I need these objects in this array to move at random speeds. - javascript

This is a link to my github. https://github.com/inventive-dev217/arcade-game . I need for the items in my allEnemies array to move at random speeds. Right now they are all moving at the same speed. Any ideas how to implement this will be greatly appreciated.

Hi I'm not an expert in JS, but something like this should work :
var Enemy = function(x, y) {
// Variables applied to each of our instances go here,
// we've provided one for you to get started
// The image/sprite for our enemies, this uses
// a helper we've provided to easily load images
this.sprite = 'images/enemy-bug.png';
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.speed = Math.floor(Math.random() * MaxSpeedValue) + MinSpeedValue;


How do I generate a random X value for each "projectile" in my falling objects game using Javascript?

I am coding a game that is currently in its very early stages for a project to try to learn more about coding. In my game, objects generate randomly (green squares), and the player (red square), avoids them. I am having trouble trying to get the green squares to generate from a random position on the x-axis. I already have a formula to generate a random number for X, but after it selects a number randomly, all the "projectiles" generate there, rather than all generating from a different area. How would I get all the "projectiles" to generate from different positions on the x-axis randomly?
var randomX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 480) + 15;
function updateGameArea() {
var x, y;
for (i = 0; i < projectiles.length; i += 1) {
if (player.crashWith(projectiles[i])) {
gameArea.frameNo += 1;
if (gameArea.frameNo == 1 || everyinterval(150)) {
x = randomX;
y = gameArea.canvas.height;
projectiles.push(new component(40, 40, "green", x, y));
for (i = 0; i < projectiles.length; i += 1) {
projectiles[i].y += -1; // the shape is using its coordinates to build downward from its y position
function everyinterval(n) {
if ((gameArea.frameNo / n) % 1 == 0) {return true;}
return false;
Expected: Green squares generate in random positions on the x- axis every 3 seconds and move upwards
Actual: Green squares all generate from the same random position on the X-axis.
You should reset X every time you're adding a new projectile:
if (gameArea.frameNo == 1 || everyinterval(150)) {
randomX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 480) + 15;
x = randomX;
y = gameArea.canvas.height;
projectiles.push(new component(40, 40, "green", x, y));
Otherwise, the randomX value stays constant as the value originally evaluated on line 1 when the interpreter reached it.
Here's your problem:
var randomX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 480) + 15;
// Generates a random number and stores it to randomX
// Called using 'randomX'
You need to turn it into a function if you want it to run each time:
var randomX = function() { Math.floor(Math.random() * 480) + 15 };
// Returns a new number each time
// Called using 'randomX()'
Both shivashriganesh mahato and natelouisdev have, essentially responded to how to fix the issue but since you are learning coding here is a tip. When you code, the code will run in a particular order. If you want something to be reassigned repeatedly, in this case a randomized number being used, and you want it to occur only after an event, you need to make sure that it gets trigger within each event.
natelouisdev has a good approach because, by using it as a function, you can call your randomizer more cleanly in your code and make it reassign the value of x each time.
Since you are building a game, it is also a good idea to compartmentalize your code. It'll make it easier to keep your ideas in order for each event trigger.
function gameLoss(){} - Define event return upon game loss. You can
then create editable rules to reason for loss without having to edit
the loss
function gameActive(){} - Defines what is normal gameplay. everything that occurs during normal gameplay should be managed here.
function gameArea(){} - Defines game canvas that function more for UI than for gameplay (scores, lifes, size of screen, etc)
Had you created individual functions you'd realize you only need a randomized 'x' value upon regular play thus you'd assign it within the gameActive() function and not as a global variable. Then you'd call the gameActive() function as many times as needed within a time interval to ensure a unique value is created each time.
-Side note: Don't litter unnecessary global variables. It'll make a mess off of your code when debugging. -

Javascript game Create new objects automatically to add into an array continuously [javascript]

