coupon
document.getElementById("Offerprice").innerHTML = amount;
} else {
document.getElementById("Offerprice").innerHTML = 'Invalid coupon'
<div>Total: <input id="total"></div>
<div>Coupon: <input id="discount"></div>
<button onclick="discount()"> discount</button>
<p><span id ="Offerprice"></span></p>

You have several issues in your code. Here is a working version. I hardcoded the total only for testing because I don't know the HTML for your tickets:
var total = 500; //This is only for testing.
document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = total;
function discount() {
var coupon = "winner1";
var price = Number(document.getElementById('total').innerHTML);
var input = document.getElementById('discount').value;
if (input == coupon) {
var amount = price * 0.75; //discount of 25%
document.getElementById("Offerprice").innerHTML = amount;
} else {
<input type="text" name="coupon" id="discount">
<button onclick="discount()">discount</button>
<p id="total"></p>
<p><span id="Offerprice"></span></p>


What is missing from my discount code to make this work? Am I missing a variable?

I thought I had everything correct and I still can't seem to figure out why the function isn't working out the way it is supposed to. I have this issue where the code is having a reference error but I'm not sure how to define the function. I also put it through the W3 validator but that's not telling me anything.
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>discount amount</title>
/* Input: purchase amount
* Processing: determine through if statements if they get a discount
* Output: final price after tax
// Computes and returns a discounted purchase amount.
function getDiscountedAmount(purchase) {
var purchase =
var dayOfWeek = new Date().getDay();
var output = document.querySelector("#output");
let rate;
if (purchase < 50) {
rate = 0.06;
} else if (purchase < 100 && [2, 3].includes(dayOfWeek)) {
rate = 0.06;
} else if (purchase < 500 && [2, 3].includes(dayOfWeek)) {
rate = 0.06;
let discount = purchase * rate;
return purchase - discount;
output.innerHTML = "$" + String(getDiscountedAmount(200));
Please enter your final price: <input type="text" id="purchase" size="5">
<button type="button" onclick="getDiscountedAmount(purchase)">discount?
<div id="output"></div>
The first line of your function already is wrong, you're trying to get a float number from nothing and you're overriding your input parameter to the function
var purchase = parseFloat();
purchase = parseFloat(purchase);
so that it uses your input parameter.
Also I'm not too sure about your date comparison dayOfWeek == (2, 3), I don't know if that works, I've never seen that before, I personally use [2, 3].includes(dayOfWeek)
And lastly your function returns a value but then you don't see that value anywhere, try using
console.log(getDiscountedAmount(200)) or whatever your price is
In terms of your input and output you want to use DOM manipulation to get the input and show the output.
If you want to see the value in your "output" then
var output = document.querySelector("#output");
output.innerHTML = "$" + String(getDiscountedAmount(200));
Would be a simple DOM mechanism, but it's not the cleanest
One more tip is to put your script tags lastly in the body, because you want all your HTML elements "defined" first before you try to access them
Altogether a cleaner version of your code:
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>discount amount</title>
Please enter your final price: <input type="text" id="myInput" size="5" /><br />
<button type="button" id="myButton">discount?</button>
<div id="myOutput"></div>
var myInput = document.querySelector("#myInput");
var myOutput = document.querySelector("#myOutput");
var myButton = document.querySelector("#myButton");
myButton.onclick = function() {
// Computes and returns a discounted purchase amount.
var purchase = parseFloat(myInput.value);
var dayOfWeek = new Date().getDay();
var rate;
if (purchase < 50) {
rate = 0.06;
} else if (purchase < 100 && [2, 3].includes(dayOfWeek)) {
rate = 0.06;
} else if (purchase < 1000) {
rate = 0.025;
} else {
rate = 0.03;
let discount = purchase * rate;
var finalPrice = purchase - discount;
output.innerHTML = "$" + String(finalPrice);
I changed around some ID's and moved the onclick into your JavaScript for cleaner code overall, as we like to separate the HTML from the JS
