Logic issue in minesweeper - javascript

I was just forgetting to reset the number of flags after each game.
I'm having issues with the number of flags in my minesweeper game. For some reason, sometimes when I flag a tile the number of flags increases by more than 1. Sometimes it increases by 3, sometimes 4, sometimes 7. I can't find the issue in my logic, so I was hoping to get another set of eyes on it.
The only sort of pattern I can see when it adds more flags than it should, i.e. the flags variable is incremented more than once, is when I flag a tile that is mostly surrounded by revealed tiles.
var flags = 0;
var trueFlags = 0;
function newGame() {
var cols = $("#width").val();
var rows = $("#height").val();
if (cols < 8 || rows < 8) {
}else if (cols > 40 || rows > 30) {
possibleBombs = (rows * cols) - 1;
numBombs = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= rows; i++) {
for (var j = 1; j <= cols; j++) {
if (numBombs < possibleBombs) {
var q = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50);
if (0 <= q && q <= 2) {
numBombs += 1;
$("#board").append('<button type="button" class="tile" data-row = ' + i + ' data-col = ' + j + ' data-contains = ' + 0 + ' data-flagged = ' + false + '></button>').prop("revealed", false);
else {
$("#board").append('<button type="button" class="tile" data-row = ' + i + ' data-col = ' + j + ' data-contains = ' + 1 + 'data-flagged = ' + false + '></button>').prop("revealed", false);
else {
$("#board").append('<button type="button" class="tile" data-row = ' + i + ' data-col = ' + j + ' data-contains = ' + 1 + ' data-flagged = ' + false + '></button>').prop("revealed", false);
$(".controls h2").text("Bombs to go: " + numBombs);
$(".tile").css("background-color", "white");
console.log("bombs: " + numBombs, "possible: " + possibleBombs);
$(".tile").click(function(e) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
$(".controls h2").text("Bombs to go: " + (numBombs - flags));
else if ($(this).data("contains") == 0) {
console.log("you lose");
else {
// if (gameWon() == true) {
// alert("You have won!");
// newGame();
// }
function boardClear() {
function revealNeighbors(tile) {
var cordsx = tile.data("row");
var cordsy = tile.data("col");
// tile has bomb
if(tile.data("contains") == 0) {return;}
// tile is flagged
else if(tile.data("flagged") == true){return;}
// tile has been revealead already
else if(tile.prop("revealed") == true) {return;}
// reveal the tile
var tileBombs = nearbyBombCount(tile);
tile.prop("revealed", true);
tile.css("background-color", "grey");
if (tileBombs == 0){tile.text("");}
else if(tileBombs != 0) {return;}
for (var i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
for (var j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
if (cordsx + i < 1 || cordsy + j < 1) {continue;}
else if (cordsx + i > $("#width").val() || cordsy + j > $("#height").val()) {continue;}
else if (i == 0 && j == 0) {continue;}
var neighbor = $('.tile[data-row="' + (cordsx+i) + '"][data-col ="'+(cordsy+j)+'"]');
function nearbyBombCount(tile) {
var cx = tile.data("row");
var cy = tile.data("col");
var nearbyBombs = 0;
for (var n = -1; n < 2; n++) {
for (var m = -1; m < 2; m++) {
if (cx + n < 1 || cy + m < 1) {continue;}
else if (cx + n > $("#width").val() || cy + m > $("#height").val()) {continue;}
var neighbor = $('.tile[data-row="' + (cx+n) + '"][data-col ="'+(cy+m)+'"]');
if (neighbor.data("contains") == 0) {
return nearbyBombs;
function flagKey(tile) {
// tile is already revealed
if (tile.data("revealed") == true) {
// tile is already flagged
else if (tile.data("flagged") == true) {
tile.data("flagged", false);
tile.css("background-color", "white");
// contains bomb
if (tile.data("contains") == 0) {
// tile not flagged
else if (tile.data("flagged") == false) {
tile.data("flagged", true);
tile.css("background-color", "red");
// contains bomb
if (tile.data("contains") == 0) {
else {
My guess is that there's something wrong with my revealNeighbors() function or it's some scope issue, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is.

