Get Status from PHP /w two ajax calls - javascript

Given two api endpoints in my php backend:
Long Function Endpoint: /_api/_long_function &
Status Endpoint: /_api/_status_long_function
In the LongFunction I write session data and in StatusFunction I read them and output them in json. I think it is not relevant to the question but I could show the session getting and setting as well if needed.
I now wanted to start the long function with an ajax call and then periodically request the status with a second ajax call.
The JS Code
$(document).on("click", "#submitSummoner", function () {
* Periodically check Session Status
var to,
clearTime = false,
called = 0,
set_delay = 1000,
callout = function () {
console.log('Called SessionCheck ' + called);
$.get($url_session, {
my_data: my_data
.done(function (response) {
if (called === 0) {
console.log('Called LongFunction');
$.get($url, {
my_data, my_data
}).done(function (data) {
console.log('Finished Request');
if (to) {
clearTime = true;
}).fail(function () {
if (to) {
clearTime = true;
console.log('Failed Request');
// This is the output I need
console.log('Current Status: '+response.status);
.always(function () {
if (clearTime === false) {
to = setTimeout(callout, set_delay);
Unfortunately what happens now is this:
Console Output
1: Called SessionCheck 0
2: Called LongFunction (immediately after)
3: Current Status: Whatever (immediatley)
4: Called SessionCheck 1 (immidately)
5: Current Status: Finished
after Finished the setTimout gets cleared as expected.
But why does the the setTimeout not get called every 1000ms altough the long function takes 10000ms+?
It seems like the second SessionCheck waits for the Long Check to finish, I don't know why? Is it possible that the server "hangs", CPU/RAM seem fine during the longFunction. Anything else that could "lock" it
Even it the php session check function crashes, shouldn't the function still try it again after 1000ms?
Any hint appreciated!
I figured it out, the session wasn't saving properly in the LongFunction:

I've re-written your solution using jQuery promises to simulate the get requests, and it works as you desired. I believe this proves the issue is on the back-end, that the "short" get request is not resolving the 2nd time. Please provide the code that resolves that request.
var to,
clearTime = false,
called = 0,
set_delay = 1000,
callout = function () {
console.log('Called SessionCheck ' + called);
var shortGet = $.Deferred();
.done(function () {
if (called === 0) {
var longGet = $.Deferred();
console.log('Called LongFunction');
longGet.done(function (data) {
console.log('Finished Request');
if (to) {
clearTime = true;
}).fail(function () {
if (to) {
clearTime = true;
console.log('Failed Request');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000);
// This is the output I need
console.log('Current Status: still going');
.always(function () {
if (clearTime === false) {
to = setTimeout(callout, set_delay);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
<script src=""></script>


Chai Assertion after a timeout

I have some code that handles outgoing and incoming data. When I send a request, I expect some kind of an answer from an external source. If no answer has arrived after a timeout of 1500ms, I return something to an error callback and end the request. That all looks something like this:
this.sendRequest = function(sendRequestDevice, sendRequestFID, sendRequestParam, sendRequestAction, sendRequestData,
sendRequestReturnCB, sendRequestErrorCB) {
if (!this.isConnected) {
if (sendRequestErrorCB !== undefined) {
// Packet creation
var sendRequestAddress = this.getDeviceAddress(sendRequestDevice);
var sendRequestPacket = pack(sendRequestAddress, sendRequestAction, sendRequestParam, sendRequestData);
// var sendRequestSEQ = this.getSequenceNumberFromPacket(sendRequestHeader);
// Sending the created packet
if (sendRequestDevice.expectedResponse.length === 0) {
// Setting the requesting current device's current request
FID: sendRequestFID,
timeout: setTimeout(this.sendRequestTimeout.bind
(this, sendRequestDevice, sendRequestErrorCB), this.timeout),
returnCB: sendRequestReturnCB,
errorCB: sendRequestErrorCB
} else {
setTimeout(this.sendRequest.bind(this, sendRequestDevice, sendRequestFID, sendRequestParam,
sendRequestAction, sendRequestData, sendRequestReturnCB, sendRequestErrorCB ), 1000)
this.sendRequestTimeout = function (timeoutDevice, timeoutErrorCB) {
// if the response is not received in 'this.timeout' ms, throw an error
timeoutDevice.expectedResponse.splice(0, 1);
if (timeoutErrorCB !== undefined){
console.log('Error Timeout');
I want to test this behavior with a unit test using mocha and chai. Basically I just want to assert that the error callback is called after 1.5s with the argument VacuumSystem.ERROR_TIMEOUT. What I tried is:
describe('behavior', function() {
beforeEach(function () {
returnCallback = sinon.spy();
errorCallback = sinon.spy();
// this function calls the sendRequest function with the needed parameters
PPT100.getPressure(returnCallback, errorCallback);
it('should return a Timeout Error when no response is received', function (done) {
setTimeout(function () {
sinon.assert.calledWith(errorCallback, VacuumSystem.ERROR_TIMEOUT)
}, PPT100.ipcon.timeout);
I know that the error is returned since I can see the log message 'Error Timeout', but expect fails for the sinon spy. What am I doing wrong here?

