How to display a snackbar conditionally based on redux state using thunks? - javascript

I'm writing a website in react which displays information on mobile apps and I'm using redux to store the information about the current app. I have an input text field located in the header where the user can type for some app id and if it's a valid id they will be redirected to another page, if the id is not valid a snackbar will be displayed with appropriate message and if the user just hit enter a snackbar will also be displayed with appropriate message. AppNotFound is the component which wraps snackbar.
I'm using redux thunks to dispatch an action which checks whether the app id is valid (it's an async function) inside onKeyDown method (getAppInfo). Ideally I'd like to get the result from the redux already in onKeyDown method. But because the action is dispatched asynchronically I can't.
So I thought to let render display a snackbar based on the value of found property (whether app was found or not). So at first found would be undefined because the async dispatch wouldn't have returned the result in the render but then found would become true or false and then we can display the snackbar. The render would automatically be called the second time because the props have changed. But this doesn't happen.
What is the correct way in terms of patterns to achieve what I want? I don't want to use componentWillReceiveProps as it's deprecated.
This is my code:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import InputBase from '#material-ui/core/InputBase';
import { withStyles } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { getAppInfo } from '../../actions/appActions.js';
import constants from '../../constants.js';
import { AppSearchBarInputStyles } from '../styles/Material-UI/muiStyles.js';
import AppNotFound from './AppNotFound.js';
import * as log from 'loglevel';
class AppSearchBarInput extends Component {
state = {
appId: '',
snackBarOpen: false
onChange = e => {
this.setState({ appId: });
onKeyDown = e => {
const { appId } = this.state;
const { found } =;
if (e.keyCode === constants.ENTER_KEY) {
this.props.getAppInfo({ appId });
if (found) {
} else {
snackBarOpen: true
appId: ''
handleCloseSnackBar = () => {
snackBarOpen: false
render() {
const { classes, app } = this.props;
const { snackBarOpen } = this.state;
const { found, appId } = app;
let message = '';
if (!found) {
message = appId === '' ? constants.MESSAGES.APP_BLANK() : constants.MESSAGES.APP_NOT_FOUND(appId);
let displayWhenFoundIsUndefined = null;
if (found === undefined) {
displayWhenFoundIsUndefined = <div>Loading...</div>;
} else {
displayWhenFoundIsUndefined = <AppNotFound message={message}
return (
root: classes.inputRoot,
input: classes.inputInput,
value={this.state.appId} />
AppSearchBarInput.propTypes = {
classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
const AppSearchBarWithStyles = withStyles(AppSearchBarInputStyles)(AppSearchBarInput);
const AppSearchBarWithStylesConnected = connect(mapStateToProps, { getAppInfo })(AppSearchBarWithStyles);
export default withRouter(AppSearchBarWithStylesConnected);

Since no one still didn't answer this question, I will offer the solution which I recently arrived to.
The problem essentially is that the display of AppSearchBarInput depends mainly on whether the app was found or not. This action must be asynchronic because the information is from Web API. Therefore, I was using redux-thunks and was receiving mobile app information in props. However the snackbarOpen property was in the state which is a problem because the snackbar depends on state property which in itself depends on props which are received asynchronically.
The solution to the predicament is to move snackbarOpen to props as well. So now an action to set snackbarOpen to true should be dispatched directly from getAppInfo thunk if the app was not found, as well as from onKeyDown when the app is blank. On the other hand an action to set snackbarOpen to false should be dispatched from handleCloseSnackBar.


