Html and Javascript send email with text element - javascript

I have a form on sharepoint, that whenever a person fills that form, it will create a new page with the text added on the form.
I wanted to send an email using JavaScript and HTML with the copy of the various texts.
I have the id of the text and when i create the javascript code, it does not work.
<a onclick="javascript:sendEmailJobs()" class="mailto"></a>
function sendEmailJobs(){
var JobCodePost = document.getElementById("RichHtmlFieldJobPostCodeJob").body;
window.location.href = "mailto:?subject=Job Offer &body=" + body;
The id of said text is this:
<SharepointWebControls:NoteField ID="RichHtmlFieldJobPostCodeJob" FieldName="JobPostCode" runat="server"/>
Am i doing something wrong?

Document elements don't have a "body" attribute, they have innerHTML and innerText. So your function should look like this:
function sendEmailJobs(){
var JobCodePost = document.getElementById("RichHtmlFieldJobPostCodeJob").innerText;
window.location.href = "mailto:?subject=Job Offer &body=" + JobCodePost;
Second thing is to verify that you are indeed selecting the correct element. Third thing is to point out that you can't use innerHTML because even if you get everything else right, mailto: links don't support formatted text.


How to set a textbox to an eval() in javascript

Okay, so I am trying to make a quiz where you enter some code and the quiz executes the code to see if what you typed is the same as the answer.
Here is the code and this is how the webpage looks like:
questions = "PRINT HELLO"
document.getElementById("Question").innerHTML = questions
function check(){
document.getElementById("answertext").innerHTML = eval(document.getElementById("answerbox").value)
<h1 id = "hi"></h1>
<textarea rows="4" cols="50" id = "answerbox">
//put your answer here
<textarea rows= '4' cols = "50" id = "answertext">lol</h1>
<input type = "submit" onclick = "check()">
Run the code to see
I want the user to enter a document.write() statement inside the textbox, and have the evaluated code to be shown in the smaller multiline text box.
Try to put a document.write() statement in the textbox and run it. You should see a new page instead of the answer written in the text box.
I know that document.write is a bad practice to output things in javascript, and I know that you can edit raw HTML, but is there any other way a user can print a message without doing any of these choices?
Don't use eval.
Using eval is considered to be a bad practice. Read more for Why here. You can ask your user to just return the answer using a return statement as shown below, instead of asking them to do something complicated like document.write().
// Ask them to do this:
var codeFromTheAnswerBox = "var answer = 'HELLO'; return answer;"
// instead of this:
// var codeFromTheAnswerBox = "var answer = 'HELLO'; document.write(answer)";
// execute user's code
var code = new Function(codeFromTheAnswerBox);
var returnValue = code();
// Now do whatever you want to do with the answer like the following
alert("Your answer is " + returnValue);
You can use .append instead of document.write()
document.body.append("Hello World!", document.createElement('p'));
If you go to the Console tab of the DevTools in your browser, you can type javascript code and press enter to execute it. You will get helpful error messages that should help you with your project.
Ok. I realized your problem.
You can use iframe for this purpose. Add an iframe with an id similar 'answerIframe' instead of #answertext element.
Then move your #answertext element to a separated html and set address of iframe to it.
In iframe:
document.getElementById("answertext").innerHTML =
And add a button to your iframe too. for iframe's button set this:
Add an Id to iframe's button similar: iframe_bt.
Now, when user clicks on button (in current page, no iframe) must call this (new check function in your main page):
function check(){
Also in your iframe, call a function in document's onload and add answertext dynamically if is not exists (because document.write) or reset the iframe before execute per answer.
Another way is replacing the document.write with other code similar: elem.insertAdjacentHtml(..) or etc before execute it.
Excuse me for any mistake, i typed with my cellphone.
I did not have a tool to test it, but the method and its generalities are correct.

