Remove the selected option from select box - javascript

I am making angular application with angular form.
Here i have given a form with input fields first name and last name which will always showing..
After that i am having children which will be displayed upon clicking the add button and the children will get removed on click remove button.
As of now everything works fine.
Here i am making patching of data to the inputs on click option from select box.. The neccessary inputs gets patched..
<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()" [formGroup]="form">
<div *ngFor="let question of questions" class="form-row">
<ng-container *ngIf="question.children">
<div [formArrayName]="question.key">
<div *ngFor="let item of form.get(question.key).controls; let i=index" [formGroupName]="i">
<div *ngFor="let item of question.children">
<app-question [question]="item" [form]="form.get(question.key).at(i)"></app-question>
<select multiple (change)="changeEvent($event)">
<option *ngFor="let opt of persons" [value]="opt.key">{{opt.value}}</option>
<ng-container *ngIf="!question.children">
<app-question [question]="question" [form]="form"></app-question>
<div class="form-row">
<!-- <button type="submit" [disabled]="!form.valid">Save</button> -->
</form> <br>
<!-- Need to have add and remove button.. <br><br> -->
<button (click)="addControls('myArray')"> Add </button>
<button (click)="removeControls('myArray')"> Remove </button><br/><br/>
changeEvent(e) {
if ( == 1) {
let personOneChild = [
{ property_name : "Property one" },
{ property_name : "Property two" },
for (let i = 0; i < personOneChild.length; i++) {
'myArray': personOneChild
if ( == 2) {
let personTwoChild = [
{ property_name : "Property three" },
{ property_name : "Property four" },
{ property_name : "Property five" },
for (let i = 0; i < personTwoChild.length; i++) {
'myArray': personTwoChild
addControls(control: string) {
let question: any = this.questions.find(q => q.key == control);
let children = question ? question.children : null;
if (children)
(this.form.get(control) as FormArray).push(this.qcs.toFormGroup(children))
removeControls(control: string) {
let array = this.form.get(control) as FormArray;
array.removeAt(array.length - 1);
Clear working stackblitz:
You can work around in the above link that if you select the person one option then the value named property one and property two gets binded to the inputs and in select box the property one is highlighted as selected..
The thing i am in need is actually from here,
I am having a remove button, you can see in demo.. If i click the remove button, one at last will be got removed and again click the last gets removed..
Here i am having two property one and two, if i remove both the inputs with remove button, the the highlighted value person one in select box needs to get not highlighted.
This is actually my requirement.. If i remove either one property then it should be still in highlighted state.. Whereas completely removing the both properties it should not be highlighted..
Hope you got my point of explanation.. If any needed i am ready to provide.
Note: I use ng-select for it as i am unable implement that library, i am making it with html 5 select box.. In ng-select library it will be like adding and removing the option.. Any solution with ng-select library also appreciable..
Kindly help me to achieve the result please..
Real time i am having in application like this:
Selected three templates and each has one property with one,two,three respectively:
If choose a dropdown then the property values for the respective will get added as children.
Here you can see i have deleted the property name three for which the parent is template three and the template three still shows in select box even though i removed its children

Firstly, get a reference to the select, like so:
<select multiple (change)="changeEvent($event)" #mySelect>
<option *ngFor="let opt of persons" [value]="opt.key">{{opt.value}}</option>
import { ViewChild } from '#angular/core';
// ...
#ViewChild('mySelect') select;
Then, in your remove function, check if all elements have been removed, and if they have, set the value of the select to null
if (array.length === 0) { = null;
Here is a fork of the StackBlitz


How to add Add button to enter dynamic value in Angular 2/4/6/8 Multiselect Dropdown?

