Fetching multiple files using Promises and Fetch API javascript - javascript

I am updating my javascript skills with Promises, already have in place a library with XHR and callbacks to load and inject multiple files at once and only proceed if ALL of them succeeded.
I am trying to use Promise.all() and Fetch API to get a similar functionality but can't make it work: console.log('All the promises are resolved', values); always triggers no matter if some of the fetch promises failed.
I want to be able to execute the code below, and only proceed with nowInitialize function if all the files were able to be fetched, or throw error using catch() with the reason of the first file that failed
xRequire(['index.html', 'style.cds'])
.catch(reason => 'One or more files failed to load' + reason)
style.cds will obviously fail
//TODO Handle file types appropriately
//TODO: Inject css, javascript files
function xRequire(files) {
let urls = [];
let promisesList = [];
let handleAllPromises;
//Populates urls with each file required
for(let i=0; i < files.length ; i++) {
//Fetch each file in urls
urls.forEach( (url, i) => { // (1)
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.log(error))
handleAllPromises = Promise.all(promisesList);
handleAllPromises.then(function(values) {
console.log('All the promises are resolved', values);
handleAllPromises.catch(function(reason) {
console.log('One of the promises failed with the following reason', reason);
function handleResponse(response) {
let contentType = response.headers.get('content-type');
console.log('Requested Info: ' + contentType);
if (contentType.includes('application/json')) {
return handleJSONResponse(response);
} else if (contentType.includes('text/html')) {
return handleTextResponse(response);
} else if (contentType.includes('text/css')) {
return handleTextResponse(response);
} else if (contentType.includes('application/javascript')) {
return handleTextResponse(response);
} else {
throw new Error(`Sorry, content-type ${contentType} not supported`);
function handleJSONResponse(response) {
return response.json()
.then(json => {
if (response.ok) {
return json;
} else {
return Promise.reject(Object.assign({}, json, {
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText
function handleTextResponse(response) {
return response.text()
.then(text => {
if (response.ok) {
return text;
} else {
return Promise.reject({
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText,
err: text

Can you just rewrite it as async-await code? Here is a rough idea of the typical flow:
const [data1, data2, data3] = await Promise.all([
In other words, Promise.all() returns the promise to all the data that is returned from your multiple fetch() functions.
Then, if you put this into a try-catch, you can handle the rejection as well:
try {
const [data1, data2, data3] = await Promise.all([
// Now you can process the data:
[data1, data2, data3].map(handleResponse);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error downloading one or more files:', error);
If you want to loop with async-await, you can do that:
const promises = [];
for (const url of [url1, url2, url3, url4]) {
const [data1, data2, data3, data4] = await Promise.all(promises);

There are two problems. First, you need to return the Promise.all call from xRequire in order to consume it in your xRequire(..).then:
return Promise.all(promisesList);
Also, when you use .catch, if a Promise is initially rejected, it will go into the catch block, do whatever code is there, and then the Promise chain will resolve (not reject) to whatever the catch block returns. If you want to percolate errors up the Promise chain, put your catch at the point in the chain at which you want to detect errors:
urls.forEach( (url, i) => { // (1)
.then(data => console.log(data))
// no catch here
I would suggest putting your catch only in the caller of xRequire, that way it will see all errors. Your xRequire function can be reduced to:
xRequire(['index.html', 'style.cds'])
.catch(reason => 'One or more files failed to load' + reason)
function xRequire(files) {
return Promise.all(
If you want the body of xRequire to be able to see errors, but you also want to percolate errors up the Promise chain, throw an error in a catch inside xRequire, so that the Promise it resolves to will reject, rather than resolve:
function xRequire(files) {
return Promise.all(
.catch((err) => {
console.log('There was an error: ' + err);
throw err;

I finally solved it in this way --with the only quirk i've found so far: files argument always needs to be an array, therefore always needs brackets when calling the function--
.then(handle success)
.catch(handle error);
async function xRequire(files) {
let promises = [];
let receivedData;
//Iterate over files array and push results of fetch to promises array
files.map(x => promises.push(fetch(x)));
//populate receivedData array from promises array
receivedData = await Promise.all(promises);
//iterate over receivedData to handle each response accordingly
return receivedData.map(x => handleResponse(x));