I am pretty new to Javascript games, So please don't mind if this is an obvious question.
I have been trying to work on a frogger game. For this I have an object, And I just want to create new constructors consistently, so that it should look like as if a hoard of bugs are coming continuously.
This is my Enemy object.
// Enemies our player must avoid
var Enemy = function(x,y) {
// Variables applied to each of our instances go here,
// we've provided one for you to get started
// The image/sprite for our enemies, this uses
// a helper we've provided to easily load images
this.sprite = 'images/enemy-bug.png';
this.x = x;
this.y =y;
// Update the enemy's position, required method for game
// Parameter: dt, a time delta between ticks
Enemy.prototype.update = function(dt) {
// You should multiply any movement by the dt parameter
// which will ensure the game runs at the same speed for
// all computers.
this.x = this.x+((Math.random() * (15 - 1 + 1) + 1)*dt*35);
this.y = this.y;
// Draw the enemy on the screen, required method for game
Enemy.prototype.render = function() {
ctx.drawImage(Resources.get(this.sprite), this.x, this.y);
And then i push them manually into an Array
// Place all enemy objects in an array called allEnemies
var allEnemies=[];
allEnemies.push(new Enemy(0,135))
allEnemies.push(new Enemy(0,225))
allEnemies.push(new Enemy(0,50))
I can only see a single column of bugs. I want this above scenario to happen automatically, I figured I need to use call function here, but I still need to do that automatically at continuous interval I prefer.
You could use window.setInterval() like Joachim says, or use window.requestAnimationFrame() or even use window.setTimeout(). I personally recommend use requestAnimationFrame() with browsers because it is specifically for drawing animations and rendering, but if you're doing something in the node environment, you should just go with setInterval.
Other than that, I saw that you push all new instances of Enemy to an array, you could do this with one added statement.
You could also push to an array whenever you create an object like so:
var allEnemies = [];
function Enemy(x,y){
this.x = x || (Math.random() * WIDTH) | 0;
this.y = y || (Math.random() * height) | 0;
this.sprite = "bug-sprite-thing";
allEnemies.push(this); // this is called every time you do `new Enemy(n,n)
// the new object will automatically be pushed to the array.
If You want to spawn a new enemy at random intervals, you could use setTimeout
var MINIMUM = 100; // 0.1 seconds
var MILLISECONDS = 10000; // 10 seconds
function spawnAtRandom(){
// add your code here.
setTimeout(spawnAtRandom, minimum + (Math.random() * (MILLISECONDS-MINIMUM)));
What this function does is spawn one thing at the start, and then proceeds to spawn something in random intervals between MINUMUM and MILLISECONDS
Just call window.setInterval():
var allEnemies = [];
window.setInterval(function () {
allEnemies.push(new Enemy(0, 135));
}, 2000);
This will create a new Enemy object in your array every 2 seconds at the same position (which you could randomize as well).

Rendering too many points on Javascript-player

As part of a project, I have to render a video on a JS-player from a text file which has the points - all the changed coordinates along-with the color in each frame. Below is the code I'm using to draw these point on the screen.
But the issue is that the number of changed pixels in each frame are as high as ~20,000 and I need to display these in less than 30ms (inter-frame time difference). So, when I run this code the browser hangs for almost each frame. Could someone suggest an improvement for this?
Any help is really appreciated.
while(tArr[index]==time) {
var my_imageData = c.getImageData(0,0,width, height);
time = tArr[index];
xArr, yArr, iArr, tArr are arrays of x-coordinate, y-coordinate, intensity value and time of appearance respectively for the corresponding point to be rendered
function color(imageData,x,y,i,a){ //wrapper function to color the point
var index = (x + y * imageData.width) * 4;
imageData.data[index+0] = i;
imageData.data[index+1] = i;
imageData.data[index+2] = i;
imageData.data[index+3] = a;

Linking two.js with dat.GUI

I want to link the change letter.linewidth = 10 with a control in dat.GUI.
Here is the code for the full letter variable:
var letter = two.interpret(document.querySelector('.assets svg'));
letter.linewidth = 10;
letter.cap = letter.join = 'round';
letter.noFill().stroke = '#333';
To add an element to dat.GUI it says in the docs "The property must be public, i.e. defined by this.prop = value", though when I add this. in front of letter.linewidth it breaks the functionality of two.js and does not interpret the SVG.
I'm kinda' new to JavaScript and having a tough time figuring this one out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So after lots of playing around, I found the fix.
Here is the code to draw the SVG through two.js:
var letter = two.interpret(document.querySelector('.assets svg'));
letter.linewidth = 100;
letter.cap = letter.join = 'round';
letter.noFill().stroke = '#272727';
letter.scale = 1;
I was calling the letter wrong with dat.GUI. Here is my code for dat.GUI:
window.onload = function() {
var gui = new dat.GUI();
gui.add(letter, 'linewidth', 1, 100);
I don't know if this will be useful for anyone, but hey, hopefully this will help if somebody is running into the same problem.

