objects are not initialized in another .js file? - javascript

[SOLVED - see at the end please]
I have the following source:
functions = require('firebase-functions');
admin = require('firebase-admin');
globals = require('./globals');
exports.gateway = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
return globals.dumpItemName(1);
exports.POST_gateway = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
return globals.dumpItemName(1);
ITEM_NAMES = new Map()
.set(1, 'item1')
.set(2, 'item2');
getMapValue = function(map, key) {
let value = map.get(key);
if (value === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing value for key ' + key);
return value;
dumpItemName = function(key) {
console.log(getMapValue(ITEM_NAMES, key));
exports.dumpItemName = dumpItemName;
I'm facing the following problem:
If I run/debug it locally by F5 it executes fine and dumps the expected value.
If I try to deploy it by firebase deploy --only functions
and then call via postman an https.onRequest(...) or https.onCall(....) function which tries to do the same:
it fails with 'Missing value for key 1'
So I guess when I run it locally with F5 it executes index.js like a program and loads required modules and also run the code in them - so the Map in globals.js is initialized.
But when I deploy it via firebase deploy --functions only it does not execute the code.
So what should I do in order to have Map initialized after deploy ?
Extremely dummy of my side.
Obviously for some of the local tests
(I have by now 10 end-to-end test scenario functions) I've put in index.js the following piece of code:
ITEM_NAMES = new Map()
.set(globals.ITEM_TEST, 'test');
so this map was redeclared with just one value in it. and the value of globals.ITEM_TEST is 200.
and it was used in one temporary test scenario function.
And just bad coincidences:
obviously I was too tired and forgot about it.
my other local tests were commented and that's why the local run was successful - in this temporary scenario, only this value was used.
I've decided to deploy in this exact moment. And none of the values I used in my onCall() or onRequest() functions used globals.ITEM_TEST (in real and in dummy both)
So it is...
Sorry for bothering. There is no problem in fact.


Discord bot Command That changes Value of a different command

I'm looking for a way to change a text string or a value in one command by typing the new value in a different command. For example I have Discord js v12 and I'm using module commands with each command being in its own .js file.
module.exports = {
name: 'calc',
cooldown: 1000,
run: async(client, message, args) => {
if (!message.member.hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR")) return await message.delete();
await message.delete();
var multiply = args[0] * (100 - percalc) / 100;
var calculation = multiply.toFixed(2);
if(!args[0]) return await message.channel.send('Specify a Value');
await message.channel.send(changableValue);
await message.channel.send(calculation < 5 ? 5 : calculation);
and I have the consts in the config file like
const percalc = 50;
const changableValue = 'Text example';
Right now the command _calc {number} puts out a calculation in percentage based on the percalc const and a text that comes with it in the changableValue part.
I'd like to make a command let's say _calcset {Value} that will save the provided value and will send it in place of the changableValue const.
First of all, note that the only reason the keyword const exists is because it stands for constant and constant variables can never be changed once initialized. So make sure you change the variable declaration keyword to just var or let.
Method 1 - If you don't need data to persist
Now, if you only want the variable to be changed per session, and you're fine with it going back to what you defined it as when you shut down the bot, you can just update the variable using functions exported from the js file. But to get the dynamic variable you'll also need to use a getter function that you export as well. Example:
var changeableValue = "foo";
function getValue() {
return changeableValue;
function updateValue(newValue) {
changeableValue = newValue;
module.exports = {
const { getValue, updateValue } = require("config.js");
console.log(getValue()); // logs "foo"
console.log(getValue()); // logs "bar"
Unfortunately, as I mentioned, the changeableValue var will be reset back to "foo" every time you shut off the bot. If that's okay with you, then the above works fine.
Method 2 - If you need data to persist through sessions
If you want to persist the changeableValue variable through sessions, then it gets a little more complicated. Your two most likely options are either to write the value to a JSON file using the fs module (so it will be saved to your disk), or save the value in some other database, like MongoDB. I would recommend using another database provider because there are more problems you can run into when writing to your own disk, for example, if you make two write requests at the same time (like if two users use the command at the same time), you can corrupt the file when the requests try to write at the same time. However setting up an external database is outside of the scope of this question, so here's how you would set up writing to a JSON file:
"changeableValue": "foo"
const fs = require("fs");
var { changeableValue } = require("config.json");
console.log(changeableValue) // logs "foo"
var updatedValueJSON = JSON.stringify({ changeableValue: "bar" }); // necessary because the JSON object must be converted to a string
fs.writeFile("config.json", updatedValueJSON, "utf8", () => {
// this is the callback function called when the file write completes
let { changeableValue } = require("config.json");
console.log(changeableValue); // logs "bar", and now if you restart the bot and import changeableValue, it will still be bar

