Am I using .then() in the correct way? - javascript

Like the title says, it's clear based on running authHandler (see below) that it's not doing what I want it to. But I don't know why.
Basically, what I was wanting authHandle to do is first register a new user, generate a userUID and token, and subsequently update the state. Then, once that has been achieved, run the second half of the code to store the new user's user name.
Right now. All it does is registering the user (so initiating the first half of the code) but not executing the second .then() half.
I suspect it's something to do with the states between the first half and second half of authHandler.
I'm hoping someone can help me figure out where I went wrong ><
authHandler = () => {
return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
const authData = {
password: this.state.controls.password.value
this.props.onTryAuth(authData, this.state.authMode); // registers a new user and gives a userUID and token
.then(() => {
}) //store the username of the new user
.catch(err => {
alert("Oops! Something went wrong, please try again")

You need to either resolve or reject the promise you're creating - right now it's stuck in a pending state so whatever gets called in the then of authHandler() will never happen. You should also be returning the promise, calling then and catch where you do won't work properly. this code snippet reorganizes it in a way that should work.
authHandler = () => {
return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const authData = {
password: this.state.controls.password.value
this.props.onTryAuth(authData, this.state.authMode); // registers a new user and gives a userUID and token
} //store the username of the new user
alert("Oops! Something went wrong, please try again")


Jest mockRejectedValue throws unhandled promise rejection in node

I'm trying to write a test in jest but keep getting UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning when I try to use mockRejectedValue
The code looks like this:
it('Should set error message when call fails', async () => {
const context = mockActionsContext();
const user = {
username: 'alice',
password: 'password'
const getError = new Error('network error');
(AuthService.login as jest.Mock) = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(getError);
await actions[ActionTypes.USER_LOGIN](context, user);
// Check is the commits are called
expect((context.commit as any).mock.calls).toEqual([
[MutationTypes.USER_LOGIN_ERROR, 'Oops, something went wrong. Try again later!']
// Login service is called with user login
expect(AuthService.login as jest.Mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(user);
The AuthService.login returns an which I try to overwrite with a mock.
actions[ActionTypes.USER_LOGIN](context, user) calls the Authservice.login
The test is passing but I don't want any unhandled promise rejection. Anybody an idea how to fix it?
#goodmorningasif thanks for your reply.
I've been looking at it too long I thing :)
The action looks as following:
[ActionTypes.USER_LOGIN]: ({ commit }: Context, payload: User) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((token) => {
commit(MutationTypes.USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS, token);
localStorage.setItem('user-token', token);
client.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
.catch((error) => {
let errorMessage = 'Oops, something went wrong. Try again later!';
if (error?.response?.status === 401) {
errorMessage = 'Unknown username and password combination!';
commit(MutationTypes.USER_LOGIN_ERROR, errorMessage);
In my case the action is returning a promise witch would get rejected. In the test, I'm calling the action directly and not catching the rejection.
await actions[ActionTypes.USER_LOGIN](context, user).catch(() => null);
This fixed it.
Can we see the actions and reducer code? It's possible that there's an error in your error :)
You're testing that the login function is called and the action returns the error message you set but you're making an assumption about what causes the error. Maybe it's not because of the mockRejectedValue/'network error'.
I'd suggest including the actual error message in the action payload as well as your error message: one is for developers and debugging and one is for the user to know what to do next.
I also found this helpful on understanding UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning:
Good instinct to figure out the issue and not be content with the test passing, by the way!