React - Need help converting path to string so users get redirected to Stripe when clicking img

So let me explain what's going on. I have this component called PaymentAccountLandingPage and in that component I import and render this component ConnectedAccountsButton which is a Stripe button that I created using a Stripe image and essentially making it just like button. So I want users to be redirected to the landing page for creating an account with Stripe when they click img/button. The problem is to do that I need to make an axios call with createAcctLink so that it returns a pathname that contains an accountId that I need to have in the path (I XXXXXX'd out the acctId below obviously). But I need that info in the path because someone else on my team parses at a later point when they get redirected back the problem is the response data that comes back from response.item is the following:
Note it is not a string and I even used the toString method to TRY and turn it into a string but no luck. Does anyone have any other solutions? I don't want to use window.location.assign() or window.location.href because I already know how to do it that way but the reason why I want to figure out another way is because that takes 10-15 seconds to redirect users to Stripe. The reason why I want to use Link react-router-dom is because it's fast and I know there's also Redirect but either way I need the path to be a string so that's my issue. If anyone has any solutions or workarounds that'd be awesome. Here's my ConnectedAccountsButton:
import React from "react";
import connectbutton from "#assets/images/stripe/ConnectedAccountsButton.png";
import { createAccountLink } from "../../services/connectedAccountsService";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
class ConnectedAccountsButton extends React.Component {
state = {
path: "",
componentDidMount() {
onAccountLinkSuccess = (response) => {
let pathUrl = response.item.toString();
console.log("Success Response:", pathUrl);
this.setState(() => {
return {
path: pathUrl,
onAccountLinkError = (err) => {
console.error("Error Response: ", err);
render() {
return (
<Link to={this.state.path}>
style={{ width: "200px", cursor: "pointer" }}
alt="Connected Accounts Link"
export default ConnectedAccountsButton;
I'm answering my own question because I figured out the solution with a friends help. The strange thing is we used typeof on response.item and it was already a string. There's no reason this shouldn't have worked but it didn't. We even checked the React Dev Tools and sure enough in state was the correct path but for some reason when I clicked the img it would send me to one of my error routes.
This is what ended up working:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import connectbutton from "#assets/images/stripe/ConnectedAccountsButton.png";
import { createAccountLink } from "../../services/connectedAccountsService";
import debug from "sabio-debug";
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
const _logger = debug.extend("ConnectedAccountsButton");
const ConnectedAccountsButton = () => {
const [url, setUrl] = useState("");
const history = useHistory();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const redirectConnectedAccount = () => {
const onAccountLinkSuccess = (response) => {
_logger("Success Response", response.item);
const onAccountLinkError = (err) => {
_logger("Error Response", err);
return (
style={{ width: "200px", cursor: "pointer" }}
alt="Connected Accounts Link"
export default ConnectedAccountsButton;

