JavaScript call function after form submit complete - javascript

I have a hidden form created with a jquery plugin and I need to run a function after the submit has happened but it doesn't appear to be getting called.
I need to get the new csrf details after the form has been posted.
After submitting the form I want to get the newly generated csrf details
$(this).on('click', function() {
$('#' + settings.title.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase() + '-export-csv').submit();
Html link with export-csv class and data which will be used in the plugin. Using smarty template.
<a href="#" class="export-csv" data-title='Landlords' data-data='{base64_encode($landlords_json)}'>
Export (CSV)
ExportCSV plugin
(function($) {
$.fn.exportCSV = function ( options ) {
return $(this).each(function() {
var settings = $.extend({
title: null,
data: null,
link: '/',
}, options);
settings.title = $(this).data('title'); = $(this).data('data');
var hidden_form = "<form id='" + settings.title.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase() + "-export-csv' action='" + + "' method='POST' style='display: none;'>" +
"<input type='hidden' class='csrf_field' name='" + csrfName + "' value='" + csrfHash + "'>" +
"<input type='hidden' name='title' value='" + settings.title + "'>" +
"<input type='hidden' name='data' value='" + + "'>" +
$(this).on('click', function() {
$('#' + settings.title.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase() + '-export-csv').submit();
link: '/dashboard/export-csv'
// get the csrf details from server
var get_csrf_details = function get_csrf_details() {
$.get('/ajax/get-csrf-details', function(response) {
var csrfName =;
var csrfHash =;
// const csrf_input1 = document.querySelector('.csrf_field');
const csrf_inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('csrf_field');
for (i = 0; i < csrf_inputs.length; i++) {
csrf_inputs[i].name = csrfName;
csrf_inputs[i].value = csrfHash;

There's no way to know when a submission from a <form> element has been successfully completed.
However, given what you're doing it would make much more sense to just use AJAX. This means you can control the exact logic executed when a response is received and saves having to inject a hidden form and faking a submission, which is far from ideal. Try this:
$.fn.exportCSV = function(options) {
return $(this).each(function() {
var settings = $.extend({
title: null,
data: null,
link: '/',
}, options);
settings.title = $(this).data('title'); = $(this).data('data');
$(this).on('click', function() {
var data = {
title: settings.title,
data[csrfName] = csrfHash;
type: 'POST',
data: data,
success: function(response) {
// the submission has been made, perform required logic here.
error: function() {
// something went wrong, debug it!
A couple of things to note. Firstly, it may make more sense to return the new CSRF in the response of the first request. This will save your network traffic.
Secondly, you're always setting settings.title and to match the data attributes on the element this function was defined on, so using a settings object is pointless as it will always be overwritten, even if no data attributes are provided. You could instead amend the logic to only use the data if they exist.


PHP generated option list only appearing on first Ajax dynamically generated container

I am having an issue where my php generated select/option list is not applying to all of my dynamically generated blocks/containers. It only adds the PHP select to the last container/block instance, despite being called for each container. When troubleshooting with alerts it seems to run through all of the iterations prior to adding the containers/blocks and generating the select, hence why it always appears on the last only-
n = -1
function addDiv() {
So, a brief overview - on page initialize the code will get how many entries are in the database within a certain criteria and apply that number to 'length', which then runs the function addDiv() that many times. Usually, when adding a block one at a time via button it will populate the created block with a Select/list of Options via php in the addDiv() function, however when automating this with a loop ( the initialize() function ) the above issue occurs.
$( document ).ready(function() {
function initialize() {
url: 'get-entries.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
result = data;
var arrayJson = JSON.parse(data);
length = arrayJson.length;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
error: function(jqXHR) {
alert("Error while fetching data");
console.log("Error while fetching data: " + jqXHR.status + " " + jqXHR.statusText + " " + jqXHR.responseText); //improved error logging
here is the addDiv related code with some redactions to make it easier to read.
var n = -1;
function addDiv() {
$('#selectedcoin' + n).html(data);
$("<div class='coinmarketcap fill' id='container"
+ n +
"'><form id='"
+ n +
"' name='"
+ n +
"' class='formClass' method='post' action=''><select onchange='mySelect(this)' type='text' class='coinname' id='selectedcoin"
+ n +
"' name='selectedcoin"
+ n +
"' autocomplete='off' value=''><select></select>").appendTo(".main-container");
and finally here is the contents of the PHP file for generating the option list based off of json data -
$json = file_get_contents("../ticker/full.json");
$decode = json_decode($json, true);
echo '<select name="coinname">';
foreach($decode as $a){
echo "<option value='{$a['id']}'>{$a['name']}</option>";
echo '</select>';
I know this is messy and may require a bit of an in depth read through, so I appreciate anyone taking the time to look.
Is there anything glaringly obvious that can help nudge me in the right direction? I have tried breaking the 'addDiv()' calls within initialize() by wrapping 'addDiv()' with a setTimeout function, but no joy.
it should work with this (I named the arguments differently for comprehension, but index and index_t can all be named n):
var n = -1;
function sendToGenerator(index){
var index_t = index;
$('#selectedcoin' + index_t).html(data);
function addDiv() {
$("<div class='coinmarketcap fill' id='container"
+ n +
"'><form id='"
+ n +
"' name='"
+ n +
"' class='formClass' method='post' action=''><select onchange='mySelect(this)' type='text' class='coinname' id='selectedcoin"
+ n +
"' name='selectedcoin"
+ n +
"' autocomplete='off' value=''><select></select>").appendTo(".main-container");