When you load your script you get an Uncaught SyntaxError because you closed your function with two }. To fix this just delete line 31.
In your first line of the function you are using parseFloat(); wrong:
var purchase = parseFloat();
var purchase = parseFloat(purchase);
Than you need to get your input number.
getDiscountedAmount(purchase) in the onclick event doesn't work.
You can use this:
var purchase = document.getElementById("purchase").value; // get value from text field
purchase = parseFloat(purchase); // convert to float
In the end you have to do this to show the number in you output div:
let output = purchase - discount;
document.getElementById("output").innerText = output; // set discont into your output div
return output;
Here is your code and how i fixed it:
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>discount amount</title>
/* Input: purchase amount
* Processing: determine through if statements if they get a discount
* Output: final price after tax
// Computes and returns a discounted purchase amount.
function getDiscountedAmount(purchase) {
var purchase = document.getElementById("purchase").value; // get value from text field
purchase = parseFloat(purchase); // convert to float
var dayOfWeek = new Date().getDay();
var rate;
if (purchase < 50) {
rate = 0.06;
else if (purchase < 100 && dayOfWeek ==(2,3)) {
rate = 0.06;
else if (purchase < 1000) {
rate = 0.025;
else {
rate = 0.03;
let discount = purchase * rate;
let output = purchase - discount;
document.getElementById("output").innerText = output; // set discont into your output div
return output;
Please enter your final price: <input type="text" id="purchase" size="5"><be>
<button type="button" onclick="getDiscountedAmount()">discount?</button>
<div id="output"></div>
I didn't change your return statement and dayOfWeek because i don't know how you exactly want to use it.
Here is what you are looking for:
body{margin:0;padding:0;font-family:arial;background:rgb(30,30,30);height:100vh;width:100%}.wrapper{background:lightgrey;background:linear-gradient(318deg,rgba(217,123,123,1) 0%,rgba(135,249,255,1) 100%);width:80%;height:126px;position:relative;top:calc(50vh - 63px);left:10%;padding:3px;border-radius:12px}.content{background:rgb(80,80,80);background:rgba(0,0,0,.5);border-radius:10px;width:calc(100% - 24px);padding:12px}label{font-weight:700;color:#fff}input{width:calc(100% - 16px);margin-top:4px;padding:6px;border:2px solid #fff;border:2px solid rgba(0,0,0,.3);color:#fff;background:#fff;background:rgba(0,0,0,.5);border-radius:6px;font-size:14pt}::placeholder{color:#fff;color:rgba(255,255,255,.8)}input:focus{outline:none;border:2px solid #fff;border:3px solid rgba(0,0,0,.6);padding:5px}.output-container{display:inline-block;float:right;width:180px;padding:8px;color:#fff;background:#fff;background:rgba(0,0,0,.5);font-size:12pt;margin-top:4px;border-radius:6px;font-size:14pt}button{margin-top:4px;width:150px;border:0;border-radius:6px;padding:8px;background:gray;background:rgba(0,0,0,.6);color:#fff;font-weight:700;font-size:14pt;transition:0.25s ease}button:focus{outline:none;}button:hover{cursor:pointer;background:gray;background:rgba(0,0,0,.8)}#media only screen and (max-width:400px){.wrapper{width:calc(100% - 6px);height:auto;top:0;left:0;border-radius:0}.output-container,button{width:calc(50% - 12px)}}
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>discount amount</title>
<div class='wrapper'>
<div class='content'>
<label>Please enter your final price:</label><input type="text" autocomplete="off" placeholder='Enter price...' id="purchase" size="5">
<button type="button" onclick="getDiscountedAmount()">See discount</button>
<div class='output-container'>Total: <span id='output'>--</span></div>
//Get the output element
outputEl = document.getElementById("output");
function getDiscountedAmount() {
//Gets the value of your input
var purchase = parseFloat((document.getElementById('purchase').value).replace(/[^\d]/g,""));
var dayOfWeek = new Date().getDay();
var rate;
if (purchase < 50) {
rate = 0.06;
} else if (purchase < 100 && [2, 3].includes(dayOfWeek)) {
rate = 0.06;
} else if (purchase < 500 && [2, 3].includes(dayOfWeek)) {
rate = 0.06;
else {
rate = 0.03;
let discount = purchase * rate;
let output = purchase - discount;
//Checks if output is a number.
output = 'Not a number!';
} else{
output = '$' + output;
//Puts the output inside of your "output" <div>
outputEl.textContent = output;

