Excel AddIn - Adding rows to an existing table - javascript

I'm having some troubles while using the Javascript Excel API to create an Excel AddIn.
First issue:
Adding rows to an existing table with the Excel Js library: I create a table and add some rows; then the user can update table content with new data coming from a REST service (so resulting table rows can change: increase / decrease, or be the same).
tl;dr; I need to replace table rows with new ones.
That seems pretty simple: there's a addRows method in Table namespace (reference).
But this won't work as expected: if the table already contains rows new ones will be added to the end, not replacing the existing ones.
Here the code:
const currentWorksheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItemOrNullObject(
let excelTable = currentWorksheet.tables.getItemOrNullObject(tableName)
if (excelTable.isNullObject) {
excelTable = currentWorksheet.tables.add(tableRange, true /* hasHeaders */)
excelTable.name = tableName
excelTable.getHeaderRowRange().values = [excelHeaders]
excelTable.rows.add(null, excelData)
} else {
excelTable.rows.add(0, excelData)
I also tried to delete old rows, then adding new ones.
if (!excelTable.isNullObject) {
for (let i = tableRows - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Deletes all table rows
excelTable.rows.add(0, excelData)
But .. it works fine only if there isn't content below the columns of the table (no functions, other tables and so on).
I tried another method: using ranges.
The first time I create the table, next ones I delete all rows, get the range of new data and insert the values:
if (excelTable.isNullObject) {
excelTable = currentWorksheet.tables.add(tableRange, true /* hasHeaders */)
excelTable.name = tableName
excelTable.getHeaderRowRange().values = [excelHeaders]
excelTable.rows.add(null, excelData)
} else {
let actualRange, newDataRange
const tableRows = excelTable.rows.items.length
const tableColumns = excelTable.columns.items.length
const dataRows = excelData.length
const dataColumns = excelData[0].length
actualRange = excelTable.getDataBodyRange()
for (let i = tableRows - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Deletes all table rows
newDataRange = actualRange.getAbsoluteResizedRange(dataRows, tableColumns)
newDataRange.values = excelData
But there are still drawbacks with this solution.
It needs to be so hard to add/edit/remove rows in an Excel table?
Second issue:
Using the same table, if the user decides to add some 'extra' columns (with a formula based on table values e.g.), do I need to fill this new columns with null data?
const tableColumns = excelTable.columns.items.length
const dataRows = excelData.length
const dataColumns = excelData[0].length
if (tableColumns > dataColumns) {
let diff = tableColumns - dataColumns
for (let i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < dataRows; j++) {
Excel API can't handle this scenario?
Please, could you help me?
Thank you in advance.

Thanks for your reporting.
Add table row API is just adding row to the table rows, not replace it.
What's more. I can't repro the issue with delete rows. Can you show me more details?


