Iterating trough array and sending http request dynamically - javascript

Okay, I have this array pokemonColor=['name1', 'name2', 'name3']. How can I iterate trough this array and dynamically send http request so I can update state like this below? Because this what I am trying does not work, it creates a JavaScript object, but too many of them...
This is what I want:
{name: name1, img: img1},
{name: name2, img: img2},
{name: name3, img: img3}
And this is how I am trying:
componentDidUpdate() {
// console.log(this.state.pokemonColor);
this.state.pokemonColor.forEach(pok => {
axios.get(`${pok}/`).then(res => {
// console.log(;
pokemon: {
// console.log(this.state.pokemon);

First of all - this.state.pokemon = [...] mutates the state directly. Your app may crash or at least you will receive a long, red error in your console.
Secondly - you don't have to destructure state inside setState function.
Thirdly - with every axios get request, you are overwriting pokemon field in your state. I'd suggest you to keep your pokemons inside array.
this.setState((prevState) => ({
pokemon: [
Then you will be able to access your pokemons by referencing to this.state.pokemons, which will be an array of objects.


Adding an array and an object to an array react hooks

I'm trying to add an array and an object to an array.
This is my constructor
const [dashboard, setDashboard] = useState({ loading: true, data: [], address: '' })
and this is how I wanted the data to end up
loading: true,
data: [{id: 0, name: 'A'}, {id: 1, name: 'B'}],
address: 'xxx'
I can't seem to figure it out and was only able to manage to add the arrays but not the other objects like loading and address with something like this but this is not what I need and I'm just giving an example of what I tried doing:
the constructor of this one in the bottom is different from what I want to use, I used something like this
const [dashboard, setDashboard] = useState([])
setDashboard((prev) => {
return [...prev, newData]
If I understand your problem correctly you are trying to do something like this:
setDashbaord(prevDashboard => ({ ...prevDashboard, address: "xxx", data: [, newData] }));
Is that what you are looking for?
const [dashboard, setDashboard] = useState({ loading: true, data: [], address: '' })
The line above looks great, no problems there.
setDashboard((prev) => {
return [...prev, newData]
Doing this will set your dashboard variable to be an array, and is definitely not what you said you wanted.
setDashboard((prev) => {
return {
data: [, ...newData] // <-- assuming new data is an array
Depending on what newData looks like you may need to manually merge the data into your previous data object. For instance, if you want to ensure you have no duplicate values in the array, or you need to sort them.

Firebase arrayUnion on nested array [duplicate]

I have a document in Firebase Firestore that is something like the below. The main point here is that I have an array called items with objects inside it:
name: 'Foo',
items: [
name: 'Bar',
meta: {
image: 'xyz.png',
description: 'hello world'
name: 'Rawr',
meta: {
image: 'abc.png',
description: 'hello tom'
I am trying to update a field inside the item array, under the meta object. For example items[0].meta.description from hello world to hello bar
Initially I attempted to do this:
const key = `items.${this.state.index}.meta.description`
const property = `hello bar`;{
[key]: property
.then(() => {
.catch(function(error) {
This didn't appear to work though, as it removed everything in the item index I wanted to modify, and just kept the description under the meta object
I am now trying the following which basically rewrites the whole meta object with the new data
const key = `items.${this.state.index}.meta`
const property =;
let meta = this.state.meta;
meta[] = property;{
[key]: meta
.then(() => {
[key]: meta
.catch(function(error) {
Unfortunately though, this seems to turn my whole items array into an object that looks something like:
name: 'Foo',
items: {
0: {
name: 'Bar',
meta: {
image: 'xyz.png',
description: 'hello world'
1: {
name: 'Rawr',
meta: {
image: 'abc.png',
description: 'hello tom'
Any ideas how I can just update the content I want to?
Firestore doesn't have the ability to update an existing element in an indexed array. Your only array options for updates are described in the documentation - you can add a new element to the array ("arrayUnion") or remove an element ("arrayRemove").
As an alternative, you can read the entire array out of the document, make modifications to it in memory, then update the modified array field entirely.
You can make a separate collection for that particular array, like this in this picture earlier I had different fields (no collections) of name, email and pages, And in this, I wanted to change the data of a specific page that is inside the array. For that, I made a different collection of pages with individual documents of each page having values of title description and content which can be mutated.

