Javascript canvas animation not appearing - javascript

I'm trying to create a canvas animation with 2 objects: a circumference and a filled circle. My objective is to make it seem that the circumference represents the circles orbit. However when trying to animate there's no animation and only when I click to stop the page does the image appear with the circle in a random position in the orbit (this means that the moving part works).
Thank you for your time and here's the code:
function restartAnimate(){
function runAnimation(i){
let animation = document.getElementById("Animation");
let anim = animation.getContext("2d");
anim.strokeStyle = "#99ebff";
anim.lineWidth = 10;
anim.arc(150, 75, 40, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
anim.fillStyle = "#000000";
anim.rotate(2 * Math.PI * i / 1000);
anim.arc(150 + 36.5, 75 ,13, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
i += 16;
if(i < 1000) setTimeout(runAnimation(i),16);

You should use requestAnimationFrame to animate so that the render results are displayed in sync with the display hardware refresh.
setTimeout is very inaccurate and your function will fall behind over time. If you use requestAnimationFrame you can use the first argument (time in ms) to keep precisely on time., and ctx.restore can be very expensive calls and should be avoided if you can. As you are only restoring the transform you can set it manually as needed with ctx.setTransform()
There is no need to restart the animation, just let it cycle.
Example rewrites your code with above points in mind and some other changes. See code comments for more info.
// Define constants and query DOM outside animation functions
const canvas = document.getElementById("animCanvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
Math.PI2 = Math.PI * 2;
var startTime;
function restartAnimate() {
if (startTime === undefined) {
} else {
startTime = 0; // next frame animation we have restarted
// setTimeout(restartAnimate(),1000); // No need to restart as angle is cyclic.
function runAnimation(time) {
if (!startTime) { startTime = time }
const currentTime = time - startTime;
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); // resets transform, better than using save and restore
ctx.clearRect(0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height); // avoid magic numbers
//; // not needed
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,150, 75); // last two values set the origin
// and is the point we rotate around
ctx.strokeStyle = "#99ebff";
ctx.lineWidth = 10;
ctx.arc(0, 0, 40, 0, Math.PI2); // rendering at the origin
//ctx.restore(); // not needed
//; // not needed
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";
//ctx.translate(150,75); // working from origin so don't need to translate
ctx.rotate(Math.PI2 * currentTime / 1000);
//ctx.translate(-150,-75); // working from origin so don't need to translate
ctx.arc(36.5, 0 ,13, 0, Math.PI2);
//ctx.restore(); not needed
<canvas id="animCanvas"></canvas>


How to draw vertical lines as a music track progressbar using Canvas in Javascript

I am trying to build a custom audio player. I am using HtmlAudioElement for that. I have managed to do play, pause, display duration and all but i have stuck where i need to show a progress bar when playing a track. I have percentage value( How much song already played ) which is updating every millisecond. I was wondering using that percentages value can i use canvas and draw vertical lines as percentage increases?
So this is how progress bar should change color as percentage increases. I have no idea where to start. I am very new to Canvas. Any Help ?
I have tried this so far. ( This is not what i want) .
const canvas = document.getElementById('progress');
canvas.width = 1920;
canvas.height = 100;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = 'grey';
for(let i = 0; i < 1000; i+=10){
let count = 0;
let percent = 0;
ctx.fillStyle = 'orange';
function draw(){
if(count > 100/1){
So this what it looks right now.
I want as playing percentage changes i need to hook that value somewhere in Canvas so i can draw those lines.
Thanks in advance :)
You can read the value (% done) directly from the media object that holds it.
I can not workout what it is you are having trouble with. you mention color the following is a simple color changing bar.
Basic progress bar
Some constants to define the progress bar
const width = 500;
const height = 20;
const startColor = {r: 255, g: 128, b: 0}; // unsigned byte values 0 - 255
const endColor = {r: 255, g: 128, b: 0};
To interpolate the color
function progressColor(start, end, progress) {
const r = (end.r - start.r) * progress + start.r;
const g = (end.g - start.g) * progress + start.g;
const b = (end.b - start.b) * progress + start.b;
return `rgb(${r | 0},${g |0 }, ${b | 0})`;
To draw the bar
function progressBar(progress) {
ctx.fillStyle = progressColor(startColor, endColor, progress);
// whatever design you want the example is just a simple bar
ctx.fillRect(0,0, width * progress, height);
The main loop
The main loop every 60th second.
If the audio is paused it stops.
Care must be taken when starting the animation loop not to start it more than once
Note that the audio will have stopped up to ~1/60th second before the last animation frame is rendered.
The main animation loop...
var progressAnimating = false; // this is to avoid more that one mainLoop playing
function mainLoop() {
// draw backing bar here
const fractionDone = audio.time / audio.duration;
// only while not paused
if (!audio.paused) {
} else {
progressAnimating = false; // flag that the animation has stopped
Use Audio events to start animation
Use the audio play event to start the animation.
Check to make sure that the animation is not playing before you request the first frame.
If the animation is still active then it will continue by its self
audio.addEventListener("play",() => {
if (!progressAnimating) {
progressAnimating = true;
Styling the progress bar
The next function replaces the solid bar from above.
It uses the clip area to limit the width so you dont need to fiddle with fractional bars.
const barWidth = 4; // in px
const barSpacing = 8; // distance from left edge to next left edge in px
function progressBar(progress) {; // save the unclipped state
ctx.beginPath(); // create the clip path
ctx.rect(0,0, width * progress, height);
ctx.fillStyle = progressColor(startColor, endColor, progress);
ctx.beginPath(); // draw all bars as one
var x = 0;
while (x < width * progress) {
ctx.rect(x, 0, barWidth, height);
x += barSpacing;
ctx.fill(); // draw that bars
ctx.restore(); // restore unclipped state