I am trying to add dynamic add button angular2 multiselect. Any one has done this dynamic addition of user entered value by selecting Plus button. I have tried with addNewItemOnFilter: true, I'm not able to see any + button.
I am putting (onAddFilterNewItem)="onAddItem($event)" for using angular2-multiSelect.
In settings, I am having
addNewItemOnFilter: true in the settings file.
Still I am not getting an extra 'ADD' button to add extra field. Any help I would appreciate.
There You have dynamic multiselect buttons.
Updated as you want input inside.
<div *ngIf="buttons" class="btn-group">
<button *ngFor="let button of buttons" (click)="addDynaminMultiseletButton()">
{{button}} <input type="text" (click)="setInput($event)">
buttons = ['Another button']
input: string
constructor() { }
addDynaminMultiseletButton() {
this.buttons.push("" + this.input)
setInput(event: any) {
this.input =
You can store them in database:
buttons$ = Observable<any[]>
constructor(private db: SomeDatabase){}
ngOnInit() {
this.buttons = this.db.collection('fancyButtons').valueChanges()
addDynaminMultiseletButton() {
this.db.collection('fancyButtons').add({ fancyButton: 'fancyButton' })
Remember to subscribe when you want to display async buttons:
<div *ngIf="buttons$ | async as buttons " class="btn-group">
<button *ngFor="let button of buttons" (click)="addDynaminMultiseletButton()">+</button>
Have a nice day and good luck with programming! Remember to assign at least one element in array so there will be at least one button on screen.

Hide other elements in list

I have the below code:
<li *ngFor="let item of Array let i = index">
<label (dblclick)="editTag($event,i)">
<input type="text" #tagInput />
The code is in a for loop. When I click on a label, all labels should be hidden and the input should be visible. Currently, when I click on each label, the other remain open. How do I hide the other span when clicking on any item?
I have below code in .ts
#ViewChild('tagInput') tagNameTextInput: ElementRef;
editTag(event: any,index: any) {
this.tagNameTextInput.nativeElement.hidden = true;
this.tagNameTextInput.nativeElement.previousElementSibling.hidden = false;
let initialValue =[0].nodeValue.trim(); = true; = false; = initialValue;
// this.checkListNameHidden = true;
// this.checkListNameTextInput.nativeElement.value = initialValue;
// this.checkListNameTextInput.nativeElement.focus();
How to solve this?
You have multiple children, So you need to use #ViewChildren instead of #ViewChild.
Also in your ngFor loop you do not have unique template reference #tagInput. Use QueryList with ElementRef.
Try : #ViewChildren('tagInput') tagNameTextInput: QueryList<ElementRef>;
instead of
#ViewChild('tagInput') tagNameTextInput: ElementRef;.
Import QueryList from #angular/core.
Like this import { Component, QueryList } from '#angular/core';
the best aproach is add a new property to "item", (e.g. called "editing") so
<li *ngFor="let item of Array let i = index">
<label *ngIf="!item.editing" (dblclick)="item.editing=true;">
<input *ngIf="item.editing" [(ngModel)]="item.tag" type="text" (blur)="item.editing=false" />
See several things:
1.-in a click of label, the variable becomes true, so the inpĆ¹t is showed
2.-in blur of item, the variable becomes false, so the label is showed
3.-Use [(ngModel)] to relation between the input and the value

Angular/Javascript - Hide button with id onclick

I have multiple buttons on one page, "Add to cart" buttons where each button has a unique id attribute.
I want to hide a particular button when the user clicks on it.
The issue:
What's happening currently is that when a user clicks on a button 1 it hides, then clicks on button 2 it hides but on the same time it shows button 1
The expected behavior:
When the user clicks on button 1 it should hide and keep hiding even after clicking on button 2
P.S. the information of the buttons (products) gets added to an array.
Current code:
<div *ngFor="let product of products; let i = index">
<div *ngIf="hideButton != i" []="i" class="addButton" (click)="addToCart(product, i)">ADD</div>
addToCart(itemDetails, index) {
this.hideButton = index;
You need an array of hidden buttons and you need to add the index to that array:
// at the top
hiddenButtons = [];
addToCart(itemDetails, index) {
<div *ngFor="let product of products; let i = index">
<div *ngIf="hiddenButton.indexOf(i) === -1" []="i" class="addButton" (click)="addToCart(product, i)">ADD</div>
If you have a cart to which products are being added, you can look in the cart to check whether the product already exists in it, and use that to decide whether to display the ADD button.
If your product objects can have more properties to them, you can do away with indexes completely.
<div *ngFor="let product of products">
<div *ngIf="productInCart(product)" []="" class="addButton" (click)="addToCart(product)">ADD</div>
productInCart(product) {
return this.products.findIndex(p =>!=-1;
addToCart(product) {
<div *ngFor="let product of products; let i = index">
<div *ngIf="!product.isHidden" []="i" class="addButton" (click)="addToCart(product, i)">ADD</div>
In component
addToCart(itemDetails, index) {
itemDetails.isHidden = true;
this.products[index] = itemDetails;
Logic behind this is to create a new property in product when it clicked for add to cart. Initially there will be no property with name isHidden. SO, it will return undefined and undefined will treat as false.
I would suggest the following:
<div *ngFor="let product of products; let i = index">
<div *ngIf="!isInCart(product)" []="i" class="addButton" (click)="addToCart(product, i)">ADD</div>
private hiddenProducts = new Set<FooProduct>();
products: FooProduct[] = [];
this.products = // some value
hiddenProducts = new Set<FooProduct>();
isInCart(product: FooProduct): boolean {
return this.hiddenProducts.has(product);
addToCart(product: FooProduct, index: number){
// optional: check if the element is already added?
// rest of your addToCart logic
Why using a set instead of a simple array?
Performance: access time is constant.
Why not use the index as identifier?
Weak against list mutations (filter, reorder, etc)