Delete a json inside another in React

Imagine that I have this kind of JSON object on my react state:
to delete the child1 I did the following method:
deleteChild1 = (index,test) => {
const childs= [...this.state.parent.childs];
childs[index] = {
child1: null
this.setState(prevState => ({
parent: {
childs: [
This works with no problem, but imagine that I have 100 childs, I have to do 100 methods like this but instead putting the child1 to null I have to put the child100, child99, you get the idea.
My question is that is another way to put the variable null.
Currently your data structure isn't valid so its hard to write up a solution. If I try to create that exact state object it raises an exception Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : This is because you have an array written like an object. So first thing to do is adjust your state model to be valid syntax
this.state = {
parent: {
childs: {
child1: {
child2: {
child3: null,
Now, what you are describing / what you want to do is a dynamic key reference.
You can do this like so
const childTarget = 'child1'
childs = {
[childTarget]: null
so to abstract that concept a little more. make it a function parameter
deleteChild = (childTarget) => {
then when you want to remove any particular child you can let them pass their value to this function
<Child onRemove={this.deleteChild} name={name} />
// name here would be like 'child1'
// assuming you are looping over state and rendering a child component for each item
and when the child calls this function
The answer is very simple, this would be my approach.
Create a function which updates your state with the expect result (removing that property).
If you wish to assign null that you can replace .filter() with a .map() solution. Typically if you are removing a piece of data it does not make sense to null it, but to remove it.
FYI your property childs is an array you have an object within, so you need a list of objects to fix this.
name: "child1"
name: "child2"
name: "child3"
removeChild = (child) => {
const newChildList = this.state.parent.childs.filter(({name}) => name !== child);
this.setState(previousState => ({
parent: {
childs: newChildList
The key part here is that the data is being updated and overriding the original array. Because you have nested data structure we don’t want to delete any pre-existing data (hence the spreading).
Call the function however you want and if your childs array has an object with the property called name that matches the child function argument, it will be not be present on the next re-render.
Hope this helps.

Filtering away javascript objects into an array when using fetch

I have a react application, where I use the axios library, to get some values, and set them into an array of javascript objects in my state
.then(res => this.setState({animals:}))
Now I want to check if the objects, contains an Owner object, inside it, and filter out does that does,
First, I tried making a const, and then using the filter, to check if they contain the objects, and then set the state, but I can't save my values in a local variable
const animals= [];
.then(res =>
console.log(animals) // logs empty array
how can I make it so, that I can only get the animals that do NOT, have an owner object inside it?
Your animal array is empty in your second example because axios.get is asynchronous, what is in your then will be executed once the data is fetch, but the function will keep on going in the meantime.
To filter out your array, simply use filter right after fetching your data :
.then(res => this.setState({animals: => !animal.owner)}))
This function will filter out every animal object that does not have an owner property.
Working example :
const animals = [
name: 'Simba',
owner: {
some: 'stuff'
name: 1
}, ,
name: 2
}, ,
name: 3,
owner: {
some: 'stuff'
name: 'Bambi'
//status: 'dead'
console.log(animals.filter(animal => animal.owner))
EDIT: the answer was changed so that it only filters animals, that does not have an owner

Firestore Update single item in an array field

I have a document in Firebase Firestore that is something like the below. The main point here is that I have an array called items with objects inside it:
name: 'Foo',
items: [
name: 'Bar',
meta: {
image: 'xyz.png',
description: 'hello world'
name: 'Rawr',
meta: {
image: 'abc.png',
description: 'hello tom'
I am trying to update a field inside the item array, under the meta object. For example items[0].meta.description from hello world to hello bar
Initially I attempted to do this:
const key = `items.${this.state.index}.meta.description`
const property = `hello bar`;{
[key]: property
.then(() => {
.catch(function(error) {
This didn't appear to work though, as it removed everything in the item index I wanted to modify, and just kept the description under the meta object
I am now trying the following which basically rewrites the whole meta object with the new data
const key = `items.${this.state.index}.meta`
const property =;
let meta = this.state.meta;
meta[] = property;{
[key]: meta
.then(() => {
[key]: meta
.catch(function(error) {
Unfortunately though, this seems to turn my whole items array into an object that looks something like:
name: 'Foo',
items: {
0: {
name: 'Bar',
meta: {
image: 'xyz.png',
description: 'hello world'
1: {
name: 'Rawr',
meta: {
image: 'abc.png',
description: 'hello tom'
Any ideas how I can just update the content I want to?
Firestore doesn't have the ability to update an existing element in an indexed array. Your only array options for updates are described in the documentation - you can add a new element to the array ("arrayUnion") or remove an element ("arrayRemove").
As an alternative, you can read the entire array out of the document, make modifications to it in memory, then update the modified array field entirely.
You can make a separate collection for that particular array, like this in this picture earlier I had different fields (no collections) of name, email and pages, And in this, I wanted to change the data of a specific page that is inside the array. For that, I made a different collection of pages with individual documents of each page having values of title description and content which can be mutated.