Understanding explicit promise construction anti pattern

CertainPerformance highlighted in my previous post advised me to avoid the explicit Promise construction antipattern with reference to to following question in stackoverflow
Frankly, Speaking, I am new to JS and node and I haven't used promise a lot. I went and read those article but either I was unable to comprehend or unable to relate or maybe somewhere my understanding of promises have been vague/wrong all together
So I decided to ask this question in a new thread and seek for help.
So what am I doing and why am I doing it
I am creating helper/common function which I could use to keep my code tidy and if in case I want to change anything inside function at anytime, I don't have to manually change every function.
So these are the functions I have made
//Find user by email Address
const findUserByEmail = (emailAddress) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
User.findOne({email: emailAddress}).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
reject("Error in findUserByEmail", error);
//Create User
const createNewUser = (newUserDetails) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
new User({
fullName: newUserDetails.fullName,
image: newUserDetails.image,
gender: newUserDetails.gender,
age: newUserDetails.age
}).save().then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {
reject("Problem in Creating New User", error)
Question 1
Now, I am assuming CertainPerformance said the excessive use of promises because I am creating new promise return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { when I am already using promises with mongoose User.findOne({email: emailAddress}).then(response => { ?
But the reason for me to create those promise was, when I call these helper function from anywhere in my app after importing
const { findUserByEmail } = require("./my_db_query");
I would probably want it return a response or throw an error in case of error
If I change my above code snippet without adding new promise
function findUserByEmail (email) {
return User.findOne({email: email}).then(currentUser => currentUser).catch(error => error)
Question 2
Then I won't probably be able to .then and .catch in findUserByEmail("")?
And In API route of App, where I would be calling the findUserByEmail("") function, I would want to do something else if there is an error (which would be different for different case and hence I cannot use it in my helper function).
Question 3
Does, it make sense now for doing return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { instead of doing just one return User.findOne( or am I missing something?
Because .findOne already returns a Promise, there's no need to construct a new one with new Promise - instead, just chain onto the existing Promise chain with .then and .catch as needed. Such Promise chains can have any number of .thens and .catchs - just because you consume a Promise with one .then doesn't prevent you from using the same resolve value elsewhere. To illustrate:
.then((result) => {
// Returning inside a `.then` will pass along the value to the next `.then`:
return result;
.then((result) => {
// this `result` will be the same as the one above
In other words - there's no need to construct a new Promise every time you want to be able to use another .then. So:
Then I won't probably be able to .then and .catch in findUserByEmail("")
isn't correct - you can indeed chain onto the end of an existing Promise with as many .thens and .catches as you want.
Note that a .then which only returns its parameter and does nothing else (such as .then(currentUser => currentUser)) is superfluous - it won't do anything at all. Also note that a .catch will catch Promise rejections and resolve to a resolved Promise. So if you do
function findUserByEmail(email) {
return User.findOne({email: email})
.then(currentUser => currentUser)
.catch(error => error)
that catch means that callers of findUserByEmail will not be able to catch errors, because any possible errors were caught in findUserByEmail's catch. Usually, it's a good idea to allow errors to percolate up to the caller of the function, that way you could, for example:
.then((result) => {
// everything is normal, send the result
.catch((err) => {
// there was an error, set response status code to 500:
res.status(500).send('there was an error');
So, unless your findUserByEmail or createNewUser helper functions need to do something specific when there's an error, it would probably be best just to return the Promise alone:
const findUserByEmail = email => User.findOne(email);
const createNewUser = newUserDetails => new User(newUserDetails).save();
If your helper functions do need to do something when there's an error, then to make sure that the error gets passed along properly to the caller of the function, I'd recommend either throwing the error inside the catch:
const findUserByEmail = email => User.findOne(email)
.catch((err) => {
// error handling - save error text somewhere, do a console.log, etc
throw err;
so that you can catch when something else calls findUserByEmail. Otherwise, if you do something like
const findUserByEmail = email => User.findOne(email)
.catch((err) => {
// do something with err
return err;
then the caller of findUserByEmail will have to check inside the .then if the result is actually an error, which is weird:
.then((result) => {
if (result instanceof Error) {
// do something
} else {
// No errors
Better to throw the error in findUserByEmail's catch, so that the consumer of findUserByEmail can also .catch.
It never makes sense to create a promise with promise constructor when there's existing promise, that's why it's called promise construction antipattern.
This is a mistake, reject("Error in findUserByEmail", error). reject accepts only 1
argument, which is rejection reason. error will be ignored. It's conventionanl for an error to be Error object and not a string.
The function may be refactored to:
const findUserByEmail = (emailAddress) => {
return User.findOne({email: emailAddress})
.then(response => response) // noop
.catch(error => {
const readableError = new Error('Error in findUserByEmail');
readableError.originalError = error;
throw readableError;
Antipatterns don't necessary result in bad performance but they result in code smell. They make the code harder to read, maintain and test, also show that a developer may have a poor understanding of the subject.
Promise constructor has some insignificant performance impact. It introduces another level of nesting and contributes to callback hell - promises are supposed to help avoiding it.
If I change my above code snippet without adding new promise <...>
Then I won't probably be able to .then and .catch in findUserByEmail("")?
No, a promise can be chained with then(...) and catch(...) (which is syntactic sugar for then(null, ...)) as many times as needed, that's the strong side of the pattern. Notice that catch(err => { return err }) and catch(err => { throw err }) is not the same thing, the former catches an error, the latter rethrows it.