Insert JavaScript code using Text shortcodes without using php

I'm using some javascript code to show post dates and comment number in my blog, but my blog doesn't support using php codes.
My JavaScript code
if(showpostdate==true){document.write('<span class="post-date">'+daystr+'</span>')}
if(showpostcomment==true){document.write('<span class="post-comment">'+commento+'</span>')}
My HTML code to call the JavaScript code is
<script>showpostdate = true;var showpostcomment = true;</script>
I want to change this JavaScript code so if I write this text in my text box
it can show the html code
<span class="post-date">'+daystr+'</span>
<span class="post-comments">'+commento+'</span>
If you use the jQuery library something like this would work to replace the shortcodes:
$('textarea').change(function() {
$this = $(this);
// to be more efficient I would employ a test here that a shortcode exists before applying the replace functions
var textInBox = $this.val();
textInBox = textInBox.replace('[date]', date); // where date is your date var
$this.val(textInBox.replace('[comment]', commentsCount)); // where commentsCount is your comments var
It won't create the span that you want to wrap each variable in because you cannot nest these inside a textarea. If you want to have the shortcode typed in a textarea and then nest the returned variables in something so that you can style them, you will need to employ some kind of html + css magic where you place a see-through textarea over a div and update the div contents whenever the textarea is updated. You can then put the span elements inside the div container, and style as you want.

Can jQuery or Javascript change elements within textareas?

My first SO question! Here's what I am trying to do:
I'm rewriting a tool that generates some code a user can paste directly into Craigslist and other classified ad posting websites. I have created a list of websites (they populate from a database with PHP) the user can choose from with a radio button, and I want their choice to populate as bare text (not a link) between some <p></p> elements in a textarea. I'm using jQuery for this.
Textarea before the user chooses:
<p id="thing"></p>
Textarea after the user chooses:
<p id="thing"></p>
<input type="radio" name="sitechoice" value=""><br />
<input type="radio" name="sitechoice" value="">
Some stuff already in here
Here is the website you chose:
<p id="thing"></p>
More stuff already here.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input").change(function () {
var website = $(this).val();
JS Fiddle (With comments)
If you see the JS Fiddle, you can see that I put another p element on the page outside the textarea, and it updates just fine, but the one inside the textarea does not. I have read many other like questions on SO and I'm starting to think that I can't change an element that's between textarea tags, I can only change the entire textarea itself. Please, lead me to enlightenment!
You actually can fairly easily manipulate the text contents of the textarea like it is part of the DOM, by transforming its contents into a jQuery object.
Here is a jsFiddle demonstrating this solution:
The relevant code, inside the input change event:
// Your normal code
var website = $(this).val();
// This turns the textarea's val into a jQuery object ...
// And inserts it into an empty div that is created
var textareaHtml = $('<div>' + $("#textarea").val() + '</div>');
// Here you can do your normal selectors
// And this sets the textarea's content to the empty div's content
The empty div wrapping your HTML is so that you can easily retrieve it as a string later using jQuery's .html() method, and so the parse does not fail if additional text is entered around the p element inside the textarea.
The real magic is $($("#textarea").val()), which takes your textarea's text and parses it into an HTML node contained in a jQuery object.
It can't do it the way that you are thinking (i.e., manipulate it as if it were a DOM element), but it is still accessible as the value of the textarea, so you can retrieve it like that, use basic string manipulation to alter it, and then set the updated string as the new value of the textarea again.
Something like this . . . first give the <textarea> an id value:
<textarea id="taTarget">
Some stuff already in here
Here is the website you chose:
<p id="thing"></p>
More stuff already here.
Then alter your script like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input").change(function () {
var website = $(this).val();
var currentTAVal = $("#taTarget").val();
$("#taTarget").val(currentTAVal.replace(/(<p id="thing">)([^<]*)(<\/p>)/, "$1" + website + "$3"));
Unless you need the <p> element in there, you might consider using a more simple placeholder, since it won't actually act as an HTML element within the textarea. :)
EDIT : Fixed a typo in the .replace() regex.
I know that this answer is a little bit late, but here it goes =)
You can do exactly the way you want to do. But for that, you need to implement a small trick.
by having this HTML
<input type="radio" name="sitechoice" value="">
<br />
<input type="radio" name="sitechoice" value="">
<p id="thing2"></p>
<textarea id="textarea">
<p id="thing"></p>
you can edit textarea content, as a DOM by implementing something like the function changeInnerText
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input").change(function () {
var website = $(this).val(); // Gets value of input
//$("#thing").html(website); // Changes
//$("#thing2").html(website); // Does not change
var changeInnerText = function(text) {
var v = $("#textarea").val();
var span = $("<span>");
var obj = span.find("#thing")[0];
As you can see, I just get the information from the textarea, I create a temporary variable span to place textarea's content. and then manipulate it as DOM.
Instead of attempting to insert the text into the <p> element, insert the text into <textarea> element and include the <p> tag. Something like this should do the trick:
$("textarea").html('<p id="thing">'+website+'</p>');
And here is a fiddle:

How can I send POST data and navigate with JQuery?