Module.exports function executes before Console log - why?

I have read a few answers to similar questions, but haven't been able to understand why my application behaves this way.
I am updating a CLI application to be modular. The main script imports a function called questionOne after a console.log:
const questionOne = require('./modules/questionOne');
console.log('Which DB do you want to use?'.inverse);
questionOne uses readline-sync to ask a question and execute code depending on the answer. But, when I run my application... the question is asked first, and then Which DB do you want to use runs after the user has asked the question. Why?
For Reference
The code for questionOne:
const colors = require('colors');
const readlineSync = require('readline-sync');
//Data Modules
const { dbList } = require('../data/dbList.json');
const db = readlineSync.keyInSelect(dbList);
//people = 0 || offers = 1 || networks = 2
const questionOne = () => {
if (db === 0) {
console.log('Which Collection would you like to use?'.inverse.bold);
// const colRef = readlineSync.keyInSelect();
// dbPeople(colRef);
} else if (db === 1) {
console.log('You picked offers');
} else if (db === 2) {
console.log('You picked networks');
} else {
module.exports = questionOne;
I understand that I can put the console.log inside the module. But I am curious why javascript behaves this way?
When you first to require('./modules/questionOne');, that runs all the code at the top level of the module you are loading. And, it runs that code synchronously, meaning it doesn't return until that top level code returns.
So, in your example, that's going to run all the code at the top level of your questionOne module. That top level code includes this line:
const db = readlineSync.keyInSelect(dbList);
So, that line of code will run before the module has finished loading and before it returns from this:
const questionOne = require('./modules/questionOne');
So, that should explain why the first thing that happens is that you get the prompt from const db = readlineSync.keyInSelect(dbList);. If you want to display something before that, then put that before it in the code.
Then, after that promise is done, the only other things that happen in your questionOne module are the definition of the questionOne function and the assignment module.exports = questionOne;. At that point, the require('./modules/questionOne'); returns and the value from the module.exports is assigned to your questionOne variable in your main module.
Then, and only then, the rest of your main module runs and it executes:
console.log('Which DB do you want to use?'.inverse);
I understand that I can put the console.log inside the module. But I am curious why javascript behaves this way?
It's just executing code in the order encountered. Nothing here appears asynchronous so it's just simple run one line of code after the other as they are encountered.

Gulp: call an async function which provides its own callback from within a transform function