Make conditional react component rerender after boolean changes

I have a react component that conditionally renders JSX according to the user's login state.
{ boolIsLoggedIn ?
<SomeLoggedInComponent /> : <SomeNotLoggedInComponent /> }
I think I need to use React.useState() and/or React.useEffect() but I'm not sure exactly how to implement it.
I've tried this:
const [boolIsLoggedIn, setBoolIsLoggedIn] = useState(isLoggedIn())
useEffect(() => {
const checkLogIn = () => {
Where isLoggedIn() checks whether the user is logged in or not and returns a boolean.
Currently, I can log out and log in and the isLoggedIn() function works, but the component I want to conditionally re-render doesn't do so until I refresh the page.
So I added [isLoggedin()] as the second parameter to useEffect() and now it almost works. When I log in, the boolIsLoggedIn value changes to true and the component re-renders. However, when I log back out boolIsLoggedIn doesn't change until I refresh the page.
Here is my code for the isLoggedIn() function, which is coded in a seperate file and imported:
let boolIsLoggedIn = false
export const setUser = user => {
//handle login
boolIsLoggedIn = true
export const logout => {
//handle logout
boolIsLoggedIn = false
export const isLoggedIn = () =>
return boolIsLoggedIn
try this
import React, { Component } from "react";
import './App.css';
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isLoggedIn: isLoggedIn()
render() {
let { isLoggedIn } = this.state;
return (
<div className="App">
{(function() {
if (isLoggedIn) {
return <div>Login</div>;
} else {
return <div>with out Login</div>;
export default App;
You are missing the open [ on defining the state.
I would set the defailt value on false so you won't execute the function twice.
The use effect usually needs a dependencies array as the second parameter but as you only want to run it once (after the component is mounted) just place an empty array as the second parameter.
Another thing is that if the isLoggedIn function is asyncronous you have to wait for it by using await and setting the parent function as async. This would definetly be the problem you have if the function is asyncronous.
Change This:
const boolIsLoggedIn, setBoolIsLoggedIn] = useState(isLoggedIn())
useEffect(() => {
const checkLogIn = () => {
To this:
const [boolIsLoggedIn, setBoolIsLoggedIn] = useState(isLoggedIn());
useEffect(() => {
(() => {
}, [isLoggedIn()]);
Good Luck
You need to be able to share react state, and not just values in order to trigger a react re-render. In your example, you would need a call to setBoolIsLoggedIn() whenever value of isLoggedIn() changes in order to change the state and trigger a re-render of the component.
Another way share state between components is through React Context. You would first need to create a Context Provider like this:
const UserContext = React.createContext();
export function UserProvider({ children }) {
const [ user, setUser ] = useState({ loggedIn: false });
return (
<UserContext.Provider value={[ user, setUser ]}>
{ children }
In this case, the UserProvider is the one maintaining the shared state withuser={ loggedIn }. You would then need to wrap your React App component with this provider in order for components to be able to share state.
To set the shared user state you can use the hook useContext(UserContext) and change state through setUser provided by the hook. In the example below, we have a login button component that sets shared user state:
function LoginButton() {
const [user, setUser] = useContext(UserContext);
/** flip login state when button is clicked */
function logIn() {
setUser(state => ({ ...state, loggedIn: !state.loggedIn }) );
return (
<button onClick={logIn}>{ user.loggedIn ? "Log Out" : "Log In"}</button>
And finally, to be able to use the shared user state and trigger a re-render whenever the user state changes, you would again use the hook useContext(UserContext) in a different component to be able to get the state like this:
export default function App() {
const [user,] = useContext(UserContext);
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Conditional React component</h1>
<h2>Click on the button to login/logout</h2>
{ user.loggedIn ? <LoggedInComponent/> : <LoggedOutComponent/>}
I've provided an example here to show how this all works together.

What is the best practices for redirecting users in React applications?

I have seen much more cases related to redirecting users in react applications and every case was just a different approach to the solution. There are some cases, where redirecting has occurred in actions like this`
export const someAction = (values, history) => async dispatch => {
const res = await someAsyncOperation(props);
In this example history object (form react-router) is being passed in react component. For me, this approach is not acceptable.
There is also a special Redirect from react-router.
After then I have already searched many articles and couldn't just find anything.
So in your opinion, what's the best practice for redirecting and where to handle such kind of processes ?
In React, you usually achieve redirects in the componentDidUpdate of your components.
In the case of async actions, you will check a flag stored in the Redux store, generally a boolean like isFetching, isCreating, isUpdating, etc…, which will be modified by the actions.
Simple example:
class EditUser extends Component {
compondentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (prevProps.isUpdating && !this.props.isUpdating) {
// ↑ this means that the async call is done.
updateUser() {
const modifiedUser = // ...
// ↑ will change state.users.isUpdating from false to true during the async call,
// then from true to false once the async call is done.
render() {
// ...
<button onClick={this.updateUser}>Update</button>
// ...
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => ({
userToEdit: state.users.items.find(user => === props.userId)
isUpdating: state.users.isUpdating,
const mapActionsToProps = {
updateUser: usersActions.updateUser,
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionsToProps)(EditUser)
The next step is usually to add another flag in your Redux store to track if the async calls are successful or not (e.g. state.users.APIError, in which you can keep the error returned by the API). Then you achieve the redirect only if there are no errors.
We mostly redirect a user due to when user logged in or when sign out. For example here's basic requireAuth HOC component to check if user is logged in or not and redirect him to another place.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
export default ChildComponent => {
class ComposedComponent extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate() {
shouldNavigateAway() {
if (!this.props.auth) {
render() {
return <ChildComponent {...this.props} />;
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return { auth: state.auth.authenticated };
return connect(mapStateToProps)(ComposedComponent);
There are two position to check if user is logged in
When the first time that component mount - in componentDidMount()
When user try to sign in , log in or sign out - in componentDidUpdate()
Also in your code sample, history.push is in an action creator. Action creators belongs to redux side. Keep redux & react separate.

