React apollo query string for array of objects - javascript

I will have my api return data in this format
What would be my query string?
const Levels = gql`
Levelsquery {
Above does not work because there is no levelsquery key, the whole response is an array
The current problem is that this api is kind of fixed from the server,it does not matter if it is a graphql query or a simple REst query, the output will always be the same so then I need to handle my client query to reflect it’s output
I know it is wrong to have this in graphql, but this is what it is and I cannot change it currently


Atomic update of data structure in Firebase Realtime Database

I am using typescript and the Firebase Realtime Database (cannot use Firestore), and I have data in the form on an interface MyData as follows:
enum RunStatus {
interface IResults {
firstItem: string;
secondItem: number;
interface MyData {
status: RunStatus;
results: IResults;
Suppose I have 10 clients that might end up writing this data simultaneously to (1) change status from RUNNING to ENDED and (2) set the results field.
What I want is for only the first client to be able to do this, so I need to use a transaction of some sort.
My data is stored at this path: "/some/path/here/mydata".
As near as I can tell from the limited documentation, my writes should look something like this:
class MyDatabase {
db: Database;
constructor(db_: Database) {
this.db = db_
writeMyData(newData: MyData) {
const path="/some/path/here/mydata";
const reference=child(ref(this.db),path);
runTransaction(reference, (currentData) => {
if (currentData) {
if (currentData.status!=RunStatus.ENDED && newData.status==RunStatus.ENDED) {
// Or, I could have just set currentData=newData
return currentData;
Is this correct? And what exactly does it do if multiple clients try to run this at the same time? The documentation says something about runTransaction being automatically rerun if currentData is updated by another client while the first client is writing. Can someone please explain to me if this is correct, and what is happening here?

GitHub GraphQL API query for response simplification [duplicate]

Let's say I've got a GraphQL query that looks like this:
query {
Todo {
But the client that consumes the data from this query needs a data structure that's a bit different- e.g. a TypeScript interface like:
interface Todo {
title: string // "title" is just a different name for "label"
data: {
is_completed: boolean
id: number
It's easy enough to just use an alias to return label as title. But is there any way to make it return both is_completed and id under an alias called data?
There is no way to do that. Either change the schema to reflect the client's needs or transform the response after it is fetched on the client side.

Using root object in graphql resolver function to access parent fields properties

I am using neo4j-graphql-js library to auto generate resolvers from the schema. For a node in the schema(Employee) i need to get a particular node property(empid) from a rest call as we plan to remove that property from our neo4j database due to privacy issues. I am trying to write a custom resolver for that field . I have added #neo4j directive to that field in the schema for neo4j to ignore it. I need to make a rest call that accepts a parameter named uid and returns the corressponding empid. This iuid is a property of Employee node and so is present in my neo4j DB.
The issue is while writing the resolver the root objects only holds the filed values accesed in the query. So if iuid is not part of the query i'm unable to get it's value in the root obj.
Here is my employee node: -
type Employee{
empId: String #neo4j_ignore
buCode: String
iuid: String
name: String
projectCode: String
roleCode: String
grade: String
mailid: String
duCode: String
txtmailid_new: String
Here is my resolver where for my i am returning a dummy string instead of making a rest call: -
const resolvers={
Employee: {
empId: async (obj, params, ctx, resolveInfo) => {
var result="dummy_emp_id";
return result;
const schema = makeAugmentedSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers} );
const server = new ApolloServer({ schema, context: { driver } });
server.listen(3003, '').then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`GraphQL API ready at ${url}`);
Here is my query:-
Employee(first : 10)
I want to access all the value of all the field of the employee node so i can get the iuid.The console log returns undefined as the root object only has the queried field. I don't know even if it is possible and if not is there any workaround this?

axios didn't return data with matching query string of parameter object but returns all the data in vanila JS

i have an api endpoint
Now i am fetching all the countries by
it returns successfully. Besides I want to fetch single countries with the country code like 'BB' .and i am trying with params and my object is like below
params: {
code: codeId
but it returns all the data like above rather than showing a single country with the following code. I also want to extract only the currency and area code. I wanted to try like this, don't know it gonna work or not.
.then(axios.spread((object) => {
console.log('Currency: ',;
console.log('Area code: ',;
please someone help me... It took me almose the hole day for this but not able to success.
As per your comment, if you want to get the data of a specific country, you only have to append the country code id to the URL:
const codeId = 'BB';
Would give you the data for Barbados.
If you want to access the currency attribute you can do so with the code:
const codeId = 'BB';
axios.get(`${codeId}`).then(function(response) {
const currency =;

How to remove <br> tags from string in GraphQL query results

I'm working on a React application that utilizes Apollo and GraphQl to query an external API. My issue is that the data contains strings that have tags in them. I'd like to remove the tags.
The string looks like:
Additionally, Igor works as a driver for a transport company.<br /><br />The spring agricultural works on the land started already and he now supports more expenses.
My response data looks like '', and so I've tried using the str.replace() method on my data. However, it didn't work. I've probably spent about five hours combing through the web to find a solution, but haven't been able to.
This is what my Apollo query component looks like.
<Query query={kivaLoans} variables={{ country: country, sortBy: sort, limit: limitResults }}>
{({ data, loading, error }) => {
if (loading) return <div><p>Loading...</p></div>;
if (error) return <p>ERROR</p>;
return (
And this is my GraphQL query.
query ($country: [String], $sortBy: LoanSearchSortByEnum, $limit: Int) {
lend {
loans(filters: {status: fundraising, country: $country}, sortBy: $sortBy, limit: $limit) {
values {
image {
url(customSize: "s900")
loanFundraisingInfo {
Has anyone else encountered this issue before?
if you are receiving data back in a format you don't like, this means the graphql server, a database it leverages, or an api it leverages, is returning data to the graphql server in a format that isn't useful for you. The other possibility is that your server itself is formatting your data in an annoying way. So here are your options:
change your server / data sources as appropriate
do a global replace on the string returned: str.replace(/<b>/g, '').replace(/<\/b>/g, ''). Double check my escape characters, I may have that backwards.
in a string replace, /[what you want replaced]/g = a regex for global detection, across the entire string

