Prompt window won't open when clicking on button - javascript

I've got an assignment where I have to see if the entered number is an Armstrong number, the problem is when I click on the button the prompt window doesn't show up, and it only occurs when I have the rest of the function written out. When it is by itself the prompt window shows.
function armNum(){
var num = prompt("Enter a number between 0 and 999!: ");
var firstNum;
var secondNum;
var thirdNum;
if(num < 100 && num > 0)
firstNum = num/10;
secondNum = num%10;
var StrongNum = (firstNum**3) + (secondNum**3);
if( num == StrongNum)
document.getElementById("ispis").innerHTML = "nummber " + num + " is an armstrong number!"
document.getElementById("ispis").innerHTML = "number" + num + "is not an armstrong number!"
if(num > 99 && num < 1000)
firstNum = num/100;
secondNum = (num/10)%10;
thirdNum = num % 10;
var StrongNum = (firstNum**3) + (secondNum**3) = (thirdNum**3);
if( num == StrongNum)
document.getElementById("ispis").innerHTML = "nummber " + num + " is an armstrong number!"
document.getElementById("ispis").innerHTML = "number" + num + "is not an armstrong number!"

You have a mistake at this string (change "=" to "+"):
var StrongNum = (firstNum3) + (secondNum3) = (thirdNum**3);
You don`t call function
try to add after your function

there is a error in tnis line = (firstNum**3) + (secondNum**3) = (thirdNum**3); you have used '=' instead off '+' & you
function armNum(){
var num = prompt("Enter a number between 0 and 999!: ");
var firstNum;
var secondNum;
var thirdNum;
if(num < 100 && num > 0)
firstNum = num/10;
secondNum = num%10;
var StrongNum = (firstNum**3) + (secondNum**3);
if( num == StrongNum)
alert( "nummber " + num + " is an armstrong number!")
alert( "number" + num + "is not an armstrong number!"); }
if(num > 99 && num < 1000)
firstNum = num/100;
secondNum = (num/10)%10;
thirdNum = num % 10;
var StrongNum = (firstNum**3) + (secondNum**3)+(thirdNum**3);
if( num == StrongNum)
alert( "nummber " + num + " is an armstrong number!");
alert("number" + num + "is not an armstrong number!");
<body onload=armNum()>


Countdown from 100 to the number (N) and separate even and odd numbers. Show even numbers in the first line and odd numbers in the second line

<div id="counter">100</div>
function myFunction() {
var person = prompt("Please enter One number (N) where (N) is a positive integer.", "");
if (person != null) {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =
"Hello " + person + "! How are you today?";
function countdown() {
var i = document.getElementById('counter');
i.innerHTML = parseInt(i.innerHTML) - 1;
if (parseInt(i.innerHTML) == 95) {
var timerId = setInterval(function () { countdown(); }, 1000);
<p id="demo"></p>
Example Test Cases:
Input: 10
100 98 96 94 92
99 97 95 93 91
Another one:
Input: 5
100 98 96
99 97
I have made my own script which counts down from 100-0, and places each number into an Array variable depending on whether it's Odd/Even.
Here it is:
var even = [];
var odd = [];
var number = 100;
function changeNumber() {
document.getElementById("counter").innerText = number;
if (checkParity(number) == "even") {
} else {
if (number == 0) {
console.log("Even numbers:");
console.log("Odd numbers:");
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
function checkParity(n) {
if (n % 2 == 0) {
return "even"
} else {
return "odd"
<div id="counter">100</div>
I hope that can help.
(function () {
const input = prompt("Please enter One number (N) where (N) is a positive integer.", "");
let count = 100;
if (isNaN(input) || input < 1) return;
const inerval = setInterval(() => {
if (count % 2 == 0) {
console.log('This is even Numbers ' + count);
} else {
console.log('This is odd Numbers ' + count);
if (input == count) return clearInterval(inerval);
}, 1000);
I think this is a possible solution, without many changes to your original code:
<div id="counter">100</div>
<p id="results"></p>
var input = parseInt(prompt("Please enter One number (N) where (N) is a positive integer.", ""));
var half = parseInt(input / 2);
var i = document.getElementById('counter');
var res = document.getElementById('results');
res.innerHTML += "Even: ";
if (parseInt(i.innerHTML) % 2 == 0) {
res.innerHTML += i.innerHTML;
function countdown() {
if (input == 0) {
if (input == half) {
var newValue;
if (input % 2) {
newValue = parseInt(i.innerHTML) + input * 2 - 3;
else {
newValue = parseInt(i.innerHTML) + input * 2 - 1;
i.innerHTML = newValue;
res.innerHTML += "</br> Odd: ";
else {
i.innerHTML = parseInt(i.innerHTML) - 2;
res.innerHTML += " " + i.innerHTML;
var timerId = setInterval(function(){ countdown(); }, 1000);
<p id="demo"></p>
Basically you decrease it by 2 till you reach the half, then you go back to the start - 1, looping through the odd numbers (or even, if the counter value was odd at first).