I want to create a function for use in a pipe() call in Gulp that'll enable conversion of xlsx files to json.
I had this working with NPM package 'excel-as-json' for gulp 3, however Gulp 4 has forced me to actually understand what it is doing ;-)
Six hours in, and my incapacity of getting this to work due to a lack of js/async/streaming knowledge is punching my curiosity.
Code is as follows:
paths = {excel_sourcefiles: "./sourcefiles/*.xls*", excel_targetdir_local_csvjson: "./targetfiles_local/*.*"}
var replaceExt = require('replace-ext');
var PluginError = require('plugin-error')
var gulpFunction = require('gulp-function').gulpFunction // default ES6 export
var through = require("through2")
var convertExcel = require('excel-as-json').processFile;
var changed = require('gulp-changed');
var assign = Object.assign || require('object.assign');
var notify = require('gulp-notify');
var gulpIgnore = require('gulp-ignore');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
gulp.task('excel-to-jsoncsv', function() {
return gulp.src(paths.excel_sourcefiles)
// .pipe(debug())
.pipe(gulpIgnore.exclude("*\~*")) // Ignore temporary files by Excel while xlsx is open
.pipe(gulpIgnore.exclude("*\$*")) // Ignore temporary files by Excel while xlsx is open
.pipe(plumber({errorHandler: notify.onError('gulp-excel-to-jsoncsv error: <%= error.message %>')}))
.pipe(changed(paths.excel_targetdir_local_glob, { extension: '.csv' }))
.pipe(GulpConvertExcelToJson()) // This is where the magic should happen
.pipe(rename({ extname: '.csv' })) // Saving as .csv for SharePoint (does not allow .json files to be saved)
function GulpConvertExcelToJson() {
return through.obj(function(chunk, enc, callback) {
var self = this
if (chunk.isNull() || chunk.isDirectory()) {
callback() // Do not process directories
// return
if (chunk.isStream()) {
callback() // Do not process streams
// return
if (chunk.isBuffer()) {
convertExcel(chunk.path, null, null, // Converts file found at `chunk.path` and returns (err, `data`) its callback.
function(err, data) {
if (err) {
callback(new PluginError("Excel-as-json", err))
chunk.contents = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(data))
// return
} else {
I (now) know there are other excel > json gulp modules that could allow me to solve this problem without writing my own module, yet I'd like to understand what I should do different here.
The error returned is 'Did you forget to signal Async completion?', which I tried to not do. However, probably my attempt to fix the error 'this.push is not a function' with a var self = this is not what I was supposed to do.
Looking at examples like gulp-zip introduced me to unfamiliar notations, making me unable to autodidact my way out of this.
In summary:
how would I go about calling an async function during a through.obj function call, where the chunk's contents is updated with the (not under my control) async function that only provides me with a callback (err, data)?
This problem is coming deep from the excel library. The end event should be finish.
Unsuccessful Try
I did the following, to install the modified excel.js:
rm -rf node_modules/excel
git clone https://github.com/bdbosman/excel.js node_modules/excel
cd node_modules/excel && npm i && cd ../..
This is not enough since the excel-as-json uses an old version of excel.
Either you have to modify the excel-as-json module, to use excel#1.0.0 (after the Pull Request is merged) or manually edit the file in node_modules. I will describe the second way here.
Temporary Solution
Edit the excel file after installing the modules.
I used:
sed -i "s/'end'/'finish'/g" node_modules/excel/excelParser.js
And then I ran:
$ gulp excel-to-jsoncsv
[19:48:21] Using gulpfile ~/so-question-gulp-async-function-call-xlsx/gulpfile.js
[19:48:21] Starting 'excel-to-jsoncsv'...
[19:48:21] Finished 'excel-to-jsoncsv' after 126 ms
And it apparently worked.

In Node.js, asking for a value using Prompt, and using that value in a main js file

