Copy to clipboard in jupyter notebook - javascript

I'd like to implement a clipboard copy in a jupyter notebok.
The jupyter notebook is running remotely, thus I cannot use pandas.to_clipboard or pyperclip and I have to use javascript
This is what I came up with:
def js_code_copy(content)
return """
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var tmp_textbox = document.createElement('input');
tmp_textbox.setAttribute('value', '{content}');;
""".format(content=content.replace("'", '\\'+"'"))
Note that the code does what it's supposed to if I run it in my browser's console.
However, if I run it in jupyter with:
from IPython.display import display, Javascript
content = "boom"
display(Javascript(js_code_copy("Copy me to clipboard")))
Nothing works,
Any ideas ?

For security reasons, your browser disables the use of document.execCommand if the method wasn't called as a result of a user action, e.g clicking a button.
Since you're injecting and running Javascript on the page, this is not considered a user action.

You could try using selenium and phantomJS to run the code in a headless browser in the background.


Selenium will not show javascript loaded table in webpage with Python

I am trying to scrape the following webpage:
(I have gained permission from the website)
The problem is that the "Monthly Breakdown" table seems to be loaded by Javascript, and BeautifulSoup does not work. When using Selenium to open the webpage, it says that to see the table "You must have Javascript enabled.", which should be enabled when using Selenium. Here is my code:
from selenium import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
browser = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
url = ""
Any ways to solve this problem?
How the page should look:
How it looks on Selenium:
Try this and see if you no longer get that error message:
options.add_argument("javascript.enabled", True)
You may also need to look into "waits" here to make sure the async operation on the webpage has time to load.
To enable or disable javascript :
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
chrome_options = Options()
#value 1 enables it , if you set to 2 it disables it
chrome_options.add_experimental_option( "prefs",{'profile.managed_default_content_settings.javascript': 1})
driver =webdriver.Chrome(r".\chromedriver.exe",options=chrome_options)
THis wont solve your issue
you can check if the javascript is enabled by typing below in your address bar:
you can see that even if its enabled the website won't load properly.
it seems they have enabled security to avoid using selenium in thier website
Previous answer:
There is no command line argument called --enable-javascript chromium project try the above javascript-harmony flag instead.
below are the full list of supported chrome flags:
please add screenshots and other information if more help is needed

clearing cache on chrome using web driver

We are testing web app using Jmeter selenium webdriver.
as HTTP manager doenst work we were trying to clear the cache using below Code. Due to some reason this is failling. We need clear cache mechanism to be implemented. Besides this we also tried incognito mode many other options as gooogle suggests without luck.
We are also trying to hit (Sendkeys) Enter after lauching browser as (chrome://settings/clearBrowserData) it on clear browsing window. Driver.close() will not help us as per the scenario needs.
Please throw some ideas / suggest how to execute Enter after browser launch.
Really appreciate your time and help.
var pkg=JavaImporter(org.openqa.selenium, //import java selenium packages
var Thr=JavaImporter(java.lang.Thread) //import Thread sleep packages
var wait = new pkg.WebDriverWait(WDS.browser,30) //import WebDriverWait Package
var ChkBox = WDS.browser.findElement(pkg.By.xpath('//*[#id="delete-form-data-checkbox"]'))
var ClearCache = WDS.browser.findElement(pkg.By.xpath('//*[#id="clear-browser-data-commit"]'))
The current chrome browser clear cache button is shadowed (its a ShadowDOM). We will not be able to interact with it directly. We will need to identify its JS path and perform the click using the executeScript function. No java packages need to be imported for the executeScript function.
Just append the below line for clearing the cache in your script.
WDS.browser.executeScript('return document.querySelector("body > settings-ui").shadowRoot.querySelector("#main").shadowRoot.querySelector("settings-basic-page").shadowRoot.querySelector("#advancedPage > settings-section:nth-child(1) > settings-privacy-page").shadowRoot.querySelector("settings-clear-browsing-data-dialog").shadowRoot.querySelector("#clearBrowsingDataConfirm").click();')
Happy testing using JMeter+WebDriver

How do I read a JSON file using HTML?