Hi I change a litle and works fine
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
Width : <input type="text" id="width" value="15" /> Height :<input type="text" id="height" value="15" /><input type="button" onclick="newGame()" id="btnstart" value="start" />
<br />
<div id="board" >
var flags = 0;
var trueFlags = 0;
function newGame() {
var cols = $("#width").val();
var rows = $("#height").val();
if (cols < 8 || rows < 8) {
}else if (cols > 40 || rows > 30) {
possibleBombs = (rows * cols) - 1;
numBombs = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= rows; i++) {
for (var j = 1; j <= cols; j++) {
if (numBombs < possibleBombs) {
var q = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + 1;
if (q <= 2) {
numBombs += 1;
$("#board").append('<button type="button" class="tile" data-row = ' + i + ' data-col = ' + j + ' data-contains = ' + 0 + ' data-flagged = ' + false + '></button>').prop("revealed", false);
else {
$("#board").append('<button type="button" class="tile" data-row = ' + i + ' data-col = ' + j + ' data-contains = ' + 1 + 'data-flagged = ' + false + '></button>').prop("revealed", false);
else {
$("#board").append('<button type="button" class="tile" data-row = ' + i + ' data-col = ' + j + ' data-contains = ' + 1 + ' data-flagged = ' + false + '></button>').prop("revealed", false);
$(".controls h2").text("Bombs to go: " + numBombs);
$(".tile").css("background-color", "white");
console.log("bombs: " + numBombs, "possible: " + possibleBombs);
$(".tile").click(function (e) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
$(".controls h2").text("Bombs to go: " + (numBombs - flags));
else if ($(this).data("contains") == 0) {
console.log("you lose");
else {
// if (gameWon() == true) {
// alert("You have won!");
// newGame();
// }
function boardClear() {
function revealNeighbors(tile) {
var cordsx = tile.data("row");
var cordsy = tile.data("col");
// tile has bomb
if(tile.data("contains") == 0) {return;}
// tile is flagged
else if(tile.data("flagged") == true){return;}
// tile has been revealead already
else if(tile.prop("revealed") == true) {return;}
// reveal the tile
var tileBombs = nearbyBombCount(tile);
tile.prop("revealed", true);
tile.css("background-color", "grey");
if (tileBombs == 0){tile.text("");}
else if(tileBombs != 0) {return;}
for (var i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
for (var j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
if (cordsx + i < 1 || cordsy + j < 1) {continue;}
else if (cordsx + i > $("#width").val() || cordsy + j > $("#height").val()) {continue;}
else if (i == 0 && j == 0) {continue;}
var neighbor = $('.tile[data-row="' + (cordsx+i) + '"][data-col ="'+(cordsy+j)+'"]');
function nearbyBombCount(tile) {
var cx = tile.data("row");
var cy = tile.data("col");
var nearbyBombs = 0;
for (var n = -1; n < 2; n++) {
for (var m = -1; m < 2; m++) {
if (cx + n < 1 || cy + m < 1) {continue;}
else if (cx + n > $("#width").val() || cy + m > $("#height").val()) {continue;}
var neighbor = $('.tile[data-row="' + (cx+n) + '"][data-col ="'+(cy+m)+'"]');
if (neighbor.data("contains") == 0) {
return nearbyBombs;
function flagKey(tile) {
// tile is already revealed
if (tile.data("revealed") == true) {
// tile is already flagged
else if (tile.data("flagged") == true) {
tile.data("flagged", false);
tile.css("background-color", "white");
// contains bomb
if (tile.data("contains") == 0) {
// tile not flagged
else if (tile.data("flagged") == false) {
tile.data("flagged", true);
tile.css("background-color", "red");
// contains bomb
if (tile.data("contains") == 0) {
else {


How to embed this javascrip into Mathematica with a single input

In my research, I need to generate Fricke Polynomials. Luckily the job has been done for me on a website. However, it is in javascript+html+css so I am not sure how it works as I only use Mathematica. I was wondering if anyone could explain how I could make all of this work on a single javascript code with a single input (and where to put the input). My plan is then to just take the code and embed it in Mathematica as I have seen this is possible. The input is a word say made up of a's and b's say aabbbaa and an output is a polynomial. I do not need to understand the code really.
Thank you
function Polynomial(){
this.data = "";
this.setData = function(str){
this.data = str;
this.toString = function(){
var s = this.data;
if (this.data.startsWith("x0y0z0"))
s = s.replace("x0y0z0", "1");
s = s.replace(/x0y0z0/g, "")
.replace(/\s\+\s-/g, "</sup> - ").replace(/\s\+/g, "</sup> +")
.replace(/x/g, "x<sup>").replace(/y/g, "</sup>y<sup>")
.replace(/z/g, "</sup>z<sup>")
.replace(/\s1x/g, " x").replace(/\s1y/g, " y").replace(/\s1z/g, " z");
s += "</sup>";
s = s.replace(/x<sup>0<\/sup>/g, "").replace(/y<sup>0<\/sup>/g, "")
.replace(/z<sup>0<\/sup>/g, "")
.replace(/x<sup>1<\/sup>/g, "x").replace(/y<sup>1<\/sup>/g, "y")
.replace(/z<sup>1<\/sup>/g, "z");
if (s.startsWith("1x"))
s = s.replace("1x", "x");
if (s.startsWith("1y"))
s = s.replace("1y", "y");
if (s.startsWith("1z"))
s = s.replace("1z", "z");
return s;
function compareMonomial(m1, m2){
