click event with each loop on dynamicly added elements javascript / jquery - javascript

my problem is that the $('input[name=isDefault]').length equal 2, but the each runs ony ones.
$(saveProduct).click(function (e) {
$('input[name=isDefault]').each(function (index) {
var that = this;
console.log(index, 'index');
// do something...
$('input[name=isDefault]') is dynamicly addes obj during another logic.
I know there is a solution like $(upper container).on("event", dynamic obj inside upper container) - but this causes the click event to be almost everywhere, because .on is attaching event on big area container
I made some changes for testing purpose:
var imgs = imgs = $('div[name=fileContainer]');
console.log('before loop', imgs.length); // = 1
for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
console.log('inside loop', imgs.length); // = 1
//do something - imgs is dynamicly added html element by jquery, when I load page there is 1 element with that name
,but when I write $('div[name=fileContainer]').length; in console it's equal 2 (of course when I dynamicly added + 1 fileContainer element)
this isn't the answer, but I omitted the need to use the above loop.
Elsewhere in the code, I already have $(something).on("change", dynamiclyAddedElements function() {}) with difrent main purpouse..., but! there I add addintional function where I created javascipt obj with needed data. Then I can use them in above click event.

$(upper container).on("event", dynamic obj inside upper container) - but this causes the click event to be almost everywhere, because .on is attaching event on big area container
thats not right, you can use the second parameter to specify the selector
$('#upper_container').on('click', '.saveProduct', function(){...})
will add the click handler to (also dynamically added) .saveProduct and not #upper_container as you claim


onClick function used on dynamic content not working properly

I hit a problem with the onclick function when i add divs with ids like "n_block"+(1-~). When I use the jquery zoom function on the objects to make them smaller or bigger onClick doesn't work anymore. I'm not really good at programming so the code might be kind of confusing.
Heres the code i use for the onClick of items:
$(document).on("click",function (e, ui){
//When the document gets clicked, check if one of the items was clicked.
if($($("#n_block" + cloneCount1)) || $($("#n_block" + cloneCount1+ " span"))){
//Set current item.
var item = $("#n_block" + cloneCount1);
//Set style to current item.
item.css("border-color", "Black");
item.css("background-color", "floralwhite");
//Check if key Delete was pressed while item selected & delete that item with his children.
if(e.keyCode == 46) {
/* Prevents line bugging*/
var razred = getClass(item, "b_"),
id = item.prop("id");
if(razred == "b_2"){
else if (razred == "b_4"){
if ( $('.objects').find('div').length == 2) {
$(".objects").append('<div class="b_s" id="start_block">START</div><p id="start_text">Insert symbols here!</p><div class="b_s" id="end_block">STOP</div> ');
/* Connects objects together with line. ****/
povezi(cloneCount, tip_crte, ".objects");
// If item is not clicked set this css to the current item.
$("#n_block" + cloneCount1).css("border-width","1px");
And heres the zoom code for zooming in when button is clicked:
var currentZoom = 1.0;
$(".zoomin").click(function (){
//Detaches the connections from item to item.
//Prevents spamming of button, animates the objects
$(".project").stop().animate({ "zoom": currentZoom += .1}, "slow", function() {
povezi(cloneCount, tip_crte, ".objects");
Use event delegation for binding events to dynamically added elements.
$(document).on('click', ".zoomin", function (){
//Your code.
When you use normal .click() to bind event to an element, then that even gets bound to only those elements which exist in the DOM at the moment of the execution of code. Using event delegation, you can tell jQuery that we need to add the handler to every '.zoomin' element which comes inside a particular element no matter when it is added.
The solution depends when exactly is the script which tries to bind the events are executed.
For Eg: Lets assume this script is in document ready function of jquery
$(".zoomin").click(function (){
//your logic here
Here this script is executed when the page HTML is completed loading into the browser. Now when the script executes it tries to find a element with the class zoomin and if found it will add a event to that element and move on. If the element is not found the script just moves on. So we should actually take care of when the script is executed and is the intended element available at that particular instant of time. If the element is not yet available in the HTML (element might come in later dynamically using jquery) we have 2 options to bind event to the element.
1) Execute the script when the element is being added into the HTML: Lets say I have a event which brings up a pop up with some image. Now I want to zoomin and zoomout the image. Since the image in the popup is added dynamically and I have control of when its being added, I can do this.
// some code is executed which brings up the popup
// now we know that the image is added into html we can now run the script
$(".zoomin").click(function (){
//your logic here
2) We have no Clue/ Control when the element is added into HTML but still want to bind a event to it: This is scenario where we have no control on when the element is being added or not sure where it is being added from (might be from some external plugin used etc) or not having control at all on the element which is added. Thats when we use this syntax as suggested by #Rejith R Krishnan
$(document).on('click', ".zoomin", function (){
//Your code.
This will work on all the elements which are in the HTML at the time of execution of the script and on the elements which will be added in the future with the class name zoomin. So this script can be placed inside/ outside of jquery document ready event