Optimization of code while working with range object in excel

I have recently moved for office add-in from vb.net to JavaScript and Office.js. In General, I have observed that JavaScript add-in is way too fast than to vb.net.
In one of the operations, I am not able to get benefit of speed in JavaScript add-in. Maybe it is due to inadequate code that I am using!
I have one master sheet which contains a large table, first column of table is name of every other sheets of that workbook and first row of table have address of cells. Rest of data in table are values to be transferred at the sheet name defined in the first column and cell adress defined in the first row.
In coding, I am creating an array of range object for each value indicated in table and then I run context. Sync () function to restore values in every sheets.
In my real-life application data in table can be 10K to 50K, I can see time taken for this operation is about approx. one minute (for 10K). In contrast of this, I can create the table (master sheet) within few seconds (5 -6 sec) only.
Is there any other workaround or suggestion to reduce time?
/* global Excel, console*/
export default async function restoreData() {
var allRollback = false;
await Excel.run(async (context) => {
var sheets = context.workbook.worksheets.load("items/name");
var wsdb = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("db");
const arryRange = wsdb.getUsedRange();
var addRow = 0;
var sheetName = [];
var rangeObj = [];
//Get last row/column from used range
arryRange.load(["rowCount", "columnCount", "values", "address"]);
await context.sync();
sheets.items.forEach((sheet) => sheetName.push(sheet.name));
for (let iRow = 0; iRow < arryRange.rowCount; iRow++) {
if (arryRange.values[iRow][0] == "SheetName/CellAddress") {
addRow = iRow;
if (sheetName.indexOf(arryRange.values[iRow][0]) != -1) {
for (let iCol = 1; iCol < arryRange.columnCount; iCol++) {
if (arryRange.values[addRow][iCol]) {
const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem(arryRange.values[iRow][0]);
const range = sheet.getRange(arryRange.values[addRow][iCol]);
range.values = arryRange.values[iRow][iCol];
} else {
// code for higlight Row in db
console.log("Range object created");
await context.sync();
// console.log(arryRange.rowCount);
// console.log(arryRange.columnCount);
// Copy a range starting at a single cell destination.
allRollback = true;
return allRollback;
First, base on your statement, I assume you have a table in master sheet. This table's heading is like ["sheetName","A13","D23",...] ("A13" and "D23" are examples of cell address). In each row of this table, contain sheet's name and some values. The sheet's name may not related to a real sheet's name(not exist), and values may contain some blank. And you want to set values on other sheets based on the information given by master sheet's table.
Then I have some suggestions based on my assumptions and your code.
Move unchanged value out of loops.
For example, you called const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem(arryRange.values[iRow][0]);. We can move context.workbook.worksheets out of loops by define var sheets = context.workbook.worksheets and const sheet = sheets.getItem(arryRange.values[iRow][0]). Which could increase the performance.
Also some reused values like arryRange.values[iRow][0], arryRange.values[0][iCol] can be moved out of loop.
Seems you use arryRange.values[addRow][iCol] only for get the address in table's heading. You can replace it by arryRange.values[0][iCol].
Below is the code I rewrite, just for reference, it may not fully satisfy what you need.
export default async function restoreData() {
var allRollback = false;
await Excel.run(async (context) => {
var sheets = context.workbook.worksheets.load("items/name");
var wsdb = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("db");
const arryRange = wsdb.getUsedRange();
//var addRow = 0;
var sheetName = [];
var rangeObj = [];
//Get last row/column from used range
arryRange.load(["rowCount", "columnCount", "values", "address"]);
await context.sync();
sheets.items.forEach((sheet) => sheetName.push(sheet.name));
var cellAddress, curSheetName;
const mySheets = context.workbook.worksheets;
for (let iRow = 0; iRow < arryRange.rowCount; iRow++) {
curSheetName = arryRange.values[iRow][0]
if (sheetName.indexOf(curSheetName) != -1) {
for (let iCol = 1; iCol < arryRange.columnCount; iCol++) {
cellAddress = arryRange.values[0][iCol];
if (cellAddress) {
const sheet = mySheets.getItem(curSheetName);
const range = sheet.getRange(cellAddress);
range.values = arryRange.values[iRow][iCol];
} else {
// code for higlight Row in db
console.log("Range object created");
await context.sync();
// console.log(arryRange.rowCount);
// console.log(arryRange.columnCount);
// Copy a range starting at a single cell destination.
allRollback = true;
return allRollback;
More references:
with refer of you assumption, please note that master sheet was crated based on actual workbook with user selected area + deletion of empty value columns in master sheet (I,e empty cell at the adress at each sheet). sheet's name will be as same as actual sheet name unless user don’t change value in master sheet by accident.
With reference to yours,
Suggestions 1) I believe that Move unchanged value out of loops will be the key to my problem. I will refabricate one range and get data comparison for changes. I believe speed will be approved drastically in best case scenario. (I will also have some worst-case scenario (less than 5% case), where I will be required to write every values of master sheet).
Suggestions 2) I am planning to have a new functionality, which may have more rows as address in, that is the reason I have I am keep looking for address rows.
Thanks for your reply.

How to copy values from one sheet and paste them into another using Google Sheets Macros?

