How to reference the key from json with node.js - javascript

How would I access the following json data
I have this so far and I am aware it is completely wrong:
Object.keys(jsonevents["events"]).forEach(function(key) {
if(eventName == jsonevents["events"][key]["name"]){
delete jsonevents['events'][key]["users"][];
fs.writeFile(eventsjson, JSON.stringify(jsonevents),'utf8');
sayMessage += "```User is no longer part of the event "+jsonevents['events'][key]["name"]+"```";
} else {
sayMessage += "```user is not in the event "+jsonevents['events'][key]["name"]+"```";
} else {
sayMessage += "```Why do we have no users```";
} else {
//sayMessage += "```No event found```";
I need to be able to access the key by passing in the username, so user2 would give me 14300995184 so i can then use this to remove the user from the event.

You can search through the Object.entries with find() and return the right object. It will return an array of key/value the key will be what you're after:
let users = {
let found = Object.entries(users).find(([key, value]) => value.username === "user2")
console.log(found && found[0]) // found is undefined if not found

You can iterate over the entries (key-value pairs) of the users object, and use .find to find the username that matches the one you're trying to find. The first item in the entry (the key) will be what you're looking for:
const obj = {
"users": {
"2211392761": {
"username": "user1"
"14300995184": {
"username": "user2"
"2781554712": {
"username": "user3"
"3554341": {
"username": "user4"
"202611": {
"username": "user5"
"17754300653761": {
"username": "user6"
const findEntry = usernameToFind => {
const foundEntry = Object.entries(obj.users)
.find(([, { username }]) => username === usernameToFind);
if (foundEntry) return foundEntry[0];


Map function in JSON array

I want to find an object from a JSON array. My code is working fine with the object found. But the issue is what if the employee id is not? My code console's "not found" two times. Kindly guide me on what the issue is with my code.
var E_ID
let empArray = [
"employee": {
"employee_ID": 16,
"employee_designation": "Node.js",
"employee_FirstName": "John",
"employee_lastName": "Doe",
"employee": {
"employee_ID": 17,
"employee_designation": "Full Stack",
"employee_FirstName": "Samual",
"employee_lastName": "Smith",
function search_EmployeeByID(E_ID) { => {
if (item.employee.employee_ID == E_ID) {
return true
}else {
console.log("not found")
return false
E_ID = parseInt(prompt("Enter Employee_ID to search for:"))
The if statement should not be inside find(). find() will return the matching element, or null if it's not found. So test the return value.
function searchEmployeeByID(e_id) {
let emp = empArray.find(e => e.employee.employee_ID == e_id);
if (emp) (
return true;
} else {
console.log("not found");
return false;

How to check nested JSON property and value exist in JavaScript?

I am getting below JSON as API response. Response contains multiple session node, each session node contains multiple event node. I would like to identify the first "SEARCH" event ("type") in any of the session ascending. If the "SEARCH" event is found, then, from the particular event, I need to get the "Interest" node value.
var guestJson = await response.json();
for(var property in guestJson)
if(property === "sessions")
var sessionObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(guestJson[property]))
for(var i=0; i< sessionObj.length; i++)
var eachSessionObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sessionObj[i]))
for(var sessionProperty in eachSessionObj)
if(sessionProperty === "events")
console.log("Events Found")
I am able to do with for loop like below. But i think it's not the effective way of doing that
Below is the JSON structure
You could try a function like this:
function extractInterest(guestJson) {
// Get all sessions or else get an empty array
const sessions = guestJson.sessions || [];
// Filter all sessions with events
const interest = sessions.filter(session =>
.flatMap(session => // Maps all the events to a single list
.filter(event => event.type === "SEARCH") // Filter only the events with type "SEARCH"
.map(event => event.arbitraryData.interest); // Extract the interest from each event
return interest; // return the list of interests
When applied to your example JSON, this returns an array of interests like this:
[ 'Health', 'Health' ]

How the java script complex object and complex array iterate?