how to modify below function to read 3 decimal places

I am using tafgeet javascript function to convert numbers into Arabic words, but the problem is that it supports only 2 decimal places, how can I modify the function to make it read 3 decimal places:
It actually translates upto a million on the left hand side, so it would be possible to apply the same methodology on the right side.
I tried to fiddle with it, but it doesn't work. I am posting the original javascript.
* TafgeetJS module.
* #module TafgeetJS
* #description Converts currency digits into written Arabic words
* #author Mohammed Mahgoub <>
function Tafgeet(digit) {
var currency = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : "SDG";
//Split fractions
var splitted = digit.toString().split(".");
this.fraction = 0;
if (splitted.length > 1) {
var fraction = parseInt(splitted[1]);
if (fraction >= 1 && fraction <= 99) {
this.fraction = splitted[1].length === 1 ? fraction * 10 : fraction;
} else {
//trim it
var trimmed = Array.from(splitted[1]);
this.fraction = "" + trimmed[0] + trimmed[1];
this.digit = splitted[0];
this.currency = currency;
Tafgeet.prototype.parse = function () {
var serialized = [];
var tmp = [];
var inc = 1;
var count = this.length();
var column = this.getColumnIndex();
if (count >= 16) {
console.error("Number out of range!");
//Sperate the number into columns
Array.from(this.digit.toString()).reverse().forEach(function (d, i) {
if (inc == 3) {
tmp = [];
inc = 0;
if (inc == 0 && count - (i + 1) < 3 && count - (i + 1) != 0) {
// Generate concatenation array
var concats = []
for (i = this.getColumnIndex(); i < this.columns.length; i++) {
concats[i] = " و";
//We do not need some "و"s check last column if 000 drill down until otherwise
if (this.digit > 999) {
if (parseInt(Array.from(serialized[serialized.length - 1]).join("")) == 0) {
concats[parseInt(concats.length - 1)] = ""
for (i = serialized.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
if (parseInt(Array.from(serialized[i]).join("")) == 0) {
concats[i] = ""
} else {
var str = "";
str += "فقط ";
if (this.length() >= 1 && this.length() <= 3) {
str +=;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < serialized.length; i++) {
var joinedNumber = parseInt(serialized[i].reverse().join(""));
if (joinedNumber == 0) {
if (column == null || column + 1 > this.columns.length) {
str +=;
} else {
str += this.addSuffixPrefix(serialized[i], column) + concats[column];
if (this.currency != "") {
if (this.digit >= 3 && this.digit <= 10) {
str += " " + this.currencies[this.currency].plural;
} else {
str += " " + this.currencies[this.currency].singular;
if (this.fraction != 0) {
if (this.digit >= 3 && this.digit <= 10) {
str +=
" و" + +
" " +
} else {
str +=
" و" + +
" " +
str += " لا غير";
return str;
Tafgeet.prototype.addSuffixPrefix = function (arr, column) {
if (arr.length == 1) {
if (parseInt(arr[0]) == 1) {
return this[this.columns[column]].singular;
if (parseInt(arr[0]) == 2) {
return this[this.columns[column]].binary;
if (parseInt(arr[0]) > 2 && parseInt(arr[0]) <= 9) {
return (
this.readOnes(parseInt(arr[0])) +
" " +
} else {
var joinedNumber = parseInt(arr.join(""));
if (joinedNumber > 1) {
return + " " + this[this.columns[column]].singular;
} else {
return this[this.columns[column]].singular;
}; = function (d) {
var str = "";
var len = Array.from(d.toString()).length;
if (len == 1) {
str += this.readOnes(d);
} else if (len == 2) {
str += this.readTens(d);