canvas class javascript

I'm having trouble with my javascript code. I'm trying to create a moving set of circles where each circle has their own attributes. So far I've managed to input all the needed values into an array, but I can't figure out how to use them properly for drawing on canvas.
Here's the javascript:
var radius = 10;
var step = x = y = 0;
var r = g = b = 255;
var circleHolder = [];
var loop = setInterval(function(){update();}, 30);
function Circle(x, y, radius, r, g, b)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.radius = radius;
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
Circle.prototype.draw = function()
Circle.prototype.ctx = document.getElementById("MyCanvas").getContext("2d");
Circle.prototype.ctx.clearRect(0,0,720,720); // clear canvas
Circle.prototype.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb("+ this.r +", "+ this.g +", "+ this.b +")";
Circle.prototype.ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
Circle.prototype.update = function ()
step += .02;
step %= 2 * Math.PI;
this.x = parseInt((Math.sin(step)) * 150) + 360;
this.y = parseInt((Math.cos(step)) * 150) + 360;
this.radius += 16;
if (this.radius > 200)
for (i in circleHolder)
if (circleHolder[i]==this)
circleHolder.splice(i, 1);
function update()
var ci = new Circle(x, y, radius, r, g, b);
for (i in circleHolder)
ci = circleHolder[i];
I'm pretty sure my problem lies within update() {} but I can't figure out how to do it properly.
EDIT: Okay, I've got it working with some changes! Check this Fiddle! I'm getting "ci not defined" error in the console though, and it has a strange bug: Changing the "if (this.radius > 128)" to higher integer it will make the circles spin faster, I don't know why. If you want you can try to change it to 256 and see what happens.
for (var i=0; i < allCircles; i++)
ci = circleHolder[i]; <----- This is causing the error
it's not 100% clear to me what you're trying to do, but I tried to fix the main problem
One problem is your for loop.. you shouldn't use for in for arrays, do this instead:
for (var i=0 ; i<circleHolder.length ; i++)
ci = circleHolder[i];
see this fiddle
Also I moved your get context and other things that should happen only once into the constructor, instead of having it in the update function.
You're also clearing the canvas before each draw, so the it will only show the last drawn circle per frame. (if you remove the clearRect it looks like one of those old spirographs).
You were also drawing the circles with (255,255,255)(white) so it wasn't showing until the color was changed.
Really there are a few problems with this code:
The context shouldn't be inside a circle class if you plan on having many of them.
You should have some object which contains the canvas/context and an array of all circles.
Then have that object manage the updating/drawing.
For starters, unless there's something else going on, outside of this code:
You are using for ... in ... on an array, for-in is for objects, when used on arrays, most browsers will include methods like .splice and .forEach, and not just the numeric 0...n index.
function splice () {}.draw(); doesn't end well.
Also, what is the colour of your page's background? You're setting the rgb colour of each circle to 100% white. You're also clearing the canvas... ...which might well mean that the whole thing is transparent. So if you've got a transparent canvas, white circles and a white background, chances are great you're not going to be seeing anything at all, if this is even working without spitting out an error.
It might make a lot more sense to move your logic around in a way that lets you follow what's going on.
If you make a circle constructor, don't have it do anything but make a new circle.
Inside of your update, create a circle.
THEN put it inside of your circle collection (not in the circle constructor).
In a large application, you will typically call update on ALL objects, and then call draw on ALL objects, rather than updating and drawing one at a time.
Imagine a game that didn't bother to check if you had been hit by a bullet before drawing you and letting you move, for instance.
So inside of your loop, you should have an update and a draw.
Inside of the update, create your circles add them to the list and update the positions of them.
Inside of the draw, draw the circles.
In the future, this will give you the benefit of having things like collision-detection, without having to redraw everything, multiple times per frame.
Also, don't do DOM-access inside of a function that's going to be called many, many times (Circle.draw).
That will demolish your framerate in the future.
Instead, pass the function a dependency (the canvas).
// inside of the main game's scope
var screen = document.getElementById(...).getContext("2d");
// inside of your new draw function, in the animation/game loop
var i = 0, allCircles = circleHolder.length, currentCircle;
for (; i < allCircles; i += 1) {
currentCircle = circleHolder[i];

