Add/Subtract Inventory Data in MULTIPLE columns, not just ONE column - javascript

What should I do to change the code below (at the very bottom) so that it works for multiple column pairs, not just one column pair?
I am tracking inventory in a sheet, something like this:
ColA ColB ColC ColD ColE ColF ColG ColH
Category Item R+/- G+/- B+/- Red Green Blue
AAA A 1 0 0
AAA B 2 1 0
I want to be able to type numbers into ColC, ColD and ColE and then click a button to subtract those numbers from the totals in ColF, G and H, respectively.
I found a similar question with a great answer here, for ONE column pair:
Google Sheets - How to create add and subtract buttons to track inventory. The code got me started. I'm pretty sure I needed to update the getRange stuff from what it was (shown immediately below) to what is now listed in the whole function code further down. (I also changed some names/variables to better match my inventory needs.)
var updateRange = sheet.getRange(2, 3, maxRows); // row, column, number of rows
var totalRange = sheet.getRange(2, 4, maxRows);
But what do I do with the for section so that it works for all three column pairs, not just for ColC & ColF? I tried adding a "var col in updateValues" but it didn't like col (or column); besides i wasn't sure how to nest it with the var row that's already there. (I did notice that if I changed the 0 after each [row] to 1, it would do the 2nd columns. But it didn't like it when I did "var col in updateValues" and then "updateValue[0][col]".)
function subtractUpdateBulk() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var maxRows = sheet.getMaxRows();
var updateRange = sheet.getRange(2, 3, maxRows, 3); // row, column, # of rows, # of cols
var totalRange = sheet.getRange(2, 6, maxRows, 3);
var updateValues = updateRange.getValues();
var totalValues = totalRange.getValues();
for (var row in updateValues) {
var updateCellData = updateValues[row][0];
var totalCellData = totalValues[row][0];
if (updateCellData != "" && totalCellData != "") {
totalValues[row][0] = totalCellData - updateCellData;
updateValues[row][0] = "";
If you offer code alone is great. A bit of explanation to go with it would be even better, so I understand the WHY and can hopefully apply it elsewhere.