html canvas animation flickering

I'm in the middle of creating this simple animation using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript and I'm experiencing a problem with flickering objects.
I was trying to find the solution on the internet before I asked this question and all I found was basically:
avoid loading new image , object at each new frame
use requestAnimationFrame()
I think I've done that all and the flickering is still happening.
(blue rectangles (obstacles) in my case.
The only solution that works is reducing the number of pixels in method responsible for moving the object, here:
obstacle.prototype.moveObstacle = function(){
this.x -=3
but the the animation is too slow.
Is there any way around it?
var cnv = document.getElementById("gameField");
var ctx = cnv.getContext("2d");
var speedY = 1
var obst1 = new obstacle(cnv.width + 50);
var myBird = new bird(100, 1);
function bird(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.gravity = 0.3
this.gravitySpeed = 0
bird.prototype.drawbird = function() {
ctx.fillStyle = "red"
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, 20, 20);
bird.prototype.animate = function() {
this.gravitySpeed += this.gravity
this.y += speedY + this.gravitySpeed
function obstacle(x) {
this.x = x;
this.y = 0;
this.obstLen = Math.floor(Math.random() * 400)
obstacle.prototype.drawobstacle = function() {
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, 15, this.obstLen)
ctx.fillRect(this.x, cnv.height, 15, -(cnv.height - this.obstLen - 100))
obstacle.prototype.moveObstacle = function() {
this.x -= 3
function myFun() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cnv.width, cnv.height);
if (obst1.x < 0) {
obst1 = new obstacle(cnv.width + 50);
function test() {
if (myBird.gravity > 0) {
myBird.gravity = -1
} else {
myBird.gravity = 0.3
document.getElementById("gameField").onmousedown = test
document.getElementById("gameField").onmouseup = test
I do see some stuttering with the blue obstacle - the animation is not smooth.
Changing the x position of the obstacle based on the raw requestAnimationFrame loop will not necessarily result in a smooth operation as requestAnimationFrame just requests that the browser re-draws when it can.
The time between calls to requestAnimationFrame can vary depending on the power of the device the animation is on and how much there is to do each frame. There is no guarantee that requestAnimationFrame will give you 60 FPS.
The solutions are to decouple the changing of objects positions with the actual drawing of them, or factor it the elapsed time between frames and calculate the new position based on that to give a smooth animation.
Normally in my canvas animations I just use a library like GreenSock's Animation Platform (GSAP) which can animate any numeric property over time, then I only have to write code for the drawing part.
It is possible to compute a time based animation in your own requestAnimationFrame, though there is a bit of complexity involved. This looks like a good tutorial on it