m1s = m1.split(/[x|y|z]/g);
m2s = m2.split(/[x|y|z]/g);
if (m1s[3]< m2s[3]) return -1;
else if (m1s[3] > m2s[3]) return 1;
else if (m1s[2]< m2s[2]) return -1;
else if (m1s[2] > m2s[2]) return 1;
else if (m1s[1]< m2s[1]) return -1;
else if (m1s[1] > m2s[1]) return 1;
else return 0;
function addMonomial(m1, m2){
m1s = m1.split(/[x|y|z]/g);
m2s = m2.split(/[x|y|z]/g);
coef = parseInt(m1s[0]) + parseInt(m2s[0]);
if (coef == 0)
return "ZERO"
return coef + "x" + m1s[1] + "y" + m1s[2] + "z" + m1s[3];
function subMonomial(m1, m2){
m1s = m1.split(/[x|y|z]/g);
m2s = m2.split(/[x|y|z]/g);
coef = parseInt(m1s[0]) - parseInt(m2s[0]);
if (coef == 0)
return "ZERO";
return coef + "x" + m1s[1] + "y" + m1s[2] + "z" + m1s[3];
function mulMonomial(m1, m2){
m1s = m1.split(/[x|y|z]/g);
m2s = m2.split(/[x|y|z]/g);
coef = parseInt(m1s[0]) * parseInt(m2s[0]);
coefx = parseInt(m1s[1]) + parseInt(m2s[1]);
coefy = parseInt(m1s[2]) + parseInt(m2s[2]);
coefz = parseInt(m1s[3]) + parseInt(m2s[3]);
if (coef == 0)
return "ZERO";
return coef + "x" + coefx + "y" + coefy + "z" + coefz;
function add(p1, p2){
if (p1.data == "")
return p2;
if (p2.data == "")
return p1;
var r = new Polynomial();
p1Mos = p1.data.split(" + ");
p2Mos = p2.data.split(" + ");
var data = "";
var k = 0; var current = p1Mos[0];
for (var i = 0; i < p2Mos.length; i++){
if (k >= p1Mos.length)
data += " + " + p2Mos[i];
else {
while (k < p1Mos.length && compareMonomial(current, p2Mos[i]) < 0){
data += " + " + p1Mos[k]; k++; current = p1Mos[k];
if (current == undefined)
data += " + " + p2Mos[i];
else if (compareMonomial(current, p2Mos[i]) == 0){
if (addMonomial(current, p2Mos[i]) != "ZERO")
data += " + " + addMonomial(current, p2Mos[i]);
k++; current = p1Mos[k];
data += " + " + p2Mos[i];
while (k < p1Mos.length){
data += " + " + p1Mos[k]; k++
return r;
function sub(p1, p2){
if (p2.data == "")
return p1;
if (p1.data == ""){
//need to update here
return p2;
var r = new Polynomial();
p1Mos = p1.data.split(" + ");
p2Mos = p2.data.split(" + ");
var data = "";
var k = 0; var current = p1Mos[0];
for (var i = 0; i < p2Mos.length; i++){
p2coef = p2Mos[i].split(/[x|y|z]g/)[0];
if (parseInt(p2coef) < 0)
p2MoNeg = p2Mos[i].substring(1);
p2MoNeg = "-" + p2Mos[i];
if (k >= p1Mos.length)
data += " + " + p2MoNeg;
else {
while (k < p1Mos.length && compareMonomial(current, p2Mos[i])< 0){
data += " + " + p1Mos[k]; k++; current = p1Mos[k];
if (current == undefined)
data += " + " + p2MoNeg;
else if (compareMonomial(current, p2Mos[i]) == 0){
if (subMonomial(current, p2Mos[i]) != "ZERO")
data += " + " + subMonomial(current, p2Mos[i]);
k++; current = p1Mos[k];
data += " + " + p2MoNeg;
while (k < p1Mos.length){
data += " + " + p1Mos[k]; k++
return r;
// multiply polynomial p1 (with array of monomials p1Mos) with a monomial m2
function mulPM(p1Mos, m2){
r = new Polynomial();
var data = "";
for (var i = 0; i < p1Mos.length; i++){
if (mulMonomial(p1Mos[i], m2) != "ZERO")
data += " + " + mulMonomial(p1Mos[i], m2);
r.setData(data.substring(3)); return r;
// multiply polynomial p1 with polynomial p2
function mul(p1, p2){
p1s = p1.data.split(" + ");
p2s = p2.data.split(" + ");
r = new Polynomial();
for (var i = 0; i < p2s.length; i++){
r = add(r, mulPM(p1s, p2s[i]));
return r;
function Fricke(s){
var w = new Word();
w.reduce(); s = w.toString();
var r = new Polynomial();
var l = s.length;
// Trivial case or case where 2 consecutive letters among last 4 letter
// are the same
if (l == 0){
return r;
if (l == 1){
if (s == "a" || s == "A")
return r;
if (s.charAt(l-1) == s.charAt(l-2)){
var c = s.charAt(l-1);
var s1 = s.substring(0, l-2);
r = sub(mul(Fricke(s1 + c), Fricke(c + "")), Fricke(s1));
return r;
if (l == 2){
if (s == "ab" || s == "ba" || s == "AB" || s == "BA"){
return r;
else if (s == "aB" || s == "Ba" || s == "Ab" || s == "bA"){
r.setData("1x1y1z0 + -1x0y0z1");
return r;
if (s.charAt(l-2) == s.charAt(l-3)){
s = s.charAt(l-1) + s.substring(0, l-1);
r = Fricke(s);
return r;
if (l == 3){
s = s.charAt(l-1) + s.substring(0, l-1);
r = Fricke(s);
return r;
if (s.charAt(l-3) == s.charAt(l-4)){
s = s.substring(l-2, l) + s.substring(0, l-2);
r = Fricke(s);
return r;
// Case 2: w = x1Yx2y
var t = s.charCodeAt(l-1) - s.charCodeAt(l-3);
if ( t == 32 || t == -32){
var w1 = new Word();
w1.setWordString(s.substring(l-2, l));
var s2 = s.substring(0, l-2) + w1.bar().toString();
r = sub(mul(Fricke(s.substring(0, l-2)), Fricke(s.substring(l-2, l))),
return r;
// Case 3: w = ...Xyxy
t = s.charCodeAt(l-2) - s.charCodeAt(l-4);
if ( t == 32 || t == -32){
r = Fricke(s.charAt(l-1) + s.substring(0, l-1));
return r;
// Last case 4: w = ...xyxy
r = sub(mul(Fricke(s.substring(0, l-2)), Fricke(s.substring(l-4, l-2))),
Fricke(s.substring(0, l-4)));
return r;
// Helper methods:
function cancel2Char(src, i){
dest = [];
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
dest[j] = src[j];
for (var j = i; j < src.length - 2; j++)
dest[j] = src[j+2];
return dest;
function trim2Ends(src){
dest = [];
for (var j = 1; j < src.length - 1; j++)
dest[j - 1] = src[j];
return dest;
// Function to find the minimum equivalent class of a reduced cyclic word rc.