Promise hell, Anti-pattern and Error Handling

I am a newbie in node.js environment. I read a lot of source about implementing Promises and chaining them together. I am trying to avoid anti-pattern implementation but I could not figure it out how can I do it.
There is a User Registration flow in the system.
First, I check the username.
if there is no user in the DB with this username I create a User model and save it to the DB.
Can you kindly see my comment inline ?
//send response, etc
}).catch(er => {
//log error,send proper response, etc
// Should I catch error here or inner scope where RegisterUser implemented ?
function RegisterUser(username, password) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(user)reject(new Error("User Exists"));
resolve(SaveUser(username,password))// Is that ugly?
//what if I have one more repository logic here ?
//callback train...
.then(user => {
resolve(user);//If I do not want to resolve anything what is the best practice for it, like void functions?
console.log(err); // I catch the db error what will I do now :)
reject(err);// It seems not good way to handle it, isn't it ?
// Upper promise will handle that too. But I dont know how can I deal with that.
function GetUser(username) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (username === "existUser")
else resolve("");
function SaveUser(username, password) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
reject(new Error("There is a problem with db"));//assume we forgot to run mongod
The code above seems awful to me.
I thought I need to define some method that can chain after GetUser method.
.then(SaveUserRefined)// how could it know other parameters like password, etc
.then(user=> {resolve(user)}) // resolve inside then ? confusing.
I feel I do anti-pattern here and create "promise hell"
How could a simple flow like that implemented.
Validate username and save it.
Yes, that's the Promise constructor antipattern! Just write
function registerUser(username, password) {
return getUser(username).then(user => {
if (user) throw new Error("User Exists");
else return saveUser(username,password)
Notice I also lowercased your function names. You should only capitalise your constructor functions.
Should I catch error here or inner scope where registerUser implemented?
You should catch errors where you can handle them - and you should handle errors at the end of the chain (by logging them, usually). If registerUser doesn't provide a fallback result, it doesn't need to handle anything, and it usually also doesn't need to log the error message on its own (if you want to, see here for an example).
See also Do I always need catch() at the end even if I use a reject callback in all then-ables?.
If you already are working with promises, then there's no need to create your own. When you call .then on a promise and provide a function saying what to do, that creates a new promise, which will resolve to whatever the function returns.
So your registerUser function should look something like this:
function registerUser(username, password) {
return getUser(username)
.then(user => {
if (user) {
throw new Error('User Exists');
return saveUser(username, password)
and you use it like this:
registerUser('starfox', 'doABarrelRoll')
.catch(error => console.log(error);
Note that if SaveUser causes an error, it will end up in this final .catch, since i didn't put any error handling inside registerUser. It's up to you to decide where you want to handle the errors. If it's something recoverable, maybe registerUser can handle it, and the outside world never needs to know. But you're already throwing an error if the user name exists, so the caller will need to be aware of errors anyway.
Additionally your getUser and saveUser functions might also be able to avoid creating their own promises, assuming the real implementation calls some function that returns a promise.
Your should use async/await syntax to avoid Promise Hell.
Change your code like this
* This is a promise that resolve a user or reject if GetUser or SaveUser reject
async function RegisterUser (username, password) {
var user = await GetUser(username)
if (user)
return user;
var userSaved = await SaveUser(username,password)
return userSaved
If you use RegisterUser inside a async function just code
async function foo () {
try {
var usr = await RegisterUser('carlos', 'secret123')
return usr
} catch (e) {
console.error('some error', e)
return null
Or if you use it like a promise
RegisterUser('carlos', 'secret123')
.then(usr => console.log('goood', usr))
.catch(e => console.error('some error', e))