Your code was pretty close.
This is the substitute code to manage three columns of data movements and three columns of totals. Most of the code is self-explanatory but I'll focus on a couple of points. Its good that you're interested in the why as well as the how, and I've left some DEBUG lines that hopefully with assist.
1) I setup the spreadsheet and sheet using "standard" commands. In this case, I used getSheetByName to ensure that the code always would execute on the desired sheet.
2) I didn't use getMaxRows because this returns "the current number of rows in the sheet, regardless of content.". So if your spreadsheet has 1,000 rows but you've only got, say, 20 rows of data, getmaxRows will return a value of 1,000 and force you to evaluate more rows than are populated with data. Instead I used the code on lines 30 and 30 var Avals and var Alast which use a javascript command to quickly return the number of rows that have data. I chose Column A to use for this, but you could change this to some other column.
3) Rather than declare and get values for two ranges (updateRange and totalRange), I declared only one data range totalRange and got the values for all 6 columns. getValues is a fairly time costly process; by getting values for all rows and all columns, you can then pick and choose which columns you want to add together.
The command is:
var totalRange = sheet.getRange(NumHeaderRows + 1, 3, Alast - NumHeaderRows, 6);
The syntax (as you noted) is row, column, # of rows, # of cols.
The start row is the row following the header => (NumHeaderRows + 1).
The start column is Column C => 3.
The number of rows is the data rows less the header rows => (Alast - NumHeaderRows)
The number of columns is ColC, ColD, ColE, ColF, ColG => 6
4) for (var row in totalValues) {
This was a new one for me, and its so simple, so I keep it.
5) I used two arrays, just as you did. I used one array (RowArray) to build the values for each row, and the second array (MasterArray)is cumulative.
BTW, in your code soldValues isn't ever declared and no values are ever assigned to it.
6) The most important thing is the calculation of the adjustments on each line:
For the sake of clarity, I declared three variables totalRed, totalGreen and totalBlue, and showed how the totals were calculated for each value. This wasn't strictly necessary (I could have just pushed the formulas for each new totals), but they enable you to how each movement is calculated, and the column numbers used in each case.
function so_53505294() {
// set up spreadsheet
// include getsheetbyname to ensure calculations happen on the correct sheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
//set some variables
var NumHeaderRows = 1; // this is the number of header rows - user changeable
var totalRed = 0;
var totalGreen = 0;
var totalBlue = 0;
// arrays used later in loop
var RowArray = []; // row by row values
var MasterArray = []; // row by row, cumulative values
// get number of rows of data
var Avals = ss.getRange("A1:A").getValues();
var Alast = Avals.filter(String).length;
// Logger.log("the last row = "+Alast);// DEBUG
// define the entire data range
var totalRange = sheet.getRange(NumHeaderRows + 1, 3, Alast - NumHeaderRows, 6); // row, column, # of rows, # of cols
//Logger.log("the TotalRange = "+totalRange.getA1Notation());//DEBUG
// get the data fior the entire range
var totalValues = totalRange.getValues();
// loop through thr rows
for (var row in totalValues) {
// clear RowArray at the start of each new row
RowArray = [];
// calculate the new totals
totalRed = totalValues[row][0] + totalValues[row][3];
totalGreen = totalValues[row][1] + totalValues[row][4];
totalBlue = totalValues[row][2] + totalValues[row][5];
//Logger.log("row = "+row+", Movement RED = "+totalValues[row][0]+", Old Stock RED = "+totalValues[row][3]+", New RED = "+totalRed); //DEBUG
//Logger.log("row = "+row+", Movement GREEN = "+totalValues[row][1]+", Old Stock GREEN = "+totalValues[row][4]+", New GREEN = "+totalGreen); //DEBUG
//Logger.log("row = "+row+", Movement BLUE = "+totalValues[row][2]+", Old Stock BLUE = "+totalValues[row][5]+", New BLUE = "+totalBlue); //DEBUG
// update the RowArray for this row's values
RowArray.push(0, 0, 0, totalRed, totalGreen, totalBlue);
// update the MasterArray for this row's values
// Update the data range with the new Master values.