I'm writing a Google Sheets Macros without having a lot of knowledge about syntax.
What I want to do is the following:
I want to copy the values which are matching in a source matrix into another table. However, I don't know how to write that as a Macros.
I've written the following code:
function CalcularCruces() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sourceSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Cruces Activo-Amenazas");
var destinationSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Análisis de Riesgos");
/** Total number of left column values from source table **/
const maxAmenazas = 29;
for(var i = 0; i < maxAmenazas; i++) {
/** Now I need to get the column and row values which are matching with the checkbox
and paste them into another table **/
Here is an example of the input table and how the output table should look like after executing the macros.
Input Table Sheet
Output Table Sheet
I need the data to be written next to this static columns:
Actual Output
Desired Output
You can do the following:
Retrieve the data from the source sheet via getDataRange and getValues.
For each row in this data (excluding the headers row, that has been retrieved and removed from the array with shift), check which columns have the checkbox marked.
If the corresponding checkbox is marked, write the corresponding values to the destination sheet with setValues.
It could be something like this:
function CalcularCruces() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sourceSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Cruces Activo-Amenazas");
var destinationSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Análisis de Riesgos");
var values = sourceSheet.getDataRange().getValues(); // 2D array with all data from source sheet
var headers = values.shift(); // Remove and retrieve the headers row
for (var i = 1; i < values[0].length; i++) { // Iterate through each column
for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { // Iterate through each row
var activo = values[j][0]; // Activo corresponding to this row
if (values[j][i]) { // Check that checkbox is marked
// Get the row index to write to (first row in which column A and B are empty):
var firstRow = 2;
var firstCol = 1;
var numRows = destinationSheet.getLastRow() - firstRow + 1;
var numCols = 2;
var firstEmptyRow = destinationSheet.getRange(firstRow, firstCol, numRows, numCols).getValues().filter(function(row) {
return row[0] !== "" && row[1] !== "";
}).length + firstRow;
// Write data to first row with empty columns A/B:
destinationSheet.getRange(firstEmptyRow, firstCol, 1, numCols).setValues([[headers[i], activo]]);
All data is added to the target sheet every time the script is run, and this can lead to duplicate rows. If you want to avoid that, you can use clearContent at the beginning of your script, after declaring destinationSheet, to remove all previous content (headers excluded):
In this sample, the number of amenazas is not hard-coded, but it dynamically gets the number of rows in the source sheet with getValues().length. I'm assuming that's a good outcome for you.
UPDATE: Since you have other columns in your target sheet, you cannot use appendRow but setValues. First, you have to find the index of the first row in which columns A and B are empty. This is achieved with filtering the array of values in columns A-B and filtering out the elements in which the two values are empty (with filter).

If check box in sheet 1 is true, delete the row with same values in sheet 2 Google spreadsheet

A sheet called 'Report' uses a query to import data from multiple sheets. All sheets but one get data from other files.
There is a sheet called 'SavedDB' to which I can save rows that I want to keep in case they are eliminated from their original source. I got this to work with the help of other posts.
I created two buttons, save and delete, and every row has a checkbox associated with each button.
This is what it looks like
Whenever the user clicks the button Save in the sheet 'Report', the script copies all the rows that are checked TRUE to the sheet SavedDB, it will then be imported by a query in 'Formatted Saved' which in turn is imported by a query in 'Report'
Now I'm trying to implement the reverse process. When the user clicks Delete all the rows in which the column delete is checked should be removed from 'SavedDB'.
The deleted row has to be an exact match in every column except the first 6, which are not exported to 'SavedDB' in the first place.
This is what I have so far:
function deleteRows() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Report'); //source sheet
var testrange = sheet.getRange('D:D'); //range to check
var testvalue = (testrange.getValues());
var csh = ss.getSheetByName('SavedDB'); //destination sheet
var data = [];
var dataNew =[];
//Condition check in D:D; If true copy the same row to data array
for (i=0; i<testvalue.length;i++) {
if ( testvalue[i] == 'true') {
//changes the check boxes back to false(unchecked)
var resetRange = sheet.getRange('E3:E');
var values = resetRange.getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < values[i].length; j++) {
if (values[i][j] == true) {
values[i][j] = false; // Modified
Thanks folks!
I'm not sure what else you want but this might be a better start.
function deleteRows() {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh=ss.getSheetByName('Report');
var rg=sh.getRange(1,4,sh.getLastRow(),1);
var vA=rg.getValues();
var dsh=ss.getSheetByName('SavedDB');
var data = [];
for (i=0; i<vA.length;i++) {
if (vA[i][0]=='TRUE') {

HTML Table and JavaScript addRows and addColumns without jQuery?

