float number math problem addition and subtraction [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
How to deal with floating point number precision in JavaScript?
(47 answers)
JavaScript adding decimal numbers issue [duplicate]
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I know JavaScript has a notorious problem with math that can cause math problems to return wrong with wonky decimal numbers. But how does one do a simple addition and subtraction in JS and not have a wonky result? And the numbers for the addition and subtraction are not fixed numbers and relay on variables. For example...
var a = 3.94
var b = 0.5
var r = a + b
console.log(r) //4.4399999999999995
var a = 4.22
var b = 0.5
var r = a - b
console.log(r) //3.7199999999999998
I am aware of the math floating point issue in JS but I am looking for a simple solution to not have this issue occur when doing some addition and subtraction.
Is floating point math broken?

Thanks to #Stakvino suggestion I think I figured it out.
Let me know what you guys think.
var a = 3.94
var b = 0.5
var fixed = String(a)
if (fixed.indexOf('.') === -1) {
fixed = 0;
else {
fixed = fixed.split('.')
fixed = fixed[1].length;
var r = (a + b).toFixed(fixed)
var a = 4.22
var b = 0.5
var fixed = String(a)
if (fixed.indexOf('.') === -1) {
fixed = 0;
else {
fixed = fixed.split('.')
fixed = fixed[1].length;
var r = (a - b).toFixed(fixed)


How to get precise integer result for arithmetic operations of huge numbers in JS?

How to get precise integer result for multiplication and division operations of huge numbers in JS?
Let's say we have:
var a = 75643564363473453456342378564387956906736546456235342;
var b = 34986098309687982743378379458582778387652482;
Multiplying these numbers gives me a number in scientific "e" notation. How to display the whole precise integer result number?
I've tried using this library
Readme says:
Note that Javascript numbers larger than 9007199254740992 and
smaller than -9007199254740992 are not precisely represented
numbers and will not produce exact results. If you are dealing with
numbers outside that range, it is better to pass in strings.
But how do you do math with strings?
Use bigInt, as you hinted, you need to use strings instead of numbers to represent them correctly.
I think this question is duplicate of how-to-avoid-scientific-notation-for-large-numbers-in-javascript
This function taken from above link.
function toFixed(x) {
if (Math.abs(x) < 1.0) {
var e = parseInt(x.toString().split('e-')[1]);
if (e) {
x *= Math.pow(10,e-1);
x = '0.' + (new Array(e)).join('0') + x.toString().substring(2);
} else {
var e = parseInt(x.toString().split('+')[1]);
if (e > 20) {
e -= 20;
x /= Math.pow(10,e);
x += (new Array(e+1)).join('0');
return x;

Converting a base 10 number to other bases 2 without built in Javascript functions

I am new to coding and javascript and was asked, for an assignment, to convert base 10 numbers to a binary base without using specific Javascript built in methods (like alert(a.toString(16))), and I am only allowed to use loops,arrays and functions. This is what i have so far:
var number = prompt("Enter an unsigned base 10 number");
if (number>=0) {
var base = prompt("Enter b for binary, o for octal, or h for hexadecimal");
if (base=="h"||base=="H") {
So as you can see, I don't have much to go on. I was curious as to what equation or formula I would use to convert the base 10 number, as well as how i'm supposed to show A=10, B=11, C=12 and so forth for a hexadecimal base. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
edit: This is a rather complicated way to do it,
as Alnitak showed me (see discussion below).
It is more a scibble, or the long way by foot.
Short explanation:
If we want to get the binary of the decimal number 10,
we have to try 2^n so that 2^n is still smaller than 10.
For example 2^3 = 8 (that is OK). But 2^4 = 16 (thats too big).
So we have 2^3 and store a 1 for that in an array at index 3.
Now we have to get the rest of 10-2^3, which is 2, and have to
make the same calculation again until we get a difference of zero.
At last we have to reverse the array because its the other way arround.
var a = prompt("Enter an unsigned base 10 number");
var arr = [];
var i = 0;
function decToBin(x) {
y = Math.pow(2, i);
if (y < x) {
arr[i] = 0;
} else if (y > x) {
newX = (x - Math.pow(2, i));
arr[i] = 1;
i = 0;
} else if (y == x) {
arr[i] = 1;
result = arr.reverse().join();
return result;
var b = decToBin(a); // var b holds the result