Adding a click function to cells in a dynamically created table - JavaScript

var tableData = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
for(var i = 0; i < tableData.length; i++){
var x = tableData[i];
x.addEventListener("click", fun1(x.textContent));
function fun1(y){
document.getElementById("testB").textContent = y;
I am trying to add a click function to every cell in a dynamically created table (i have no way of knowing how many cells are in the table or what their id would be but i only need the text contained in the cell)
I want to update a button with the content of the cell and as of right now it does not update on click and instead updates the button to the last value of the table.
I am fairly new to JavaScript and would appreciate any help you could offer.
here is the solution i used thanks to the answer provided below
var tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
for(var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++){
function(e) {
if( && == "TD") {
function fun1(y){
document.getElementById("testB").textContent = y;
i went with this solution because the script generating the tables is not mine and as such i do not know what the id of the table i want is and do not know how many tables it actually creates.
You almost certainly do not want to add an event handler individually to each table cell if all (or even many) of them should do the same thing when clicked.
The DOM event model was designed to support delegation, which is a much better solution in cases like this. In brief: individual cells do not respond to clicks, but some ancestor element that is considered a permanent fixture (say, the <table> they are in) detects the clicks on cells and responds to them appropriately.
Here's how to set up delegation:
function(e) {
if( && == "TD") {
Of course you can choose any ancestor element you want, even <body> if that's what is required. Also note that this way of doing things means your code behaves as expected even while cells are added to or removed from the table -- you just do this once on page initialization.
x.addEventListener("click", fun1(x.textContent));
This line is your issue -- addEventListener looks for a function reference, you're just calling the function (which does not return a function). Wrap it in an anonymous function, or bind the value to the reference.
x.addEventListener("click", function() {
}, false); //also a good idea to add the event bubbling boolean param
Alternatively, ES6 arrow syntax:
x.addEventListener("click", () => fun1(x.textContent), false);

L.DomEvent.addListener() vs on(): why does one NOT work?

I created the following jquery script to cycle through each div in my HTML using a for loop. In this for loop, I define the the div and add a listener to it:
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Define listing
var listing = $('div[data-rid="' + i + '"]');
// Add listener to each listing div
// See below...
I have tried two different ways to add a listener. The first uses L.DomEvent.addListener() as such:
L.DomEvent.addListener(listing, 'mouseover', function(e) {
// Do stuff to listing div
The second uses the action mouseover():
listing.mouseover(function(e) {
// Do stuff to listing div
The L.DomEvent.addListener approach does not work. The mouseover approach works (i.e., it triggers for each div mouseover), but the "Do stuff to listing div" code only happens to the last listing div in the for loop. For example, I might mouseover div #1, but it "does stuff" div #3.
Does anyone have an idea how I might fix this issue?
L.DomEvent.addListener(listing[0], 'mouseover', function(e) {
// Do stuff to listing div
The case is, that the element jquery returns, is an array of the elements it found. listing[0] gets the first element in said array.