I'm pretty new to node.js and it seems fairly easy to use but when it comes to getting a value using the command line and returning that value to be used in another package or .js, it seems harder than I expected.
Long story short, I've used a npm package (akamai-ccu-purge), to enter a file to purge on the akamai network successfully.
I want to make it more dynamic though by prompting the user to enter the file they want purged and then using that in the akamai package.
After making a few tries using var stdin = process.openStdin(); I actually found another npm package called Prompt that seemed to be easier. Both ways seem to have the same problem though.
Node doesn't seem to want to stop for the input. It seems to want to automatically make the purge without waiting for input even though I've called that module first. It actually gets to the point where I should enter the file but it doesn't wait.
I am definitely missing something in my understanding or usage here, what am I doing wrong?
My code so far is:
var purgeUrl = require('./getUrl2');
var PurgerFactory = require('../../node_modules/akamai-ccu-purge/index'); // this is the directory where the index.js of the node module was installed
// area where I placed the authentication tokens
var config = {
clientToken: //my tokens and secrets akamai requires
// area where urls are placed. More than one can be listed with comma separated values
var objects = [
purgeUrl // I am trying to pull this from the getUrl2 module
// Go for it!
var Purger = PurgerFactory.create(config);
Purger.purgeObjects(objects, function(err, res) {
console.log('Purge Result:', res.body);
Purger.checkPurgeStatus(res.body.progressUri, function(err, res) {
console.log('Purge Status', res.body);
Purger.checkQueueLength(function(err, res) {
console.log('Queue Length', res.body);
The getUrl2 module looks like this:
var prompt = require('../../node_modules/prompt');
// Start the prompt
// Get property from the user
prompt.get(['newUrl'], function (err, result) {
// Log the results.
console.log('Command-line input received:');
console.log(' http://example.com/custom/' + result.newUrl);
var purgeUrl = 'http://example.com/custom/' + result.newUrl;
module.exports = purgeUrl;
Thanks again for the help!
I would probably just allow getURL2 to expose a method that will be invoked in the main module. For example:
// getURL2
var prompt = require('../../node_modules/prompt');
module.exports = {
start: function(callback) {
prompt.get(['newUrl'], function (err, result) {
// the callback is defined in your main module
return callback('http://example.com/custom/' + result.newUrl);
Then in your main module:
require('./getUrl2').start(function(purgeURL) {
// do stuff with the purgeURL defined in the other module
The implementation may differ, but conceptually, you need to make your second module, which requires some sort of input from the user, happen as a result of that input. Callbacks are a common way to do this (as are Promises). However, as prompt is not necessarily exposing a method that would necessitate a Promise, you can do it with plain old callbacks.
You might also want to search around for articles on writing command line tools (sometimes referenced as CLIs) or command line apps with Node. I found the following article to be helpful when trying to figure this out myself:
Also, the command-line-args module worked well for me (though there's a number of other modules out there to choose from):
Good luck!

How can I run two files in javascript with node?

I am new to javascript and Node.js and having problems testing some code I wrote recently. I am trying to test code written in a file called "compareCrowe.js" with "testCrowe.js" using Node.js.
Here are the contents of testCrowe.js:
var compareCrowe = required['./compareCrowe'];
console.log('begin test');
var connection = {Type:1, Label:"label", linkTo:null};
var table1 = {name:"table1", body:"description1", out:[connection]};
var table2 = {name:"table2", body:"description2", out:null};
connection.linkTo = table2;
var crowe = [table1, table2];
var result = compareCrowe.compareCrowesFoot(crowe, crowe);
where the function "compareCrowesFoot" is defined in compareCrowe.js. From the console on an Ubuntu virtual machine I ran:
node compareCrowe.js testCrowe.js
however, nothing was printed. There were no errors or warnings or explanation of any kind. It didn't even print the "begin test" line I placed at the top of testCrowe.js. If I run the command:
node testCrowe.js
it complains that compareCrowesFoot is undefined. How can I test the contents of compareCrowe.js?
Welcome to the party of JS.
I'm not sure where you're learning from, but a few of the resources that have helped me and many others are superherojs.com, nodeschool.io, the MDN developer docs, Node.js API docs, and Youtube (seriously).
The basic idea of Node.js is that it operates with modules (chunks of reusable code), which is what NPM is made up of. These can then be included in other modules and used anywhere else in your application.
So for a basic example, say you had compareCrowe.js, to make it includable/reusable in another file, you could write something like:
module.exports = function() {
var compareCrowesFoot = function(crowe1, crowe2) { /* compare crows feet and return something here */ }
return { compareCrowesFoot: compareCrowesFoot };
// return an object with a property of whatever you want to access it as , and the value as your function name
// e.g. - you could return { compare: compareCrowesFoot };
Then in testCrowe.js you could require compareCrowe like this:
var compareCrowe = require("./compareCrowe");
/* your code here... */
var result = compareCrowe.compareCrowesFoot(crowe1, crowe2);
// if your returned object was { compare: compareCrowesFoot };
// this would be compareCrowe.compare(crowe1, crowe1);
And to run your tests, you could then run node testCrowe.js from the command line.
In your case it seems like you've got your syntax a little messed up. It should be more like:
var compareCrowe = require('./compareCrowe.js');
That would make any methods you've exported in compareCrowe.js, such as your compareCrowe.compareCrowesFoot function, available to testCrowe.js.
Then, in your terminal, you would run the following:
node testCrowe.js
And that should do the trick provided you don't have any further errors in your code.