function minReduceCyclic(rc){
var min = rc.clone();
var W = new Word();
for (var i = 0; i < rc.word.length; i++){
W = rc.permute(i);
if (min.compareTo(W) > 0)
min = W;
return min;
function canonical(W){
W = minReduceCyclic(W);
return W;
// CLASS Word
function Word(){
this.word = [];
this.setWord = function(w){
this.word = w;
this.setWordString = function(s){
// a-z = 1-26 && A-Z = -1 - -26;
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
var c = s.charCodeAt(i);
if (c >= 65 && c <= 90 )
this.word[i] = -(c - 64);
else if (c >= 97 && c < 122)
this.word[i] = c - 96;
else {
this.word = []; return;
this.length = function(){ return this.word.length; }
Word.prototype.isReduce = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < this.word.length - 1; i++)
if (this.word[i] == -this.word[i+1])
return false;
return true;
Word.prototype.reduce = function(){
var i = -2;
while(i != this.word.length - 1){
if (this.word.length == 0)
for(i = 0; i < this.word.length - 1; i++)
if (this.word[i] == -this.word[i+1]){
this.word = cancel2Char(this.word, i);
Word.prototype.toReduceCyclic = function(){
while(this.word[0] == -this.word[this.word.length - 1])
this.word = trim2Ends(this.word);
Word.prototype.toString = function(){
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < this.word.length; i++){
if (this.word[i] < 0)
s = s + String.fromCharCode(-this.word[i] + 64);
s = s + String.fromCharCode(this.word[i] + 96);
return s;
Word.prototype.bar = function(){
var r = new Word();
var w = r.word;
for (var j = 0; j < this.word.length; j++)
w[j] = - this.word[this.word.length - 1 - j];
return r;
Word.prototype.permute = function(i){
var r = new Word();
var w = r.word;
for (var j = 0; j < this.word.length; j++)
w[j] = this.word[(j + i) % this.word.length];
return r;
Word.prototype.isEqual = function(W2){
var w1 = this.word;
var w2 = W2.word;
if (w1.length != w2.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < w1.length; i++)
if (w1[i] != w2[i])
return false;
return true;
Word.prototype.compareTo = function(W2){
var w1 = this.word;
var w2 = W2.word;
var l = Math.min(w1.length, w2.length);
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++){
if (w1[i] < w2[i])
return -1;
if (w1[i] > w2[i])
return 1;
if (w1.length > w2.length)
return 1;
if (w1.length < w2.length)
return -1;
return 0;
Word.prototype.clone = function(){
var r = new Word();
w = r.word;
for (var i = 0; i < this.word.length; i++)
w[i] = this.word[i];
return r;
Word.prototype.primitiveExp = function(){
w = this.word; l = w.length;
for(var i = 1; i <= l/2; i++){
if (l % i == 0){
found = true;
for (var j = 0; j < l/i; j++)
for (var t = 0; t < i; t++)
if (w[t] != w[t + j * i]){
found = false;
break test;
if (found)
return l/i;
return 1;
// Need to debug
function concat(W1, W2){
r = new Word();
var w1 = W1.word;
var w2 = W2.word;
var w = []
for (var i = 0; i < w1.length; i++)
w[i] = w1[i];
for (var i = 0; i < w2.length; i++)
w[i + w1.length] = w2[i];
return r;
// These are supposed to be surface word methods
// sw is a word and the order is a map, which
// maps characters in a word (1-k or (-1)-(-k)) to its order in the alphabet
function order(sw){
var w = sw.word;
var o = new Map();
for (var i = 0; i < w.length; i++)
o.set(w[i], i);
return o;
function findCharPos(sw, c){
for (var i = 0; i < sw.word.length; i++)
if (sw.word[i] == c)
return i;
var time;
$("#note").text("Note: Computing.....");
time = new Date().getTime();
new Promise(compute).then(doneCompute("Note: Done! The computation time is about "));
}, 50);
function compute(value){
function doneCompute(value){
$("#note").text(value + (new Date().getTime() - time - 50) + " milliseconds.");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="fricke.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Word.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Polynomial.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="gui.js"></script>
<h2>Computing Fricke Polynomial for word with 2 generators a and b</h2>
<b>Word: </b>
<input type="text" class="inputText" id="word"></input><br><br>
<button class="button" id="compute">Compute</button>
<button class="button" id="reset">Reset</button>
<div id="note">Note:</div>
<div class="slide">Fricke Polynomial</div>
<div class="output" id="fpOutput"></div>

Mine Sweeper - getting all cells until they neighbor with a bomb

I'm trying to perform the function where i click on a cell , and if it isn't in proximity of a bomb, it'll reveal all up until those who neighbour with a bomb.
