Find nested object that contains a value - javascript

I have an object containing multiple other objects, inside these nested objects is an array containing multiple objects, each with a uid. I'm trying to loop over the objects and find the object that contains a particular uid.
My data looks like this
const data = {
"3c5671fde44f44f9ad59d59eb810d87e": {
"heading": "Heading 1",
"items": [
"content": {
"uid": "4fcd5f4af7a448d48463d4e0a11297d9"
"content": {
"uid": "31f975440a0a431592e127b2891cd142"
"ea80e8315b554c9bb40958a6cacf4b0c": {
"heading": "Heading 2",
"items": [
"content": {
"uid": "d6de8db4c2a74da6915a44d3964277d6"
The uid I want to search for is d6de8db4c2a74da6915a44d3964277d6 when found I want to return it's parent object so I can access the heading property.
Current code looks like this but it doesn't work, it's been a long day so I'm likely missing something really simple.
const currentUid = "d6de8db4c2a74da6915a44d3964277d6";
const currentHeading = Object.keys(data).forEach(section => {
return data[section].items.filter(item => {
return item.content.uid === currentUid;
When debugging it successfully evaluates to true when it finds the correct uid, it just doesn't return anything.
Any help welcome!

forEach is meant just for looping the array, use find to find the key of your object from Object.keys(data). And inside the callback use some instead of filter to check the existance. This solution will result in either the key of the object or null. To get the object, just check that a key is returned and then use that key to get the object:
const currentHeadingKey = Object.keys(data).find(section => {
return data[section].items.some(item => {
return item.content.uid === currentUid;
const currentHeading = currentHeadingKey != null ? data[currentHeadingKey] : null;
currentHeading is now either the whole object if found, null otherwise. You can access the heading property of that object.
Note: Since the callbacks of both find and some have only one statement in them, you can use the implicit return of arrow function to shorten the code:
const currentHeadingKey = Object.keys(data).find(section =>
data[section].items.some(item => item.content.uid === currentUid)

Consider using the Object.values() method instead, to extract the "parent heading" for the supplied uid.
Taking this approach, you can iterate the values of data, and filter those section values that contain items matching the uid. In the answer below, this is done via:
return items.some(item => item.content.uid === currentUid)
Finally, you can map() the filtered sections to acquire the corresponding heading(s) of section with matching uid items:
function findHeading(data, uid) {
return Object.values(data).filter(section => {
// Find any item with matching uid in this section, filter this section accordingly
return section.items.some(item => item.content.uid === currentUid)
.map(section => {
// Map heading from any sections matching item uid
return section.heading
const data = {
"3c5671fde44f44f9ad59d59eb810d87e": {"heading": "Heading 1","items": [{"content": {"uid": "4fcd5f4af7a448d48463d4e0a11297d9"}},{"content": {"uid": "31f975440a0a431592e127b2891cd142"}}]},"ea80e8315b554c9bb40958a6cacf4b0c": {"heading": "Heading 2","items": [{"content": {"uid": "d6de8db4c2a74da6915a44d3964277d6"}}]}
const currentUid = "d6de8db4c2a74da6915a44d3964277d6";
console.log(findHeading(data, currentUid))


Access and extract values from doubly nested array of objects in JavaScript

I have an array of objects and within those objects is another object which contains a particular property which I want to get the value from and store in a separate array.
How do I access and store the value from the name property from the data structure below:
How would I return and display the values in the name property as a nice string like
blaze, solar-power ?
I tried doing something like this but I still get an array and I don't want to do a 3rd loop since that is not performant.
let pokemonAbilities = [];
let test = =>
Object.entries(poke).map(([a, b]) => [a, Object.values(b)[0]])
); => pokemonAbilities.push(t.ability));
Sample Data:
"pokemon": {
"abilities": [
"ability": {
"name": "friend-guard",
"url": ""
"ability": {
"name": "Solar-flare",
"url": ""
Then I am doing a join on the returned array from above to get a formatted string.
It just seems like the multiple map() loops can be optimized but I am unsure how to make it more efficient.
Thank you.
There is no need for a loop within loop. Try this:
const pokemon = {
abilities: [{
ability: {
name: 'friend-guard',
url: ''
}, {
ability: {
name: 'Solar-flare',
url: ''
const pokemonAbilities = =>', ');

simplest way to remove key value data from javascript object

What is the simplest way to "afterpaypayovertime" key & value data from below object ?
let getPayments = available_payment_methods.filter(item => {
return checkoutData.paymentOptions.find(value => item.code === value.payment_method);
//Output object
getPayments = [
"payment_method": "afterpaypayovertime",
"payment_label": "Afterpay"
"payment_method": "paypal_express",
"payment_label": "PayPal"
"payment_method": "stripe_payments",
"payment_label": "New Card"
You can simply do something like this to get the desired results.
let newPaymentObj = getPayments.filter(paymentObject => paymentObject.payment_method !== 'afterpaypayovertime')
the filter method provide you another array based on the condition that you pass to the callback function. In this case you are simply telling the filter method that you want to get every element in the array whose payment_method is not afterpaypayovertime

How can I filter through an array of objects based on a key in a nested array of objects?