why splice not work properly in angular js

I am trying to make one demo in which i have one checkbox list .I am able to display the list using ng-repeat .
What I need if user click on one check box(only one checkbox is checked) .it display only one columns (100%) width .Which user checked two column it display two columns of equal width (50%).if user check three column it show three column of equal width ..As as if user checked four checkbox it show four column of equal width ..Initially some of checkbox is checked ( checked:true) ..
my first step is to unchecked the checked option "training 3" ..but after unchecked it still display why ? I already use splice. method ?
here is my code
function init(){
for(var i =0;i<;i++){
alert('starting '+self.selectedList.length)
here is i am trying to display
<div class='container-fluid'>
<div class='row'>
<div ng-repeat="i in vm.selectedList" class='col-xs-{{12/vm.selectedList.length}}'>
It can be much simpler. In HTML you don't even need ngChange handler, just bind to checked property:
<div class="checkbox" ng-repeat='v in'>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model='v.checked'> {{}}
and then render columns with just ngRepeat:
<div ng-repeat="i in filteredList = ( | filter:{checked:true})" class='col-xs-{{12/filteredList.length}}'>
So as the result, clean controller without any logic at all, with Angular doing all necessary column filtering using template | filter:{checked:true}.
This is happening because you are trying to remove it from 2nd index while training 3 is present at 0th index.
alert('unchecked '+i);
var index = self.selectedList.indexOf(obj);
change your else part to this. and it will work fine.

angularJs - Is it possible for 2 different models of different structures to sync or share states?

I have a list of checkboxes and values I"m loading from a list which comes back from the database.
listA = ['item1','item2'...'itemn']; //Master list of items
$scope.selectedItems = ["item1",... "item5"]; //selected items
$scope.attributesModel = [ //new model based on selected items
{"index":10, "attribute":"item2"},
{"index":13, "attribute":"item3"},
{"index":21, "attribute":"item4"},
{"index":24, "attribute":"item5"}
View part 1
<div class="checkbox checkbox-notext">
<input checklist-model="selectedItems" checklist-value="key" type="checkbox" id="{{key}}" ng-disabled="exceededLimit && !checked" />
<label for="{{key}}">{{key}}{{$index}}</label>
view part 2
<div ng-repeat="(index, row) in attributesModel" >
<div class="margin10">
<div>Index<input ng-model="row.index" value="row.index" type="number" class="indexInputs"></input>{{row.attribute}}</div>
Now I would like to sync $scope.selectedItems and $scope.attributesModel. When a checkbox is deselected, both selectedItems and attributesModel models remove that item, and vice versa. So every time someone checks a new checkbox they are presented a attributesModel with an empty text field to type the index value.
catch The index key is null initially for every newly selected item that is added to attributesModel. The user must enter a new index # once the new item is created.
I've tried using watch but the problem I run into is when a new item is selected, I don't have access to the item itself. I only have access to the list without any idea whether the new item is X or if the item removed is Y in order to push/delete the right item.
So this might be a watch solution that I'm missing.
Let me know if I can clarify anything.
I am not sure what the problem is, but you could use ngChange on the checkboxes:
<input type="checkbox" ... ng-change="..." />
I asdume you have a checklist directive or something, so should do something there, but (since you don't share it with us) I can't tell what exactly :)
Since the checklist directive is an external dependency, you could handle the ng-chage in your code:
<input type="checkbox" ... ng-change="changed(key)" />
/* In the controller: */
$scope.changed = function (key) {
if ($scope.selectedItems.indexOf(key) === -1) {
// The checkbox for `key` was unchecked...
} else {
// The checkbox for `key` was checked...