I'm practically stuck :
I'm adding the code i think relevant here
//Click cells to reveal + placing mines for the first time
function cellClicked(elCell, i, j) {
if (!gGame.isOn) return;
if (gClickCounter === 0) {
getRandomMine(gLevel.mines, i, j);
var cell = gBoard[i][j];
console.log('cell:', cell);
if (cell.isShown) return;
if (!cell.isShown) {
cell.isShown = true;
console.log('gGame.shownCount:', gGame.shownCount);
if (cell.isMine === true) {
var elLives = document.querySelector('.lives');
elLives.innerHTML = gLivesLeft;
elCell.innerText = BOMB;
if (gLivesLeft === 0) {
} else {
var gNegs = countNegs(i, j);
elCell.innerText = gNegs;
console.log('elCell:', elCell.dataset.i);
console.log('elCell:', elCell.dataset.j);
cell.minesAroundCount = gNegs;
if (gNegs === 0) {
//check up
if (i > 0) {
var uCell = document.getElementById(gBoard.length * (i - 1) + j);
if (!gBoard[i - 1][j].isShown && !gBoard[i - 1][j].isMarked) {
cellClicked(uCell, i - 1, j);
//check down
if (i < gBoard.length - 1) {
var uCell = document.getElementById(gBoard.length * (i + 1) + j);
if (!gBoard[i + 1][j].isShown && !gBoard[i + 1][j].isMarked) {
cellClicked(uCell, i + 1, j);
//check right
if (j < gBoard.length - 1) {
var uCell = document.getElementById(gBoard.length * i + (j + 1));
if (!gBoard[i][j + 1].isShown && !gBoard[i][j + 1].isMarked) {
cellClicked(uCell, i, j + 1);
//counting neighbors
function countNegs(cellI, cellJ) {
var negsCount = 0;
for (var i = cellI - 1; i <= cellI + 1; i++) {
if (i < 0 || i > gBoard.length - 1) continue;
for (var j = cellJ - 1; j <= cellJ + 1; j++) {
if (j < 0 || j > gBoard[i].length - 1) continue;
if (i === cellI && j === cellJ) continue;
if (gBoard[i][j].isMine) {
if (negsCount === 0) {
return negsCount;
and the entire code is here :
Would appreciate any life savers here!

jQuery & Javascript to Highlight and Crossout HTML Content

Highlight and Crossout values i am storing to database so, we can remain next time in questions I just want to be worked highlight and crossout in html using jquery same way or another way.
I am trying this code and sometimes it generates problem while calling jQuery functions it generates double output while when we do highlight questions and crossout on html content sometimes highlight and crossout also not working with selecting using Ctrl+A or select all with my code.
Click Here For Output
.crossout{text-decoration: line-through;}
<input type="button" onClick="return false;" id="btn_highlight" unselectable="on" value="highlight" class="unselectable" alt="highlight" width="36" height="38">
<input type="button" onClick="return false;" id="btn_crossout" unselectable="on" value="crossout" class="unselectable" alt="crossout" width="36" height="38" />
<input name="highlight" id="highlight" type="text" value=""/>
<input name="crossout" id="crossout" type="text" value=""/>
<div class="highlight_area">
<div id="high" class="question_area">
<div class="question_stem">
<p>A 47-year-old male with chronic kidney disease and peptic ulcer disease presents to the emergency room with chest pain. The patient states the pain increases with breathing and radiates to his back but improves with leaning forward. He states that he recently had a viral upper respiratory infection that left him with a cough for the past 3 weeks. An echocardiogram is ordered which appears normal. EKG shows diffuse ST segment elevations with PR depression. What is the most appropriate treatment at this time?</p>
<div class="input radio"><input type="radio" name="data[Answer][answer]" id="answer11" value="1"><label for="answer11">A. NSAID only</label></div>
<div class="input radio"><input type="radio" name="data[Answer][answer]" id="answer22" value="2"><label for="answer22">B. Colchicine only</label></div>
<div class="input radio"><input type="radio" name="data[Answer][answer]" id="answer33" value="3"><label for="answer33">C. NSAIDS and colchicine</label></div>
<div class="input radio"><input type="radio" name="data[Answer][answer]" id="answer44" value="4"><label for="answer44">D. Corticosteroids</label></div>
<div class="input radio"><input type="radio" name="data[Answer][answer]" id="answer55" value="5"><label for="answer55">E. Dialysis</label></div>
<input type="hidden" name="data[Answer][correct]" value="2" id="AnswerCorrect">
$(document).on('click', '#btn_highlight', function() {
$(document).on('click', '#btn_crossout', function() {
function select(id) {
function append(id, begin, end) {
// console.log('Add: ' + begin + ' to ' + end);
var highlights = $(id).val().trim().split(',');
var start = -1;
var done = -1;
var duplicate = -1;
var inside = -1;
var out = [];
var previous = 99999999;
var on = false;
for (x in highlights) {
var mark = highlights[x];
if (!mark) continue;
// console.log('Check: ' + mark + ' Start: ' + start + ' End: ' + done);
if (duplicate == mark) {
// console.log('Repeated mark');
if (done >= 0) {
} else if (start < 0) {
if (end < mark) {
// console.log('Prepend new');
start = mark;
done = end;
} else if (end == mark || begin < mark) {
if (!on && end <= mark) {
// console.log('Prepend consecutive');
done = mark;
} else if (on) {
// console.log('Start inside');
inside = begin
} else {
// console.log('Start new');
start = begin;
} else if (begin == mark) {
// console.log('Start overlapped');
duplicate = mark;
start = mark;
} else {
// console.log('Skip one');
if (done < 0 && start >= 0) {
if (end == mark) {
if (inside >= 0) {
// console.log('End overlapped from inside');
on = !on;
} else if (duplicate < 0) {
// console.log('End overlapped from outside');
done = mark;
} else if (end > previous && end < mark) {
if (!on || duplicate >= 0) {
// console.log('End new');
done = mark;
on = !on;
// console.log(out);