Sync row data based on unique ID in google sheets scripts

I currently have a code that does something very similar to this, but im not sure the small change i need to make to have it work correctly. Right now, the code below compares two rows of unique IDs and if the IDs are the same, it copies the cell in the "Comments" column to the other sheet.
function setComments() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(),
compare1 = "", compare2 = "",
outputSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet2"),
sourceSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1"),
range1 = outputSheet.getDataRange(),
range2 = sourceSheet.getDataRange(),
lastCol1 = range1.getNumColumns(),
lastCol2 = range2.getNumColumns(),
values1 = range1.getValues(),
values2 = range2.getValues(),
// get the range of the titles
titleSection1 = outputSheet.getRange(1,1,1, lastCol1),
titleSection2 = sourceSheet.getRange(1,1,1, lastCol2),
// get the values from the titles
titles1 = titleSection1.getValues(),
titles2 = titleSection2.getValues(),
// get the column # for "ID" and "comment"
idCol1 = titles1[0].indexOf("ID"),
idCol2 = titles2[0].indexOf("ID"),
commentsCol1 = titles1[0].indexOf("comment"),
commentsCol2 = titles2[0].indexOf("comment");
// get the IDs from range1
for (i = 1; i < values1.length; i++) {
compare1 = values1[i][idCol1];
// get the IDs from range2
for (j = 1; j< values2.length; j++){
compare2 = values2[j][idCol2];
// if same ID, change the values array
if (compare1 == compare2) {
values1[i][commentsCol1] = values2[j][commentsCol2];
// set values based on the values array
Instead, if there is a change made to any cell on sheet 1, it will find the identical cell based on unique ID in the other sheet and sync the change. What change do i need to make to have this work?
For example, if I change what the office is in the row of ID 1 of sheet 1, it will make the identical change for ID 1 in sheet 2.
Here is an example sheet of what im working with:
Sheet 1:
ID Comment Number Office Clinician
1 good 22345 Dallas
2 bad 12345 Denton
3 good 95954 Lubbock
4 bad 20204 FT.W
5 bad 11111 Denton
6 good 02944 Preston
Sheet 2:
ID Comment Number Office Clinician
1 good 22345 Dallas
3 good 95954 Lubbock
5 bad 11111 Denton
You have one data set on Sheet 1, and a subset of that data set on Sheet1. The key field is the "ID". If there is a change to data on Sheet 1, and the ID relating to that change is found on Sheet 2, then you want to update the relevant dataset on Sheet 2.
The key aspects of this answer are:
onEdit(e): This is an simple Trigger.
e.range: "range" is an Event Object. By using the attribute 'e'; it is possible to recover a substantial amount of information about the changes. In addition, the event objects can be further used to obtain more information - such as (in this case) the Row, Column and Sheet Name.
filter(String).length: Sometimes getting the last row of data is problematic. The answer gets all the data in Column A, and uses the Javascript "array.filter" method. In this case is simply counts the values as strings, andf the resulting value is equal to the Last Row of data.
the "IF" statement evaluates for several attributes:
Is the edit on Sheet1?
Is the edit on a row between the header and last row?
Is the edit in a column that contains data?
the operator is "&&" which requires that each of the attributes must return true.{return e[0];});: the script gets ALL the data on Sheet2, but uses the Javascript method to generate a subject of just the values in Column 1 (the ID column).
targetCol1.indexOf(sourceID);: The script uses the Javascript "array.indexOf"; if the ID is found, it will return the index number of the row on Sheet2; if the value isn't found, it will return "-1". The enables a logic statement to be written that will be executed only if the value is not "-1"
target.getRange(+result+1,1,1,sourceLC).setValues(sourcedatatocopy): the last lines of the script get the values in the edited row on Sheet 1, and then update the values on Sheet2. Note: it updates all the values for the matched ID - rather than identifying the changed field and updating only that field.
function onEdit(e) {
// setup spreadsheet and sheet names
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sourceSN = "Sheet1";
var source = ss.getSheetByName(sourceSN);
var targetSN = "Sheet2";
var target = ss.getSheetByName(targetSN);
// get row, column and sheet of the edited sheet
var row = e.range.getRow();
var col = e.range.getColumn();
var editedsheet = e.range.getSheet().getSheetName();
// Logger.log("DEBUG: editedsheet = "+editedsheet)
// get the ID column from Sheet 1
var SourceCol1Vals = ss.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
var SourceLR = SourceCol1Vals.filter(String).length;
// assign value to last column
var sourceLC = 5;
// test for sheet, row range and column range
if (editedsheet == sourceSN && row >=2 && row <=SourceLR && col <=5){
//Logger.log("DEBUG: this is sheet 1 & the right row and the right Col")
// get the data for this row
var sourcedata = source.getRange(row,1,1,5).getValues();
// get the data from target
var targetdata = target.getDataRange().getValues();
// get only the ID column
var targetCol1 ={return e[0];});
// get the sourse ID
var sourceID = sourcedata[0][0];
// Logger.log("DEBUG: source ID = "+sourceID)
// search for source ID on the Target list
var result = targetCol1.indexOf(sourceID);
// Logger.log("DEBUG: id was found at "+result);
if (result !=-1){
// if -1 then couldn't find the ID, otherwise it returns the index number where it finds the match
// get the data for the Source ID
var sourcedatatocopy = source.getRange(row,1,1,sourceLC).getValues();
// update the darget for the sourceID data.
} else{
// Logger.log("DEBUG: not sheet 1 or right row or right col");

Is it possible to pull different data sets from one column?