Make clearRect() of canvas work faster

I am trying to design a traveling sine wave in JavaScript, but the design appears quite slow. The main bottleneck is the clearRect() for canvas clearing.
How can I solve this?
Also I am drawing the pixel by ctx.fillRect(x, y,1,1), but when I clear using clearRect(x, y,1,1), it leaves some footprints. Instead I have to do clearRect(x, y,5,5) to get proper clearing. What can be the work around?
var x = 0;
var sineval = [];
var offset = 0;
var animFlag;
function init() {
for(var i=0; i<=1000; ++i){
sineval[i] = Math.sin(i*Math.PI/180);
// Call the sineWave() function repeatedly every 1 microseconds
animFlag = setInterval(sineWave, 1);
function sineWave()
{ //console.log('Drawing Sine');
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
if (canvas.getContext) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
for(x=0 ; x<1000 ;++x){
// Find the sine of the angle
//var i = x % 361;
var y = sineval[x+offset];
// If the sine value is positive, map it above y = 100 and change the colour to blue
if(y >= 0)
y = 100 - (y-0) * 70;
ctx.fillStyle = "green";
// If the sine value is negative, map it below y = 100 and change the colour to red
if( y < 0 )
y = 100 + (0-y) * 70;
ctx.fillStyle = "green";
// We will use the fillRect method to draw the actual wave. The length and breath of the
if(x == 0) ctx.clearRect(0,y-1,5,5);
else ctx.clearRect(x,y,5,5);
ctx.fillRect(x, y,1,1 /*Math.sin(x * Math.PI/180) * 5, Math.sin(x * Math.PI/180 * 5)*/);
offset = (offset > 360) ? 0 : ++offset ;
You need to refactor the code a bit:
Move all global variables such as canvas and context outside of the loop function
Inside the loop, clear full canvas at beginning, redraw sine
Use requestAnimationFrame instead of setInterval
Replace fillRect() with rect() and do a single fill() outside the inner for-loop
Using a timeout value of 1 ms will potentially result in blocking the browser, or at least slow it down noticeably. Considering that a monitor update only happens every 16.7ms this will of course be wasted cycles. If you want to reduce/increase the speed of the sine you can reduce/increase the incremental step instead.
In essence:
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var sineval = [];
var offset = 0;
function init() {
for (var i = 0; i <= 1000; ++i) {
sineval.push(Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 180));
// Call the sineWave() function
function sineWave() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = "green";
// draw positive part of sine wave here
for (var x = 0; x < 1000; x++) {
var y = sineval[x + offset];
if (y >= 0) {
y = 100 - (y - 0) * 70;
ctx.rect(x, y, 2, 2);
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
// draw negative part of sine wave here
for (var x = 0; x < 1000; x++) {
var y = sineval[x + offset];
if (y < 0) {
y = 100 - (y - 0) * 70;
ctx.rect(x, y, 2, 2);
offset = (offset > 360) ? 0 : ++offset;
<canvas id="canvas" width=800 height=500></canvas>
And of course, if you load the script in <head> you need to wrap it in a window.onload block so canvas element is available. Or simply place the script at the bottom of the page if you haven't already.
A few speedups and odd ends:
In init, set up the sine wave pixel values one time.
Use typed arrays for these since sticking with integers is faster than using floats if possible.
We will manipulate the pixel data directly instead of using fill and clear. To start this, in init we call ctx.getImageData one time. We also just one time max the alpha value of all the pixels since the default 0 value is transparent and we want full opacity at 255.
Use setInterval like before. We want to update the pixels at a steady rate.
Use 'adj' as knob to adjust how fast the sine wave moves on the screen. The actual value (a decimal) will depend on the drawing frame rate. We use calls to keep track of milliseconds consumed across frames. So the adjustment on the millisecond is mod 360 to set the 'offset' variable. Thus offset value is not inc by 1 every frame but instead is decided based on the consumption of time. The adj value could later be connected to gui if want.
At end of work (in sineWave function), we call requestAnimationFrame simply to do the ctx.putImageData to the canvas,screen in sync to avoid tearing. Notice 'paintit' function is fast and simple. Notice also that we still require setInterval to keep steady pace.
In between setting the offset and calling requestAnimationFrame, we do two loops. The first efficiently blackens out the exact pixels we drew from the prior frame (sets to 0). The second loop draws the new sine wave. Top half of wave is green (set the G in pixel rgba to 255). Bottom half is red (set the R pixel rgba to 255).
Use the .data array to paint a pixel, and index it to the pixel using 4x + 4y*canvas.width. Add 1 more if want the green value instead of the red one. No need to touch the blue value (byte offset 2) nor the already set alpha (byte offset 3).
The >>>0 used in some places turns the affected value into an unsigned integer if it wasn't already. It can also be used instead of Math.ceil. .data is typed Array already I think.
This answer is rather late but it addresses some issues brought up in comments or otherwise not yet addressed. The question showed up during googling.
Code hasn't been profiled. It's possible some of the speedups didn't speed anything up; however, the cpu consumption of firefox was pretty light by the end of the adjustments. It's set to run at 40 fps. Make 'delay' smaller to speed it up and tax cpu more.
var sineval;
var offset = 0;
var animFlag;
var canvas;
var ctx;
var obj;
var milli;
var delay=25;
var adj=1/delay; // .04 or so for 25 delay
function init() {
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
for (let i=0; i<; i+=4) {[i+3]=255; //set all alpha to full one time only needed.
sineval=new Uint8Array(1400); //set up byte based table of final pixel sine values.. 1400 degrees total
for (let i=0; i<=1400; ++i) { //1400
sineval[i] = (100-70*Math.sin(i*Math.PI/180))>>>0;
animFlag = setInterval(sineWave, delay); //do processing once every 25 milli>>>0; //start time in milli
function sineWave() {
let m=((*adj)>>>0;
let oldoff = offset;
offset=(m % 360)>>>0; //offset,frequency tuned with adj param.
for(x=0 ; x<1000 ;++x) { //draw sine wave across canvas length of 1000
let y=sineval[x+oldoff]; [0+x*4+y*4*canvas.width]=0; //black the reds [1+x*4+y*4*canvas.width]=0; //black the greens
for(x=0 ; x<1000 ;++x) { //draw sine wave across canvas length of 1000
let y=sineval[x+offset];
if (y<100) { [1+x*4+y*4*canvas.width]=255; //rGba //green for top half
} else { [0+x*4+y*4*canvas.width]=255; //Rgba //red for bottom half
requestAnimationFrame(paintit); //at end of processing try to paint next frame boundary
function paintit() {
<canvas id="canvas" height=300 width=1000></canvas>

