Push to object instead of array - javascript

I'm using underscore to extract some props into a separate object but the structure is not as I want:
let element = {
foo: 0,
bar: 1,
baz: _.map(
_.filter(element.properties, (prop) =>
_.contains(validationProps, prop.name)), (rule) =>
({ [rule.name]: rule.value }) )
.. returns an array of objects for baz:
[ {"required":true} , {"maxLength":242} ]
.. what I need however is:
{ "required":true, "maxLength":242 }

Or use JavaScript's Array.prototype.reduce()
The reduce() method executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each member of the array resulting in a single output value.
let data = [{
"name": "label",
"value": "Short 2"
"name": "required",
"value": true
"name": "maxLength",
"value": 242
let reformatted = data.reduce((pv, cv) => {
pv[cv.name] = cv.value;
return pv;
}, {});


How Can I Make a conditional with return in a .map without get out of main function?

My objective is create this object:
name: string,
birthday: date
by this array:
const dataArray = [
"id": "name",
"type": "string"
"id": "birthday",
"type": "date"
So, I create a .map of the array, like this:
const inputsValues = {};
dataArray.map(item => {
if(item.type === "date"){
inputsValues[item.id] = new Date(item.value);
return; // this line is the problem
inputsValues[item.id] = item.value;
Is there a option to make a return in this function without use else?
Using map only to loop on an array, without using the returned array, is an anti pattern. The function map creates a new array by applying the given callback to all the values of an array ie dataArray. This is not your case because you want an object at the end, not an array.
Tu build your structure you should use, instead, a for of loop, a forEach or Array.reduce().
In case you just need to reduce your array to one single object, reduce is the best option:
const dataArray = [
"id": "name",
"type": "string"
"id": "birthday",
"type": "date"
const obj = dataArray.reduce((carry, { id, type, value = '' }) => {
carry[id] = type === 'date' ? new Date() : value;
return carry;
}, {}); // remember to initialize your carry, see reduce doc.
console.log(obj); // My reduced object { name: '', date: 2022-...}
const data = [
{id: "name", type: "string", value: "John"},
{id: "birthday", type: "date", value: "02.02.22"},
{id: "holiday", type: "date", value: "03.03.33"}
const inputsValues = data
// the "return" function - filters all non "date" items
.filter(item => item.type != "date")
// the map + inputsValue combination in one function
.reduce((values, item) => ({[item.id]: item.value, ...values}), {})
const dataArray = [{
"id": "name",
"type": "string"
"id": "birthday",
"type": "date"
dataArray.reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc[curr.id] = curr.type;
return acc;
}, {})
Is this what you're trying to achieve?
const dataArray = [
{ "id": "name", "type": "string" },
{ "id": "birthday", "type": "date" }
console.log(dataArray.reduce((acc, obj, i) => {
const key = obj.id;
const value = obj.type;
acc[key] = value;
return acc;
}, {}))

Loop through an object and only return certain keys together with their values

Given the following object, how can I loop through this object inorder to obtain both keys and values but only for the following keys:
"myName": "Demo"
"active": "Y"
"myCode": "123456789"
"myType": 1
let a = {
"values": {
"myName": "Demo",
"active": "Y",
"myCode": "123456789",
"myType": 1,
"myGroups": [
"myGroupName": "Group 1",
"myTypes": [
"myTypeName": "323232",
"myTypeId": "1"
"myGroupName": "Group 2",
"myTypes": [
"myTypeName": "523232",
"myTypeId": "2"
I have tried:
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(a.values)) {
console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
but this will return all keys with their values.
You can use a dictionary (array) to contain the keys you want to extract the properties for, and then reduce over the values with Object.entries to produce a new object matching only those entries included in the dictionary.
let a = {
"values": {
"myName": "Demo",
"active": "Y",
"myCode": "123456789",
"myType": 1,
"myGroups": [{
"myGroupName": "Group 1",
"myTypes": [{
"myTypeName": "323232",
"myTypeId": "1"
"myGroupName": "Group 2",
"myTypes": [{
"myTypeName": "523232",
"myTypeId": "2"
const arr = [ 'myName', 'active', 'myCode', 'myType' ];
const out = Object.entries(a.values).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
if (arr.includes(key)) acc[key] = value;
return acc;
}, {});
The best answer would be to set up an array of the desired keys and then iterate over that array instead of an array of the original object's entries. This is how you would achieve that:
let a = {
values: {
myName: "Demo",
active: "Y",
myCode: "123456789",
myType: 1,
myGroups: [{
myGroupName: "Group 1",
myTypes: [{
myTypeName: "323232",
myTypeId: "1"
}, {
myGroupName: "Group 2",
myTypes: [{
myTypeName: "523232",
myTypeId: "2"
const keys = ['myName', 'active', 'myCode', 'myType'];
const cherryPick = (obj, keys) => keys.reduce((a,c) => (a[c] = obj[c], a), {});
console.log(cherryPick(a.values, keys));
The above example will work for many provided keys. If a key does not exist in the supplied object, its value will be undefined. If you want to only keep properties which have values, simply add an optional filter to the cherryPick() function, like this:
let test = {
a: 1,
b: 2
const keys = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const cherryPick = (obj, keys, filter = 0) => keys.filter(key => filter ? obj[key] : 1).reduce((acc,key) => (acc[key] = obj[key], acc), {});
console.log('STORE undefined :: cherryPick(test, keys)', cherryPick(test, keys));
console.log('FILTER undefined :: cherryPick(test, keys, 1)', cherryPick(test, keys, true));
/* Ignore this */ .as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%; }