Writing this jQuery click function in JavaScript

I am slowly making my way from jQuery to vanilla JS, but I am struggling with wanting to write the following in JavaScript, would I have to setup a 'for' loop for each element? How would I target the child elements an an ID?
Here's what I would want to understand:
$('#id li').click(function(){
I understand document getElementById to grab the '#id' but how would I achieve getting the child <li> elements? And how would I get the 'onclick' function to work for ANY list element clicked? Would I have to setup a 'for' loop for each element? Any help much appreciated!
Here is a JSFiddle that does what you want:
(function() {
var wrapper = document.getElementById("id");
var clickFunc = function(event) {
var target = event.originalTarget ||;
target.className = "active";
A little bit of an explanation is in order...
First, I'm using a self executing function to fetch the wrapper div, using getElementById(). This is equivalent to using an id selector in jQuery: $('#id')
Next, I'm attaching a click handler to the element using the function addEventListener() and passing in an event type of click.
This binds the click handler function to the div element, the same as jQuery's click() would do. I'm using something called event bubbling, where a click event on any of the children of the wrapper will call the click handler attached to the wrapper.
Once the user clicks on the element, our function is called. originalTarget or target is the element that the user actually clicked in to, which in this case will always be an li. I'm then setting the class on that element to active.
Here is example for above question
(function() {
var id = document.getElementById("id");
var liele = id.getElementsByTagName("li");
for (var i = 0; i < liele.length; i++) {
liele[i].addEventListener("click", function () {
this.className = "active";
Well I really liked Polaris878 solution as he is not using any loop inside it. In my solution first get HTML node information using document.getElementById this works similarly to $("#id"). than in next step I am fetching all tag type of "li" which are children of "id", than on this li tag array adding event listener to listen click functionality
className is one of attribute that allow to add class on that Node
I have tested above code in mozilla and chrome
This will work (IE >= 10), not want to search classList.add() replacement for IE<10,
var elems = document.querySelectorAll('#id li');
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
var elem=elems[i];
elem.addEventListener("click", function (e) {

jQuery: Get reference to click event and trigger it later?

I want to wrap an existing click event in some extra code.
Basically I have a multi part form in an accordion and I want to trigger validation on the accordion header click. The accordion code is used elsewhere and I don't want to change it.
Here's what I've tried:
//Take the click events off the accordion elements and wrap them to trigger validation
$('.accordion h1').each(function (index, value) {
var currentAccordion = $(value);
//Get reference to original click
var originalClick =;
//unbind original click
//bind new event () {
//Trigger validation
if ($('#aspnetForm').valid()) {
current = parseInt($(this).next().find('.calculate-step').attr('data-step'));
//Call original click.
jQuery throws an error because it's trying to do this.trigger inside the originalClick function and I don't think this is what jQuery expects it to be.
EDIT: Updated code. This works but it is a bit ugly!
//Take the click events off the accordion elements and wrap them to trigger validation
$('.accordion h1').each(function (index, value) {
var currentAccordion = $(value);
var originalClick ="events")['click'][0].handler;
currentAccordion.unbind('click'); (e) {
if ($('#aspnetForm').valid()) {
current = parseInt($(this).next().find('.calculate-step').attr('data-step'));
$.proxy(originalClick, currentAccordion)(e);
I think this:
var originalClick =;
Isn't actually doing what you think it is - you're capturing a reference to the jQuery click function, rather than event handler you added, so when you call originalClick() it's equivalent to: $(value).click()
I finally came up with something reliable:
// get all our click events and store them
var x = $._data($(this)[0], "events");
var y = {}
for(i in
y[i] =[i].handler;
// stop our click event from running
// re-add our click event with a confirmation
if(confirm("Are you sure?"))
// if they click yes, run click events!
for(i in y)
return true;
// if they click cancel, return false
return false;
This may seem a bit weird (why do we store the click events in the variable "y"?)
Originally I tried to run the handlers in, but they seem to be destroyed when we call .off("click"). Creating a copy of the handlers in a separate variable "y" worked. Sorry I don't have an in depth explanation, but I believe the .off("click") method removes the click event from our document, along with the handlers.
I'm not a jQuery user, but in Javascript, you can set the context of the this keyword.
In jQuery, you use the $.proxy() method to do this.
$.proxy(originalClick, value);
Personally, I'd look at creating callback hooks in your Accordion, or making use of existing callbacks (if they exist) that trigger when opening or closing an accordion pane.
Hope that helps :) is a jQuery function, not the actual event.
Starting with a brute-force approach, what you'd need to do is:
Save references to all the currently bound handlers
Unbind them
Add your own handler, and fire the saved ones when needed
Make sure new handlers bound to click are catched too
This looks like a job for an event filter plugin, but I couldn't find one. If the last point is not required in your application, then it's a bit simpler.
Edit: After some research, the bindIf function shown here looks to be what you'd need (or at least give a general direction)