I'm having a problem getting the buttons on my student grades table working, I have a button to calculate the average of the grades using a function called getAverage(), I have one to insert rows to the table using a function called insert_Rows, and finally one to add columns using a function called insert_Column().
My problem is that none of them seem to be working and I can't see why the getAverage function was working until I added the other two buttons.
This is for an assignment where I'm not allowed to use jQuery.
Also, this is the brief for the two buttons:
A CSS styled button that inserts a new table row suitable for recording new student data. You can insert after the last row of the table. Students should provide on button that saves the table in its current state i.e. if there are 5 rows and 6 cells, the cookie should reflect that.
A CSS style button that inserts a new table column suitable for recording new Assignment grade data. This column requires a title. You can decide how you wish to accomplish the title allocation (automatic, content-edit, etc.). There should be another button that then retrieves that data and fills it back to the table in the state that it previously held. If extra rows or columns have been added, the table should revert back to its previous state when the cookie was saved (5 rows and 6 cells).
Also, for extra credit, I have to use JavaScript and any method of my choosing to delete a data row selected by a user, and another on to delete an assignment column selected by the user, the function should ensure that the final grade column totals are updated following this deletion.
// get the average
function getAverage()
let table = document.getElementById("gradesTable");
//Loop over the rows array directly
let rows = Array.prtotype.slice.call(table.rows); //let is block scoped - can only be used in this block
let cells = array.protoype.slice.call(row.querySelectorAll(".Assignment")); // Get all the Assignment cells into an array
// declairing sum and gradeAverage with let and by defining them in the row loop keeps the values unique for each row
let sum = 0;
let gradeAverage = 0;
// Now just loop the cells Array
//.textContent instead for strings that dont contain any values
var currentValue = parseInt(cell.textContent);
if(currentValue >= 0 && currentValue <=100){
sum += currentValue;
// If the cell has "-" for content
if(cell.textContent === '"-"'){
// Apply a pre-made CSS class
} else {
// Remove a pre-made CSS class
// If this is the last cell in the row
if(index === cells.length-1){
gradeAverage = sum/5;
cell.nextElementSibling.textContent = Math.round(gradeAverage) + "%";
// There is a grade, so check it for low
if(gradeAverage >= 0 && gradeAverage < 40) {
} else {
// add a row to the table
function insert_Row() {
let table = document.getElementById("gradesTable"); //assign table id to a variable
let tableRows = table.rows.length; // gives how many rows in the table
let row = table.insertRow(tableRows); //insert after the last row in the table
let cellsInTable = document.getElementById("gradesTable").rows[0].cells
let columnTotal = cellsInTable.length; //assign the columnTotal the number of columns that the first row has
//loop through each column
for(let i = 0; i < columnTotal; i++)
//add a new cell for each column
let cell = row.insertCell(i);
//assign each new cell the default value "-"
cell.innerHTML = "-";
// add a column to the HTML table
function appendColumn()
let table = document.getElementById("gradesTable"); // table reference
// open loop for each row and append cell
for(let x = 0; x < table.rows.length; x++)
createCell(tbale.rows[x].insertCell(table.rows[x].cells.lenght), x, "col");
function insert_Column()
function deleteColumn()
let allRows = document.getElementById("gradesTable").rows;
for (var i=0; i < allRows.length; i++)
if (allRows[i].cells.length > 1)
Correction, the Insert row function seems to be working right, but the grades average function isn't and I don't know where to begin writing the other functions.
If anyone can offer advice or best places to learn? Because my lecturer has just informed us to use W3Schools and he's not teaching us the language, I just feel out of my depth.

Data copying with Google Apps Script

I am trying to write a script in Google Apps Script that takes cell information from one sheet and copies it to another sheet, both for just grabbing certain columns to display on the second sheet and also a condition based on the values inside cells in a certain column. Here is what I have so far:
function onMyEdit() {
var myMaster = SpreadsheetApp.openById("xxxxx");
var masterSheet = myMaster.setActiveSheet(myMaster.getSheets()[0]);
var myNames = SpreadsheetApp.openById("xxxxx");
var namesSheet = myNames.setActiveSheet(myNames.getSheets()[0]);
var row1 = masterSheet.getRange(1, 1, masterSheet.getLastRow(), 1);
var rowV = row1.getValues();
var firstArray = masterSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var dataList = [];
for (var i = 1; i < rowV.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < rowV.length - 1; j++) {
namesSheet.getRange(2, j + 1, 1, 1).setValue(dataList[j]);
So as of now it only works on one row, starting from the second row (to allow for column headers). And I suppose when I want to grab rows conditionally based on cell data, I will use an 'if' statement for the condition inside the 'for' loop, but I want the data to copy to the next available row in both sheets. I suppose I'd use something like:
' getLastRow + 1 '
or something like that. I need this code to be as efficient as possible because of the amount of data and its purpose. I am pretty new to programming so please explain in detail, and thanks again.
I'm not sure I understood exactly what you wanted to do but -from what I understood- this code snippet should give you a better way to start with...
(I added a few comments to explain in the code itself)
function onMyEdit() {
var myMaster = SpreadsheetApp.openById("MasterSheet ID");
var masterSheet = myMaster.getSheets()[0]; // get 1rst sheet
var myNames = SpreadsheetApp.openById("NamesSheet ID");
var namesSheet = myNames.getSheets()[0]; // get 1rst sheet
var firstArray = masterSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var dataList = [];
for ( r = 1; r < firstArray.length; r++) { // iterate the first col of masterSheet
if(firstArray[r][0]=='some condition'){ // if value in the first column == 'some condition get the second column cell in the new array (here you could change what you want to get)
namesSheet.getRange(1,namesSheet.getLastColumn()+1,dataList.length,1).setValues(dataList);//copy data in a column after last col