JavaScript add json to existing object

I'm struggling with adding JSON to existing objects with Vue.js.
So I have a function that is calculating some variants and it's working well for now, but I would need to change them in order to give correct data to my Laravel backend.
So this is how my array looks like (this array is used to calculate variants)
And I'm calculating them like this:
addVariant: function () {
const parts = this.form.attributes.map(attribute => attribute.values);
const combinations = parts.reduce((a, b) => a.reduce((r, v) => r.concat(b.map(w => [].concat(v, w))), []));
this.form.variants = combinations;
And the output looks like:
So this is calculated well, but this variants would need to look like this:
"title": "Red/M",
"slug": "prooooo",
"options": [
"key": "Color",
"value": "Red"
"key": "Size",
"value": "M"
"title": "Red/X",
"slug": "prooooo",
"options": [
"key": "Color",
"value": "Red"
"key": "Size",
"value": "X"
As you see I have a title field that is calculated by options.values, but the real question is how to make that JSON look like the last given JSON.
Any ideas on how to do it?
From what I see, the missing values to create the final output are the key properties of the options arrays, which I see in the first attributes array under the text property of the title object.
The first change that you can do is on the creation of the parts variable: instead of returning the attribute.values directly, map over them to save the attribute.title.text as well.
At the same time, we set the keys of the returned object to match the options object from the desired output.
const parts = this.form.attributes.map((attribute) =>
attribute.values.map((value) => {
// `options` objects have `value` and `key` properties
return { value, key: attribute.title.text };
The combinations code remains the same.
Then, we loop over the combinations and create the new variants array
let variants = [];
for (const combination of combinations) {
// use template strings to create the new title
title: `${combination[0].value}/${combination[1].value}`,
slug: "...the value that you want",
// the "combination" variable already has the structure that you want for "options"
options: combination
The final code will look something like this:
addVariant: function () {
const parts = this.form.attributes.map((attribute) =>
attribute.values.map((value) => {
return { value, key: attribute.title.text };
const combinations = parts.reduce((a, b) =>
a.reduce((r, v) => r.concat(b.map((w) => [].concat(v, w))), [])
let variants = [];
for (const combination of combinations) {
title: `${combination[0].value}/${combination[1].value}`,
slug: "...the value that you want",
options: combination,
this.variants = variants;

JS/ES6: Filter an array with a filter object [duplicate]

Is it possible to filter an array of objects by multiple values?
E.g in the sample below can I filter it by the term_ids 5 and 6 and type car at the same time?
Definitely up for using a library if it makes it easier.
You can do it with Array.filter
var data = [{
"id": 1,
"term_id": 5,
"type": "car"
"id": 2,
"term_id": 3,
"type": "bike"
"id": 3,
"term_id": 6,
"type": "car"
var result = data.filter(function(v, i) {
return ((v["term_id"] == 5 || v["term_id"] == 6) && v.type == "car");
The following function will help you out.
nestedFilter = (targetArray, filters) => {
var filterKeys = Object.keys(filters);
return targetArray.filter(function (eachObj) {
return filterKeys.every(function (eachKey) {
if (!filters[eachKey].length) {
return true;
return filters[eachKey].includes(eachObj[eachKey]);
Use this function with filters described as below:
var filters = {
"id": ["3"],
"term_id": ["6"],
"type": ["car","bike"]
Dont pass empty array. If there are no values in the array, skip that property in the filters.
The result will be filtered array.
You can do this with plain js filter() method and use && to test for both conditions.
var data = [{"id":1,"term_id":5,"type":"car"},{"id":2,"term_id":3,"type":"bike"},{"id":3,"term_id":6,"type":"car"}];
var result = data.filter(function(e) {
return [5, 6].includes(e.term_id) && e.type == 'car'
Another way to do it is to use lodash filter + reduce.
const arr = [{"id":1,"term_id":5,"type":"car"},{"id":2,"term_id":3,"type":"bike"},{"id":3,"term_id":6,"type":"car"}];
const result = [
{term_id: 5, type: 'car'},
{term_id: 6, type: 'car'},
].reduce((prev, orCondition) => prev.concat(_.filter(arr, orCondition)), []);
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lodash#4.17.21/lodash.min.js"></script>