Chain connect/mapStateToProps/mapDispatchToProps functions for code reuse in react-redux

Say I have two redux connected components. The first is a simple todo loading/display container, with the following functions passed to connect(); mapStateToProps reads the todos from the redux state, and mapDispatchToProps is used to request the state to be provided the latest list of todos from the server:
import TodoWidgetDisplayComponent from '...'
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
todos: todoSelectors.getTodos(state)
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
refreshTodos: () => dispatch(todoActions.refreshTodos())
connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchTo)(TodoWidgetDisplayComponent);
The second redux component is intended to be applied to any component on a page so that component can indicate whether a global "loading" icon is displayed. Since this can be used anywhere, I created a helper function that wraps MapDispatchToProps in a closure and generates an ID for each component, which is used to make sure all components that requested the loader indicate that they don't need it anymore, and the global loader can be hidden.
The functions are basically as follows, with mapStateToProps exposing the loader visibility to the components, and mapDispatchToProps allowing them to request the loader to show or hide.
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
openLoader: loaderSelectors.getLoaderState(state)
function mapDispatchToProps() {
const uniqId = v4();
return function(dispatch) {
return {
showLoader: () => {
hideLoader: () => {
export default function Loadify(component) {
return connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps())(component);
So now, if I have a component that I want to give access to the loader, I can just do something like this:
import Loadify from '...'
class DisplayComponent = new React.Component { ... }
export default Loadify(DisplayComponent);
And it should give it a unique ID, allow it to request the loader to show/hide, and as long as there is one component that is requesting it to show, the loader icon will show. So far, this all appears to be working fine.
My question is, if I would like to apply this to the todos component, so that that component can request/receive its todos while also being allowed to request the loader to show while it is processing, could I just do something like:
import Loadify from '...'
import TodoWidgetDisplayComponent from '...'
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
todos: todoSelectors.getTodos(state)
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
refreshTodos: () => dispatch(todoActions.refreshTodos())
const TodoContainer = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchTo)(TodoWidgetDisplayComponent);
export default Loadify(TodoContainer);
And will redux automatically merge the objects together to make them compatible, assuming there are no duplicate keys? Or will it take only the most recent set of mapStateToProps/mapDispatchTo unless I do some sort of manual merging? Or is there a better way to get this kind of re-usability that I'm not seeing? I'd really rather avoid having to create a custom set of containers for every component we need.
connect will automatically merge together the combination of "props passed to the wrapper component", "props from this component's mapState", and "props from this component's mapDispatch". The default implementation of that logic is simply:
export function defaultMergeProps(stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps) {
return { ...ownProps, ...stateProps, ...dispatchProps }
So, if you stack multiple levels of connect around each other , the wrapped component will receive all of those props as long as they don't have the same name. If any of those props do have the same name, then only one of them would show up, based on this logic.
Alright, here is what I would do. Create a higher order component (HOC) that adds a new spinner reference to your reducer. The HOC will initialize and destroy references to the spinner in redux by tying into the life cycle methods. The HOC will provide two properties to the base component. The first is isLoading which is a function that takes a boolean parameter; true is on, false is off. The second property is spinnerState that is a readonly boolean of the current state of the spinner.
I created this example without the action creators or reducers, let me know if you need an example of them.
/*---------- Vendor Imports ----------*/
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import v4 from 'uuid/v4';
/*---------- Action Creators ----------*/
import {
} from '#/wherever/your/actions/are'
const loadify = (Component) => {
class Loadify extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.uniqueId = v4();
this.isLoading = this.isLoading.bind(this);
componentWillMount() {
// true is loading, false is not loading
isLoading(isOnBoolean) {
this.props.toggleSpinner(this.uniqueId, isOnBoolean);
render() {
// spinners is an object with the uuid as it's key
// the value to the key is weather or not the spinner is on.
const { spinners } = this.props;
const spinnerState = spinners[this.uniqueId];
return (
<Component isLoading={this.isLoading} spinnerState={spinnerState} />
const mapStateTopProps = state => ({
spinners: state.ui.spinners,
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
initNewSpinner: uuid => dispatch(initNewSpinner(uuid)),
unloadSpinner: uuid => dispatch(unloadSpinner(uuid)),
toggleSpinner: (uuid, isOn) => dispatch(toggleSpinnerState(uuid, isOn))
return connect(mapStateTopProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Loadify);
export default loadify;
Use Case Example
import loadify from '#/location/loadify';
import Spinner from '#/location/SpinnerComponent';
class Todo extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
asyncCall.then(response => {
// process response
render() {
const { spinnerState } = this.props;
return (
<h1>Spinner Testing Component</h1>
{ spinnerState && <Spinner /> }
// Use whatever state you need
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
whatever: state.whatever.youneed,
// use whatever dispatch you need
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
doAthing: () => dispatch(doAthing()),
// Export enhanced Todo Component
export default loadify(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Todo));

