how to add custom speech in botframe work - javascript

I am working on Custom speech in bot framework.I add Bing simple speech it is working on my website: here is link :
but now i want to know how can we add custom speech (LUIS custom speech) in our webchat bot?
I create custom speech using :
Now i want to add it and want it to work like bing speech .
i am using following code.
/*! modernizr 3.6.0 (Custom Build) | MIT *
* !*/
!function (e, n, s) { function i(e, n) { return typeof e === n } function o() { var e, n, s, o, a, f, d; for (var c in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(c)) { if (e = [], n = t[c], && (e.push(, n.options && n.options.aliases && n.options.aliases.length)) for (s = 0; s < n.options.aliases.length; s++)e.push(n.options.aliases[s].toLowerCase()); for (o = i(n.fn, "function") ? n.fn() : n.fn, a = 0; a < e.length; a++)f = e[a], d = f.split("."), 1 === d.length ? Modernizr[d[0]] = o : (!Modernizr[d[0]] || Modernizr[d[0]] instanceof Boolean || (Modernizr[d[0]] = new Boolean(Modernizr[d[0]])), Modernizr[d[0]][d[1]] = o), r.push((o ? "" : "no-") + d.join("-")) } } var t = [], a = { _version: "3.6.0", _config: { classPrefix: "", enableClasses: !0, enableJSClass: !0, usePrefixes: !0 }, _q: [], on: function (e, n) { var s = this; setTimeout(function () { n(s[e]) }, 0) }, addTest: function (e, n, s) { t.push({ name: e, fn: n, options: s }) }, addAsyncTest: function (e) { t.push({ name: null, fn: e }) } }, Modernizr = function () { }; Modernizr.prototype = a, Modernizr = new Modernizr, Modernizr.addTest("speechsynthesis", "SpeechSynthesisUtterance" in e), Modernizr.addTest("getUserMedia", "mediaDevices" in navigator && "getUserMedia" in navigator.mediaDevices); var r = []; o(), delete a.addTest, delete a.addAsyncTest; for (var f = 0; f < Modernizr._q.length; f++)Modernizr._q[f](); e.Modernizr = Modernizr }(window, document);
// Necessary for safari
// Safari will only speak after speaking from a button click
var isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
const params = BotChat.queryParams(;
function SpeakText() {
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
document.getElementsByClassName("wc-mic")[0].removeEventListener("click", SpeakText);
if (isSafari) {
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
document.getElementsByClassName("wc-mic")[0].addEventListener("click", SpeakText);
var femaleVoice = null;
if (Modernizr.speechsynthesis) {
var baseSpeechPrototype = SpeechSynthesisUtterance.prototype;
SpeechSynthesisUtterance = function (msg) {
var utterance = new baseSpeechPrototype.constructor(msg);
if (femaleVoice != null)
utterance.voice = femaleVoice;
return utterance;
window.speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = function () {
var voice = "Microsoft Zira";
var safariVoice = "Samantha";
var voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices();
voices.forEach(function (v) {
if (
femaleVoice = v;
else if ( == safariVoice && v.lang == "en-US")
femaleVoice = v;
//// Needed to change between the two audio contexts
var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
//// Sets the old style getUserMedia to use the new style that is supported in more browsers even though the framework uses the new style
if (window.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia && !window.navigator.getUserMedia) {
window.navigator.getUserMedia = function (constraints, successCallback, errorCallback) {
.then(function (e) {
.catch(function (e) {
const bot = {
id: params['botid'] || 'botid',
name: params['botname'] || 'botname'
window.botchatDebug = params['debug'] && params['debug'] === 'true';
var speechOptions;
if (Modernizr.speechsynthesis) {
speechOptions = {
speechRecognizer: new CognitiveServices.SpeechRecognizer({
fetchCallback: function (authFetchEventId) { return getBingToken() },
fetchOnExpiryCallback: function (authFetchEventId) { getBingToken() }
speechSynthesizer: new BotChat.Speech.BrowserSpeechSynthesizer()
else if (Modernizr.getusermedia) {
speechOptions = {
speechRecognizer: new CognitiveServices.SpeechRecognizer({
fetchCallback: function (authFetchEventId) { return getBingToken() },
fetchOnExpiryCallback: function (authFetchEventId) { getBingToken() }
speechSynthesizer: null
else {
speechOptions = null;
// for bot
var botConnection = new BotChat.DirectLine({
domain: params['domain'],
//token: document.getElementById("directLineToken").value,
secret: 'Secret',
webSocket: params['webSocket'] && params['webSocket'] === 'true' // defaults to true
sendTyping: true,
locale: params['locale'],
resize: 'detect',
speechOptions: speechOptions,
user: { id:'ID' name: "You" },
bot: { id: 'Vera', name: "Vera" },
botConnection: botConnection
}, document.getElementById('BotChatElement'));
function getBingToken() {
// Normally this token fetch is done from your secured backend to avoid exposing the API key and this call
// would be to your backend, or to retrieve a token that was served as part of the original page.
return fetch(
headers: {
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': 'Key'
method: 'POST'
//).then(res => res.text());
).then(function (res) { return res.text() });
aNY BODY Know how to do this ?
Thank in advance .


Checking if there is a value in the Array hierarchy

I want to check if there is a value in a certain variable I have. Below I put an example of a logic that I want to achieve.
No matter how hard I tried, I was able to write a very sketchy code as a result of 3 hours of work and research, but it has nothing to do with what I want to achieve.
My Code:
const Files = [
Name: 'System',
Type: 'directory',
Value: [
Name: 'Main',
Type: 'directory',
Value: [
Name: 'Drivers',
Type: 'directory',
Value: [
Name: 'Startup',
Type: 'file',
Value: new FileSystem.File('Startup', 0x1, 'test blah blah'),
BlahBlah.has(Files, 'System->Main->Drivers');
// [File]
BlahBlah.has(Files, 'System->Main->Drivers->Startup');
// File
BlahBlah.has(Files, 'System->Main->Drivers->AnyWhere');
// undefined
BlahBlah.has(Files, 'System->Main->AnyRandomDirectory');
// NaN
My Function:
function text2Binary(str: string, spliter: string = ' '): string {
return str
.map(function (char) {
return char.charCodeAt(0).toString(2);
export function FileTypeFromNumber(e: number) {
if (typeof e != 'number')
try {
e = Number(e);
} catch (_) {
return null;
return {
0x1: {
Name: 'Executable File',
Extension: 'exe',
0x2: {
Name: 'Text Document',
Extension: 'txt',
export type FileTypes =
| 0x1
| 0x2
| 0x3
| 0x4
| 0x5
| 0x6
| 0x7
| 0x8
| 0x9
| null;
export class File {
Name: string;
Type: {
Name: string;
Extension: string;
Content: string;
Size: number;
constructor(name: string, type: FileTypes, content: string) {
this.Name = name;
this.Type = FileTypeFromNumber(type);
this.Content = content;
this.Size = text2Binary(content, '').length;
export class Directory {
public Name: string;
public Files: (File | Directory)[] = [];
constructor(name: string) {
this.Name = name;
addFile(file: File | Directory) {
getFile(name: string): null | (File | Directory)[] {
if (typeof name != 'string')
try {
name = String(name);
} catch (_) {
return null;
const Result = this.Files.filter((e) => e.Name == name);
return Result.length == 0 ? null : Result;
getSize() {
return =>
e instanceof Directory ? e.getSize() : e.Size
).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
has(name) {
return this.Files.some((e) => e.Name == name);
getJSON() {
return => ({ ...e }));
interface x {
Content: string;
Name: string;
Size: number;
Type: string;
export function ConvertFromJSONtoDirectory(json: any[]) {
return => {
const isDirectory = value.Type == 'directory';
if (!isDirectory) {
return value.Value;
const self = new Directory(value.Name);
ConvertFromJSONtoDirectory(value.Value).map((e) => self.addFile(e));
return self;
export default class DirectorySystem {
Memory: Map<any, any>;
Current: string | null;
constructor(Current = null) {
this.Memory = new Map();
this.Current = Current;
addDirectory(directory: Directory): null | true {
if (!(directory instanceof Directory)) return null;
if (this.Memory.has(directory.Name)) return null;
this.Memory.set(directory.Name, directory);
return true;
getDirectory(DirectoryName: string): boolean | Directory {
if (typeof DirectoryName != 'string')
try {
DirectoryName = String(DirectoryName);
} catch (_) {
return null;
const Result = this.Memory.has(DirectoryName);
return Result ? this.Memory.get(DirectoryName) : Result;
getDirectoryCurrent() {
if (this.Current == null) return this;
changeDirectory(by: -1 | 1, value: string) {
if (by == -1) {
if (this.Current == null) return null;
if (this.Current.includes('->')) {
this.Current = this.Current.split('->').slice(0, -1).join('->');
} else {
this.Current = null;
return this.Current;
} else if (by == 1) {
let Position = [this.Current, value].join('->');
if (this.Current == null) {
Position = Position.split('->').slice(1).join('->');
let Result = this.has(Position);
has(query: string) {
try {
return query.split('->').reduce((a, b) => {
if (Array.isArray(a)) {
const f = a.filter((e) => e['Name'] == b);
if (a.length > 0) {
return f['Files'];
} else {
return a;
return a['Files'];
}, this.getJSON());
} catch (_) {
return false;
getJSON(): x[][] {
return [...this.Memory.values()].reduce((a, b) => {
a[b.Name] = b.getJSON();
return a;
}, {});
Result: (Thanks Michael M. and chill 389cc for helping me understand the error)
query: string,
overwrite = null
) {
// If overwrite argument is not null, we are going use it.
let files = overwrite == null ? this.getJSON() : overwrite;
// Split string for getting more usable type with converting string to Array.
const QueryParams = query.split('->').filter(String);
// If we dont have no query, we can return current status.
if (QueryParams.length == 0) return overwrite;
if (Array.isArray(files)) {
const SearchFor = QueryParams.shift();
const Result = files.filter((e) => {
if (e instanceof Directory) {
const x = e.Name == SearchFor;
return x ? e : false;
return e.Name == SearchFor;
// If we cant find any indexing result
if (!Result) return false;
// We found a file and if we dont have any query this is mean we found it!
if (Result instanceof File) return QueryParams.length == 0;
// We found a Directory and we doesnt have any Query now, so we can return true.
if (Result instanceof Directory && QueryParams.length == 0) return true;
if (
Result.Name != SearchFor ||
(QueryParams.length != 0 && Result.Files.length == 0)
// If name not suits or still we has Query and not enough file for indexing.
return false;
// If nothing happens on upper section, return rescyned version of this function.
return this.has(QueryParams.join('->'), Result.Files);
} else {
// If value is Object, Try Search param in object, and return it.
const Result = files[QueryParams.shift()];
return !Result ? false : this.has(QueryParams.join('->'), Result);
I can't replicate all of your code, but does this help?
interface Entry {
Name: string,
Type: string,
Value: Array<Entry> | any,
const Files = [
Name: "System",
Type: "directory",
Value: [
Name: "Main",
Type: "directory",
Value: [
Name: "Drivers",
Type: "directory",
Value: [
Name: "Startup",
Type: "file",
Value: "test", // change this to anything
function getEl(files: Array<Entry>, path: String) {
let path_walk = path.split("->");
let obj = files;
for (let part of path_walk) {
let found = false;
for (let entry of obj) {
if (entry.Name == part) {
obj = entry.Value;
found = true;
if (!found) return undefined;
return obj;
console.log(getEl(Files, "System->Main->Drivers")); // => [ { Name: 'Startup', Type: 'file', Value: 'test' } ]
console.log(getEl(Files, "System->Main->Drivers->Startup")); // => "test"
console.log(getEl(Files, "System->Main->Drivers->AnyWhere")); // => undefined
console.log(getEl(Files, "System->Main->AnyRandomDirectory")); // => undefined
There are some obvious problems, such as the fact that your example shows .has() being called with two arguments but it is defined in the class to only take in one. That being said, here is a function that, given a string query as you have and an array of objects like you have, would read the query and return if the array works for that query.
function has(fileSystem, query) {
const arrayOfArgs = query.split('->')
if (Array.isArray(fileSystem)) {
for (let i = 0; i < fileSystem.length; i++) {
if (fileSystem[i]['Name'] === arrayOfArgs[0]) {
if (arrayOfArgs.length === 1) {
// element found
return true; // replace this to return an actual value if that is desired.
if (fileSystem[i]['Type'] === 'directory') {
// if not, recurse in if it is a directory
return has(fileSystem[i]['Value'], arrayOfArgs.slice(1).join('->'));
} else {
// if it isn't a directory, don't try to recurse in
return false;
return false;
console.log(has(Files, 'System->Main->Drivers')); // true
console.log(has(Files, 'System->Main->Drivers->Startup')); // true
console.log(has(Files, 'System->Main->Drivers->AnyWhere')); // false
console.log(has(Files, 'System->Main->AnyRandomDirectory')); // false
You'll have to add your own types to get it back to TypeScript and obviously I pulled it out of the class for easier testing but it should be pretty easy to re-implement.