canvas rendering not smooth

For some reason my rendering stutters sometimes. As you can see here(
Use your arrow keys to move.
The bottom canvas is prerendered only once, the prerender will then be drawn on the main upper canvas every frame.
Here is my code thats gets called every frame:
var tick = (function() {
var lastTimestamp = 0;
return function(timestamp) {
dt = (timestamp - lastTimestamp) / 1000;
lastTimestamp = timestamp;
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, self.resolution.width, self.resolution.height);
var cameraPosition = camera.position;
if(keys[37]) {
cameraPosition.x -= 10 * dt;
if(keys[38]) {
cameraPosition.y -= 10 * dt;
if(keys[39]) {
cameraPosition.x += 10 * dt;
if(keys[40]) {
cameraPosition.y += 10 * dt;
camera.position = cameraPosition;
var tileSet = self.resource.get("tiles");;
// mapCamera starts at the same position as camera.
// So (mapCamera.position - camera.position) is the offset we have to move.
ctx.translate((mapCamera.position.x - camera.position.x) * 16, (mapCamera.position.y - camera.position.y) * 16);
// mapCanvas is the prerendered canvas.
ctx.drawImage(mapCanvas, -16, -16, self.resolution.width + 32, self.resolution.height + 32);
I've been trying to figure out why its not 100% smooth, but I can't find a solution.
Someone has an idea why it is happening?
3 advices here :
• Call early requestAnimationFrame : with my modest testing , it showed that things were a bit smoother when rAF is the first function called. Most probably because it needs behind-the-scene work to get to work. Try it !
• When using drawImage, coordinates will be rounded for you : you might want to do the rounding yourself, since it is 'floor' that is used, and that 'ceil' that gives smoother results.
• Most importantly, you are using the DOM (divs or like) to show the mouse position / fps. Don't do this. use fillText on your canvas (or on some other visible canvas), because you can't be sure you cause a reflow/repaint when changing those values.