How to get first 2 non zero digits after decimal in javascript

I need to get the first 2 non zero digits from a decimal number. How can this be achieved?
Suppose I have number like 0.000235 then I need 0.00023, if the number is 0.000000025666 then my function should return 0.000000025.
Can any one have an idea of how this can be achieved in javascript?
The result should be a float number not a string.
Here are two faster solutions (see jsperf) :
Solution 1 :
var n = 0.00000020666;
var r = n.toFixed(1-Math.floor(Math.log(n)/Math.log(10)));
Note that this one doesn't round to the smallest value but to the nearest : 0.0256 gives 0.026, not 0.025. If you really want to round to the smallest, use this one :
Solution 2 :
var r = n.toFixed(20).match(/^-?\d*\.?0*\d{0,2}/)[0];
It works with negative numbers too.
var myNum = 0.000256
var i = 1
while(myNum < 10){
myNum *= 10
i *= 10
var result = parseInt(myNum) / i
With numbers that has that many decimals, you'd have to return a string, as any parsing as number would return scientific notation, as in 0.000000025666 would be 2.5666e-8
function round(n, what) {
var i = 0;
if (n < 1) {
while(n < 1) {
n = n*10;
return '0.' + (new Array(i)).join('0') + n.toFixed(what).replace('.','').slice(0,-1);

Solving Project Euler 16 with Javascript

I'm working on Project Euler, writing solutions in JavaScript. However, it seems Problem 16 cannot be solved with Javascript:
215 = 32768 and the sum of its digits is 3 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 26.
What is the sum of the digits of the number 21000?
Because JavaScript's 64bit precision isn't big enough to hold the number, calculating Math.pow(2, 1000) gives 1.0715086071862673e+301. Obviously, I can't use this value to solve the problem because it doesn't contain all the digits of 21000.
Is there another way to solve this problem? Note that I am not asking how to get around the precision issue; however, if that's the only solution, so be it.
Ideally, I'd like to find an alternate solution (maybe a super-epic math approach?) to the problem.
(as an side note, i'm not trying to cheat and wean the answer out of SO. I've solved it, but I had to use Python)
It is possible to solve this by a naive approach of storing 2^1000 in an array (of digits). Runs in less than a second. Original idea from here.
var number = [1],
sum = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
var overflow = 0,
count = number.length + 1
for(var j = 0; j < count; j++)
var digit = number[j] || 0;
digit = 2 * digit + overflow;
if(digit > 9)
digit -= 10;
overflow = 1;
overflow = 0;
number[j] = digit;
for(var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
sum += number[i];
check out a question I asked earlier:
summing exponents in javascript
The response talks about BigNumber in JavaScript. That should help you get around the precision shortfalls in JavaScript when dealing with large numbers.

How do I get the decimal places of a floating point number in Javascript?