Wait for response from request before returning

I am trying to create a function with a GET request that returns a portion of the data from the GET request. However, it keeps returning before the data is retrieved, so I keep getting "undefined". How can I set this up so it actually waits for the data to be set before returning?
let getInfo = async () => {
const request = net.request({
url: URL
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Promise being here DOES work
request.on('response', (response) => {
response.on('data', (chunk) => {
//return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { //Promise being here does NOT work
let body = JSON.parse(chunk)
let info = body.data
if (info){
}).then(data => {
console.log("From then: "+data)
return data
getInfo().then(data => {
console.log("From outside: "+data)
Edit: This is the updated version that still does not work. I am trying to use the native electron method and I don't see why this doesn't work. The "From then:" part displays the info correctly. But when run "From outside:" it prints undefined. Does the issue have anything to do with the response.on being nested inside the request.on?
Solution: As #NidhinDavid showed in his answer, the issue was that the promise was inside the 'response' listener. Moving the 'GET' request from start to finish inside the Promise fixed it to giving the correct output. I have updated my code to reflect that for future individuals.
let getInfo = () => {
let info;
const request = net.request({
url: URL
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request.on('response', (response) => {
response.on('data', (chunk) => {
let body = JSON.parse(chunk)
info = body.data
if (info) {
} else {
reject('Something went wrong');
.then(data => {
// this will be your info object
.catch(err => {
// this will log 'Something went wrong' in case of any error
You need to return inside your, on type event handler. Read more about asynchronous code and synchronous code here
I couldn't find the net module and the one which is included with Nodejs do not have request method. So to get the similar concept of event emiters and promise I am using http module and doing a http request to fetch json and parse it
'use strict'
var https = require('https');
const getInfo = async () => {
// create a new promise chain
// remember it is a chain, if one return is omitted
// then the chain is broken
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var options = {
host: 'support.oneskyapp.com',
path: '/hc/en-us/article_attachments/202761727/example_2.json'
// start the request
https.request(options, function (response) {
var str = '';
// data arrives in chunks
// chunks needs to be stitched together before parsing
response.on('data', function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
// response body obtained
// resolve (aka return) the result
// or parse it, or do whatever you want with it
response.on('end', function () {
// errors are another event
// listen for errors and reject when they are encountered
response.on('error', function (err) {
// using async await
// if this is the entry point into app
// then top-level async approach required
(async ()=>{
let data = await getInfo()
console.log("From ASYNC AWAIT ")
catch (err) {
console.log("operation failed, error: ", err)
// using promise chains
console.log("FROM PROMISE CHAIN ")
console.log("operation failed, error: ", err)
Tyr this, it might works for you,
let info;
const getInfo = async (_url)=>{
const response = await fetch(_url);
const data = await response.json();
info = data;
} ;
const url = "some url";
Async function always returns a promise, so either consume that promise or internally await the data and assign it to some variable.
Check for the valid data required in info by logging it to the console.

javascript promise handling, fail to handle error

I'm having some trouble understanding what I'm doing wrong. I have a function that receives a url to which should make a GET request, in case of success should fill a combo with the received data (this depends which function calls it), in case of fail it should execute some common code.
getFirstCombo = () => {
.then(data => this.setState({firstComboOptions: this.parseCombo(data)}))
.catch(error => console.log('ERROR2: ', error));
getSecondCombo = () => {
.then(data => this.setState({secondComboOptions: this.parseCombo(data)}))
.catch(error => console.log('ERROR2: ', error));
parseCombo = (data: any) => {
const combo = data.map(item => (
{ label: item.description, value: item.id }
return combo;
getFromApi = (url: string) : Promise<any> => {
return restApiAxios.get(url)
.then(response => {
return response.data;
.catch(error => {
console.log('ERROR: ', error);
this code is executed on the componentDidMount of the react component, but when it fails, it first prints :
ERROR: Error: Network Error
at createError (createError.js:16)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (xhr.js:83)
and immediately after:
PanelDatos.tsx:50 ERROR2: TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
at PanelDatos.parseCombo (PanelDatos.tsx:55)
at PanelDatos.tsx:50
so, when failing executes the catch block from getFromApi and then it tries to execute the then block in getFirstCombo, which triggers the catch block from the same function cause data does not exist, why is that? shouldnt it just execute the first catch?
thanks in advance
.catch returns a promise much like .then, allowing you to return a custom value and handle it that way.
Try doing the following to observe the effect:
.catch(e => e) // Catch the error and return it
.then(console.log) // will log 1 to the console
This means you'll need to add some checks if you want to continue to use promises like this:
.reject(new Error('haha'))
.catch(err => ({err}))
.then(({err, data}) => {
if(err) return // Do nothing
// enter code here
However, using async / await will improve readability even more:
getFirstCombo = async () => {
let response
try {
response = await this.getFromApi('/First/GetAll')
} catch (e) {
return // Exit early
let parsed
try {
parsed = this.parseCombo(data)
} catch (e) {
return // Exit early
return this.setState({firstComboOptions: parsed})
And, of course, throw the error again in your catch block in your api to allow it to handle api calls.
This is happening since inside getFromApi catch method on the error you are not returning anything, so by default, it is returning a resolved promise with null response and the execution goes inside getFirstCombo then method, causing another error. You can update your code to resolve this like:
getFromApi = (url: string): Promise<any> => {
return restApiAxios.get(url)
.then(response => response.data)
.catch(error => Promise.reject(error));
The static Promise.reject function returns a Promise that is rejected. So, it will go directly into catch of wherever getFromApi is called.
async function getFromApi(url) {
return fetch(url) // rejects
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(err => Promise.reject(err))
async function getFirstCombo() {
.then(data => console.log('data: ', data))
.catch(error => console.log('ERROR2: ', error));
DEMO #2 (With getFirstCombo function not having any catch block) :
async function getFromApi(url) {
return fetch(url) // rejects
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(err => {
console.log('ERROR in getFromApi(): ', err);
return null; // return null, empty array, 0 or false... as per your requirement
async function getFirstCombo() {
.then(data => console.log('data: ', data))
// Same value set in catch block of getFromApi will return in this then() block
// Validate this `data` variable before processing it further like:
// if(data === null) this means an error had occurred
// else continue with your logic

Return data from Promise and store it in variable after API Call

I´m pretty new to Promises and found many examples here how to access the actual value which is always done with console.log. But my goal is to store the result in a variable and work with it.
getdata = () =>
.then(response => {
if (response.status === 200) {
return response.json();
} else {
throw new Error("This is an error");
.then(data => {
This code works. Can you help me to rewrite it that the getdata() function allows me to store the result in a variable. Return does not work since I will receive another pending Promise.
You can do it like this:
getdata = () =>
).then(response => {
if (response.status === 200) {
return response.json();
} else {
throw new Error("This is an error");
getdata().then(data => {
//I can do whatever with data
Of course you would also want to handle the scenario where the request failed, so you could also chain a .catch(). Alternately, if you have your build process configured for it, you can use async and await so you could do:
try {
const data = await getdata();
} catch(err) {
This would need to be in a function marked as async
Well at first we need to declare a variable let's say temp. Then use fetch API to request our query with URL. If server status is 200 then it will return a promise, we need to use then method by passing any argument (res, response, r anything...) and then a fat arrow function (=>) so that we can make the response as json format. After then we need to use another then method to return the json output and assign the value to our declared temp variable.
But if there is any error like 500, 400, 404 server error we need to use catch method with err argument and console it out.
let temp;
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => temp = data)
.catch(err => console.log(err));

awaited Promises still returning <pending>

I have an array of data objects about people. Each person object includes 0-n URLs for additional info (guests of the person).
I want to process this list, calling each of the 'guest' URLs and including the guest's names in the original data set.
Context: this is an AWS lambda function. I'm using lambda-local to run this locally. (lambda-local -l index.js -e fixtures/test_event1.json).
I'm successfully using await/async to retrieve the initial set of data.
But I'm unable to get if working for these further calls about guest info. It always shows a pending Promise, even though the result is awaited.
// index.js
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
exports.handler = async function(event){
try {
let registrations = await getEventRegistrations();
/* All good here - sample console output
[ { contactId: 43452967,
displayName: 'aaa, bbb',
numGuests: 0,
guestUrls: [] },
{ contactId: 43766365,
displayName: 'bbb, ccc',
numGuests: 1,
[ 'https://<URL>' ] },
{ contactId: 43766359,
displayName: 'ccc, ddd',
numGuests: 2,
[ 'https://<URL>',
'https://<URL> ] } ]
// Expanding the guest URLs is proving problematic - see expandGuests function below
registrations = registrations.map(expandGuests);
/* Registrations are just pending Promises here, not the real data
[ Promise { <pending> },
Promise { <pending> },
Promise { <pending> } ]
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
body: JSON.stringify(registrations),
catch (exception) {
return {
statusCode: 500,
body: 'Unable to retrieve data.'
function getEventRegistrations() {
return fetch('<URL>')
.then(res => res.json())
.catch(function (error) {
console.log('Event registrants request failed', error);
return null;
function getGuestName(url) {
return fetch(url)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(guest => guest.DisplayName)
.catch(function (error) {
console.log('Guest name request failed', error);
return null;
async function expandGuests(data) {
const promises = data.guestUrls.map(url => getGuestName(url));
data.guestNames = await Promise.all(promises);
return data;
How can I resolve these pending Promises and thus return useful data?
Thank you.
array.map doesn't contain any logic to wait for promises. It just calls the function for each element of the array, and then synchronously produces an array of the results. If you pass in async functions, then the result be an array of promises (since all async functions return promises).
You'll need to use Promise.all to create a promise which will resolve once all the individual promises have resolved, and then await that.
const promises = data.guestUrls.map(url => getGuestName(url));
data.guestNames = await Promise.all(promises);
P.S, i strongly recommend against mixing async/await with .then. The cases where you actually need to do so are very rare, so most of the time you just make the code harder to understand. For example, this function:
async function getGuestName(url) {
return await fetch(url)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(guest => guest.DisplayName)
.catch(function (error) {
console.log('Guest name request failed', error);
return null;
Should either be done like this:
async function getGuestName(url) {
try {
const res = await fetch(url);
const guest = await res.json();
return guest.DisplayName;
} catch (error) {
console.log('Guest name request failed', error);
return null;
Or like this
function getGuestName(url) {
return fetch(url)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(guest => guest.DisplayName)
.catch(function (error) {
console.log('Guest name request failed', error);
return null;
The comments are correct in pointing out that mapping an async function will return an array of Promises. What they don't explicitly mention is that you have two maps, and which one is problematic.
The issue is in the line:
reservations = reservations.map(expandGuests);
Any time you use map, you'll need to actually resolve the promises that return.
const mappedPromises = reservations.map(expandGuests); //returns an Array of Pending promises
const mappedReservations = await Promise.all(mappedPromises); //resolves the promises

How do I fix a race condition in a nested Promise in Node.js? [duplicate]

I'm creating an API using Node.js/TypeScript running Express. Below is an excerpt from my get method. An error is being triggered in the format method, which throws an error that is caught by the promise, but not propagated to the parent promise after a throw:
this.getModel(objectName).findAll(queryParameters).then(function(databaseObjects) {
for (let databaseObject of databaseObjects) {
var jsonObject = {};
//console.log("Database object: ");
transform.baseFormat(databaseObject, jsonObject)
.then(() => transform.format(databaseObject, jsonObject))
.then(() => {
}).catch((e) => {
console.log("Caught error during format of existing object: ");
throw e;
.then(() => {
if (metadata) {
this.metadata(objectName, false, transform, res.locals.retval);
delete queryParameters.limit;
delete queryParameters.offset;
console.log("RUNNING METADATA COUNT: ");
this.getModel(objectName).count(queryParameters).then(function(count) {
res.locals.retval.setMetadata("records", count);
return next();
}).catch(function(e) {
this.error(e, res);
return next();
} else {
console.log("NO METADATA");
return next();
.catch((e) => {
// TODO: Move status into error() function
console.log("500 Error on GET");
res.locals.retval.addError(ErrorCode.InternalError, e);
return next();
Here's the output:
(node:8277) Warning: a promise was created in a handler at /Library/WebServer/adstudio/dist/server.js:555:51 but was not returned from it, see
at Function.Promise.bind (/Library/WebServer/adstudio/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/bind.js:65:20)
Caught error during format of existing object:
Test Error
Then the request fails to finish.
I've read a lot on Promises and I haven't been able to find an issue/solution similar to mine.
Chained promises not passing on rejection
Running inside that for-loop is not asynchronous, so your promise is resolving basically as soon as the loop finishes, yet before all your formatting finishes.
Use a promise control flow, like bluebird's Promise.each which is serial or just Promise.all. Then any exceptions will be caught.
this.getModel(objectName).findAll(queryParameters).then(function (databaseObjects) {
var promises = databaseObjects.map(databaseObject => {
var jsonObject = {}
// console.log("Database object: ");
// console.log(databaseObject);
return transform.baseFormat(databaseObject, jsonObject)
.then(() => transform.format(databaseObject, jsonObject))
.then(() => {
}).catch((e) => {
console.log('Caught error during format of existing object: ')
throw e
return Promise.all(promises)
.catch((e) => {
// TODO: Move status into error() function
console.log('500 Error on GET')
res.locals.retval.addError(ErrorCode.InternalError, e)
return next()