previous = mark;
if (done < 0) {
if (duplicate >= 0 && begin == mark) {
} else {
if (start < 0) {
} else if (duplicate >= 0) {
// console.log('End from duplicate');
// console.log(id + ': ' + $(id).val());
if (out.length % 2 != 0) {
var temp = '#temp';
function getIndex(elem, offset) {
var parent = $(elem).parents('.highlight_area');
elem.nodeValue = temp + elem.nodeValue;
var text = parent.text();
var add = text.indexOf(temp);
offset = offset + add;
elem.nodeValue = elem.nodeValue.substr(temp.length);
return offset;
function getIndex2(elem, offset) {
var parent = elem.parents('.highlight_area');
elem.text(temp + elem.text());
var text = parent.text();
var add = text.indexOf(temp);
offset = offset + add;
return offset;
function getElem(node) {
if (node.is('.highlight,.crossout')) {
node = node.parent();
return node;
var highlight = window.getSelection();
// console.log(highlight);
var base = highlight.focusNode;
var anchor = highlight.anchorNode;
var baseOffset = highlight.focusOffset;
var anchorOffset = highlight.anchorOffset;
if (!highlight.rangeCount || !$(base).parents('.highlight_area').length || !$(anchor).parents('.highlight_area').length) {
// console.log(highlight.rangeCount + ' ; ' + $(base).parents('.highlight_area').length + ' ; ' + $(anchor).parents('.highlight_area').length);
baseOffset = getIndex(base, baseOffset);
anchorOffset = getIndex(anchor, anchorOffset);
var stem = $('.highlight_area');
var baseIndex = getElem($(base.parentElement)).index();
var anchorIndex = getElem($(anchor.parentElement)).index();
var start = Math.min(baseOffset, anchorOffset);
var end = Math.max(baseOffset, anchorOffset);
// console.log('Offset: ' + start + ' to ' + end);
// console.log('Indexes: ' + baseIndex + ' v ' + anchorIndex);
if (baseIndex == anchorIndex) {
append(id, start, end);
} else {
var children = stem.find(':not(.highlight,.crossout)');
var startIndex = Math.min(baseIndex, anchorIndex);
var endIndex = Math.max(baseIndex, anchorIndex);
var child = $(children[startIndex]);
var text = child.text();
var textStart = getIndex2(child, text.length);
append(id, start, textStart);
for (var i = startIndex + 1; i < endIndex; i++) {
child = $(children[i]);
text = child.text();
if (!text.trim().length) continue;
append(id, textStart, textStart + text.length);
textStart = textStart + text.length;
var child = $(children[endIndex]);
var textStart = getIndex2(child, 0);
append(id, textStart, end);
function apply() {
var highlights = $('#highlight').val().split(',');
var crossouts = $('#crossout').val().split(',');
var marks = {};
for (x in highlights) {
if (typeof marks[highlights[x]] != 'undefined') {
// 2 consecutive highlights
marks[highlights[x]] = 4;
} else {
marks[highlights[x]] = 1;
for (x in crossouts) {
if (typeof marks[crossouts[x]] == 'undefined') {
marks[crossouts[x]] = 2;
} else {
if (marks[crossouts[x]] == 4) {
// 2 highlights and a crossout
marks[crossouts[x]] = 6;
} else if (marks[crossouts[x]] == 2) {
// 2 consecutive crossouts
marks[crossouts[x]] = 5;
} else if (marks[crossouts[x]] == 6) {
// 2 consecutive highlights and crossouts
marks[crossouts[x]] = 7;
} else if (marks[crossouts[x]] == 3) {
// 2 consecutive crossouts and highlight
marks[crossouts[x]] = 8;
} else {
// highlight and crossout
marks[crossouts[x]] = 3;
var stem = $('.highlight_area');
var children = stem.find(':not(.highlight,.crossout)');
var childIndex = 0;
var child = $(children[childIndex]);
var text = child.text().replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "");
var high = false;
var cross = false;
var previousMark = 0;
var passedChars = 0;
var mode = 0;
var string = '';
var nextEdge = 0;
var first = true;
var maxLoop = 10;
for (x in marks) {
if (x == '') continue;
// console.log('Mark: ' + x);
nextEdge = 1 * passedChars + 1 * text.length;
// console.log('Next edge: ' + nextEdge);
var loopCount = 0;
while (x > nextEdge && loopCount++ < maxLoop) {
string = text.substr(previousMark - passedChars);
passedChars = 1 * passedChars + 1 * text.length;
previousMark = passedChars;
// move on to next
childIndex = childIndex + 1;
child = $(children[childIndex]);
text = child.text();
nextEdge = 1 * text.length + 1 * passedChars;
// console.log('Next edge : ' + nextEdge);
// console.log('Select: ' + previousMark + ' to ' + x);
string = text.substr(previousMark - passedChars, x - previousMark);
// console.log(string);
var type = '';
if (high) {
type = type + ' highlight';
if (cross) {
type = type + ' crossout';
if (type) {
var span = $('<span></span>').addClass(type);
} else {
previousMark = x;
if (marks[x] == 1) {
high = !high;
} else if (marks[x] == 2) {
cross = !cross;
} else if (marks[x] == 3) {
high = !high;
cross = !cross;
} else if (marks[x] == 4) {
high = true;
} else if (marks[x] == 5) {
cross = true;
} else if (marks[x] == 6) {
high = true;
cross = !cross;
} else if (marks[x] == 7) {
high = true;
cross = true;
} else if (marks[x] == 8) {
high = !high;
cross = true;
string = text.substr(previousMark - passedChars);
childIndex = childIndex + 1;
while (childIndex < children.length) {
child = $(children[childIndex]);
child.find('.highlight,.crossout').each(function(i, e) {
child.html(child.html().replace($(e).outerHtml(), $(e).text()));
childIndex = childIndex + 1;
Click Here For Output

Highlight & Crossout issues in HTML Content using jQuery & Javascript

I have problem while calling jquery functions it generates double output while when we do highlight questions and crossout on html content sometimes highlight and crossout also not working with selecting using Ctrl+A or select all.
highlight and crossout values i am storing to database so, we can remain next time in questions.
I am trying and just needs to works it well.