Here is my code:
<script type="text/javascript"
$(function() {
var thing = [];
var bar = $.getJSON('C:\Users\cccompro\foo.json', function(obj) {
for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
I'm not sure why it doesn't work. "foo.json" contains an array of objects.
If you are trying the code at Question at Chrome or Chromium browsers, launch the browser instance with --allow-file-access-from-files flag set. Note that open instances of Chrome or Chromium should be closed when you launch the browser or the instance will be launched with the open browser instances' configuration folder, instead of with the flag set. You can launch Chrome or Chromium with an existing instance open and honoring the flag by using --user-data-dir flag with value set a different directory than open instance of Chrome or Chromium.
Technically, it is also possible to write to user file system without using an extension with window.webkitRequestFileSystem. Though using chrome.fileSystem within an extension provides an API designed to achieve the read/write.
Jquery load() only working in firefox?
Read local XML with JS
How to Write in file (user directory) using JavaScript?
How to use webkitRequestFileSystem at file: protocol
JavaScript/Ajax Write to File
Using <input type="file"> element
How to print all the txt files inside a folder using java script
You cannot read files directly from the users hard drive without the browsers permission. This would be a huge security issue if you could even though there are ways to allow this (checkout guests answer).
You could however try to make the user select the file and then read it with Javascript.
This is called the HTML 5 file API.
However, this doesn't work for any browser and you probably have to use a server anyway in this case.
For more information on this checkout this or this post.

How to test inline installation of Chrome extension in Protractor? [duplicate]

I am using selenium for some browser automation. I need to install an extension in the browser for my work. I am doing it as follows:
import selenium
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
executable_path = "/usr/bin/chromedriver"
options = Options()
browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=executable_path, chrome_options=options)
The browser is starting fine but I am prompted with a pop-up to confirm that I want to add the extension as follows:
and after I get this pop-up, Python soon returns with the following exception:
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: u'unknown
error: failed to wait for extension background page to load:
unknown error: page could not be found:
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.12.301324
3.13.0-39-generic x86_64)'
I tried handling the popup as a regular JavaScript alert using the following code:
alert = browser.switch_to_alert()
However, this doesn't help. Could anyone please tell me how do I install this extension without the popup or a way to accept the popup? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Usually, you cannot test inline installation of a Chrome extension with just Selenium, because of that installation dialog. There are a few examples in the wild that show how to use external tools outside Selenium to solve this problem, but these are not very portable (i.e. platform-specific) and rely on a state of Chrome's UI, which is not guaranteed to be consistent.
But that does not mean that you cannot test inline installation. If you replace chrome.webstore.install with a substitute that behaves like the chrome.webstore.install API (but without the dialog), then the end-result is the same for all intents and purposes.
"Behaves like chrome.webstore.install" consists of two things:
Same behavior in error reporting and callback invocation.
An extension is installed.
I have just set up such an example on Github, which includes the source code of the helper extension/app and a few examples using Selenium (Python, Java). I suggest to read the README and the source code to get a better understanding of what happens:
The sample does not require the tested extension to be available in the Chrome Web store. It does not even connect to the Chrome Web store. In particular, it does not check whether the site where the test runs is listed as a verified website, which is required for inline installation to work.
I had some really big code which I would have to re-write if I had to use Java. Luckily, python has a library for automating GUI events called ldtp. I used that to automate the clicking on the "Add" button. I did something on the following lines:
from ldtp import *
from threading import Thread
import selenium
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
def thread_function():
for i in range(5):
if activatewindow('Confirm New Extension'):
def main():
executable_path = "/usr/bin/chromedriver"
options = Options()
browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=executable_path, chrome_options=options)
Hope it helps somebody.

Enable JavaScript in PhantomJS with C#

I've used PhantomJS in an C# application and it's not executing JavaScript even though the property PhantomJSDriver.Capabilities.IsJavaScriptEnabled is true. The simple page below still executes the content of the noscript tag. How can I make PhantomJS execute JavaScript?
I've added Selenium and PhantomJS to my VS2012 solution via NuGet:
PM> Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver
PM> Install-Package PhantomJS
I've created a simple HTML page to demonstrate that JavaScript is not enabled:
Go to another page
No JavaScript!
I've used the PhantomJSDriver. src displays "No Javascript!"
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var phantomDriver = new PhantomJSDriver();
phantomDriver.Url = #"C:\page.html";
var src = phantomDriver.PageSource;
JavaScript is by default enabled when using PhantomJS. In fact I'm not aware that any WebDriver starts their browser without JavaScript by default.
To make sure that JavaScript is enabled, you can check
var phantomDriver = new PhantomJSDriver();
var enabled = phantomDriver.Capabilities.IsJavaScriptEnabled;
You can also check experimentally that the JavaScript is running by taking a screenshot and checking that the noscript block is actually not shown. So when the screenshot (phantomDriver.GetScreenshot();) is blank in your case then it works.
It is by the way a bad idea to disable JavaScript for the PhantomJSDriver, because many operations of the WebDriver protocol are implemented in JavaScript. Disabling JS would effectively disable the driver.
PageSource is not supposed to execute JavaScript, it gets the source of the page last loaded by the browser, so it includes everything in your HTML file.
To see the actual state of the page use