Black resized canvas not completely fading drawings to black over time

I have a black canvas with things being drawn inside it. I want the things drawn inside to fade to black, over time, in the order at which they are drawn (FIFO). This works if I use a canvas which hasn't been resized. When the canvas is resized, the elements fade to an off-white.
Question: Why don't the white specks fade completely to black when the canvas has been resized? How can I get them to fade to black in the same way that they do when I haven't resized the canvas?
Here's some code which demonstrates.
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.fillRect(0, 0, 300, 150);
// Comment this out and it works as intended, why?
canvas.width = canvas.height = 300;
window.draw = function () {
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
Math.floor(Math.random() * 300),
Math.floor(Math.random() * 150),
2, 2);
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,.02)';
context.fillRect(0, 0, 300, 150);
setTimeout('draw()', 1000 / 20);
setTimeout('draw()', 1000 / 20);
The problem is two-parted:
There is a (rather known) rounding error when you draw with low alpha value. The browser will never be able to get the resulting mix of the color and alpha channel equal to 0 as the resulting float value that is mixed will be converted to integer at the time of drawing which means the value will never become lower than 1. Next time it mixes it (value 1, as alpha internally is a value between 0 and 255) will use this value again and it get rounded to again to 1, and forever it goes.
Why it works when you have a resized canvas - in this case it is because you are drawing only half the big canvas to the smaller which result in the pixels being interpolated. As the value is very low this means in this case the pixel will turn "black" (fully transparent) as the average between the surrounding pixels will result in the value being rounded to 0 - sort of the opposite than with #1.
To get around this you will manually have to clear the spec when it is expected to be black. This will involve tracking each particle/spec yourselves or change the alpha using direct pixel manipulation.
The key is to use tracking. You can do this by creating each spec as a self-updating point which keeps track of alpha and clearing.
Online demo here
A simple spec object can look like this:
function Spec(ctx, speed) {
var me = this;
reset(); /// initialize object
this.update = function() {
ctx.clearRect(me.x, me.y, 1, 1); /// clear previous drawing
this.alpha -= speed; /// update alpha
if (this.alpha <= 0) reset(); /// if black then reset again
/// draw the spec
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + me.alpha + ')';
ctx.fillRect(me.x, me.y, 1, 1);
function reset() {
me.x = (ctx.canvas.width * Math.random())|0; /// random x rounded to int
me.y = (ctx.canvas.height * Math.random())|0; /// random y rounded to int
if (me.alpha) { /// reset alpha
me.alpha = 1.0; /// set to 1 if existed
} else {
me.alpha = Math.random(); /// use random if not
Rounding the x and y to integer values saves us a little when we need to clear the spec as we won't run into sub-pixels. Otherwise you would need to clear the area around the spec as well.
The next step then is to generate a number of points:
/// create 100 specs with random speed
var i = 100, specs = [];
while(i--) {
specs.push(new Spec(ctx, Math.random() * 0.015 + 0.005));
Instead of messing with FPS you simply use the speed which can be set individually per spec.
Now it's simply a matter of updating each object in a loop:
function loop() {
/// iterate each object
var i = specs.length - 1;
while(i--) {
specs[i].update(); /// update each object
requestAnimationFrame(loop); /// loop synced to monitor
As you can see performance is not an issue and there is no residue left. Hope this helps.
I don't know if i have undertand you well but looking at you fiddle i think that, for what you are looking for, you need to provide the size of the canvas in any iteration of the loop. If not then you are just taking the initial values:
You can do it if you apply a threshold filter to the canvas. You can run the filter every second only just so the prefromanece is not hit so hard.
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
//context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
var canvas2 = document.getElementById('canvas2');
var context2 = canvas2.getContext('2d');
window.draw = function(){
var W = canvas2.width;
var H = canvas2.height;
setTimeout('draw()', 1000/20);
setTimeout('draw()', 1000/20);
window.thresholdFilter = function () {
var W = canvas2.width;
var H = canvas2.height;
var i, j, threshold = 30, rgb = []
, imgData=context2.getImageData(0,0,W,H), Npixels =;
for (i = 0; i < Npixels; i += 4) {
rgb[0] =[i];
rgb[1] =[i+1];
rgb[2] =[i+2];
if ( rgb[0] < threshold &&
rgb[1] < threshold &&
rgb[2] < threshold
) {[i] = 0;[i+1] = 0;[i+2] = 0;
setInterval("thresholdFilter()", 1000);
Here is the fiddle:
To avoid the rounding problem you could extract the fade effect to a separate function with its own timer, using longer refresh interval and larger alpha value.
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.fillRect(0, 0, 300, 150);
// Comment this out and it works as intended, why?
canvas.width = canvas.height = 300;
window.draw = function () {
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
Math.floor(Math.random() * 300),
Math.floor(Math.random() * 300),
2, 2);
setTimeout('draw()', 1000 / 20);
window.fadeToBlack = function () {
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,.1)';
context.fillRect(0, 0, 300, 300);
setTimeout('fadeToBlack()', 1000 / 4);
Fiddle demonstrating this:

