EXTJs visible rows - javascript

I have a Property Grid with some values. When i selected row, it becomes visible. Can i make all rows is visible right away? Thanks in advance.
Here's grid
var propGrid = new Ext.grid.PropertyGrid({
url: 'fill-template-form-panel-id',
id: 'propGrid',
autoFill: true,
autoHeight: true,
width: '100%',
disableSelection : true,
source: {
"name": "Vasya",
"surname": "Pupkin"
style: 'margin:0 auto;margin-top:10px;'


Only have remove buttons for some rows?

I have a handsontable with data that would have a property that indicates a specific status (hasShipped if specifics are required). Is there a way to remove the "remove row" button from a row where the hasShipped value is true?
Table definition, in case it's important:
var hot = new Handsontable(container, {
data: hotData,
dataSchema: { Product: null, UOM: "EA", QtyShipped: 0 },
columns: [
data: 'Product',
title: "Product",
type: "text",
readOnly: isShipped
data: 'UOM',
title: "UOM",
readOnly: true,
type: "text"
data: 'QtyShipped',
title: "Qty<br />Shipped",
type: "numeric",
readOnly: isShipped
allowInsertRow: true,
//allowRemoveRow: true, //TODO: Depending on mode and row
autoWrapCol: true,
colHeaders: true,
columnSorting: { column: 0, sortOrder: false },
contextMenu: ['undo', 'redo', 'row_above', 'row_below', 'remove_row'],
currentColClassName: 'activeCol',
currentRowClassName: 'activeRow',
dropdownMenu: true,
fixedColumnsLeft: 1,
outsideClickDeselects: false,
readOnly: <%= IsWatchList.ToString().ToLower() %>,
removeRowPlugin: true,
rowHeaders: true,
stretchH: "all", //used in conjunction #hot-container styling to make the table take up 100% of parent width
Given that I was already implementing the code to remove a row and had altered the code to insert my own custom styled button, I knew where the buttons were being injected.
Thanks to MonkeyZues's comment, I looked at the code where I was injecting the remove row button and, depending on the value of the HasShipped property, was able to inject (or not) the required row buttons
if (jsonObject != "") {
if (jsonObject.LoadDetails[row]["HasShipped"] == true) {

Populate a column in Kendo Grid based on separate Datasource

I have a kendo grid like what I've posted below. I'm populating the grid based on the data in the url I provided for it. However, there is one column on the grid, the flag column, which I would like to be a separate datasource to populate that column, based on the id. The datasource for that column would look something like:
[{id:1234, flag: 'N'}, {id:5678, flag:'Y'}]
Is there a way where I can populate just 1 column in the grid based on a completely different datasource from the rest of the grid? The flag would need to be placed on the row of its corresponding id. If so, how can I implement this? Any help would be appreciated.
dataSource: {
type: "odata",
transport: {
read: url
pageSize: 30
height: 400,
groupable: true,
sortable: true,
pageable: {
refresh: true,
pageSizes: true,
buttonCount: 5
columns: [{
field: "id",
title: "ID",
width: 240
}, {
field: "FirstName",
title: "First Name"
}, {
field: "LastName",
title: "LastName"
}, {
field: "flag",
title: "Flag",
width: 150
Consider using a foreign key column.

How can I set a max-width property to individual kendo grid columns?

