iframe not active unless receives user interaction - javascript

I've been working on a requirement that involves a website fetching/manipulating data stored on a different domain. There didn't seem a way except for enabling CORS on the other server to allow me to get and modify data from a different domain. However, that caused some issues with Office 365 apps and I had to take a different approach.
The approach is to use postMessage to talk to a hidden iframe (not a good approach, but I was insisted to use it) on the page that is running on the target domain. The source page posts message along with information about the REST call to the hidden iframe which makes a requests on behalf of the parent page and uses postMessage to return back the results.
Everything works fine except for when the website is being used on an iPhone. Turned out placing alert calls in the script running inside the target iframe makes it to work but removing the alert calls sort of disables the target iframe from making those cross-origin network calls.
My theory is that it is due to the security of mobile Safari that in order to make cross-origin calls from an iframe running on a different domain, the user needs to provide their consent by interacting at least once with the embedded iframe. Does that sound correct?

The comment by diodeus-james-macfarlane is the closest that we could go but the iframe being hidden, there was no way we could have placed a control for the user to interact with, even if that was only for it to work.
To my surprise, turning off a setting on the SharePoint site made it work. The setting was around mobile view compatibility and without that, the iframe is able to make HTTP requests, send and receive messages to and from the parent webpage.


Blocked autofocusing on a <input> element in a cross-origin subframe

In our web app/site, I need to use an iframe or a popup window to validate if the current token is valid and refresh it if no.
So, I create an iframe, and set the property 'src' to the validation link such as "https://<domain_name>/auth?client_id=xxx" which is different to our app domain https://<app_domain>. and the return value will like "https://<domain_name>/code=yyyy"
and I added the message handle for the web app/site, like
window.addEventListener("message", this.messageHandler);
in the messageHandler, I will check if the message is from a specified website, and then validate the "code" value, blabla, etc.
But when running in Chrome, I always got the error
"Blocked autofocusing on a element in a cross-origin subframe."
what confused me is:
it always failed when running in the Chrome browser, but it can work fine in Firefox and Edge chromium.
I tried to set iframe.sandbox = "allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin", the problem still existed.
If the validating token failed in iframe or timeout, I will create a popup window to continue validating and refresh the token. But every time, using popup window can always succeed. If it is really a cross-origin issue, why using iframe failed but using popup window succeeded.
I didn't use window.postmessage. because I don't know how to pass the return value of iframe/popup-window to the main page.
I used CORS extension of Chrome or using parameter --disable-web-security when launching Chrome. the problem still existed.
when I created the iframe or popup window. it is very simple, I just set the iframe.src property, there is no element being created.
any help will be much appreciated.
I refer to the following doc:
Blocked autofocusing on a form control in a cross-origin subframe
Support for iframes in web development will only get worse over time as they are a security black hole, browsers are gradually over time locking out features and use of them.
I am assuming you are doing this because you are validating a user on a third party service, validating by watching the response of a third party service website?
Without knowing the service you are using I cannot comment specifically but for anyone looking to do something similar I would highly suggest not doing this:
As mentioned, iframes are constantly having features locked down due to security concerns
An attacker could change the source of the iframe and submit their own iframe to look like it has been correctly validated
It's unlikely that the page you are using as your iframe src is intended for this use, which will come back and bite you when the 3rd party developer changes how their page behaves, which they likely will do without knowing it's going to break your application
I recommend:
Finding a stable API the 3rd party service offers and using that
Finding another service if none exist
Apologies to rain on your parade!
I disagree that iframes are a security risk, rather they can be if not implemented properly.
How to implement them properly should be asked in another question and probably starting with a carefully implemented Content Security Policy as a priority.
I also use iframes within a Chrome extension that has to pass rigorous Google security.
As for the question, I've noticed that error too and I am focusing on an input box when the iframe is loaded and the focus works! I put it down to being a Chrome bug as the warning suggests it has stopped auto focusing when it hasn't.
As for the un-related point about passing the value back to the parent holding the iframe, I can help you with that, but you should ask it in a new question.
Disable some feature of browser setting
Browser Changes
Above URL just paste it and disabled it. Then ok and relaunch the browser.
Then done it.