Function in while loop executes only once

I am a beginner in javascript, and I'm trying to figure out why my while loop won't actually loop more than once, even though the condition is always met.
I have a function sending an API request:
var get_status = function(trid, count) {
var req = {
method: 'GET',
url: 'theUrlHere',
headers: {'headers'}
$http(req).success(function(data) {
if (data.transaction_status != 'Pending') {
// do something with the data
return true;
else {
return false;
}).error(function(data) {
// show an error popup
return true;
I want to call this function until it returns true, so I call it this way:
var count = 0;
while (get_status(id, count) === false) {
count += 1;
The count variable is just added to see how many times it loops, it stays at 0 even though 'False' is displayed in the console.
Is there some behaviour I am misunderstanding here?
EDIT I understand why this won't work. My intention here is to display an iframe as long as the transaction status is pending. I thought of continually sending a request until the transaction status is something other then 'Pending', but I am aware there are more optimal ways.
Your get_status() function does not return a value. Thus, it's return value is undefined which is falsey so your while() loop stops after the very first iteration.
The return statements you do have in your code are inside of callbacks and have nothing to do with the return value of get_status().
What you are attempting to do is generally not a good design. It appears that you want to run a given Ajax call over and over with no delay until you get the answer you want. This will potentially hammer the destination server.
If you describe the problem you're really trying to solve, we could help come up with a better way to do this. Worst case, you could poll the server with a time delay between requests.
If you wanted to poll every so often, you could do something like this:
function get_status(trid, count) {
var req = {
method: 'GET',
url: 'theUrlHere',
headers: {'headers'}
return $http(req).then(function(data) {
return data.transaction_status;
function poll_status(callback) {
function next() {
get_status(...).then(function(status) {
if (status === "Pending") {
// poll once every two seconds
setTimeout(next, 2000);
} else {
// status is no longer pending, so call the callback and pass it the status
}, function(err) {
poll_status(function(result) {
// done polling here, status no longer Pending
This is not the correct way to deals with async calls, I'd create a recursive function which will call itself. (in this case get_status should return a promise)
var count = 0, id = 1;//id should be some value
(function myCall(promise){}
count += 1;
myCall(get_status(id, count)); //call function on conditon
}(get_status(id, count))
Method(Returning Promise)
var get_status = function(trid, count) {
var req = {
method: 'GET',
url: 'theUrlHere',
headers: {'headers'}
//returning promise here
return $http(req).then(function(response) {
var data =;
if (data.transaction_status != 'Pending') {
// do something with the data
return true; //resolves the promise
else {
return false; //resolves the promise
}, function(data) {
// show an error popup
return true;
You're trying to return from within an asynchronous callback, which won't work, unfortunately. Instead you'll want a module like async, specifically whilst.
var count = 0;
var outcome = false;
function () { outcome = false; },
function (callback) {
// Your code here, setting outcome instead of returning
var req = {
method: 'GET',
url: 'theUrlHere',
headers: {'headers'}
$http(req).success(function(data) {
if (data.transaction_status != 'Pending') {
outcome = true;
else {
outcome = false
}).error(function(data) {
outcome = true;
function (err) {
// All done!
But really the behavior you're looking for is probably checking on a status at pre-defined intervals. In this case, adapting the code
var count = 0;
var outcome = false;
function () { outcome = false; },
function (callback) {
// Your request stuff.
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000); // Waits one second to begin next request
function (err) {
// All done!

How can I code a recursive call to a service that will call it at intervals?

I have this code:
.then(function (msg) { er.msg = msg }, function (msg) { er.msg = msg });
$interval(function () {
.then(function (msg) { er.msg = msg }, function (msg) { er.msg = msg });
}, 20 * 1000);
It checks for a connection and then outputs a message.
Is there a way that I could simplify this code and make it recursive so I would not have to code the .then part more than once?
You can use $timeout instead of relying on $intervals that may execute more than once isConnected() requests without waiting for the previously executed requests to finish.
var promise;
// execute testConnection()
function testConnection() {
// run request initially
return request().finally(function() {
// runs the request recursively
// and assign the timeout's promise
// if you need to cancel the recursion
return (promise = $timeout(request, 20 * 1000));
// request if ui is connected
function request() {
return ui.isConnected()
.then(setErr, setErr);
// ser `er` object
function serErr(msg) {
er.msg = msg;
// cancels the recursive timeout
function cancel() {
var isConnected;
(isConnected = function () {
.then(function (msg) { er.msg = msg }, function (msg) { er.msg = msg });
$interval(isConnected, 20 * 1000);
No recursion is necessary, unless it is necessary.