} else if (len == 3) {
str += this.readHundreds(d);
return str;
Tafgeet.prototype.readOnes = function (d) {
if (d == 0) return;
return this.ones["_" + d.toString()];
Tafgeet.prototype.readTens = function (d) {
if (Array.from(d.toString())[1] === "0") {
return this.tens["_" + d.toString()];
if (d > 10 && d < 20) {
return this.teens["_" + d.toString()];
if (d > 19 && d < 100 && Array.from(d.toString())[1] !== "0") {
return (
this.readOnes(Array.from(d.toString())[1]) +
" و" +
this.tens["_" + Array.from(d.toString())[0] + "0"]
Tafgeet.prototype.readHundreds = function (d) {
var str = "";
str += this.hundreds["_" + Array.from(d.toString())[0] + "00"];
if (
Array.from(d.toString())[1] === "0" &&
Array.from(d.toString())[2] !== "0"
) {
str += " و" + this.readOnes(Array.from(d.toString())[2]);
if (Array.from(d.toString())[1] !== "0") {
str +=
" و" +
(Array.from(d.toString())[1] + Array.from(d.toString())[2]).toString()
return str;
Tafgeet.prototype.length = function () {
return Array.from(this.digit.toString()).length;
Tafgeet.prototype.getColumnIndex = function () {
var column = null;
if (this.length() > 12) {
column = 0;
} else if (this.length() <= 12 && this.length() > 9) {
column = 1;
} else if (this.length() <= 9 && this.length() > 6) {
column = 2;
} else if (this.length() <= 6 && this.length() >= 4) {
column = 3;
return column;
Tafgeet.prototype.ones = {
_1: "واحد",
_2: "ٱثنين",
_3: "ثلاثة",
_4: "أربعة",
_5: "خمسة",
_6: "ستة",
_7: "سبعة",
_8: "ثمانية",
_9: "تسعة"
Tafgeet.prototype.teens = {
_11: "أحد عشر",
_12: "أثني عشر",
_13: "ثلاثة عشر",
_14: "أربعة عشر",
_15: "خمسة عشر",
_16: "ستة عشر",
_17: "سبعة عشر",
_18: "ثمانية عشر",
_19: "تسعة عشر"
Tafgeet.prototype.tens = {
_10: "عشرة",
_20: "عشرون",
_30: "ثلاثون",
_40: "أربعون",
_50: "خمسون",
_60: "ستون",
_70: "سبعون",
_80: "ثمانون",
_90: "تسعون"
Tafgeet.prototype.hundreds = {
_100: "مائة",
_200: "مائتين",
_300: "ثلاثمائة",
_400: "أربعمائة",
_500: "خمسمائة",
_600: "ستمائة",
_700: "سبعمائة",
_800: "ثمانمائة",
_900: "تسعمائة"
Tafgeet.prototype.thousands = {
singular: "ألف",
binary: "ألفين",
plural: "ألآف"
Tafgeet.prototype.milions = {
singular: "مليون",
binary: "مليونين",
plural: "ملايين"
Tafgeet.prototype.bilions = {
singular: "مليار",
binary: "مليارين",
plural: "مليارات"
Tafgeet.prototype.trilions = {
singular: "ترليون",
binary: "ترليونين",
plural: "ترليونات"
Tafgeet.prototype.columns = ["trilions", "bilions", "milions", "thousands"];
Tafgeet.prototype.currencies = {
SDG: {
singular: "جنيه سوداني",
plural: "جنيهات سودانية",
fraction: "قرش",
fractions: "قروش"
SAR: {
singular: "ريال سعودي",
plural: "ريالات سعودية",
fraction: "هللة",
fractions: "هللات"
QAR: {
singular: "ريال قطري",
plural: "ريالات قطرية",
fraction: "درهم",
fractions: "دراهم"
AED: {
singular: "درهم أماراتي",
plural: "دراهم أماراتية",
fraction: "فلس",
fractions: "فلوس"
EGP: {
singular: "جنيه مصري",
plural: "جنيهات مصرية",
fraction: "قرش",
fractions: "قروش"
USD: {
singular: "دولار أمريكي",
plural: "دولارات أمريكية",
fraction: "سنت",
fractions: "سنتات"
AUD: {
singular: "دولار أسترالي",
plural: "دولارات أسترالية",
fraction: "سنت",
fractions: "سنتات"
TND: {
singular: "دينار تونسي",
plural: "دنانير تونسية",
fraction: "مليم",
fractions: "مليمات"
module.exports = Tafgeet;
Change this:
this.fraction = "" + trimmed[0] + trimmed[1];
To this:
this.fraction = "" + trimmed[0] + trimmed[1] + trimmed[2];
But this is a crude solution you need to do some validations and checks before you deploy this to production

