I cant pass a value to form the ng-repeat to the ng-click in my angular aplication.
This is my html
<div ng-repeat="x in tt" >
<div ng-hide={{x.quien!=dameLocal.nombre}}>
<a href ng-click="edit(x.id)">
<i class='fa fa-pencil-square-o fa-2x ' ></i>
But the edit(x.id) dont recive any value.
inspecting the code, i get this:
<a href="" ng-click="edit(x.id)">
so, why i dont get the id value in the ng-click?
Thanks in advance
If i put for example a
it get the x.id value, so what gives?
Here is my Js:
// $scope.comentEdit(a);
// $scope.comentDel(a);
This id will send to your function edit(). Put a breakPoint in dev tools in edit function and you will see this id in it.
$scope.edit = function(id) {
Your data tt should be like this in that case:
$scope.tt = [
id: "123",
name: "item"
I need to assign the dynamic value to attribute using Angular.js. Here is my code:
<div ng-repeat="mul in mulImage">
<a ng-href="attchImage{{$index}}" data-spzoom data-spzoom-width="400" data-spzoom-height="400"></a>
Here I am trying to assign some link to the anchor tag in controller side:
$scope.onLInkSelect = function(index) {
atchVar='attchImage'+ index;
Here index parameter is containing the value 0,1,2,3,4..... Here I can not get the result as per expected.
$scope.arr = ['link1', 'link2', ...]
<div ng-repeat="a in arr">
<a ng-href="{{a}}">link: {{a}}</a>
<a ng-href="{{arr[1]}}"></a>
<a ng-href="{{arr[1] + '/smth'}}"></a>
I would like to ask whether I can get the data from dynamic URL... Here is the case:
I have given an (a) html tag into my angularJS php file to give direction to certain page with the value inside it e.g. localhost:8080/someurl/blablabla/{{item.master}} so the output is based on what I have clicked... so it will be localhost:8080/someurl/blablabla/221
After that, I have a laravel 5.2 and given a route based on this dynamic url, e.g. Route::get('order/{id}','someController#index')
After this route, I have prepared the php files and it is ready to display the data
The problem is, I don't know which angularJS code that I should use to display the data based on the {{item.master}} in this new page, when I use $http.get, it doesn't get anything, is there any clue about this?
Here is the codes:
HTML (order.html)
<div class="itemcheck" ng-repeat="item in dataItem.stores | regex:'name':alfabet | orderBy: 'name' | filter: searchItem" ng-model="item">
<div class="left" ng-if="item.preparation == ''" ng-click="klikItem(item)"><i class="fa fa-circle silver"></i>{{item.name}}</div>
<div class="left" ng-if="item.preparation == '1'" ng-click="klikItem(item)"><i class="fa fa-circle green"></i>{{item.name}}</div>
<div class="left" ng-if="item.preparation == '2'" ng-click="klikItem(item)"><i class="fa fa-circle yellow"></i>{{item.name}}</div>
<div class="left" ng-if="item.preparation == '3'" ng-click="klikItem(item)"><i class="fa fa-circle pink"></i>{{item.name}}</div> <div class="right" ng-click="tambahItem(item)"><a>+ Tambahkan</a></div></div>
Let's not focus on "tambahkan" but the item.name when I put klikItem function
So, when I click, the klikItem() function is triggered (what I want) or let's say I put the tag a inside the {{item.name}} function and when I click that it goes to order/{{item.id}} (somehow like that)...
Nah, the problem is, how can I get the data from order/{{item.id}}? If I use $http.get, it must have the data, and when I put id for example
$scope.tampilkanDeskripsiItem = function(id){
var url = 'order/' + id;
$scope.deskripsiItem = data;
this code will return error as "id" is not defined...
You can assign id inside klikItem (if item object has id property.)
function klikItem(item){
I have api call on $on i got the Json response that is attached with the question. i was able to display fileName in the li , Now i have delete function when user click on remove icon i am calling function and trying to get rskAsesAprvAtchKy key so i can post the key to backend to delete this file.
It is coming undefined i am not sure what i am missing any help will be appreciated..