Making multiple ajax requests synchronously

Let's suppose I have some function called makeRequest(), which makes an AJAX request to a server.
Now let's suppose I am given the amount of times this request should be made, but I can't do them asynchronously but synchronously instead.
For instance, I am given the number 5, and I shall call makeRequest(), when it's done, I shall call it again, and when it's done, I shall call it again... I should end up calling it 5 times.
I'm no expert at JavaScript but I found it easy to handle asynchronous calls by the use of callbacks.
So, my makeRequest() function takes a callback argument that is to be executed when the request has succeeded.
In my previous example, I had to make the request 5 times, so the behaviour should look like:
makeRequest(function () {
makeRequest(function () {
makeRequest(function () {
makeRequest(function () {
makeRequest(function () {
How can I design this to behave the same for any argument given to me, be it 6, 12 or even 1?
PS: I have tried many approaches, the most common involving creating while loops that wait until a flag is set by a finished request. All of these approaches makes the browser think the script crashed and prompt the user to stop the script.
Simple, recursively call the ajax request, while keeping track of a count variable:
function makeRequest(count, finalCallback){
someAjaxCall(data, function(){
if(count > 1){
makeRequest(count - 1, finalCallback);
} else {
finalCallback && finalCallback();
finalCallback is a optional callback (function) that will be executed when all the requests are completed.
You can do it this way,
var i = 5; // number of calls to you function calling ajax
recurs(i); // call it initially
function recurs(count) {
makeRequest(function() {
count--; // decrement count
if (count > 1) {
recurs(count) // call function agian
Here I have written multiple Ajax calls using promises. This function will run synchronously. You can get the current position of response which is executed from Ajax.
var ajaxs = {
i : 0,
callback : null,
param : null,
exec_fun : function (i) {
let data_send = this.param[i];
let url = this.url;
this.promise = new Promise(function (res,rej) {
url: url,
method: 'POST',
data: data_send,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(resvalidate){
this.promise.then(function (resvalidate) {
let resp = resvalidate,
param = ajaxs.param,
pos = ajaxs.i,
callback_fun = ajaxs.callback_fun;
if( ajaxs.param[ajaxs.i] != undefined){
each : function (url,data,inc_callback) {
this.callback_fun = inc_callback;
this.param = data;
this.url = url;
let url = "http://localhost/dev/test_ajax.php";
let data_param = [{data : 3},{data : 1},{data : 2}];
ajaxs.each(url,data_param, function (resp,i) {

Node.js unexpected stack overflow with multiple get requests

I have a function that GETs a JSON object from a remote server, or from a local cache on-disk.
In a use-case, i have to call this function several thousand times with varying arguments, but when i do so, i get max stack overflow errors. I must be making a recursive call somewhere, but i can't see where it could be as my process.nextTick function calls seem to be in the right place.
I get none of my log.error readouts in the console, which would be evident if any of the recursive calls to retry the request were made.
The console output shows a repeated occurrence of
(node) warning: Recursive process.nextTick detected. This will break in the next version of node. Please use setImmediate for recursive deferral.
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Then the program exits.
Can anyone offer any help regarding what i may be doing wrong? I'm completely stumped.
Below is the function that invokes the problematic function "tf2inv.loadInventory()"
function refreshInventories(accounts, force, callback) {
//job executes download function, then pushes to inventories object
var inventories = {};
var Qinv = async.queue(function (task, invCallback) {
function(inv, alias) {
inventories[alias] = inv;
}, 100)
//when all queue jobs have finished, callback with populated inventories object
Qinv.drain = function (err) {'All inventories downloaded');
//adding jobs to the queue
for (var i = accounts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
force: force,
steamid: accounts[i]
Shown here is the function that either parses from the cache, or requests from the remote server.
var loadInventory = function(force, sid, callback) {
var invLoc = invFolder+sid
if(force) {
if(fs.existsSync(invLoc)) {
if(fs.existsSync(invLoc)) {
var body = fs.readFileSync(invLoc);
try {
var inventory = JSON.parse(body);
} catch (e) {
log.error("parsing " + sid+"'s inventory");
loadInventory(true, sid, invFolder, callback);
process.nextTick(function() { callback(inventory, sid) })
} else {
var urlPre = "";
var urlSidPre = "&steamid=";
var urlInvSuf = "&inventory=yes";
var URL = urlPre+steam_API+urlSidPre+sid+urlInvSuf;
http.get(URL, function (res) {
var body = '';
res.on('data', function (data) {
fs.appendFile(invLoc, data);
res.on('end', function() {
try {
inventory = JSON.parse(body);
} catch (e) {
if(fs.existsSync(invLoc)) {
log.error("parsing " + sid+"'s downloaded inventory");
loadInventory(force, sid, invFolder, callback)
process.nextTick(function() { callback(inventory, sid) })
res.on('error', function (e, socket) {
log.error(sid + " inventory error")
if(fs.existsSync(invLoc)) {
log.debug('Retrying inventory')
loadInventory(force, sid, invFolder, callback);
res.on('close', function () {res.emit('end'); log.error('connection closed')})
.on('error', function(e) {
if(fs.existsSync(invLoc)) {
log.debug('Retrying inventory')
loadInventory(force, sid, invFolder, callback)
It is likely to be failing to parse the body coming back from the server. It then immediately calls itself again, failing again, infinitely looping and causing a stack overflow.
I suggest you do not retry automatically on a failed parse - if it fails once, it is likely to fail again. It would be best to call back with the error, and let the part of your programming calling this handle the error, or passing it back to the point where it can let the user know that something is wrong.