Javascript Convert an array to map keyed with the array property and store the corresponding duplicate key values as array

I have an array which has some objects and one of the propery of the object can have dupes viz. Account. Now i want to convert this array to map with key having Account's property value and the corresponding dupes should be stored as an array to that key in the map.
let arr = [];
const accIdMap= arr.reduce((map,obj) => (map[obj.Record.Account] = obj,map), {});
So as of now the accIdMap just gets a one to one key-value mapping which is the last one pushed in the array i.e 4 but i want that the output map should have value as an array where ever the keys were duplicated. I tried reduction but that eliminates the duplicate values but i want the duplicate values as an corresponding array.
For example
As is output
"a": {
"Key": "4",
"Record": {
"Account": "a",
"data": "A3"
"b": {
"Key": "2",
"Record": {
"Account": "b",
"data": "123"
"c": {
"Key": "5",
"Record": {
"Account": "c",
"data": "123"
Desired OutPut (the keys which were duplicated should have the values added as an array)
"a": [{"Key": "4","Record": {"Account": "a","data": "A3"}},{
"Key": "3",
"Record": {
"Account": "a",
"data": "A2"
"Key": "1",
"Record": {
"Account": "a",
"data": "A1"
"b": {
"Key": "2",
"Record": {
"Account": "b",
"data": "123"
"c": {
"Key": "5",
"Record": {
"Account": "c",
"data": "123"
You can use reduce like this:
Check if the accumulator already has key with current a.Record.Account. If yes, push the current item in context to it. Else, add a.Record.Account as a key and then push the item to it.
const input = [{'Key':'1','Record':{'Account':'a','data':'A1'}},
const output = input.reduce((acc, a) =>
((acc[a.Record.Account] = acc[a.Record.Account] || []).push(a), acc), {})
Doing a check in the reduce function if the value exists already, then based on that you can do the following. If the Account already exists then check if the map has a array on that Account's key. If not create an array with the existing element and the current one by creating an empty array and pushing to that. If it is an array then just push to it. If the Account key doesn't exist then just set the value as the obj.
Update: Reordered the initialization of const m and added comment on code.
let arr = [];
const accIdMap= arr.reduce((map,obj) => {
if(map[obj.Record.Account]) { // the property exists and can be an array or the obj
if(!map[obj.Record.Account].length) { // means just the object. Creating an array then pushing the existing obj to it
const m = (map[obj.Record.Account]);
map[obj.Record.Account] = [];
map[obj.Record.Account].push(obj); // if it was an array this will push it to the existing array. If it wasn't the previous if have created and inserted old value and this line pushes to the new array
} else {
map[obj.Record.Account] = obj; // just putting the obj value as it wasn't a duplicate
return map;
}, {});
This works like what you expected. take this result and match with your desired output.
let arr = [];
arr.push({ 'Key': '1', 'Record': { 'Account': 'a', 'data': 'A1' } });
arr.push({ 'Key': '2', 'Record': { 'Account': 'b', 'data': '123' } });
arr.push({ 'Key': '3', 'Record': { 'Account': 'a', 'data': 'A2' } });
arr.push({ 'Key': '4', 'Record': { 'Account': 'a', 'data': 'A3' } });
arr.push({ 'Key': '5', 'Record': { 'Account': 'c', 'data': '123' } });
var obj = {}
arr.map((e) => {
var filteredArr = arr.filter((f) => f.Record.Account == e.Record.Account)
if (filteredArr.length > 1)
obj[e.Record.Account] = filteredArr
else if (filteredArr.length != 0)
obj[e.Record.Account] = filteredArr[0]