Javascript - can't resolve this 'warning: promise was created in a handler'

Using sequelize.js in a nodejs app, and I have a promise.all that takes two promises (a user query, and a color query):
router.get(`/someEndPoint`, (req, res) => {
let userAccount = user.findOne({
where: {
id: //some ID
let colorStuff = color.findOne({
where: {
colorName: //some color
Promise.all([userAccount , colorStuff ]).then(([result1, result2]) => {
//do stuff, such as:
}).catch(err => {
At the part that says //do stuff, my console keeps giving me this warning:
a promise was created in a handler at... but was not returned from it,
see (URL that I can't post) at Function.Promise.attempt.Promise.try
I'm not sure how to resolve this. I thought after the .then that the promises are resolved?
Hard to tell without other context, but perhaps you need to return the Promise.all
return Promise.all([user, color])...
From the bluebird docs here:
if there are any other promises created in the // do stuff area, be sure to return those as well.

Angular, Binding doesn't work when use Promise.catch

I use Auth0 for signin and I have the following code:
$scope.login = function () {
$scope.loginFailed = false;
$scope.loading = true;;
let credentials = {
email: $,
password: $scope.password
.then(() => {
.catch(e => {
The principle service contains signin function:
signin(credentials) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
connection: 'Username-Password-Authentication',
sso: false,
password: credentials.password,
authParams: {
scope: 'openid name email'
}, this.onLoginSuccess.bind(this, resolve, reject), this.onLoginFailed.bind(this, reject));
So, as you can see I create promise and pass resolve/reject to Auth0 callbacks.
Callbacks are pretty simple:
onLoginSuccess(resolve, reject, profile, token) {
let userData = this.collectData(profile);
... store token
return this.syncCurrent(userData) //request to server
.then(() => {
return resolve();
.catch(() => {
return reject();
onLoginFailed(reject, error) {
return reject(error.details);
So, let's return to the first snippet. There are the following code:
.then(() => {
.catch(e => {
When I use correct email/password redirect works fine and I see main page. But when I use wrong email/password I see that catch block is executed, I see that values are changed in the debugger, but I don't see error block and loading image is not disappered. This is not problem in html, because I am refactoring code now, and all the code above was in one file and I didn't use promises and all worked fine. I tried to execute showError method before principal.signin(credentials) function, just for test, and I saw error and loading image was hidden. So, I think the problem is with promises and catch block exactly, but I don't know where.
PS. The showError is the following:
function showError(errorText) {
$scope.loading = false;
$scope.loginFailed = true;
$scope.loginErrorMessage = errorText;
The cause of this problem is using non-Angular promises. Angular promises, i.e. the $q service, take care of invoking the digest cycle after they are resolved. The digest cycle is the implementation of change detection in Angular 1, i.e. what notifies watchers and enables actions to take place.
Using $q solves this problem.
The then part of your code probably worked because it called $state.go() which in turn invokes the digest cycle. The catch part did not, so the changes never got a chance to fire the watchers.