On my blog I have a lot of <pre> blocks containing code snippets.
What I want to do is add a .click() handler to all the <pre> elements on the page which will send its content to another page - let's call it viewcode.php - via POST.
I know how to send information to this page using $.ajax, I'm just not sure how to send the information and navigate to the page.
The idea is that visitors can click a <pre> which will navigate to another page containing the code on its own for readability and easy copy / paste.
I have a feeling the solution is dead simple and probably obvious, I just can't think of it.
Not sure I would handle it this way, probably I would simply pop up a dialog with the code rather than leave the page, but you could handle this by building a form using javascript then triggering a submit on that form instead of using AJAX.
Using dialogs with jQuery UI:
$('pre').on('click', function() {
$('<div title="Code Preview"><p>' + $(this).text() + '</p></div>').dialog({
... set up dialog parameters ...
Build a form
$('pre').on('click', function() {
var text = $(this).text();
$('<form class="hidden-form" action="something.php" method="post" style="display: none;"><textarea name="code"></textarea></form>')
You could use a hidden <form> element. Then set the onclick() attribute of the <pre> to copy the value from the <pre> to the form. Optionally, you can set the action attribute to select the page you'd like to post the information to. Finally, submit that form.
I know it's not elegant, but it'll work.
If your code snippets are stored somewhere in a database or files, I suggest you just link the snippets to a page where you get the snippet based on some identifier.
If the snippets are only contained in your html, and you just want to display them in a cleaner way, you shouldn't need any ajax posting. You might want to Use a hover div or a jquery plugin, that pop's up and shows a cleaner piece of code obtained from the pre element, something like:
$('pre').click(function() {
var code = $(this).html(); //this is the pre contents you want to send
Yes, you have to create a form and submit it. You can do all sorts of things with ajax posts/gets but the only way to navigate to a post result is via an actual form post. Here is concise version of it:
$('<form style="display: none;"/>').attr('action', action).html(html).appendTo('body').submit();
My code does this:
// Navigate to Post Response, Convert first form values to query string params:
// Put the things that are too long (could exceed query string limit) into post values
var form = $('#myForm');
var actionWithoutQueryString = form[0].action.split("?")[0];
var action = actionWithoutQueryString + '?' + $.param(form.serializeArray());
var html =, i) { return "<input name='MyList[" + i + "]' value='" + v + "'/>"; }).join("\n");
$('<form style="display: none;"/>').attr('action', action).html(html).appendTo('body').submit();

Can I use a variable in JS for my html?

I have a JS file CharacterSelection where a user can select an avatar and type their name into a textarea.
Now I want to set a text div in an html file to the contents of the textarea. I will use it to display the player's name at a specific location on the screen.
I know that I can set a div to a text, such as: <div id ="statSheetExitButton">Exit</div> will show "Exit" (style and location depending on css)
I'm wondering if there is any way to put a String variable in there, since I will not know what name the player enters.
I grab the textarea's contents using var name = $("#nameTextBox").val();
I'm thinking that saying <div id ="playerName">name</div> will display the text "name".
Is there a way to accomplish my goal?
This will attach an event handler to the textbox so everytime the name changes the div is updated.
Here is a working example.
Please note that for the onchange event you must tab out of textbox or the textbox must lose focus
var name = $("#nameTextBox").val();
Do this:
var name = $("#nameTextBox").val();
You could do something like this which will replace the html of the tag with your JavaScript string:
Other than that, I don't think you can directly inject JavaScript variables like you would in a template language.
var playerName = 'John Dow'
You need to set the property innerHTML of you div element.
$("playerName").innerHTML = name;