Make jquery plugin work on multiple instances

I am looking to buil a jquery plugin that will transform a link to a hidden form and fill some fields.
The form will be used to post json data to a method in the back end.
The class starts the work and I can set custom settings. The issue is when I have more than one export needed on each page the settings are only using the last iteration.
See below for more clarification.
Init the plugin with the class and add the processing link
link: '{$base_url}ajax/export-csv'
Here I have two links for exporting data.
I pass through the title and data (smarty templating system)
<a href="#" class="export-csv"
data-data='{$landlords_json}'>Export Landlords (CSV)</a>
<a href="#" class="export-csv"
data-data='{$buyers_json}'>Export Buyers (CSV)</a>
When I click either button it will give me the buyers export as it was latest in the loop.
The forms are showing the correct data when I inspect the page. It must be the settings.title and that are getting caught.
I can see its due to the position in the loop but I am unsure how to fix this.
(function($) {
$.fn.exportCSV = function ( options ) {
var settings = $.extend({
title: null,
data: null,
link: '/',
link_text: 'Export (CSV)',
}, options);
return $(this).each( function () {
settings.title = $(this).data('title'); = JSON.stringify( $(this).data('data') );
var hidden_form = "<form id='" + settings.title.toLowerCase() + "-export-csv' action='" + + "' method='POST' style='display: none;'>" +
"<input type='hidden' name='title' value='" + settings.title + "'>" +
"<input type='hidden' name='data' value='" + + "'>" +
$(this).on('click', function () {
console.log( $(this) );
$('#' + settings.title.toLowerCase() + '-export-csv').submit();