Below is running code snippet for the javascript object and array.
I have one jsonObj and here the ResultElementLevel could be the array or
According to I just put if else condition and compare if Array and 'object'.
My question is,How would it be possible without if else condition?
can we write one function which compare object and Array inside single if.
The jsonObj is populating dynamically.
Here it would be possible CHECK object is also come into the Array or Object.
var jsonObj = {
"Response": {
"Errors": {
"Check": {
"_attributes": {
"id": "51416",
"name": "lucyocftest090601"
"CheckLevel": {
"ResultElementLevel": {
"_text": "Line No (2) [Missing Reporting Category] "
"Success": {
function iterateObjorArr(jsonObj){
let checkArr = jsonObj.Response.Errors.Check;
let checkID =;
let checkName =;
let status = 'failed';
let resultElementLevel = checkArr.ResultElementLevel;
let errorUploadArr = [];
let errorUploadObj;
if (Array.isArray(resultElementLevel)) { (data, index) {
errorUploadObj = {
'id': checkID,
'checkName': checkName,
'status': status,
'errors/warnings': data._text
} else {
if (typeof (resultElementLevel) === 'object') {
errorUploadObj = {
'id': checkID,
'checkName': checkName,
'status': status,
'errors/warnings': resultElementLevel._text
console.log("errorUploadArr", errorUploadArr);
You can test to see if resultElementLevel has the length property or not using hasOwnProperty(). Arrays have a length while objects do not (generally):
if (resultElementLevel.hasOwnProperty('length')) {
// Handle it as an array
} else {
// Handle as an object
This will, however, only work if the object assigned to resultElementLevel is guaranteed to not have a length property.
My question is,How would it be possible without if else condition? can we write one function which compare object and Array inside single if.
I don't think you'd want to get rid of the condition, but being able to deal with the passed data the same way, wether it's an array, a single item, or null/undefined
You could normalize the data first
function toArray(value){
return value == null? []:
Array.isArray(value)? value:
//isArrayLike(value)? Array.from(value):
//Objects that look like Arrays
function isArrayLike(value){
return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && value.length === (value.length >>> 0);
so that from here on, you always deal with an Array:
let errorUploadArr = toArray(checkArr.ResultElementLevel)
return {
id: checkID,
checkName: checkName,
status: status,
"errors/warnings": item._text
var jsonObj = {
Response: {
Errors: {
Check: {
_attributes: {
id: "51416",
name: "lucyocftest090601"
CheckLevel: {},
ResultElementLevel: {
_text: "Line No (2) [Missing Reporting Category] "
Success: {}
function toArray(value) {
return value == null ? [] :
Array.isArray(value) ? value :
//isArrayLike(value)? Array.from(value):
//Objects that look like Arrays
function isArrayLike(value) {
return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && value.length === (value.length >>> 0);
function iterateObjorArr(jsonObj) {
let checkArr = jsonObj.Response.Errors.Check;
let checkID =;
let checkName =;
let status = "failed";
let errorUploadArr = toArray(checkArr.ResultElementLevel)
.map(function(data) {
return {
id: checkID,
checkName: checkName,
status: status,
"errors/warnings": data._text
console.log("errorUploadArr", errorUploadArr);