I've been trying to write some code that looks down one column with strings based on some simple formulas. I can't seem to get it to recognize the different sets of data and paste them where I want them.
I have tried re writing the code a few different ways in which is looks at all the data and just offsets the destination row by 1. But it does not recognize that it is pull different data.
Below is the code that works. What it does is starts from the 1st column 2nd row (where my data starts). The data is a list like;
1 Customer1
2 item1
3 item2
4 Item3
6 Customer2
7 Item1
The formulas that I have in those cells just concatenates some other cells.
Using a loop it looks through column A and find the blank space. It then "breaks" whatever number it stops on, the numerical A1 notation of the cell, it then finds the values for those cells and transposes them In another sheet in the correct row.
The issue I am having with the code this code that has worked the best is it doesn't read any of the cells as blank
(because of the formulas?) and it transposes all to the same row.
function transpose(){
var data = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var input =data.getSheetByName("EMAIL INPUT");
var output = data.getSheetByName("EMAIL OUTPUT");
var lr =input.getLastRow();
for (var i=2;i<20;i++){
var cell = input.getRange(i, 1).getValue();
if (cell == ""){
var set = input.getRange(2, 1, i-1).getValues();
output.getRange(2,1,set[0].length,set.length) .
.setValues(Object.keys(set[0]).map ( function (columnNumber) {
return function (row) {
return row[columnNumber];
What I need the code to do is look through all the data and separate the sets of data by a condition.
Then Transpose that information on another sheet. Each set (or array) of data will go into a different row. With each component filling across the column (["customer1", "Item1","Item2"].
Is it Possible to pull different data sets from a single column and turn them into arrays? I believe being able to do that will work if I use "appendrow" to tranpose my different arrays to where I need them.
Test for the length of cell. Even if it is a formula, it will evaluate the result based on the value.
if (cell.length !=0){
// the cell is NOT empty, so do this
// the cell IS empty, so do this instead
This code takes your objective and completes the transposition of data.
The code is not as efficient as it might/should because it includes getRange and setValues inside the loop.
Ideally the entire Output Range could/should be set in one command, but the (unanswered) challenge to this is knowing in advance the maximum number rows per contiguous range so that blank values can be set for rows that have less than the maximum number of rows.
This would be a worthwhile change to make.
function so5671809203() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var inputsheetname = "EMAIL_INPUT";
var inputsheet = ss.getSheetByName(inputsheetname);
var outputsheetname = "EMAIL_OUTPUT";
var outputsheet = ss.getSheetByName(outputsheetname);
var inputLR =inputsheet.getLastRow();
Logger.log("DEBUG: the last row = "+inputLR);
var inputrange = inputsheet.getRange(1, 1,inputLR+1);
Logger.log("the input range = "+inputrange.getA1Notation());
var values = inputrange.getValues();
var outputval=[];
var outputrow=[];
var counter = 0; // to count number of columns in array
for (i=0;i<inputLR+1;i++){
Logger.log("DEBUG: Row:"+i+", Value = "+values [i][0]+", Length = "+values [i][0].length);
if (values [i][0].length !=0){
// add this to the output sheet
outputrow.push(values [i][0]);
counter = counter+1;
Logger.log("DEBUG: value = "+values [i][0]+" to be added to array. New Array Value = "+outputrow+", counter = "+counter);
// do nothing with the cell, but add the existing values to the output sheet
Logger.log("DEBUG: Found a space - time to update output");
// push the values onto an clean array
// reset the row array
outputrow = [];
// get the last row of the output sheet
var outputLR =outputsheet.getLastRow();
Logger.log("DEBUG: output last row = "+outputLR);
// defie the output range
var outputrange = outputsheet.getRange((+outputLR+1),1,1,counter);
Logger.log("DEBUG: the output range = "+outputrange.getA1Notation());
// update the values with array
// reset the row counter
counter = 0;
//reset the output value array
Email Input and Output Sheets