How to get the value value of a button clicked Javascript or Jquery

I'll try to be as straight to the point as I can. Basically I using jquery and ajax to call a php script and display members from the database. Next to each members name there is a delete button. I want to make it so when you click the delete button, it deletes that user. And that user only. The trouble I am having is trying to click the value of from one delete button only. I'll post my code below. I have tried alot of things, and right now as you can see I am trying to change the hash value in the url to that member and then grap the value from the url. That is not working, the value never changes in the URL. So my question is how would I get the value of the member clicked.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).delegate("#user_manage", "pagecreate", function () {
var friends = new Array();
cache: false
url: '',
data: "",
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
var $member_friends = $('#user_list');
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
$member_friends.append("<div class='user_container'><table><tr><td style='width:290px;font-size:15px;'>" + data[i].username + "</td><td style='width:290px;font-size:15px;'>" + data[i].email + "</td><td style='width:250px;font-size:15px;'>" + data[i].active + "</td><td><a href='#" + data[i].username + "' class='user_delete' data-role='none' onclick='showOptions();'>Options</a></td></tr><tr class='options_panel' style='display:none'><td><a href='#" + data[i].username + "' class='user_delete' data-role='none' onclick='showId();'>Delete</a> </td></tr></table></div>");
function showId() {
var url = document.URL;
var id = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('#') + 1);
1st: I think it would be easier to concatenate an string an later append it to the DOM element. It's faster.
2nd: on your button you can add an extra attribute with the user id of the database or something and send it on the ajax call. When getting the attribute from the button click, use
Why don't you construct the data in the PHP script? then you can put the index (unique variable in the database for each row) in the button onclick event. So the delete button would be:
<button onclick = "delete('indexnumber')">Delete</button>
then you can use that variable to send to another PHP script to remove it from the database.
$('body').on('click', 'a.user_delete', function() {
var url = document.URL;
var id = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('#') + 1);
<?php echo $username ?>
Like wise if you pull down users over json you can encode this attribute like so when you create your markup in the callback function:
'<a href="#'+data[i].username+'" data-user-id="'+ data[i].username + '" class="user_delete" data-role="none" >Options</a>'
So given what you are already doing the whole scenerio should look something like:
$(document).delegate("#user_manage", "pagecreate", function () {
var friends = new Array(),
$member_friends = $('#user_list'),
// lets jsut make the mark up a string template that we can call replace on
// extra lines and concatenation added for readability
deleteUser = function (e) {
var $this = $(this),
userId = $this.attr('data-id-user'),
href = $this.attr('href'),
deleteUrl = '/delete_user.php';
// your actual clientside code to delete might look like this assuming
// the serverside logic for a delete is in /delete_user.php
$.post(deleteUrl, {username: userId}, function(){
alert('User deleted successfully!');
showOptions = function (e) {
userTmpl = '<div id="__USERNAME__" class="user_container">'
+ '<table>'
+ '<tr>'
+ '<td style="width:290px;font-size:15px;">__USERNAME__</td>'
+ '<td style="width:290px;font-size:15px;">__EMAIL__</td>'
+ '<td style="width:250px;font-size:15px;">__ACTIVE__</td>'
+ '<td>Options</td>'
+ '</tr>'
+ '<tr class="options_panel" style="display:none">'
+ '<td>Delete</td>'
+ '</tr>'
+ <'/table>'
+ '</div>';
cache: false
$(document).delegate('#user_manage #user_container user_options', 'click.userlookup', showOptions)
.delegate('#user_manage #user_container user_delete', 'click.userlookup', deleteUser);
url: '',
data: "",
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
var markup;
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
markup = userTmpl.replace('__USERNAME__', data[i].username)
.replace('__ACTIVE__', data[i].active)
.replace('__EMAIL__', data[i].email);
Here's a really simple change you could make:
Replace this part:
With this:
And here's the new showId function:
function showId(id) {

Array and while loop: make unique clickable

I have an array (via ajax) that looks like this:
data[i].id: gives the id of user i
data[i].name: gives the name of user i
I want to output the array like this:
X Leonardo Da Vinci
X Albert Einstein
X William Shakespeare
The X is an image (x.gif) that must be clickable. On click, it must go to functiontwo(), passing the parameter data[i].id. Functiontwo will open a jquery dialog with the question "Delete id data[i].id"?
I know this can't be too hard to do, but I can't seem to figure it out...
This is what I have so far:
function functionone() {
type : 'POST',
url : 'post.php',
dataType : 'json',
success : function(data){
var message = "";
var i = 0;
while (i < (data.length - 1))
var myvar = data[i].id;
message = message + "<div class=" + data[i].id + "><img src=x.gif></div>" + data[i].name + "<br />";
$("." + data[i].id + "").click(function () {
function functiontwo(id) {
I know why this isn't working. Var i gets populated again and again in the while loop. When the while loop stops, i is just a number (in this case the array length), and the jquery becomes (for example):
$("." + data[4].id + "").click(function () {
, making only the last X clickable.
How can I fix this?
Thanks a lot!!!
This is my 2nd function:
function functiontwo(id) {
$('#submitbutton').click(function () {
type : 'POST',
url : 'delete.php',
dataType : 'json',
data: {
id : id
success : function(data){
var mess = data;
//cancel the submit button default behaviours
return false;
In delete.php there's nothing special, I used $_POST['id'].
As I pointed out in my comment. The problem is the .click part. Either use bind, or use a class for all the elements, and a click-event like this $('.classnamehere').live('click',function () { // stuff });
function functionone() {
type : 'POST',
url : 'post.php',
dataType : 'json',
success : function(data){
var message = "";
var i = 0;
while (i < (data.length - 1))
var myvar = data[i].id;
message = message + "<div class=\"clickable\" id=" + data[i].id + "><img src=x.gif></div>" + data[i].name + "<br />";
$('.clickable').live('click',function () {
alert($(this).attr('id') + ' this is your ID');
The usual trick is create a separate function to create the event handler. The separate function will receive i as a parameter and the generated event will be able to keep this variable for itself
return function(){
$("." + data[i].id + "").click( make_event_handler(myvar) );