Here's a jsfiddle with a sample kendo grid:
Here's where I set the kendo columns:
$(document).ready(function () {
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: {
data: createRandomData(10),
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
FirstName: {
type: "string"
LastName: {
type: "string"
City: {
type: "string"
Title: {
type: "string"
BirthDate: {
type: "date"
Age: {
type: "number"
pageSize: 10
height: 500,
scrollable: true,
sortable: true,
selectable: true,
change: onChangeSelection,
filterable: true,
pageable: true,
columns: [{
field: "FirstName",
title: "First Name",
width: "100px",
}, {
field: "LastName",
title: "Last Name",
width: "100px",
}, {
field: "City",
width: "100px",
}, {
field: "Title",
width: "105px"
}, {
field: "BirthDate",
title: "Birth Date",
template: '#= kendo.toString(BirthDate,"MM/dd/yyyy") #',
width: "90px"
}, {
field: "Age",
width: "50px"
I added individual widths to each of the columns. However, I would also like to set a max-width to each kendo grid column. Is it possible to set a max-width (not a set one for all columns but max-width for individual columns?)?
There is no property like max-width exposed for kendo grid. One of the round about solution will be to set Width of Column as autosize and then use template where you use css properties to maintain max width.
Following is the example. Not sure if you are looking for the same answer.
<style>.intro { max-width: 100px ;width: 20px ;background-color: yellow;</style>
$(document).ready(function () {
dataSource: {
type: "odata",
transport: {
read: "http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/service/Northwind.svc/Customers"
pageSize: 20
height: 550,
groupable: true,
sortable: true,
pageable: {
refresh: true,
pageSizes: true,
buttonCount: 5
columns: [{
field: "ContactName",
title: "Contact Name",
template : '<span class=intro>#:ContactName#</span>'
}, {
field: "ContactTitle",
title: "Contact Title"
}, {
field: "CompanyName",
title: "Company Name"
}, {
field: "Country",
width: 150
I have JavaScript code that will help achieve this functionality. It provides a way for a (command) column to retain a fixed size.
On the one hand, it acts as a minimum size for a column, but if the grid were to increase in size, the original size is enforced. This allows for other grid cells to increase in size by a larger amount.
Check out this dojo that shows this code in action.
Note that all columns need to have a specified width (this effectively becomes a minimum width).
The browser resize event is used to trigger the size recalculation of the grids.
This function supports master/detail and grouping.
I have not considered column resizing at this point.
If you have any ideas for improvements then go for it!
.k-grid td
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
You can set a textbox-style MAX WIDTH for column values in a Kendo Grid...and you can do a lot more too. However, you must do so by-hand using the grids Before Edit event.
var $gridDiscipline = $('#gridDiscipline')
var grid = $gridDiscipline.kendoGrid();
grid.bind('beforeEdit', beforeEdit);
function beforeEdit(e)
// Edit Master Row
// This event raises when ADD_NEW or EDIT is pressed
// Optionally, I add a slight timeout to ensure the MASTER ROW is "open"
// Obviously, the elements in your row will be different from mine
// As you will see...you can do all kinds of late-bound configuration practices here (whatever makes sense for you)
setTimeout(function () {
var $container = $('.k-master-row', e.sender.tbody);
// Elements
var $cmbContactEmployee = $container.find("#EmployeeId");
var $txtDisciplineName = $container.find("#DisciplineName");
var $txtTags = $container.find("#Tags");
// Instances
var cmbContactEmployee = $cmbContactEmployee.data('kendoComboBox');
// Configuration
cmbContactEmployee.dataSource.transport.options.read.data = function (e) {
var text = e.filter.filters[0].value;
return { searchText: text };
// If a DataAnnotation value exists...you can enforce it
var maxlength = $txtDisciplineName.attr('data-val-length-max');
if (maxlength) {
$txtDisciplineName.attr('maxlength', maxlength);
// Or you can set something outright
$txtTags.attr('maxlength', 100);
}, 500);