How to use Formatting for large numbers

I have a large number issue here. I'm using the nFormatter for large numbers in javascript but i have no idea how to use it with my existing code.
Here is the formatter im using.
function nFormatter(num) {
if (num >= 1000000000000) {
return (num / 1000000000000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + 'Trillion';
if (num >= 1000000000) {
return (num / 1000000000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + 'Billion';
if (num >= 1000000) {
return (num / 1000000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + 'Million';
if (num >= 1000) {
return (num / 1000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + 'Thousand';
return num;
I need to add this code to my other code but i am not sure how i am going to do this.
Here is my current code.
var gameProfit = 5000;
var tinyOwned = 0;
var tinyCost = 5000;
var tinyIncome = 0;
function tinyGamePlay() {
if (gameProfit >= tinyCost) {
gameProfit -= tinyCost;
tinyIncome = 15000 * tinyOwned;
tinyCost = 5000 * tinyOwned;
document.getElementById('tiny-owned').innerHTML = tinyOwned;
document.getElementById('tiny-income').innerHTML = "Income : $ " + tinyIncome;
document.getElementById('tiny-cost').innerHTML = "Next Cost : $ " + tinyCost;
document.getElementById('currentProfit').innerHTML = "Profit : $ " + gameProfit;
So all of the my variable will be more than 1000 at one point so the formatter needs to be used on all my variables.
I dont mind using a JS plugin either if anyone knows of something that could help,
Can anyone help please?
You just need to call this nFormatter function when you are printing the output, see snipped below, for bigger numbers you can use :
function nFormatter(num) {
if (num >= 1000000000000) {
return (num / 1000000000000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + ' Trillion';
if (num >= 1000000000) {
return (num / 1000000000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + ' Billion';
if (num >= 1000000) {
return (num / 1000000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + ' Million';
if (num >= 1000) {
return (num / 1000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + ' Thousand';
return num;
var gameProfit = 5100;
var tinyOwned = 0;
var tinyCost = 5000;
var tinyIncome = 0;
function tinyGamePlay() {
if (gameProfit >= tinyCost) {
gameProfit -= tinyCost;
tinyIncome = 15000 * tinyOwned;
tinyCost = 5000 * tinyOwned;
document.getElementById('tiny-owned').innerHTML = nFormatter(tinyOwned);
document.getElementById('tiny-income').innerHTML = "Income : $ " + nFormatter(tinyIncome);
document.getElementById('tiny-cost').innerHTML = "Next Cost : $ " + nFormatter(tinyCost);
document.getElementById('currentProfit').innerHTML = "Profit : $ " + nFormatter(gameProfit);
<p id="tiny-owned"></p>
<p id="tiny-income"></p>
<p id="tiny-cost"></p>
<p id="currentProfit"></p>

