Restart Async Function After Aborting API Fetch - javascript

I am creating a Node.js module that takes a list of movie titles and fetches their respective metadata from
These lists are often very large and sometimes (with my current slow internet connection) the connection stalls due to too many concurrent connections. So I set up a timeout/abort method that restarts the process after 30 seconds.
The problem I'm having is that whenever I lose internet connection or the connection stalls, it just bails out of the process, and doesn't restart the connection.
async function getMetadata () {
const remainingMovies = await getRemainingMovies();
for (let i = 0; i < remainingMovies.length;i++) {
const { data, didTimeout } = await fetchMetadata(remainingMovies[i]);
// Update "remainingMovies" Array...
if (didTimeout) {
if (!didTimeout) {
return data;
This is obviously a simplified version but essentially:
The getMetadata Function gets the remainingMovies Array from the global scope.
Fetches the metadata from the server with the fetchMetadata Function.
Checks if the connection timed out or not.
If it did it should restart the Function and attempt to connect again.
If it didn't timeout then finish the for loop and continue.

I guess you want something similar to below script. Error handling using try/catch for async/await which probably is what you are looking for as a missing puzzle.
async function getMetadata() {
const remainingMovies = await getRemainingMovies(); => {
try {
return await fetchMetadata(movie);
} catch (err) {
return getMetadata();


Problems with MongoDB + async await

I am currently working on a little JS game (node.js, and I need to retrieve data from my MongoDB (currently using Mongoose). Getting the data itself seems not to be the problem since I can console log it.
The problem is the timing. I need the data before the programm continues running. I've tryed using async await, but I think I might still be using it wrong since It doesn't work.
exports.CRUD = {
getCardById : async (id) => {
try {
let cards = await Card.find({number:id}).exec();
return cards ;
} catch (err) {
return 'error occured';
/* Code is within a normal function (not async) */
(async () => {
game.card = await CRUD.getCardById(cardId - 1);
console.log("Game-Card: ",game.card); // Data gets logged here, but only after it already returned game
/*return game*/

How to execute synchronous HTTP requests in JavaScript

I need to execute unknown number of http requests in a node.js program, and it needs to happen synchronously. only when one get the response the next request will be execute. How can I implement that in JS?
I tried it synchronously with the requset package:
function HttpHandler(url){
request(url, function (error, response, body) {
And asynchronously with request-promise:
async function HttpHandler(url){
const res = await request(url)
Non of them work. and as I said I can have unknown number of http request over the program, it depends on the end user.
Any ideas on to handle that?
Use the got() library, not the request() library because the request() library has been deprecated and does not support promises. Then, you can use async/await and a for loop to sequence your calls one after another.
const got = require('got');
let urls = [...]; // some array of urls
async function processUrls(list) {
for (let url of urls) {
await got(url);
processUrls(urls).then(() => {
console.log("all done");
}).catch(err => {
You are claiming some sort of dynamic list of URLs, but won't show how that works so you'll have to figure out that part of the logic yourself. I'd be happy to show how to solve that part, but you haven't given us any idea how that should work.
If you want a queue that you can regularly add items to, you can do something like this:
class sequencedQueue {
// fn is a function to call on each item in the queue
// if its asynchronous, it should return a promise
constructor(fn) {
this.queue = [];
this.processing = false;
this.fn = fn;
add(...items) {
async run() {
// if not already processing, start processing
// because of await, this is not a blocking while loop
while (!this.processing && this.queue.length) {
try {
this.processing = true;
await this.fn(this.queue.shift());
} catch (e) {
// need to decide what to do upon error
// this is currently coded to just log the error and
// keep processing. To end processing, throw an error here.
} finally {
this.processing = false;

Fetching data from server randomly stops fetching

I have something very strange happening in my program. I have consol.logged the crap out of it with timestamps to try and figure out what is happening. Basically my program randomly stops fetching data. I have ensured a new stream of data is there but I have to refresh the entire page or resave the program to restart everything when it gets hung up. On top of that, there are no errors or flags telling me why it stops. I tried to isolate the issue but it is something to do with the async function most likely. Here is the code....
function App() {
const data = async() => {
try {
console.log('try block initiated')
const apiResponse = await fetch(ipAddress)
const responseText = await apiResponse.text();
if (loading === true){
return responseText;
} catch (error) {
console.log('catch initiated')
} catch(error){
let value = moisture;
count += 1;
<div className="App">
<WeatherCard moisture={value}/>
Here is what the console looks like right before it stop fetching new data...
HERE IS A POSSIBLE SOLUTION. After many headaches and researching async functions. I think this is going to work. I am going to let this run all night and see if it ever gets caught up but so far, Here is the solution...
const data = async() => {
try {
const apiResponse = await fetch(ipAddress)
const responseText = await apiResponse.text();
if (loading === true){
return responseText;
} catch (error) {
if (moisture === "initialState"){
Here is what I changed... I made an initial state called "initialSate and if the variable was this value, it runs the async function. I then NEVER CALL THIS ASYNC AGAIN OUTSIDE OF THE ASYNS ITSELF. Instead I call itself right before returning a value from the function. This works because my program is running while the async function is running. However, the program is sequential to itself and the async is sequential to itself. They are NOT sequential together. So, the async function now only gets called again once the async function finishes its first run. Simultaneaously the rest of my program is running. Before I think it was getting caught because my program was trying to call the async function before it had finished the first time. This is a pure guess because I have no way to proving that but it makes sense. If this overnight run fails. I will pull this from the solution. Otherwise, I think this will work. FINGERS CROSSED!

node async/await not working for me (when using Postgres / Node - working with DB updates before going to next call) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using async/await with a forEach loop
(33 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
await is not blocking as expected, when a block of code updates db (using postgres / node )
I have a list of async function calls, each call udpates a database, and each subsequent call works on data updated by the previous call.
There are about eight calls in a row, and each call must update the complete set of data it is working with, 100% to completion, before going to the next.
I tried to make everything not async, but it appears I am forced to make everything async/await because of the library I am using (postgres / node).
Each function call must complete 100% before going on to the next function call, because the next step does a select on rows where a field is not null (where the previous step fills in a value).
I have an await in front of each call, that does something (see code below):
loads the db from a csv,
next step selects all rows just inserted, calls an API and updates the database,
and so on,
but at one point, when the next function executes, NONE of the rows have been updated (as I trace through and verify, a SQL statement returns nothing back),
the code seems to pass right through going to the second function call, not blocking, honoring the await, and completing it's code block.
If I comment out some of the latter rows (dependent on the previous), and let the program run to completion, the database gets updated.
There is nothing functionally wrong with the code, everything works, just not from beginning to completion.
After running two function calls at the beginning, letting that run, I can then comment out those rows, uncomment the later rows in the flow, and run again, and everything works as expected, but I cannot run to completion with both uncommented.
What can I do to make sure each function call completes 100%, has all updates completed in the database, before going to the next step?
async/await is not working for me.
this is not pseudo-code it's the actual code, that is executing, that I am working with, the function names changed only. It is real working code, cut-n-pasted direct from my IDE.
// these are functions I call below (each in their own .js)
const insert_rows_to_db_from_csv = require('./insert_rows_to_db_from_csv')
const call_api_using_rows_from_function_above = require('./call_api_using_rows_from_function_above')
const and_so_on = require('./and_so_on')
const and_so_on_and_on = require('./and_so_on_and_on')
const and_so_on_and_on_and_on = require('./and_so_on_and_on_and_on')
// each of the above exports a main() function where I can call func.main() just // like this one defined below (this is my main() entry point)
module.exports = {
main: async function (csvFilePath) {
console.log('service: upload.main()')
try {
const csvList = []
let rstream = fs.createReadStream(csvFilePath)
.on('data', (data) => csvList.push(data))
.on('end', async () => {
let num_rows = csvList.length
//step one (if I run these two, with step two calls below commented out, this works)
await insert_rows_to_db_from_csv.main(csvList);
await call_api_using_rows_from_function_above.main();
// step two
// blows up here, on the next function call,
// no rows selected in sql statements, must comment out, let the above run to
// completion, then comment out the rows above, and let these run separate
await work_with_rows_updated_in_previous_call_above.main(); // sets
await and_so_on.main();
await and_so_on_and_on.main();
await and_so_on_and_on_and_on.main();
} catch (err) {
} finally {
here is the one liner I am using to call the insert/update to the DB:
return await pool.query(sql, values);
that's it, nothing more. This is from using:
npm install pg
PART 2 - continuing on,
I think the problem might be here. This is where I am doing each
API call, then insert (that the next function call is dependent upon), some code smell here that I can't sort out.
processBatch(batch) is called, that calls the API, gets a response back, and then within there it calls `handleResponseDetail(response), where the insert is happening. I think the problem is here, if there are any ideas?
this is a code block inside:
await call_api_using_rows_from_function_above.main();
It completes with no errors, inserts rows, and commits, then the next function is called, and this next function finds no rows (inserted here). But the await on the entire main() .js blocks and waits, so I don't understand.
* API call, and within call handleResponse which does the DB insert.
* #param batch
* #returns {Promise<*>}
async function processBatch(batch) {
console.log('Processing batch');
return await client.send(batch).then(res => {
return handleResponseDetail(res);
}).catch(err => handleError(err));
// should this be async?
function handleResponseDetail(response) {
response.lookups.forEach(async function (lookup) {
if (typeof lookup.result[0] == "undefined") { // result[0] is Candidate #0
console.log('No response from API for this address.')
} else {
const id = await insert(lookup);
Given the code block from your Part 2 edit, the problem is now clear: all of your insert()s are being scheduled outside of the blocking context of the rest of your async/await code! This is because of that .forEach, see this question for more details.
I've annotated your existing code to show the issue:
function handleResponseDetail(response) { //synchronous function
response.lookups.forEach(async function (lookup) { //asynchronous function
//these async functions all get scheduled simultaneously
//without waiting for the previous one to complete - that's why you can't use forEach like this
if (typeof lookup.result[0] == "undefined") { // result[0] is Candidate #0
console.log('No response from API for this address.')
} else {
const id = await insert(lookup); //this ONLY blocks the inner async function, not the outer `handleResponseDetail`
Here is a fixed version of that function which should work as you expect:
async function handleResponseDetail(response) {
for(const lookup of response.lookups) {
if (typeof lookup.result[0] == "undefined") { // result[0] is Candidate #0
console.log('No response from API for this address.')
} else {
const id = await insert(lookup); //blocks handleResponseDetail until done
Alternatively, if the order of insertion doesn't matter, you can use Promise.all for efficiency:
async function handleResponseDetail(response) {
await Promise.all( lookup => {
if (typeof lookup.result[0] == "undefined") { // result[0] is Candidate #0
console.log('No response from API for this address.')
} else {
const id = await insert(lookup);
})); //waits until all insertions have completed before returning
To reiterate, you cannot easily use .forEach() with async/await because .forEach() simply calls the given function for each element of the array synchronously, with no regard for awaiting each promise before calling the next. If you need the loop to block between each element, or to wait for all elements to complete processing before returning from the function (this is your use case), you need to use a different for loop or alternatively a Promise.all() as above.
What your main function currently does is merely creating stream, assigning listeners and instantly returning. It does not await for all the listeners to resolve like you are trying to have it do
You need to extract your file reading logic to another function, which will return a Promise that will resolve only when the entire file is read, then await for that Promise inside main
function getCsvList(csvFilePath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const csvList = []
.on('data', (data) => csvList.push(data))
.on('end', () => {
.on('error', (e) => reject(e))
module.exports = {
main: async function (csvFilePath) {
try {
const csvList = await getCsvList(csvFilePath)
await insert_rows_to_db_from_csv.main(csvList);
await call_api_using_rows_from_function_above.main();
await work_with_rows_updated_in_previous_call_above.main();
await and_so_on.main();
await and_so_on_and_on.main();
await and_so_on_and_on_and_on.main();
} catch (err) {
} finally {