How to decrease font size in jqgrid treegrid leaf rows

jqGrid treegrid all rows have same font size. How to decrease font size of rows which does not have any children ?
I tried to use Oleg great answer in How to make jqgrid treegrid first row text bold to use rowattr for this.
I havent found a way how to dedect in rowattr that row does not have children.
I current specific case all leafs are in third level. So in this case it is possible to decrease font size for whole third level. How to find treegrid nesting level in rowattr ?
Treegrid is defined as
var treegrid = $("#tree-grid");
url: '/Store/GridData',
datatype: "json",
mtype: "POST",
height: "auto",
loadui: "disable",
treeGridModel: "adjacency",
colModel: [
{ name: "id", width: 1, hidden: true, key: true },
{ name: "menu", classes: "treegrid-column", label: "Product tree" },
{ name: "url", width: 1, hidden: true }
gridview: true,
rowattr: function (rd) {
// todo: decrease font size for leaf rows.
if (rd.parent === "-1" ) {
return {"class": "no-parent"};
autowidth: true,
treeGrid: true,
ExpandColumn: "menu",
rowNum: 2000,
ExpandColClick: true,
onSelectRow: function (rowid) {
var treedata = treegrid.jqGrid('getRowData', rowid);
window.location = treedata.url;
I have never used treegrid, from the sample provided by Oleg it seems to be that in grid data there is an item isLeaf. I think you have to check for rd.isLeaf See the demo here the data used there is (first row)
{id: "1", name: "Cash", num: "100", debit: "400.00", credit: "250.00", balance: "150.00", enbl: "1", level: "0", parent: "null", isLeaf: false, expanded: true, loaded: true, icon: "ui-icon-carat-1-e,ui-icon-carat-1-s"},

ExtJS GridPanel width

I'm using Ext JS 2.3.0 and have created the search dialog shown below.
The search results are shown in a GridPanel with a single Name column, but notice that this column does not stretch to fill all the available horizontal space. However, after I perform a search, the column resizes properly (even if no results are returned):
How can I make the column display correctly when it's shown initially? The relevant code is shown below:
FV.FindEntityDialog = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
constructor: function() {
var queryTextField = new Ext.form.TextField({
hideLabel: true,
width: 275,
colspan: 2,
var self = this;
// the search query panel
var entitySearchForm = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
width: '100%',
frame: true,
layoutConfig: {columns: 3},
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: locale["dialogSearch.button.search"],
handler: function() {
var queryString = queryTextField.getValue();
// the search results model and view
this._searchResultsStore = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
data: [],
fields: ['name']
var colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
id: 'name',
header: locale['dialogSearch.column.name'],
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'name'
var selectionModel = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect: false});
this._searchResultsPanel = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
title: locale['dialogSearch.results.name'],
height: 400,
stripeRows: true,
autoWidth: true,
autoExpandColumn: 'name',
store: this._searchResultsStore,
colModel: colModel,
selModel: selectionModel,
hidden: false,
buttonAlign: 'center',
buttons: [
text: locale["dialogSearch.button.add"],
handler: function () {
text: locale["dialogSearch.button.cancel"],
handler: function () {
// a modal window that contains both the search query and results panels
var entitySearchWindow = new Ext.Window({
closable: true,
resizable: false,
draggable: true,
modal: true,
viewConfig: {
forceFit: true
title: locale['dialogSearch.title'],
items: [entitySearchForm, this._searchResultsPanel]
* Search for an entity that matches the query and update the results panel with a list of matches
* #param queryString
_doSearch: function(queryString) {
def dummyResults = [['foo'], ['bar'], ['baz']];
self._searchResultsStore.loadData(dummyResults, false);
It's the same issue you had in an earlier question, the viewConfig is an config item for the grid panel check the docs , so it should be
this._searchResultsPanel = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
viewConfig: {
forceFit: true
....other configs you need,
To be more precise the viewConfig accepts the Ext.grid.GridView configs, feel free to read the docs on that one too.
Otherwise this seems to be the only problem, and i refer the column width, not the gridpanel width. On the gridpanel you have a title and two buttons who doesn't seem to be affected. So i repeat the gridPanel's width is ok, it's the columns width issue.
Try to remove autoWidth from GridPanel configuration, because setting autoWidth:true means that the browser will manage width based on the element's contents, and that Ext will not manage it at all.
In addition you can try to call .doLayout(false, true) on your grid after it was rendered.
Try to add flex: 1 to your GridPanel