equations with 3 numbers not displaying on HTML

I'm writing a math problem generator, but when I run it only equations with 2 numbers are displayed, anything more and it says "undefined" and refuses to show the answer. Here is the entire code(please note it is incomplete right now)
var type = 0;
var ans = 0;
function generatenumeral() {
var num = (Math.round(1000 * Math.random())) / 100;
var abs = Math.random();
if (abs < .4) {
num = num * -1;
return (num);
function generatelength() {
var num = (Math.ceil(3 * Math.random()));
return (num);
function generateSymbol() {
var sign = 0;
var num = (Math.round(12 * Math.random()));
if (num === 0 || num == 1 || num == 9) {
sign = "+";
if (num === 2 || num == 3 || num == 10) {
sign = "-";
if (num === 4 || num == 5 || num == 11) {
sign = "/";
if (num === 6 || num == 7 || num == 12) {
sign = "*";
if (num == 8) {
sign = "+";
return (sign);
function WarmUpAr() {
var leng = generatelength();
if (leng == 1) {
var cool = twoNumb();
return (cool);
if (leng == 2) {
var cool = threNumb();
return (cool);
function twoNumb() {
var sign = 0;
var equation = 0;
var a = generatenumeral();
var b = generatenumeral();
var siggn = generateSymbol();
equation = a + " " + siggn + " " + b;
if (siggn == "+") {
ans = a + b;
if (siggn == "-") {
ans = a - b;
if (siggn == "/") {
ans = a / b;
if (siggn == "*") {
ans = a * b;
return (equation);
function threNumb() {
var sign = 0;
var a = generatenumeral();
var b = generatenumeral();
var c = generatenumeral();
var siggn = generateSymbol();
var siggnA = generateSymbol();
var equation = a + " " + siggn + " " + b +" "+ siggnA +" "+ c;
if (siggn.equals("+")) {
if (siggna.equals("+")) {
ans = a + b + c;
if (siggna.equals("-")) {
ans = (a + b) - c;
if (siggna.equals("/")) {
ans = a + (b / c);
if (siggna.equals("*")) {
ans = a + (b * c);
if (siggn.equals("-")) {
if (siggna.equals("+")) {
ans = a - b + c;
if (siggna.equals("-")) {
ans = (a - b) - c;
if (siggna == "/") {
ans = a - (b / c);
if (siggna.equals("*")) {
ans = a - (b * c);
if (siggn.equals("/")) {
if (siggna.equals("+")) {
ans = (a / b) + c;
if (siggna.equals("-")) {
ans = (a / b) - c;
if (siggna.equals("/")) {
ans = (a / b) / c;
if (siggna.equals("*")) {
ans = (a / b) * c;
if (siggn.equals("*")) {
if (siggna.equals("+")) {
ans = (a * b) + c;
if (siggna.equals("-")) {
ans = (a * b) - c;
if (siggna.equals("/")) {
ans = (a * b) / c;
if (siggna.equals("*")) {
ans = (a * b) * c;
// if (siggn == "^") {
// var ba = Math.round(b);
// var count = 0;
// for (count = 0; count < ba; count += 1) {
// var ab = ab * a;
// }
// ans = ab;
return (equation);
document.getElementById("ans").innerHTML = "not yet";
function arithmetic() {
type = 1;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = WarmUpAr();
function preAlg() {
type = 2;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "hello";
function Alg() {
type = 3;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "This is cool";
function theAns() {
document.getElementById("ans").innerHTML = ans;
<p> "your warm up is....." </p>
<button onclick="arithmetic()">Arithmetic Warm Up </button>
<button onclick="preAlg()">PreAlg Warm Up </button>
<button onclick="Alg()">Algerbra Warm Up </button>
<p id="demo"></p>
<p>the answer is ....</p>
<button onclick="theAns()">answer</button>
<p id="ans"></p>
You forgot to close the WarmUpAr funtion,that's why you are getting undefined error
close this function WarmUpAr();
function WarmUpAr() {
var leng = generatelength();
if (leng == 1) {
var cool = twoNumb();
return (cool);
if (leng == 2) {
var cool = threNumb();
return (cool);
The reason threNumb() is failing is because your calling siggna.equals() in all your if statements. twoNumb() works because your using == instead of equals().
Also, in terms of calculating the answer to the equation, your doing it the hard way. In twoNumb() and threNumb() everything between where you set the 'equation' variable and where you return the 'equation' can be replaced with:
ans = eval(equation);

HTML - show event of today with a JavaScript function

I want my HTML page to show me the events/ in this case birthday(s) of this day.
But my Code doesn't work.
function birthday() {
var event = [];
var temp = [];
event[0] = ["31.10.1991", "test1"];
event[1] = ["11.12.2015", "TestToday"];
var datum = new Date();
var today = today.getDate();
var month = today.getMonth() + 1;
for (i = 0; i < event.length; i++) {
if (event[i]) {
if (event[i][0] == today && event[i][0] == month) {
event[i][0] = temp[i];
else {
if (temp.length == 0) {
document.write("Today nobody has a birthday");
else {
var x2 = "Today " + ((temp.length == 1) ? "has" : "have");
for (i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
x2 += ((temp[i] > 0) ? ((temp[i] == (temp.length - 1)) ? " and " : ", ") : " ") + temp[event[1]][3] + "(" + temp[event[i]][2] + ")";
document.write(x2 + " birthday");
Question1: Where are my mistakes and how can I make it work?
Question2: How can the program take the dates out of a excel sheet?
In JavaScript you define arrays using [];
I don't speak German so i don't know what you need to print
function birthday() {
var Geb = [];
var ausgabe = [];
Geb[0] = ["31.10.1991", "Test1"];
Geb[1] = ["23.11.2000", "Testheute"];
var datum = new Date(); //Datums Objekt
var heute = datum.getDate(); //Tage 1-31
var monat = datum.getMonth() + 1; //Monate von 0-11
for (i = 0; i < Geb.length; i++) {
if (Geb[i]) {
if (Geb[i][0] == heute && Geb[i][0] == monat) {
Geb[i][0] = ausgabe[i];
else {
if (ausgabe.length == 0) {
document.write("Heute hat niemand Geburtstag");
else {
var x2 = "Heute " + ((ausgabe.length == 1) ? "hat" : "haben");
for (i = 0; i < ausgabe.length; i++) {
x2 += ((ausgabe[i] > 0) ? ((ausgabe[i] == (ausgabe.length - 1)) ? " und " : ", ") : " ") + ausgabe[Geb[i1]][3] + "(" + ausgabe[Geb[i]][2] + ")";
document.write(x2 + " Geburtstag");