Using Ajax callback variable values in JQuery dynamic click handlers

I'm doing a simple ajax query which retrieves a variable-length list of values as JSON data. I'm trying to make a list based on this data which has click-functions based on the values I got from the JSON query. I can make this work just fine by writing the onClick-methods into the HTML like this:
function loadFooList() {
var list_area = $("#sidebar");
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (json) {
$.each(json, function(i, item) {
var link_id = "choosesfoo" +;
+ "<li> <a href='#' onClick='alert(\"" +
link_id + "\");'>" + + "</a></li>");
list_area.html(list_area.html() + "</ul>");
I don't like writing the onClick-function into the HTML and I also want to learn how to create this same functionality via JQuery click-function.
So the problem is obviously variable-scoping. My naive attempt here obviously won't work because the variables are no longer there when the click happens:
function loadFooList2() {
var list_area = $("#sidebar");
var link_ids = Array();
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (json) {
$.each(json, function(i, item) {
var link_id = "choosefoo" +;
+ "<li> <a href='#' id='" + link_id + "'>""</a></li>");
list_area.html(list_area.html() + "</ul>");
for (link_index=0; link_index<link_ids.length; link_index++) {
$("#" + link_ids[link_index]).click(function() {
Obviously I'd like to do something else than just alert the value, but the alert-call is there as long as I can get that working and move forward.
I understand that I'll have to make some kind of handler-function to which I pass a state-variable. This works for a single value (I can store the whole link_ids array just fine, but then I don't know which of them is the right value for this link), but how would I do this for arbitrary-length lists?
Here is an example from JQuery docs which I'm trying to copy:
// get some data
var foobar = ...;
// specify handler, it needs data as a paramter
function handler(data) {
// add click handler and pass foobar!
// if you need the context of the original handler, use apply:
handler.apply(this, [foobar]);
And I quess the last example here, "if you need the context of the original handler..." would probably be what I want but I don't know exactly how to get there. I tried to store the current link_id value into this, use it from this in the applied function (using apply()) but I didn't succeed. The necessary values were still undefined according to FireFox. I'm using JQuery 1.3.2.
So what's the right solution for this relatively basic problem?
Use append instead of html():
function loadFooList() {
var ul = $('<ul>');
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (json) {
$.each(json, function(i, item) {
var link_id = "choosesfoo" +;
var a = $('<a>').attr('href','#').bind('click', function(e) {
ul.appendTo('#sidebar'); // this is where the DOM injection happens
So the problem appears to be getting the link id associated with the link so that your click handler has access to it. Note that if it's alphanumeric it will qualify for the id attribute and you can extract it from there. If it is purely numeric, it will be an illegal id attribute. In that case, you can either use an attribute, like rel, or the method to store the link id with the link. You can also simplify by using append. I'll show both examples.
var link = $("<li><a href='#' id='" + link_id + "'>" + + "</a></li>"; function() {
alert( $(this).attr('id') );
or (if numeric)
var link = $("<li><a href='#'>" + + "</a></li>";'identifier', link_id )
.click( function() {
alert( $(this).data('identifier') );
Try this:
function loadFooList() {
var list_area = $("#sidebar");
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (json) {
var out = '<ul>';
$.each(json, function(i, item) {
var link_id = "choosefoo" +;
out +="<li><a href='#' id='" + link_id + "'>""</a></li>";
out +="</ul>"
var $out = $(out);
var link_id =;
var item_name = $(this).text();
Using multiple appends causing the browser to redraw multiple times in a row. You only want to modify the dom once.