jquery calculate total amount of bill

I have 3 text fields in my form. 1st one takes value of quantity in the bill 2nd one takes value of price of per unit item and 3rd one takes the value of applicable taxes. I am displaying the final bill amount in the 4th text field. I've tried the following code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#Quantity, #Rate, #TaxAmount').keyup(function () {
var total = 0.0;
var qty = $('#Quantity').val();
var rate = $('#Rate').val();
var tax = ('#TaxAmount').val();
var amount = (qty * rate);
total = tax + amount;
after running the code nothing is being displayed in the 4th textbox with id of TotalAmount. Unable to figure out what is the problem. Somebody please guide.
Firstly, you were missing $ in the var tax line.
That aside, you'll need to use parseFloat to convert the strings you get from .val() to numbers, to be able to do arithmetic on them.
$(document).ready(function() {
var $fields = $('#Quantity, #Rate, #TaxAmount');
$fields.keyup(function() {
var qty = parseFloat($('#Quantity').val());
var rate = parseFloat($('#Rate').val());
var tax = parseFloat($('#TaxAmount').val());
var amount = (qty * rate);
var total = total = tax + amount;
<script src=""></script>
<input id="Quantity" placeholder="Quantity"> *
<input id="Rate" placeholder="Rate"> +
<input id="TaxAmount" placeholder="Tax"> =
<input id="TotalAmount" readonly>
You forgot the $ sign before ('#TaxAmount'):
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#Quantity, #Rate, #TaxAmount').keyup(function () {
var total = 0;
var qty = $('#Quantity').val();
var rate = $('#Rate').val();
var tax = $('#TaxAmount').val(); // here
var amount = (qty * rate);
total = tax + amount;

Calculate the price of the items, depending on its quantity

I'm trying to make block with the prices. The unit price varies depending on its quantity of units. For example:
Quantity — Price for each
Number of items:__
Price for each:
There is a need to write a the text field into which the user enters the number of items, and everything is recalculating and summing on the fly.
Here is my realization of this task:
var price1 = 110,
price2 = 105,
price3 = 100,
qty1 = 1,
qty2 = 10,
qty3 = 20;
function conversion(val) {
var div = document.getElementById("div"),
price = document.getElementById("price");
if (isNaN(val)) {
div.innerHTML = "";
price.innerHTML = "";
} else {
switch (true) {
case (val <= 0):
div.innerHTML = "";
price.innerHTML = "";
case (val >= qty1 && val < qty2):
div.innerHTML = val * price1;
price.innerHTML = price1;
case (val >= qty2 && val < qty3):
div.innerHTML = val * price2;
price.innerHTML = price2;
case (val >= qty3):
div.innerHTML = val * price3;
price.innerHTML = price3;
Quantity — Price for each
<div>1 — $110</div>
<div>10 — $105</div>
<div>20 — $100</div>
Number of items:
<input id="txt" onblur="conversion(this.value)" onchange="conversion(this.value)" onkeypress="conversion(this.value)" onkeyup="conversion(this.value)" type="number">
<div id="div"></div>
Price for each:
<div id="price"></div>
How it can be properly implemented, taking into account the fact that the lines with the quantity and unit price can be from one to infinity (values are taken from the database)?
I think it is possible to record the price and quantity in data-atributes and parse it with JS. Like this:
<div data-quantity="10" data-price="105">
<span class="quantity">10</span>
<span class="price">105</span>
Using the data attribute is indeed a solution:
<div data-quantity="10" data-price="105" id="test">
<span class="quantity">10</span>
<span class="price">105</span>
It's not fully compatible with previous IE version though, so be careful with it.
I would however suggest that you look for a way of moving your calculations away from the DOM to speed up your calculations.
For instance, parsing the data to a JavaScript object and doing the calculations there would save you some DOM trips and thus speed:
//markup for product
function Product(name) {
return {
//Name of product
name : name,
//List of price ranges (populated later)
prices : [
//method for adding a price
newPrice : function newPrice(quantity, cost) {
//Push new price unto list
quantity : quantity,
cost : cost
//Sort list
this.prices = this.prices.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.quantity - b.quantity
//Get the price for a variable quantity of this product
get : function (quantity) {
//Loop through prices to find the most matching
var price = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.prices.length; i++) {
if (this.prices[i].quantity <= quantity) {
price = this.prices[i].cost;
} else {
console.log('price per unit:', price, 'price for all', quantity, 'units:', price * quantity)
} //Make an instance
var myHotProduct = new Product('Fancy pants');
//Add some prices
myHotProduct.newPrice(0, 110);
myHotProduct.newPrice(10, 105);
myHotProduct.newPrice(20, 100);
//get some quantities
//Log everything we know about our product
Now you can get your prices as arrays and modify them outside of the limitations of data-.