Create Proxy for accessing json object values using .value

let Settings = {
"Policy": {
"allowP": true,
"allowC": false,
How can i access get value using following syntax
console.log( Policy.allowP ); // should return true
console.log( Policy.value.allowP ); // should also return true
i tried following using javascript proxy
let createProxy = (settings : any) => {
const p = new Proxy(settings, {
get(target, p, _r) {
if (p === "value") {
return settings;
return (target as any)[p];
return p;
let getSettings = () => {
var settings = Settings;
const p = new Proxy(settings, {
get(target, p, _r) {
if (p === "value") {
return createProxy(settings);
return createProxy((target as any)[p]);
return p;
Tried to create Nested proxy so that i can access values using key.value syntax.
Is this correct way to implement it ? or is there any better way ?

Create Javascript localStorage for website background change

Hello and big thanks for a all S.O community
I come today because i try to create local storage with Javascript for my users can change background and page settings on my website and find it back when page reload.
I tried many attempt but i'm so beginner for do make it work
var m = new s.a.Store({
modules: {
programs: p,
preferences: {
state: {
background: "images/backgrounds/background2.jpg",
preferredColor: "#1e90ff",
isWiFiConnected: !1
getters: {
background: function(t) {
return t.background
preferredColor: function(t) {
return t.preferredColor
isWiFiConnected: function(t) {
return t.isWiFiConnected
actions: {},
mutations: {
changePreferredColor: function(t, e) {
t.preferredColor = e
changeBackground: function(t, e) {
t.background = e
toggleWiFiConnection: function(t) {
t.isWiFiConnected = !t.isWiFiConnected
filesystem: d
strict: !1
i.a.prototype.$t = function(t) {
return t
}, i.a.config.devtools = !0, new i.a({
el: "#app",
store: m,
components: {
App: a.a
function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
(function(e, n) {
var r = Object.freeze({});
function i(t) {
return null == t
function o(t) {
return null != t
function a(t) {
return !0 === t
function s(t) {
return "string" == typeof t || "number" == typeof t || "symbol" == typeof t || "boolean" == typeof t
function u(t) {
return null !== t && "object" == typeof t
there is the code i tried to add just before without sucess (blank page) :
var m = { ...localStorage };
Thanks for your support
Best regards