React event listeners based on changes in state made with Redux

Good afternoon,
I am having some difficulty working with React and Redux when I am trying to redirect users of my app based on changes in state.
At a high level: I want my app's route to change when my user object in state is populated with information from home / to /student/:username.
Right now I have accomplished this in a hacky sort of fashion.
In my Login component I use the componentDidUpdate lifecycle hook to listen and dispatch an action when an access token from a 3rd party API is passed back to the client from my Express server.
import React from "react";
import LoginForm from "../minor/LoginForm";
const Login = React.createClass({
const {success, access_token} = this.props.loginStatus;
if (success === true && access_token !== null){
console.log("It worked getting your data now...");
} else if (success === false || access_token === null){
console.log("Something went wrong...");
<div className="loginComponentWrapper">
<LoginForm loginSubmit={this.props.loginSubmit}
user={this.props.user} />
New User?
Notice that I am passing router and user to my LoginForm component. I do this in order to use ANOTHER componentDidUpdate where I use the .push method on router like so:
import React from "react";
const LoginForm = React.createClass({
const {router, user} = this.props;
if (user.username !== null){
<div className="loginWrapper">
<div className="loginBox">
<form className="loginForm" action="">
<input ref={(input) => this.username_field = input} type="text" placeholder="username" defaultValue="" />
<input ref={(input) => this.password_field = input} type="text" placeholder="password" defaultValue="meowMeow3" />
<button onClick={this.loginAttempt}>Login</button>
Sure it works but I'm certain this is a overly complicated solution and not what is considered a best practice. I've tried adding a custom listener method within my Login component but I've never had it successfully fire off, instead my app gets stuck in a loop.
Is there a way I can do this using Redux and keep my components tidier, or take advantage of componentDidUpdate in a more efficient way?
As always I'd appreciate some more experienced eyes on my issue and look forward to some feedback!
import { bindActionCreators } from "redux";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import * as actionCreators from "../actions/userActions.js";
import StoreShell from "./StoreShell.js";
function mapStateToProps(state){
loginStatus: state.loginStatus,
user: state.user
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch){
return bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch)
const App = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(StoreShell);
export default App;
This component "sprinkles" all my redux stuff and state data into my container component named StoreShell that in turn passes all that data to props for the elements that make up the UI like Login and LoginForm am I taking too many steps?
import React from "react";
const StoreShell = React.createClass({
<div className="theBigWrapper">
{React.cloneElement(this.props.children, this.props)}
export default StoreShell;
There are several things that could make the login flow easier to manage and reason about and tidy up your components a bit. First a few general points:
I'm not certain why you have divided login logic between the two components? The idiomatic React/Redux approach would be to have a container component that deals with logic, and a presentation component that deals with presentation. Currently both components do a little bit of each.
You don't need to pass props.router up and down through your components. React router provides a HOC that provides router as a props called withRouter( docs here). You just wrap a component in withRouter and props.router is available - everything else stays the same.
export default withRouter(LoginForm);
My personal feeling is that the URI is part of your app's state, and as such it should be maintained within the store and updated by dispatching actions. There is a cracking library available to do this - react-router-redux. Once you have it setup then you can pass the push method to your components (or elsewhere... see the next points) to navigate:
import { push } from 'react-router-redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
const NavigatingComponent = props => (
<button onClick={() => props.push('/page')}>Navigate</button>
const mapStateToProps = null;
const mapDispatchToProps = {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(NavigatingComponent);
One of the great things about having the URI in our store is that we don't need access to props.router to change location, which opens the avenue of moving the login logic outside of our components. There are several ways we can do this, the simplest is probably redux-thunk, which allows our action creators to return functions instead of objects. We could then write our component to simply call a login function with username and password entered, and our thunk takes care of the rest:
import { push } from 'react-router-redux';
// action creators....
const loginStarted = () => ({
const loginFailed = (error) => ({
payload: {
const loginSucceeded = (user) => ({
payload: {
const getUserData = (access_token) => (dispatch) => {
Api.getUserData(access_token) // however you get user data
.then(response => {
export const login = (username, password) => (dispatch) => {
Api.login({ username, password }) // however you call your backend
.then(response => {
if (response.success && response.access_token) {
} else {
The only thing your components do is call the initial login function, which could be implemented something like:
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { login } from '../path/to/actionCreators';
import LoginForm from './LoginForm';
const LoginContainer = React.createClass({
handleSubmit() {
setUsernameRef(input) {
this.usernameInput = input;
setPasswordRef(input) {
this.passwordInput = input;
render() {
return (
const mapStateToProps = null;
const mapDispatchToProps = {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(LoginContainer);
import React from 'react';
export const LoginForm = ({ handleSubmit, setUsernameRef, setPasswordRef }) => (
<div className="loginWrapper">
<div className="loginBox">
<form className="loginForm" action="">
<input ref={setUsernameRef} type="text" placeholder="username" defaultValue="" />
<input ref={setPasswordRef} type="text" placeholder="password" defaultValue="meowMeow3" />
<button onClick={handleSubmit}>Login</button>
This has achieved separation of a logic/data providing container, and a stateless presentational component. The LoginForm component can be written simply as a function above because it has no responsibility to deal with logic. The container is also a very simple component - the logic has all been isolated in our action creator/thunk and is much easier to read and reason about.
redux-thunk is just one way of managing asynchronous side effects with redux - there are many others with different approaches. My personal preference is toward redux-saga, which may be interesting for you to look at. In my own redux journey, however, I certainly benefited from using and understanding redux-thunk first before finding it's limitations/drawbacks and moving on, and would suggest this route to others.
If you're using react-router version 4.x.x: You can just render a Redirect component that handles the redirection for you (see example in react-router docs).
import React from "react";
import { Redirect } from "react-router";
import LoginForm from "../minor/LoginForm";
const Login = React.createClass({
const {success, access_token} = this.props.loginStatus;
if (success === true && access_token !== null){
console.log("It worked getting your data now...");
} else if (success === false || access_token === null){
console.log("Something went wrong...");
// if user is defined, redirect to /student/:username
if (this.props.user.username !== null) {
return (<Redirect to={ `/student/${this.props.user.username}` } />)
// otherwise render the login form
<div className="loginComponentWrapper">
<LoginForm loginSubmit={this.props.loginSubmit}
user={this.props.user} />
New User?
If you're using react-router version 3.x.x: The the way you're doing it is mostly correct. I would move the redirect from the LoginForm component to Login component; that way LoginForm does not need to depend on the user prop.
I know, I don't like the pattern much either.
Hope this helps!