I am having a hard time filtering through an array of objects based on a value in a nested array of objects. I have a chat application where a component renders a list of chats that a user has. I want to be able to filter through the chats by name when a user types into an input element.
Here is an example of the array or initial state :
const chats= [
id: "1",
isGroupChat: true,
users: [
id: "123",
name: "Billy Bob",
verified: false
id: "456",
name: "Superman",
verified: true
id: "2",
isGroupChat: true,
users: [
id: "193",
name: "Johhny Dang",
verified: false
id: "496",
name: "Batman",
verified: true
I want to be able to search by the Users names, and if the name exists in one of the objects (chats) have the whole object returned.
Here is what I have tried with no results
const handleSearch = (e) => {
const filtered = =>
chat.users.filter((user) =>
// prints an empty array on every key press
const handleSearch = (e) => {
const filtered = chats.filter((chat) =>
chat.users.filter((user) =>
// prints both objects (chats) on every keypress
Expected Results
If the input value is "bat" I would expect the chat with Id of 2 to be returned
id: "2",
isGroupChat: true,
users: [
id: "193",
name: "Johhny Dang",
verified: false
id: "496",
name: "Batman",
verified: true
The second approach seems a little closer to what you're trying to accomplish. There's two problems you may still need to tackle:
Is the search within the name case insensitive? If not, you're not handling that.
The function being used by a filter call needs to return a boolean value. Your outer filter is returning all results due to the inner filter returning the array itself and not a boolean expression. Javascript is converting it to a "truthy" result.
The following code should correct both of those issues:
const filtered = chats.filter((chat) => {
const searchValue =;
return chat.users.filter((user) => > 0;
The toLowerCase() calls can be removed if you want case sensitivity. The .length > 0 verifies that the inner filter found at least one user with the substring and therefore returns the entire chat objects in the outer filter call.
If you want to get object id 2 when entering bat you should transform to lowercase
const handleSearch = (e) =>
chats.filter(chat =>
chat.users.filter(user =>
try this it should work
const handleSearch2 = (e) => {
const filtered = chats.filter((chat) =>
chat.users.some((user) =>
filter needs a predicate as argument, or, in other words, a function that returns a boolean; here some returns a boolean.
Using map as first iteration is wrong because map creates an array with the same number of elements of the array that's been applied to.
Going the easy route, you can do this.
It will loop first over all the chats and then in every chat it will check to see if the one of the users' username contains the username passed to the function. If so, the chat will be added to the filtered list.
Note, I am using toLowerCase() in order to make the search non case sensitive, you can remove it to make it case sensitive.
const handleSearch = (username) => {
var filtered = [];
chats.forEach((chat) => {
chat.users.forEach((user) => {
if ( {
return filtered;