Customizing easyAutoComplete

var options = {
url: function (phrase) {
return "location/autoComplete?key=" + phrase;
getValue: "cityName",
template: {
type: "custom",
method: function (value, item) {
return value + ", " + item.stateName;
list: {
onClickEvent: function () {
var selectedLongitude = $("#autoCompleteSearch").getSelectedItemData().longitude;
var selectedLatitude = $("#autoCompleteSearch").getSelectedItemData().latitude;
userPos = {
lat: Number(selectedLatitude),
lng: Number(selectedLongitude)
showAnimation: {
type: "fade", //normal|slide|fade
time: 400,
callback: function () {
hideAnimation: {
type: "slide", //normal|slide|fade
time: 400,
callback: function () {
This is the code I am using right now to fetch a remote webservice data. Now I need to get the data and remove the duplicate "city names". Also I need to show "Data not available" or some custom method when there is no data from the webservice. I am kind of stuck. Would be great if someone could point me on how to achieve this.
You can get rid of duplicates using a helper function:
function removeDuplicates(input) {
if (!input) { //Falsy input
return input;
var isArray = Array.isArray(input) ? [] : {};
var items = [];
var output = {};
for (var key in input) {
if (items.indexOf(input[key]) < 0) {
if (!isArray) {
output[key] = input[key];
return isArray ? items : output;
You can show your custom text if Array.isArray(input) ? (input.length === 0) : (Object.keys(input).length === 0 && input.constructor === Object).

How to use jQuery $.extend(obj1, obj2)

I'm trying to create a button class that extends an AbstractComponent class using $.extend() but the functions in AbstractComponent aren't available when I'm constructing the button.
The specific error I'm receiving is:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'setOptions'
var Button = {};
var abstract = new AbstractComponent;
//this.setOptions is available here
Button = function(options) {
'use strict';
var defaultOptions = {
templateName: '#button-tmpl',
title: "Label goes here",
type: "primary",
size: "medium",
disabled: null,
autosave: null,
href: null,
onclick: null
//this.setOptions is not available here
this.setOptions(options, defaultOptions);
return this;
Button.prototype.updateOptions = function() {
var options = this.options;
if (options.href === null) {
options.href = 'javascript:;';
if (options.disabled === null) {
options.disabled = 'disabled';
if (options.autosave === true) {
options.autosave = 'ping-autosave';
var AbstractComponent = function() {
console.log('this will be the constructor for elements extending this class');
}; = function() {
AbstractComponent.prototype.close = function() {
// stop listeners and remove this component
AbstractComponent.prototype.getTemplateName = function() {
return this.options.templateName;
AbstractComponent.prototype.checkRequiredKeys = function() {
var errors = new Array();
if (typeof this.getTemplateName() === "undefined") {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (!this.options.hasOwnProperty(arguments[i])) {
if (errors.length > 0) {
throw new Exception("Required property(s) not found:" + errors.join(', ') + " in " + this.toString());
AbstractComponent.prototype.getElement = function() {
'use strict';
if(!this.options.updated) {
return new AbstractView(this.options).render().$el;
AbstractComponent.prototype.updateOptions = function() {
this.options.updated = true;
return true;
AbstractComponent.prototype.getHtml = function() {
return this.getElement().html();
AbstractComponent.prototype.setOptions = function(options, defaultOptions) {
this.options = _.defaults(options, defaultOptions);
AbstractComponent.prototype.toString = function() {
return "Component" + this.getTemplateName() + "[id=" + + "]";
jQuery extend is for moving properties from one (or more) object(s) to another object.
$.extend({}, {
foo: 10,
bar: 20
You should use prototypal inheritance isntead
function Button(options) {
'use strict';
var defaultOptions = {
templateName: '#button-tmpl',
title: "Label goes here",
type: "primary",
size: "medium",
disabled: null,
autosave: null,
href: null,
onclick: null
//this.setOptions is not available here
this.setOptions(options, defaultOptions);
return this;
Button.prototype = new AbstractComponent;