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<li ng - repeat="file in attachedDoc">{{file . fileName}}
<a href="" ng - click="deleteFile()">
<span class="glyph_remove"></span>
$scope.$on('addEditAttest', function (s, attestorObj) {
$scope.attestorObj = attestorObj;
.then(function (response) {
$scope.attachedDoc = response.data;
$scope.deleteFile = function () {
var fileKey;
$scope.attachedDoc.rskAsesAprvAtchKy = fileKey;
console.log("deleted", fileKey);
"rskAsesAprvAtchKy": 1001,
"fileName": "Doc 1",
"rskAsesRoleAsgnKy": 1277
You can pass the key as parameter for the ng-click method:
At the view
<li ng-repeat="file in attachedDoc">{{file.fileName}}
<a href="" ng-click="deleteFile(file.rskAsesAprvAtchKy, $index)"> //Key from the file
<span class="glyph_remove">
Change the delete method
$scope.deleteFile = function(fileKey, fileIndex){
/*Delete the file*/
$scope.attachedDoc.splice(fileIndex, 1); //remove the file at position fileIndex
Passing the $index from the ng-repeat and using Array.splice() will do the job. See above.
I have my controller in Angular which contains an array and a delete method
function($scope, $http){
$scope.arrayOfObjects = [];
$scope.remove = function(obj){
var i = $scope.arrayOfObjects.indexOf(obj);
if( i > -1 ){
$scope.arrayOfObjects.splice(i, 1);
// Some other things
<a href ng-repeat="(key, obj) in arrayOfObjects track by $index">{{obj.id}}
<button type="button" role="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="remove(obj)">
<i class="fa fa-trash"></i>
Now all works well when I delete an object other than the last. When the user presses on the delete button for the last object, the page gets redirected to localhost:3000/# which is not mapped to anything and I get a blank page.
Has anyone encountered such behavior?
While the other answers are addressing your link / redirect issue, which would be solved by not having additional clickable items inside an anchor tag, the bigger problem is that you're using the wrong syntax for iterating over the objects of an array.
To iterate over an array you want this:
ng-repeat="obj in arrayOfObjects"
The syntax you're using is for iterating over the properties of one single object. Where key and value are the arguments passed to your repeater
ng-repeat="(key, value) in object"
Most likely what you want is something like this:
<div ng-repeat="obj in arrayOfObjects">
<button ng-click="remove(obj)">Delete</button>
You can use 'filter' to return to original scope all itens that you want, just like that:
$scope.remove = function (objs) {
$scope.objs = objs.filter(function (obj) {
//Here you remove the item you do not want
return obj;
<button class="btn btn-danger btn-block" ng-click="remove(objs)">Delete</button>
Last element can be removed by using pop() and returns that element like $scope.arrayOfObjects.pop()
angular.module('app', [])
.controller('mycontroller', function($scope) {
$scope.arrayOfObjects = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }]
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="mycontroller">
<button ng-click="arrayOfObjects.pop()">remove in inline</button>
<li ng-repeat="myobj in arrayOfObjects">{{myobj.id}}</li>
I am busty with experimenting with Angular. I get some data from controller and like to place a filter on it. This works as i pass is as string. but if i like to use a variable, it doesnt work. The variable is showing if i directly call it in the html. I will paste html and js here. I am sure i am doing something "small" wrong here, but i dont see what.
<body ng-controller="GuestController as GuestCtrl">
<h1 class="text-center">Guests</h1>
<div class="btn btn-default" ng-controller="FamController as famCtrl" ng-repeat="guest in GuestCtrl.guests | filter:{name:famCtrl.fam}">
{{famCtrl.fam}} <!-- returns the right value, thats the az you see before the names -->
<ul class="clearfix" ng-controller="FamController as famCtrl">
<li class="small-image pull-left thumbnail" ng-repeat="famMember in guest.famMembers">
var app = angular.module("wedding", []);
app.controller('GuestController', function(){
this.guests = guests;
app.controller('FamController', function(){
this.fam = 'az';
var guests = [
name: 'Willem & Hanneke',
famMembers: [
name: 'Azouz & Ria',
famMembers: [
Any help would be appreciated. Probably there is a much better way to achieve what i like, but i like to do it in steps. My goal now is to get this working. The next goal would be to only display the fammember of the "name" i have clicked.
Extract your FamController outside of the ng-repeat directive
working example http://codepen.io/anon/pen/rbEoc?editors=101
<body ng-controller="GuestController as GuestCtrl">
<div ng-controller="FamController as famCtrl">