JSON Schema extract the required fields

I need to get a list of the required fields out of a JSON-Schema+Data.
Currently, we are using AJV to get error messages in our forms with JSON Schema and it is working great.
I need a way to get all the required fields (even if filled) in order to mark those fields with * as "required". required fields might change depending on the schema and data combinations.
Also tried hacking tv4 to extract the required fields without success.
Please help.
Example for such schema:
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"checkbox": {
"type": "boolean"
"textbox": {
"type": "string"
"oneOf": [
"required": [
"properties": {
"checkbox": {
"enum": [
"properties": {
"checkbox": {
"enum": [
"additionalProperties": false
Rereading your question the easiest way to do what you'd like would be to
get the Json data on page load,
iterate over the json data to remove valid values (see sample 1),
Call tv4.validateMultiple(data, schema),
check the result object and get the required fields (see sample 2).
sample 1
for(let prop in data) {
if(data.hasOwnProperty(prop) {
//set value to null, -1, or some other universally bad value
data[prop]...value = null;
sample 2
let result = tv4.validateMultiple(data, schema);
let required = result.errors;
We solved it by:
Forking tv4 (tv4 - because it was easy to edit):
outputting an array of "Requireds".
We itereted each required field, emptying it's data and sending data+schema to AJV for validation (AJV and not tv4 because its faster at parsing).
By doing that we could know individually which required field is required for the given data.
these are the working functions we came out with (not the cleanest but will help get the idea)
function getAllRequiredFields() {
var allRequiredFields = tv4.validateMultiple($scope.formModel, $scope.formSchema).requireds;
allRequiredFields = allRequiredFields.filter(function onlyUnique(value, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
return allRequiredFields;
function getRequiredFields() {
var t0 =;
//should be called every model change because of optimization in tv4 for the data+schema.
var allRequiredFields = getAllRequiredFields();
angular.forEach(allRequiredFields, function (requiredPath) {
var modelWithDeletedRequiredProperty = angular.copy($scope.formModel);
deleteValue(modelWithDeletedRequiredProperty, requiredPath);
if (!validateForm(modelWithDeletedRequiredProperty)) {
var requiredError = getErrorObjectsArray(validateForm.errors).find(function (error) {
return error.path === requiredPath;
if (requiredError) {
localValidation[requiredError.inputName] = localValidation[requiredError.inputName] || {};
localValidation[requiredError.inputName].isRequired = true;
var t1 =;
console.log("form checking took " + (t1 - t0) + " milliseconds.");
This function grabs schema indices recursively, so maybe you could adapt it a little
export function getIndexes(jsonID, prePath = '') {
let indexes = [];
Object.entries(jsonID).forEach(entry => {
const key = entry[0];
const obj = entry[1];
const path = key === 'properties' ? prePath : util.trimDots(prePath + '.' + key);
if (obj.index)
if (typeof obj === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj)) {
const add = getIndexes(obj, path);
indexes = indexes.concat(add);
if (prePath === '') {
const addCompound = jsonID.compoundIndexes || [];
indexes = indexes.concat(addCompound);
indexes = indexes
.filter((elem, pos, arr) => arr.indexOf(elem) === pos); // unique;
return indexes;

How to verify the particular value of the DB node of firebase database

I have a JSON structure as
"engagedUsers": {
"qwe": {
"agent_availability": true,
"conv_id": "parthengineer_qwe",
"emailId": "",
"login_time": 1512644440,
"name": "qwe",
"uid": "adasfklsfjdskldgsgjgjkl"
"tt": {
"agent_availability": true,
"conv_id": "genesis_tt",
"emailId": "",
"login_time": 1512644440,
"name": "tt",
"uid": "adasfklsfjdskldgsgjgjkl"
I want to verify if the conv_id child is equal to parthengineer_qwe. I tried the below code but cannot got through it:
this.engagedRef = firebase.database().ref('engagedUsers');
this.engagedRef.orderByValue().once('value', function (snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function (data) {
// console.log("snapShot:" + data.child('conv_id').val());
if ((data.child('conv_id').val() == 'parthengineerqwe') && (existEngageduser !== 1)) {
existEngageduser = 1
// console.log("under haschild:" + existEngageduser);
if (existEngageduser == 1) {
isEngaged = true
// sessionStorage.isEngaged = isEngaged;
// console.log("isEngaged:" + isEngaged);
return isEngaged;
Please suggest a better way to achieve this as I know I am not going right way, I expect isEngaged variable as true
I'm still not sure what you want but why not have an external function to do it?
snapshot.forEach(function (data) {
if (isEngaged(data.val())) {
console.log(data.key, ' is engaged');
function isEngaged(userData) {
return (userData.conv_id === 'parthengineer_qwe') || false;