JavaScript object array filtering with embedded array

I have an object that looks like the following:
let responseData = [
"name": "name",
"other": "value",
"anotherField": "blue",
"appRoles": [
"code": "roleOne",
"shouldDisplay": true
"code": "roleTwo",
"shouldDisplay": false
I need to maintain the original structure all while keeping existing properties. I only want to remove/filter out any "appRoles" where "shouldDisplay" is false.
The following works, using a forEach and a filter operation to create a new object array, but is it possible to condense this even more?
let filteredApps;
responseData.forEach((team) => {
let indyTeam = team;
indyTeam.appRoles = team.appRoles.filter((role) => role.shouldDisplay === true);
When I use the map operation, I only get an array of the filtered appRoles - missing extra properties on each object such as "name":
let enabledAppRolesOnly = =>
team.appRoles.filter((role) => role.shouldDisplay === true)); function calls a callback for each element of your array, and then push the return value of it to a new array.
from MDN doc:
map calls a provided callback function once for each element in an array, in order, and constructs a new array from the results. callback is invoked only for indexes of the array which have assigned values, including undefined. It is not called for missing elements of the array (that is, indexes that have never been set, which have been deleted or which have never been assigned a value).
So in your case, since you return team.appRoles.filter((role) => role.displayByDefault === true) which is your team array, you only get this.
What you could do would be this (in order to fully clone the object):
let responseData = [{
"name": "name",
"appRoles": [
"code": "roleOne",
"shouldDisplay": true
"code": "roleTwo",
"shouldDisplay": false
let enabledAppRolesOnly = => {
const appRoles = team.appRoles.filter(role => role.shouldDisplay === true)
return Object.assign({}, team, { appRoles })
This will achieve your objective non-destructively. It will build a new array for you.
let responseData = [{
name: "name",
appRoles: [{
code: "roleOne",
shouldDisplay: true
}, {
code: "roleTwo",
shouldDisplay: false
let output = => Object.assign({}, o, {
appRoles: o.appRoles.filter(r => r.shouldDisplay)
Code explanation -
The map function iterates over the whole array and modifying the each item as specified this should be self evident.
This could be the tricky part -
o=>Object.assign({}, o, {appRoles: o.appRoles.filter(r=>r.shouldDisplay)})
From the docs Object.assign is used to copy values from the object.
The first argument {} causes a new object to be created.
The second argument o causes all props from the object o to be copied in the newly created object.
Now, note that we need to modify the appRoles property and keep only those roles which have shouldDisplay as true. That's exactly what the third argument does. It modifies the appRoles property and gives it the new value.
Now the code -
should not be too difficult.
Here we keep only those roles which meet our criterion (namely shouldDisplay should be true)
If you look at the filter function, it expects the callback value to return a boolean value on whose basis it determines whether value has to be kept or not.
So the following code is not even required,
This is enough,
There's some missing information in the question. I'll assume the following:
filteredApps should only contain items where there's at least one appRole for display
it is OK if responseData and filteredApps contains references to the same team objects
there are no other references to team objects that need to keep the original data unaffected
As such, you can reduce your code down to this:
let filteredApps = responseData.filter(team =>
(team.appRoles = team.appRoles.filter(role => role.shouldDisplay)).length;
The result will be that each team will have only the .shouldDisplay members in its appRoles, and filteredApps will only have teams with at least one appRole with shouldDisplay being true.
You could build a new array with only part who are valid chinldren elements.
let responseData = [{ name: "name", appRoles: [{ code: "roleOne", shouldDisplay: true }, { code: "roleTwo", shouldDisplay: false }] }],
result = responseData.reduce((r, a) => {
var t = a.appRoles.filter(o => o.shouldDisplay);
if (t.length) {
r.push(Object.assign({}, a, { appRoles: t }));
return r;
}, []);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

MongoDB/Mongoose Query Builder

I am trying to build a query builder which will allow me to filter the data based on the parameters entered by user. My Data Model is like so:
"_id": {
"$oid": "871287215784812"
"tags": [
"consultingDays": 57,
"client": "someOne",
"subSector": "something",
"region": "UK",
"__v": 0
Currently my Query Builder looks like this:'/user/test',function(req, res) {
var query = {};
//QUERY NO.1 - This works perfectly
if (req.body.region){
query.region = req.body.region
// QUERY NO.2 - This works perfectly
if (req.body.subSector){
query.subSector = req.body.subSector
Project.find(query, function(err, project){
if (err){
My Question:
I want to create a query which will take input from user and parse the "tags" array and return the required JSON.
For example:
If the user requests an object which contains "school", "book", "bag" it will return the object as seen my data model above. But if the user requests an object with "school", "book", "ninja Warrior" it won't return any data as no object within the database contain all those 3 strings.
What I have tried:
I have tried the following
if (req.body.sol){ = {"tags" : {$in: [req.body.sol]}}
if (req.body.sol){ = {$elemMatch:{tags: req.body.sol}}
if (req.body.sol){ = { tags: { $all: [req.body.sol]}}
The requests were sent like so and they returned an empty array:
Also the issue is that the user will get dropdown options. For example he/she might get 3 dropdown boxes. Each dropdown box will display all the five options in the tags array. The user will select a value for each dropdown box. And then filter the result. Because there might be an object within the database that contains "book", "bag", "shoes" within the tags array. The user can select any combination of those five keywords in the tags array
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
You need to send an array as sol so in Postman you should change sol with sol[0], sol[1], etc.. Then use this:
if (req.body.sol){ = {"tags" : {$in: req.body.sol}}
Without the [] because req.body.sol is an array yet.
I have implemented a simple query build for nested objects:
const checkObject = (object) => {
let key;
const status = Object.entries(object).some(([objectKey, objectValue]) => {
if (typeof objectValue === "object" && objectValue !== null) {
key = objectKey;
return true;
return false;
return { status, key };
const queryBuilder = (input) => {
// Array verification not implemented
let output = {};
_.each(input, (value, key) => {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
_.each(value, (nestedValue, nestedKey) => {
output[`${[key, nestedKey].join(".")}`] = nestedValue;
} else {
output[key] = value;
const cacheCheckObject = checkObject(output);
if (cacheCheckObject.status)
return { ..._.omit(output, cacheCheckObject.key), ...queryBuilder(output) };
return output;
I have not implemented array, but with some small work you can do it work. The same for Mongo operators. The complete example can be seen on Gist.