Google Chrome blocked redirect with window.top.location in iframe

I want to redirect my website from iframe to main url, here is my code:
window.setTimeout(function() {
window.top.location = jQuery("link[rel=canonical]").attr("href") + "#ref=shahrekhabar";
return false;
}, 100);
It works on Firefox but Google Chrome blocked this type of redirecttion.
I try with window.top.location.href and window.top.location.replace and window.top.location.assign but no luck.
The reason:
Some spam sites shows my site in iframe and I want to escape from them and I think redirection is good solution.
Edit to answer the TRUE question:
A common issue with stack overflow is that users will often ask how to do something they think solves the problem they are encountering, rather than just asking us how to solve the problem. We always appreciate hearing how you've gone about trying to solve your problem, but it's always best if we know that and what the root problem is. So in your case, given your comment on my answer, the question should have been:
Currently my website is being shown in iframes on sites that I have no control over? I'd like to prevent them from doing this, how can I do so? I'm currently trying to redirect my website from iframe to main url, but it won't work on Chrome. ... Rest of question ...
Given this question, my original answer is useless as:
You still can't and shouldn't be able to alter the URL of the parent window.
You don't own the sites showing your page in the iframe, which means you can't register a listener to handle the postMessage or CustomEvent.
Funny enough, what you're trying to do is the exact reason why chrome doesn't let you do it hahaha. But don't worry there is still a solution.
Introducing CORS!
CORS or Cross Origin Resource Sharing is the name for when a site on one domain accesses resources that aren't on the same domain. Doesn't matter who owns either site, if the two domains are different it's CORS. Now this is good for you because there are such things as CORS policies where you can prevent anyone from even accessing a resource on your domain if they make a CORS request. Keep in mind this will mean you can't display your site within an iframe on another one of your sites unless they're on the same domain, but it sounds like it may be worth it for you.
In case you're curious, unlike what you're trying to do, using CORS policy is very much standard procedure for developers that don't wish for their sites to appear in iframes and is in fact used by famous sites such as facebook, google, and even good ole stackoverflow (I would know, I tried to make a way to view multiple questions at the same time via iframes a while back). I've included an example below that shows this all to be true, alongside an example of a site that doesn't care (editpad.org). In order to implement this on your site check out this link.
<iframe src="https://www.editpad.org/"> </iframe>
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/"> </iframe>
<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/"> </iframe>
<iframe src="https://stackoverflow.com/posts/53917955"> </iframe>
The old answer:
So you're trying to change the location of the parent window from an iframe? This sounds extremely dangerous and the fact that Firefox doesn't block it worries me. Good job Chrome!
Why wouldn't you want this?
I can think of a few reasons you wouldn't want this, but the biggest is that it's just poor programming. A page should work completely independent of whether or not it is inside an iframe, and even if the page should only be viewed in an iframe it still shouldn't be interacting with the parent window in such a direct way.
Possible issues that could arise if this were allowed on all platforms:
Include an iframe in your ads and as soon as your ad is displayed, redirect the user to your site or worse, redirect them to a mirror of the current site that you're hosting to collect passwords / personal information.
If you can mess with the windows location (arguably the most important and static thing about a web page being viewed) why can't you mess with anything? Can you go into the parent window and adjust the DOM or do a query selection for inputs of type password in order to copy the values? Or what about attaching event listeners to the parent window silently such that you can log any and all key presses.
How can you work around it?
Don't worry too much about the issues I brought up above, as they can all be avoided by following proper standards. In fact, the JavaScript devs envisioned this exact problem which is why you can post messages across windows. Look into this link and go from there, feel free to comment if you have any questions but it should be as simple as posting a message, detecting it on the parent window, and then changing the location as you wish.
If you need to send data from the iframe to the parent window, or your iframe isn't hosted on the same domain, you can instead use CustomEvents (which I prefer even when my iframe is on the same domain) which allow you to attach a data object.
As for why either of these two solutions is better than directly manipulating the parent window, it's all due to the parent window needing to register a listener for the message / custom event. If your page is not inside an iframe it'll simply post a message to itself which it won't be listening for. If your page is inside an iframe on the page it should be on, your parent page should already have registered the proper listeners. And there is no chance for malicious use of these features because again, I have to register a listener and I choose what is done with the event once it's caught.

