Can a website work with both simple JavaScript and React - javascript

I have a design of the website which contains javascript without any framework. Now I'm in the development process and I need to use javascript framework like react for a specific process. so, will it work or I need to transform everything into a framework? I'm working with Laravel and how can I make multiple react app for a single website inside Laravel framework?

Yes. This is exactly the problem that Facebook aimed to solve by creating React. They initially only used React for parts of the comment system and their chat.
You can create a React component and use it in only part of your website. You just need to provide it a place for it to mount. That is, a div where you are mounting your application.
Check the documentation for React DOM and the integration guide for more information about rendering to the DOM. The basic idea is to create your component then use the following code to render it:
ReactDOM.render(element, container[, callback])

From the React docs:
React can be used in any web application. It can be embedded in other applications and, with a little care, other applications can be embedded in React.
To integrate React with other libraries or frameworks, check out the React integration guide:

Yes you can create global window renderer functions from react library and call it from vanilla js or some other third party library like jquery .You just need to include the minified js to call that function.
Some thing like below on react
const app = (parameter1,parameter2) => (
<YourComponent parameter1={parameter1} parameter2={parameter2}/>
window.renderYourComponent = function (p1, p2) {
render(app(p1,p2), document.getElementById('your_div'));
On your vanilla js
<script type="text/javascript" src="your_minified_react.js"></script>
<div id='your_div'></div>
Everything will be rendered inside 'your_div' and you can work separately on react

Yes, You can make multiple React apps for a single website inside the Laravel framework.
The Laravel often uses a blade template for frontend UI.
What you need to do is build the React app and integrate the built React app with the Laravel blade.
You can copy the whole built contents of the React app into the Laravel home blade, for example.
In addition, inside React to import custom Javascript files, you can use several ways like script tags and also webpack copy module.


Micro-front end web app using webpack, react and angular(latest version)

I want to create a web application using JavaScript frameworks. The basic idea is to create a simple navbar through which we can switch to Angular and react module. I want to use webpack as a base library for hosting front-end app. For state management, I want to use rxjs
Can anyone help me in that?

how to check vue components in browser without using VUE-Router library

I am Using vue 3 with CLI Build tool. Going to import my component on .net page.
I need to check my components on browser without using a router library. Actually it was stand alone components
Is there any way. In Vue 2 i have used gulp build tool and fractal tools for checking my components in broswer. After migrate to vue-3, i can't find solutions for that.
If you route the page with Java or .Net, Just create a route page with .Net and import the component into your new page. Hope this will work
if you just need to test a component and your vuejs project is starting rely on jsp or .net. just make a new route and import the component into the route page you make. you could see the way in quick start part.[enter image description here]1

How to include non react js javascript libraries in the laravel and react application?

I am new to react js. I am building one application using React and Larave but I don't know how to include non-react libraries into the react-laravel application. I have used the componentDidMount function to include the file, which is getting include in the document but it's not getting executed.
With "componentDidMount" you are in a React component. You might have any non-React JavaScript code there, but React will only apply what it gets back from a component. It is not possible to add some "side effects" to React components, i.e. doing arbitrary JS additionally to React's rendering.

Is there a way to serve React component on a url, just like we can with web components?

I am trying to implement micro-frontends but my company is using React as the only front-end technology. I was hoping if I can do it by serving React components on a URL just as suggested in but it uses web components. Since all the ecosystem is on React can I serve a React component (and only that bundle code on a URL) like, https://my-website/components/table?theme="black".
Purpose of trying this:
Main repo will have most of the major dependencies already loaded. (no need of repeated code like react/react-dom etc)
Shadow DOM is creating event bubbling issues.
There are multiple repos for each team and all of them use same component library.

Build a react widget in js file and reuse in asp .net mvc project

I want to know if it is possible to make a widget using React library and then build it to a single js file to re-use in any non react app (preferably in asp .net)
Yes it is, but it will bloat your js code, as react and react dom has to be packaged into this library. For only one widget, this seems to be too much overhead for me.