Shifting data to first available cell (not row) in a column

I have a sheet to monitor inventory. I have a script in the sheet to copy values of rows with data and paste to the first available row on another sheet and then clear the content. This leaves holes in my data on the original sheet. I want to consolidate all my data up to the first available cells in a column so there would never be empty rows between rows with data. Unfortunately, I can't do the same thing I do with the other sheet, as I have certain columns in my row which have formulas that need to remain (Sum formulas to figure weight, etc). If I grab the entire row, it messes up my formulas or the formulas mess up the script (row is not available because it contains a value). So basically what I have is this:
Sheet1 name = 'CURRENT MONTH'
Total Range with data on Sheet1 = A11:W61
Ranges with data that needs to shift up = A11:O61, R11:S61, V11:W61
Ranges with formulas that cannot shift = P11:Q61, T11:U61
I've searched what I could but either I cannot word my dilemma correctly or the answers are beyond my skill level and I can't make them work for me. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
Without seeing how you are moving your information from one sheet to another, this code copies the entire row to the first row of the inventory sheet:
function myFunction ()
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet ();
var month_sheet = ss.getSheetByName ("CURRENT MONTH");
var shipped_sheet = ss.getSheetByName ("SHIPPED INVENTORY");
var month_values = month_sheet.getDataRange ().getValues ();
for (var i = 11; i < month_values.length && i <= 61; i++)
if (test_value) // This is a row you want to move to the other sheet
// Create a row in the SHIPPED INVENTORY sheet,
// and copy the full row into it
shipped_sheet.insertRowAfter (1); // Assuming a header row
var shipped_row_1= shipped_sheet.getRange (2, 1); // Get second row in file
var month_range = month_sheet.getRange ((i + 1), 1, 1, month_sheet.getMaxColumns ());
month_range.copyTo (shipped_row_1);
// Now move everything else up
moveRangeUp (month_sheet, "A", i, "O61");
moveRangeUp (month_sheet, "R", i, "S61");
moveRangeUp (month_sheet, "V", i, "W61");
i--; // Since everything moved up, check this row's new information
function moveRangeUp (sheet, first_col, row, last_col_row)
var from_a1Notation = first_col + (i + 1) + ":" + last_col_row;
var to_a1Notation = first_col + (i);
var copy_range = sheet.getRange (from_a1Notation);
var to_range = sheet.getRange (to_a1Notation);
copy_range.copyTo (to_range);
// After shift up, delete last row of data, since it is also moved up
// Always assuming that the last row is row 61
var delete_a1Notation (first_col + "61:" + last_col_row);
var delete_range = sheet.getRange (delete_a1Notation);
var delete_range.clear ();

Google app script - looping through the rows in a spreadsheet

I am trying to loop through rows within a spreadsheet and identify if a particular row has the key word "hello" and move that entire row into a new spreadsheet.
I have attempted the following code. The code works for the first row but doesn't loop through and stops after the first row. Expanding the range selection to "C1:E32" does not help.
function Edit(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var activatedSheetName = ss.getActiveSheet().getName();
var ActiveSheet = ss.getSheetByName("ActiveSheet"); // source sheet
var MoveDatatoThisSheet = ss.getSheetByName("MoveDatatoThisSheet"); // target sheet
var re = new RegExp(/(Hello)/i);
var startRow = 1;
var endRow = ss.getLastRow();
var getRange = ss.getDataRange();
var getRow = getRange.getRow();
for (var ree = startRow; ree <= endRow; ree++) {
// if the value in column D is "Approved", move the row to target sheet
cellValue = ss.getRange("C1:E1");
if (cellValue.getValue().match(re)) {
// insert a new row at the second row of the target sheet
MoveDatatoThisSheet.insertRows(2, 1);
// move the entire source row to the second row of target sheet
var rangeToMove = ActiveSheet.getRange(/*startRow*/ getRow, /*startColumn*/ 1, /*numRows*/ 1, /*numColumns*/ ActiveSheet.getMaxColumns());
// add date and time of when approved to target row in column E
// delete row from source sheet
ActiveSheet.deleteRow(cellValue, 1);
Your loop never uses the variable ree, it only operates with cellValue = ss.getRange("C1:E1").
Another problem is that deletion shifts the rows under the deleted one, possibly causing subsequent operations to act on a wrong row. When you go through an array of rows, deleting some of them, do it bottom up, not top down.
for (var ree = endRow; ree >= startRow; ree--) {
var rangeToCheck = ss.getRange(ree, 3, 1, 3); // 3 columns starting with column 3, so C-E range
if (rangeToCheck.getValues()[0].join().match(re)) { // joining values before checking the expression
var rangeToMove = ActiveSheet.getRange(/*startRow*/ getRow, /*startColumn*/ 1, /*numRows*/ 1, /*numColumns*/ ActiveSheet.getMaxColumns());
// add date and time of when approved to target row in column E
// delete row from source sheet
If the goal is to check only column D (say), the code simplifies slightly
var rangeToCheck = ss.getRange(ree, 4); // column D in row ree
if (rangeToCheck.getValue().match(re)) { // joining values before checking the expression
As Google recommends, one should avoid multiple calls to getValues / setValues and such, instead grabbing all necessary data at once, processing it, and making batch changes at once. E.g., instead of placing it a row in another sheet, add it to an array; when the loop ends, place the entire array in that sheet.