Cross-domain JavaScript iFrame-parent access blocked

I'm designing some "add-on" to certain websites, which should be embedded in them as an iframe. Inside this iframe there is a clickable button aimed at changing the iframe's position within the parent website.
Since things are done in coordination with the parent website, I am able to add some code there as well. However it seems I am not able to do neither of the following (one of them should suffice):
From the iframe, access data within the parent.document, in order to move the iframe to the desired position.
From the parent website, access data within the iframe, in order to check when the button is clicked.
Both typically produce an error: "Blocked a frame with origin XXX from accessing a frame with origin YYY. Protocols, domains, and ports must match".
Any advice (preferably with code sample) is appreciated.
After doing lots of searching around, I came across this:
I actually tested the method (using my own short piece of code) and it seemed to work on Chrome, Firefox and IE. Now I'm gonna try the "real" implementation...
From what I understand based on the information you've provided in your question, cross domain scripting is not possible. What you would need to do is provide a script that the parent-level website can paste into their template/html and run from their domain, similar to how Google does with their analytics system.
As an alternative, try turning your iframe content instead, into a div loaded with the response from a service call made from the parent domain to the iframe domain. You would most likely need to create an API that a requesting site can use. Simply call that URI with whatever parameters you would use when referencing the page you wanted to load in the iframe, and have the script that you run on the parent website handle all the DOM alterations you want to achieve.

How does Facebook's Like Button have cross-domain access to add HTML to the parent window?

Disclaimer: I'm going to do my best to explain what I'm after, but I have pretty limited knowledge about cross-domain policies. I have searched around Stack, but if there's an answer I missed, please let me know.
We implemented the standard Facebook Like/Send button on our site. The Like and Send buttons live inside an iFrame pointing to facebook.com.
When you click on the Send button, HTML is appended as a sibling of the Facebook iFrame (ie. to our DOM).
What I want to know is how FB was able to add HTML to their div on our site without violating cross-domain policies.
Here's my fiddle. To see what's happening, inspect the DOM while clicking Send.
Thanks to #CBroe for pointing me toward the answer:
via Mozilla
window.postMessage is a method for safely enabling cross-origin communication. Normally, scripts on different pages are only allowed to access each other if and only if the pages which executed them are at locations with the same protocol (usually both http), port number (80 being the default for http), and host (modulo document.domain being set by both pages to the same value). window.postMessage provides a controlled mechanism to circumvent this restriction in a way which is secure when properly used.
Because you add send button with javascript, not with iframe. Iframe is producing when your page is loading/just after loaded.
Since this reason script is able to reach your and Iframe's content and DOM elements and edits them. As you know and mentioned, iframe cannot reach it's parent anyway.

Alternatives to iframe for loading cross-site HTML when using iPhone?

I apologize if this has been asked before. I searched but did not find anything. It is a well-known limitation of AJAX requests (such as jQuery $.get) that they have to be within the same domain for security reasons. And it is a well-known workaround for this problem to use iframes to pull down some arbitrary HTML from another website and then you can inspect the contents of this HTML using javascript which communicates between the iframe and the parent page.
However, this doesn't work on the iPhone. In some tests I have found that iframes in the Safari iPhone browser only show content if it is content from the same site. Otherwise, they show a blank content area.
Is there any way around this? Are there other alternatives to using iframes that would allow me to pull the HTML from a different domain's page into javascript on my page?
One answer mentioned JSONP. This doesn't help me because from what I understand JSONP requires support on the server I'm requesting data from, which isn't the case.
That same answer mentioned creating a proxy script on my server and loading data through there. Unfortunately this also doesn't work in my case. The site I'm trying to request data from requires user login. And I don't want my server to have to know the user's credentials. I was hoping to use something client-side so that my app wouldn't have to know the user's credentials at the other site.
I'm prepared to accept that there is no way to accomplish what I want to do on the iPhone. I just wanted to confirm it.
You generally can NOT inspect the contents of an iframe from another domain via JavaScript. The most common answers are to use JSONP or have your original server host a proxy script to retrieve the inner contents for you.
Given your revisions, without modification or support from the secondary site, you are definitely not going to be able to do what you want via the iPhone's browser.
"In some tests I have found that iframes in the Safari iPhone browser only show content if it is content from the same site"
I found the same thing. Is this documented somewhere? Is there a workaround? This sounds like broken web standards to me, and I am wondering if there is a solution.