Refractroing: return or push value to new array value from mongoose callback

Actually I'm not sure that Title of my question is 'correct', if you
have any idea with it, you could leave a comment and I'll rename it.
I am trying to rewrite my old function which make http-requests and insert many object at mongoDB via mongoose. I already have a working version of it, but I face a problem while using it. Basically, because when I'm trying to insertMany 20 arrays from 20+ request with ~50'000 elements from one request it cause a huge memory leak. Even with MongoDB optimization.
Logic of my code:
function main() {
server.find({locale: "en_GB"}).exec(function (err, server) {
for (let i = 0; i < server.length; i++) { //for example 20 servers
rp({url: server[i].slug}).then(response => {
server: server[i].name,
lastModified: {$gte:[0].lastModified}
}).then(function (docs) {
if (docs < 0) {
//We don't insert data if they are already up-to-date
else {
//I needed[0].url and server[i].name from prev. block
//And here is my problem
requests & insertMany and then => loop main()
}).catch(function (error) {
Actually I have already trying many different things to fix it. First-of-all I was trying to add setInterval after else block like this:
setTimeout(function () {
//request every server with interval, instead of all at once
}, 1000 * (i + 1));
but I create another problem for myself because I needed to recursive my main() function right after. So I can't use: if (i === server[i].length-1) to call garbage collector or to restart main() because not all server skip count validation
Or let's see another example of mine:
I change for (let i = 0; i < server.length; i++) from 3-rd line to .map and move it from 3-rd line close to else block but setTimeout doesn't work with .map version, but as you may already understand script lose correct order and I can't make a delay with it.
Actually I already understand how to fix it at once. Just re-create array via let array_new = [], array_new.push =[0].url with use of async/await. But I'm not a big expert in it, so I already waste a couple of hours. So the only problem for now, that I don't know how to return values from else block
As for now I'm trying to form array inside else block
function main() {
--added let array_new = [];
[v1]array_new.url +=[0].url;
return array_new
and then call array_new array via .then , but not one of these works fine for now. So maybe someone will give me a tip or show me already answered question #Stackoverflow that could be useful in my situation.
Since you are essentially dealing with promises, you can refactor your function logic to use async await as follows:
function async main() {
try {
const servers = await server.find({locale: "en_GB"}).exec()
const data = ({ name, slug }) => {
const response = await rp({ url: slug })
const { lastModified, url } =[0]
const count = await auctions.count({
server: name,
lastModified: { $gte: lastModified }
let result = {}
if (count > 0) result = { name, url }
return result
}).filter(d => Object.keys(d).length > 0)
} catch (err) {
Your problem is with logic obscured by your promises. Your main function recursively calls itself N times, where N is the number of servers. This builds up exponentially to eat memory both by the node process and MongoDB handling all the requests.
Instead of jumping into async / await, start by using the promises and waiting for the batch of N queries to complete before starting another batch. You can use [Promise.all] for this.
function main() {
server.find({locale: "en_GB"}).exec(function (err, server) {
// need to keep track of each promise for each server
let promises = []
for (let i = 0; i < server.length; i++) {
let promise = rp({
url: server[i].slug
}).then(function(response) {
// instead of nesting promises, return the promise so it is handled by
// the next then in the chain.
return auctions.count({
server: server[i].name,
lastModified: {
}).then(function (docs) {
if (docs > 0) {
// do whatever you need to here regarding making requests and
// inserting into DB, but don't call main() here.
return requestAndInsert();
}).catch(function (error) {
// add the above promise to out list.
// register a new promise to run once all of the above promises generated
// by the loop have been completed
Promise.all(promises).then(function () {
// now you can call main again, optionally in a setTimeout so it waits a
// few seconds before fetchin more data.
setTimeout(main, 5000);