How to make [Conditional Formatting] script?

I want,
If Sheet1 ColumnB = Sheet89 ColumnA
Then matched Sheet1 Column B cells will be green
Here is my demo sheet.
Based on some guideline I made this but not working.
function formatting() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var columnB = sheet.getRange(1, 2, sheet.getLastRow()-1, 1);
var bValues = columnB.getValues();
var sheet89 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sheet89');
var columnO = sheet89.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getLastRow()-1, 1);
var oValues = columnO.getValues();
for (var h = 0; h < bValues.length; h++) {
for (var i = 0; i < oValues.length; i++) {
if (oValues[i][0] == bValues[h][0]) {
sheet.getRange(i + 2, 1, 1, 1).setBackgroundColor('green');
This solution below will iterate through each cell with a value in column B of sheet1 and check it against every value in Column A of sheet89 (although you named this ColumnO, according to your getValues function, it will grab values from Column A).
If it finds a match, it will turn green the cell in column B of sheet1. In your example code you use the i loop variable (which iterates through rows on sheet89) to get the cell on sheet1 to turn green. It's not clear which cells you want to turn green. I assumed it was the cells on sheet1 so I changed the the code to
sheet.getRange(h+1, 2).setBackgroundColor('green');
Also, the getRange function for a single cell only requires 2 arguments, so I removed the numRows and numColumns arguments for the line which colors the cell green.
I'm not sure why bValues and oValues exclude the last row, but I removed the -1 in each of these as it will cause the code to fail if for any reason it is run on a blank worksheet. The getLastRow() returns the last row with a value, not the next blank row in the sheet. If you want to capture the whole sheet, then you shouldn't use -1.
function formatting() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var columnB = sheet.getRange(1, 2, sheet.getLastRow(), 1);
var bValues = columnB.getValues();
var sheet89 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sheet89');
var columnO = sheet89.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), 1);
var oValues = columnO.getValues();
for (var h = 0; h < bValues.length; h++) {
for (var i = 0; i < oValues.length; i++) {
if (oValues[i][0] == bValues[h][0]) {
sheet.getRange(h + 1, 2).setBackgroundColor('green');
What I understand to be required (and not what the example sheet shows at present) is possible with Conditional formatting.
In Google Spreadsheets conditional formatting across sheets is not nearly as straightforward as within a single sheet, because of security and therefore authorisation. You may, for speed for example, prefer to copy the content of Sheet89 into Sheet1 (just two cells) to avoid that issue, or indeed write a script instead. At least keep the ranges as small as practical.
However it is possible, though may be slow and require authorisation.
Please clear any conditional formatting from Sheet1 ColumnA then:
Select ColumnA in Sheet1, Format, Conditional formatting..., Format cells if... Custom formula is and
=countif(IMPORTRANGE(" k e y ","Sheet89!A:A"),A1)<>0
with highlighting of your choice and Done.
k e y above represents the unique identification code for Sheet89 (will look something like 1u4vq8vDne-aKMVdJQPREGOxx7n99FqIb_kuJ_bG-PzM).
The image shows at present what is in ColumnC of the image (but is in ColumnA of the example) and F1 and F2 in the image show what is in ColumnA of Sheet89 of the example. The paler brown has been applied with Conditional formatting::