What I would like to have is the almost opposite of Number.prototype.toPrecision(), meaning that when i have number, how many decimals does it have? E.g.
(12.3456).getDecimals() // 4
For anyone wondering how to do this faster (without converting to string), here's a solution:
function precision(a) {
var e = 1;
while (Math.round(a * e) / e !== a) e *= 10;
return Math.log(e) / Math.LN10;
Edit: a more complete solution with edge cases covered:
function precision(a) {
if (!isFinite(a)) return 0;
var e = 1, p = 0;
while (Math.round(a * e) / e !== a) { e *= 10; p++; }
return p;
One possible solution (depends on the application):
var precision = (12.3456 + "").split(".")[1].length;
If by "precision" you mean "decimal places", then that's impossible because floats are binary. They don't have decimal places, and most values that have a small number of decimal places have recurring digits in binary, and when they're translated back to decimal that doesn't necessarily yield the original decimal number.
Any code that works with the "decimal places" of a float is liable to produce unexpected results on some numbers.
There is no native function to determine the number of decimals. What you can do is convert the number to string and then count the offset off the decimal delimiter .:
Number.prototype.getPrecision = function() {
var s = this + "",
d = s.indexOf('.') + 1;
return !d ? 0 : s.length - d;
(123).getPrecision() === 0;
(123.0).getPrecision() === 0;
(123.12345).getPrecision() === 5;
(1e3).getPrecision() === 0;
(1e-3).getPrecision() === 3;
But it's in the nature of floats to fool you. 1 may just as well be represented by 0.00000000989 or something. I'm not sure how well the above actually performs in real life applications.
Basing on #blackpla9ue comment and considering numbers exponential format:
function getPrecision (num) {
var numAsStr = num.toFixed(10); //number can be presented in exponential format, avoid it
numAsStr = numAsStr.replace(/0+$/g, '');
var precision = String(numAsStr).replace('.', '').length - num.toFixed().length;
return precision;
getPrecision(12.3456); //4
getPrecision(120.30003300000); //6, trailing zeros are truncated
getPrecision(15); //0
getPrecision(120.000)) //0
getPrecision(0.0000005); //7
getPrecision(-0.01)) //2
Try the following
function countDecimalPlaces(number) {
var str = "" + number;
var index = str.indexOf('.');
if (index >= 0) {
return str.length - index - 1;
} else {
return 0;
Based on #boolean_Type's method of handling exponents, but avoiding the regex:
function getPrecision (value) {
if (!isFinite(value)) { return 0; }
const [int, float = ''] = Number(value).toFixed(12).split('.');
let precision = float.length;
while (float[precision - 1] === '0' && precision >= 0) precision--;
return precision;
Here are a couple of examples, one that uses a library (BigNumber.js), and another that doesn't use a library. Assume you want to check that a given input number (inputNumber) has an amount of decimal places that is less than or equal to a maximum amount of decimal places (tokenDecimals).
With BigNumber.js
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; // ES6
// const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js').default; // CommonJS
const tokenDecimals = 18;
const inputNumber = 0.000000000000000001;
// Convert to BigNumber
const inputNumberBn = new BigNumber(inputNumber);
// BigNumber.js API Docs: http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#dp
console.log(`Invalid?: ${inputNumberBn.dp() > tokenDecimals}`);
Without BigNumber.js
function getPrecision(numberAsString) {
var n = numberAsString.toString().split('.');
return n.length > 1
? n[1].length
: 0;
const tokenDecimals = 18;
const inputNumber = 0.000000000000000001;
// Conversion of number to string returns scientific conversion
// So obtain the decimal places from the scientific notation value
const inputNumberDecimalPlaces = inputNumber.toString().split('-')[1];
// Use `toFixed` to convert the number to a string without it being
// in scientific notation and with the correct number decimal places
const inputNumberAsString = inputNumber.toFixed(inputNumberDecimalPlaces);
// Check if inputNumber is invalid due to having more decimal places
// than the permitted decimal places of the token
console.log(`Invalid?: ${getPrecision(inputNumberAsString) > tokenDecimals}`);
Assuming number is valid.
let number = 0.999;
let noOfPlaces = number.includes(".") //includes or contains
? number.toString().split(".").pop().length
: 0;
5622890.31 ops/s (91.58% slower):
function precision (n) {
return (n.toString().split('.')[1] || '').length
33004904.53 ops/s (50.58% slower):
function precision (n) {
let e = 1
let p = 0
while(Math.round(n * e) / e !== n) {
e *= 10
return p
62610550.04 ops/s (6.25% slower):
function precision (n) {
let cur = n
let p = 0
while(!Number.isInteger(cur)) {
cur *= 10
return p
66786361.47 ops/s (fastest):
function precision (n) {
let cur = n
let p = 0
while(Math.floor(cur) !== cur) {
cur *= 10
return p
Here is a simple solution
First of all, if you pass a simple float value as 12.1234 then most of the below/above logics may work but if you pass a value as 12.12340, then it may exclude a count of 0. For e.g, if the value is 12.12340 then it may give you a result of 4 instead of 5. As per your problem statement, if you ask javascript to split and count your float value into 2 integers then it won't include trailing 0s of it.
Let's satisfy our requirement here with a trick ;)
In the below function you need to pass a value in string format and it will do your work
function getPrecision(value){
a = value.toString()
console.log('a ->',a)
b = a.split('.')
return b[1].length
getPrecision('12.12340') // Call a function
For an example, run the below logic
value = '12.12340'
a = value.toString()
b = a.split('.')
console.log('count of trailing decimals->',b[1].length)
That's it! It will give you the exact count for normal float values as well as the float values with trailing 0s!
Thank you!
This answer adds to Mourner's accepted solution by making the function more robust. As noted by many, floating point precision makes such a function unreliable. For example, precision(0.1+0.2) yields 17 rather than 1 (this might be computer specific, but for this example see https://jsfiddle.net/s0v17jby/5/).
IMHO, there are two ways around this: 1. either properly define a decimal type, using e.g. https://github.com/MikeMcl/decimal.js/, or 2. define an acceptable precision level which is both OK for your use case and not a problem for the js Number representation (8 bytes can safely represent a total of 16 digits AFAICT). For the latter workaround, one can write a more robust variant of the proposed function:
const MAX_DECIMAL_PRECISION = 9; /* must be <= 15 */
const maxDecimalPrecisionFloat = 10**MAX_DECIMAL_PRECISION;
function precisionRobust(a) {
if (!isFinite(a)) return 0;
var e = 1, p = 0;
while ( ++p<=MAX_DECIMAL_PRECISION && Math.round( ( Math.round(a * e) / e - a ) * maxDecimalPrecisionFloat ) !== 0) e *= 10;
return p-1;
In the above example, the maximum precision of 9 means this accepts up to 6 digits before the decimal point and 9 after (so this would work for numbers less than one million and with a maximum of 9 decimal points). If your use-case numbers are smaller then you can choose to make this precision even greater (but with a maximum of 15). It turns out that, for calculating precision, this function seems to do OK on larger numbers as well (though that would no longer be the case if we were, say, adding two rounded numbers within the precisionRobust function).
Finally, since we now know the maximum useable precision, we can further avoid infinite loops (which I have not been able to replicate but which still seem to cause problems for some).