Click Here For Output
.crossout{text-decoration: line-through;}
<input type="button" onClick="return false;" id="btn_highlight" unselectable="on" value="highlight" class="unselectable" alt="highlight" width="36" height="38">
<input type="button" onClick="return false;" id="btn_crossout" unselectable="on" value="crossout" class="unselectable" alt="crossout" width="36" height="38" />
<input name="highlight" id="highlight" type="text" value=""/>
<input name="crossout" id="crossout" type="text" value=""/>
<div class="highlight_area">
<div id="high" class="question_area">
<div class="question_stem">
<p>A 47-year-old male with chronic kidney disease and peptic ulcer disease presents to the emergency room with chest pain. The patient states the pain increases with breathing and radiates to his back but improves with leaning forward. He states that he recently had a viral upper respiratory infection that left him with a cough for the past 3 weeks. An echocardiogram is ordered which appears normal. EKG shows diffuse ST segment elevations with PR depression. What is the most appropriate treatment at this time?</p>
<div class="input radio"><input type="radio" name="data[Answer][answer]" id="answer11" value="1"><label for="answer11">A. NSAID only</label></div>
<div class="input radio"><input type="radio" name="data[Answer][answer]" id="answer22" value="2"><label for="answer22">B. Colchicine only</label></div>
<div class="input radio"><input type="radio" name="data[Answer][answer]" id="answer33" value="3"><label for="answer33">C. NSAIDS and colchicine</label></div>
<div class="input radio"><input type="radio" name="data[Answer][answer]" id="answer44" value="4"><label for="answer44">D. Corticosteroids</label></div>
<div class="input radio"><input type="radio" name="data[Answer][answer]" id="answer55" value="5"><label for="answer55">E. Dialysis</label></div>
<input type="hidden" name="data[Answer][correct]" value="2" id="AnswerCorrect">
jQuery Code
$(document).on('click', '#btn_highlight', function() {
$(document).on('click', '#btn_crossout', function() {
function select(id) {
function append(id, begin, end) {
// console.log('Add: ' + begin + ' to ' + end);
var highlights = $(id).val().trim().split(',');
var start = -1;
var done = -1;
var duplicate = -1;
var inside = -1;
var out = [];
var previous = 99999999;
var on = false;
for (x in highlights) {
var mark = highlights[x];
if (!mark) continue;
// console.log('Check: ' + mark + ' Start: ' + start + ' End: ' + done);
if (duplicate == mark) {
// console.log('Repeated mark');
if (done >= 0) {
} else if (start < 0) {
if (end < mark) {
// console.log('Prepend new');
start = mark;
done = end;
} else if (end == mark || begin < mark) {
if (!on && end <= mark) {
// console.log('Prepend consecutive');
done = mark;
} else if (on) {
// console.log('Start inside');
inside = begin
} else {
// console.log('Start new');
start = begin;
} else if (begin == mark) {
// console.log('Start overlapped');
duplicate = mark;
start = mark;
} else {
// console.log('Skip one');
if (done < 0 && start >= 0) {
if (end == mark) {
if (inside >= 0) {
// console.log('End overlapped from inside');
on = !on;
} else if (duplicate < 0) {
// console.log('End overlapped from outside');
done = mark;
} else if (end > previous && end < mark) {
if (!on || duplicate >= 0) {
// console.log('End new');
done = mark;
on = !on;
// console.log(out);
previous = mark;
if (done < 0) {
if (duplicate >= 0 && begin == mark) {
} else {
if (start < 0) {
} else if (duplicate >= 0) {
// console.log('End from duplicate');
// console.log(id + ': ' + $(id).val());
if (out.length % 2 != 0) {
var temp = '#temp';
function getIndex(elem, offset) {
var parent = $(elem).parents('.highlight_area');
elem.nodeValue = temp + elem.nodeValue;
var text = parent.text();
var add = text.indexOf(temp);
offset = offset + add;
elem.nodeValue = elem.nodeValue.substr(temp.length);
return offset;
function getIndex2(elem, offset) {
var parent = elem.parents('.highlight_area');
elem.text(temp + elem.text());
var text = parent.text();
var add = text.indexOf(temp);
offset = offset + add;
return offset;
function getElem(node) {
if (node.is('.highlight,.crossout')) {
node = node.parent();
return node;
var highlight = window.getSelection();
// console.log(highlight);
var base = highlight.focusNode;
var anchor = highlight.anchorNode;
var baseOffset = highlight.focusOffset;
var anchorOffset = highlight.anchorOffset;
if (!highlight.rangeCount || !$(base).parents('.highlight_area').length || !$(anchor).parents('.highlight_area').length) {
// console.log(highlight.rangeCount + ' ; ' + $(base).parents('.highlight_area').length + ' ; ' + $(anchor).parents('.highlight_area').length);
baseOffset = getIndex(base, baseOffset);
anchorOffset = getIndex(anchor, anchorOffset);
var stem = $('.highlight_area');
var baseIndex = getElem($(base.parentElement)).index();
var anchorIndex = getElem($(anchor.parentElement)).index();
var start = Math.min(baseOffset, anchorOffset);
var end = Math.max(baseOffset, anchorOffset);
// console.log('Offset: ' + start + ' to ' + end);
// console.log('Indexes: ' + baseIndex + ' v ' + anchorIndex);
if (baseIndex == anchorIndex) {
append(id, start, end);
} else {
var children = stem.find(':not(.highlight,.crossout)');