Modificate in live value of a input

I have a form conversion, and I need the result is updated according to the amount entered by the user in live.
But the result is always the same.
I think the problem is in the variable price, this is not updated with the last written number of input.
This is the form
<input type="text" id="from_amount" value="0" name="amount" />
<span class="num" id="conv_result">0</span>
<input type="submit" action="" method="" >
This is the javascript
function a(){
var price = $("#from_amount").val(); //Get the number of the input
if (price == 0){
var total = 1;
}else if (price > 20 && price < 30){
var total = price * 2;
var total = 4;
return total;
var conver = {
'people': {
'rooms': a()

JavaScript Calculating wrong

I am trying to perform calculation using JavaScript. When user enter less than 10 pages in input (#page) the cost is 1. if he adds more than 10, each page costs .10. there are 2 options for checkbox, if he clicks first checkbox 10 is added and second checkbox 15 is added.
This is working when it is done in sequential steps. (input then clicking checkbox).
Ex: Input is : 9 (total: 1)
click checkbox1 - duplicates (total : 11)
click checkbox1 - laser (total: 26)
Now if i change the Input to 11, then the total becomes 1.10 - even if both the checkboxes are checked.. (expected result should be - 26.10)
I am not sure how to do this...can anyone help me out
function calculate() {
var pages=document.getElementById("page").value;
if(pages <=10) {
if(pages >= 11) {
var extra_pages= pages - 10;
var new_total= extra_pages * .10;
var new_total1= 1 + new_total;
total.value= new_total1;
function checkbox1() {
if(document.getElementById("ckbox1").checked === true) {
var total1=document.getElementById("total").value;
const add1 = 10;
var check1 = +total1 + +add1;
if(document.getElementById("ckbox1").checked === false) {
var total1=document.getElementById("total").value;
const sub1 = 10;
var check2 = +total1 - +sub1;
total.value = check2;
function checkbox2() {
if(document.getElementById("ckbox2").checked === true) {
var total1=document.getElementById("total").value;
const add1 = 15;
var check1 = +total1 + +add1;
if(document.getElementById("ckbox2").checked === false) {
var total1=document.getElementById("total").value;
const sub1 = 15;
var check2 = +total1 - +sub1;
total.value = check2;
Enter a Number: <input type="text" id="page" value="1" oninput="calculate()">
duplicates <input type="checkbox" id="ckbox1" onclick="checkbox1()">
laser print: <input type="checkbox" id="ckbox2" onclick="checkbox2()"> <br><br>
Total: <input type="text" id="total">
You can use calculate for all changes instead of creating each one for each input, which makes the calculation complex.
// Get reference to inputs.
var page = document.getElementById("page");
var total = document.getElementById("total");
var dup = document.getElementById("ckbox1");
var laser = document.getElementById("ckbox2");
function calculate() {
// To Number
var pages = parseInt(page.value, 10);
var value = 0;
if (pages <= 10) {
value = 1;
} else {
var extra_pages = pages - 10;
var new_total = extra_pages * .10;
var new_total1 = 1 + new_total;
value = new_total1;
// Add 10 if dup is checked.
if (dup.checked) {
value += 10;
// Add 15 if laser is checked.
// These can be moved out like
// const laserVal = 15;
// value += laserVal if you don't want magic number here.
if (laser.checked) {
value += 15;
// Truncate float.
total.value = value.toFixed(1);
Enter a Number:
<input type="text" id="page" value="1" oninput="calculate()">
duplicates:<input type="checkbox" id="ckbox1" onclick="calculate()">
laser print:<input type="checkbox" id="ckbox2" onclick="calculate()">
<input type="text" id="total">