var startIndex = Math.min(baseIndex, anchorIndex);
var endIndex = Math.max(baseIndex, anchorIndex);
var child = $(children[startIndex]);
var text = child.text();
var textStart = getIndex2(child, text.length);
append(id, start, textStart);
for (var i = startIndex + 1; i < endIndex; i++) {
child = $(children[i]);
text = child.text();
if (!text.trim().length) continue;
append(id, textStart, textStart + text.length);
textStart = textStart + text.length;
var child = $(children[endIndex]);
var textStart = getIndex2(child, 0);
append(id, textStart, end);
function apply() {
var highlights = $('#highlight').val().split(',');
var crossouts = $('#crossout').val().split(',');
var marks = {};
for (x in highlights) {
if (typeof marks[highlights[x]] != 'undefined') {
// 2 consecutive highlights
marks[highlights[x]] = 4;
} else {
marks[highlights[x]] = 1;
for (x in crossouts) {
if (typeof marks[crossouts[x]] == 'undefined') {
marks[crossouts[x]] = 2;
} else {
if (marks[crossouts[x]] == 4) {
// 2 highlights and a crossout
marks[crossouts[x]] = 6;
} else if (marks[crossouts[x]] == 2) {
// 2 consecutive crossouts
marks[crossouts[x]] = 5;
} else if (marks[crossouts[x]] == 6) {
// 2 consecutive highlights and crossouts
marks[crossouts[x]] = 7;
} else if (marks[crossouts[x]] == 3) {
// 2 consecutive crossouts and highlight
marks[crossouts[x]] = 8;
} else {
// highlight and crossout
marks[crossouts[x]] = 3;
var stem = $('.highlight_area');
var children = stem.find(':not(.highlight,.crossout)');
var childIndex = 0;
var child = $(children[childIndex]);
var text = child.text().replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "");
var high = false;
var cross = false;
var previousMark = 0;
var passedChars = 0;
var mode = 0;
var string = '';
var nextEdge = 0;
var first = true;
var maxLoop = 10;
for (x in marks) {
if (x == '') continue;
// console.log('Mark: ' + x);
nextEdge = 1 * passedChars + 1 * text.length;
// console.log('Next edge: ' + nextEdge);
var loopCount = 0;
while (x > nextEdge && loopCount++ < maxLoop) {
string = text.substr(previousMark - passedChars);
passedChars = 1 * passedChars + 1 * text.length;
previousMark = passedChars;
// move on to next
childIndex = childIndex + 1;
child = $(children[childIndex]);
text = child.text();
nextEdge = 1 * text.length + 1 * passedChars;
// console.log('Next edge : ' + nextEdge);
// console.log('Select: ' + previousMark + ' to ' + x);
string = text.substr(previousMark - passedChars, x - previousMark);
// console.log(string);
var type = '';
if (high) {
type = type + ' highlight';
if (cross) {
type = type + ' crossout';
if (type) {
var span = $('<span></span>').addClass(type);
} else {
previousMark = x;
if (marks[x] == 1) {
high = !high;
} else if (marks[x] == 2) {
cross = !cross;
} else if (marks[x] == 3) {
high = !high;
cross = !cross;
} else if (marks[x] == 4) {
high = true;
} else if (marks[x] == 5) {
cross = true;
} else if (marks[x] == 6) {
high = true;
cross = !cross;
} else if (marks[x] == 7) {
high = true;
cross = true;
} else if (marks[x] == 8) {
high = !high;
cross = true;
string = text.substr(previousMark - passedChars);
childIndex = childIndex + 1;
while (childIndex < children.length) {
child = $(children[childIndex]);
child.find('.highlight,.crossout').each(function(i, e) {
child.html(child.html().replace($(e).outerHtml(), $(e).text()));
childIndex = childIndex + 1;

HTML - show event of today with a JavaScript function

I want my HTML page to show me the events/ in this case birthday(s) of this day.
But my Code doesn't work.
function birthday() {
var event = [];
var temp = [];
event[0] = ["31.10.1991", "test1"];
event[1] = ["11.12.2015", "TestToday"];
var datum = new Date();
var today = today.getDate();
var month = today.getMonth() + 1;
for (i = 0; i < event.length; i++) {
if (event[i]) {
if (event[i][0] == today && event[i][0] == month) {
event[i][0] = temp[i];
else {
if (temp.length == 0) {
document.write("Today nobody has a birthday");
else {
var x2 = "Today " + ((temp.length == 1) ? "has" : "have");
for (i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
x2 += ((temp[i] > 0) ? ((temp[i] == (temp.length - 1)) ? " and " : ", ") : " ") + temp[event[1]][3] + "(" + temp[event[i]][2] + ")";
document.write(x2 + " birthday");
Question1: Where are my mistakes and how can I make it work?
Question2: How can the program take the dates out of a excel sheet?
In JavaScript you define arrays using [];
I don't speak German so i don't know what you need to print
function birthday() {
var Geb = [];
var ausgabe = [];
Geb[0] = ["31.10.1991", "Test1"];
Geb[1] = ["23.11.2000", "Testheute"];
var datum = new Date(); //Datums Objekt
var heute = datum.getDate(); //Tage 1-31
var monat = datum.getMonth() + 1; //Monate von 0-11
for (i = 0; i < Geb.length; i++) {
if (Geb[i]) {
if (Geb[i][0] == heute && Geb[i][0] == monat) {
Geb[i][0] = ausgabe[i];
else {
if (ausgabe.length == 0) {
document.write("Heute hat niemand Geburtstag");
else {
var x2 = "Heute " + ((ausgabe.length == 1) ? "hat" : "haben");
for (i = 0; i < ausgabe.length; i++) {
x2 += ((ausgabe[i] > 0) ? ((ausgabe[i] == (ausgabe.length - 1)) ? " und " : ", ") : " ") + ausgabe[Geb[i1]][3] + "(" + ausgabe[Geb[i]][2] + ")";
document.write(x2 + " Geburtstag");

