How to return an array of objects in GraphQL, possibly using the same endpoint as the one that returns a single object? - javascript

I am making a GraphQL API where I would be able to retrieve a car object by its id or retrieve all the cars when no parameter is provided.
Using the code below, I am successfully able to retrieve a single car object by supplying id as a parameter.
However, in the case where I would expect an array of objects i.e. when I supply no parameter at all, I get no result on GraphiQL.
let cars = [
{ name: "Honda", id: "1" },
{ name: "Toyota", id: "2" },
{ name: "BMW", id: "3" }
const CarType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "Car",
fields: () => ({
id: { type: GraphQLString },
name: { type: GraphQLString }
const RootQuery = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "RootQueryType",
fields: {
cars: {
type: CarType,
args: {
id: { type: GraphQLString }
resolve(parent, args) {
if ( {
console.log(cars.find(car => ==;
return cars.find(car => ==;
//***Problem Here***
return cars;
Test queries and their respective results:
Query 1
Query 1 Response (Success)
"data": {
"cars": {
"name": "Honda"
Query 2
Query 2 Response (Fail)
"data": {
"cars": {
"name": null
Any help would be much appreciated.

A Car and a List of Cars are effectively two separate types. A field cannot resolve to a single Car object one time, and an array of Car object another.
Your query is returning null for the name because you told it the cars field would resolve to a single object, but it resolved to an array instead. As a result, it's looking for a property called name on the array object and since one doesn't exist, it's returning null.
You can handle this in a couple of different ways. To keep things to one query, you can use filter instead of find and change the type of your query to a List.
cars: {
type: new GraphQLList(CarType), // note the change here
args: {
id: {
type: GraphQLString
resolve: (parent, args) => {
if ( {
return cars.filter(car => ===;
return cars;
Alternatively, you could split this into two separate queries:
cars: {
type: new GraphQLList(CarType),
resolve: (parent, args) => cars,
car: {
type: CarType,
args: {
id: {
// example of using GraphQLNonNull to make the id required
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
resolve: (parent, args) => cars.find(car => ===,
Check the docs for more examples and options.


Map the nested data from other table using promise and async-await

I need the expert advice for this code. I need to know Is there any better way to solve this.
I am using the mongoose for db. I have a dataset like this:
Below is matchTable:
_id: 617bc0113176d717f4ddd6ce,
car: [],
status: true
_id: 617bc0113176d717f4ddd6cg,
car: [
aid: '5c1b4ffd18e2d84b7d6febcg',
status: true
And I have a Car table in which car name is there on behalf of id
like this
{ _id: ObjectId('5c1b4ffd18e2d84b7d6febce'), name: 'ford' },
{ _id: ObjectId('5c1b4ffd18e2d84b7d6febcg'), name: 'mitsubishi' },
So I want to make join the data from car table, so that response get name on behalf of aid.
Desired result will be like
_id: 617bc0113176d717f4ddd6ce,
car: [],
status: true
_id: 617bc0113176d717f4ddd6cg,
car: [
aid: '5c1b4ffd18e2d84b7d6febcg',
name: 'mitsubishi'
status: true
For that I have to merge the car table on matchTable. I have done this but I want to give some suggestion that is there any better way to do or is it fine. I need expert advice.
const getData = await matchTable.find(
{ status: true }
let dataHolder = [];
await Promise.all ( x => {
await Promise.all( y => {
let data = await Car.findOne(
{ _id: ObjectId(y.aid) },
{ name: 1 }
).lean().exec(); = '';
if (data) { =;
// If I return { ...x }, then on response it will return {}, {} on car column
dataHolder.push(x) //So I have chosen this approach
Please guide me if any better and efficient solution is there. Thanks in advance
You can make use of aggregation here.
const pipeline = [
$match : { status : true }
$unwind: '$matchtable',
$lookup: {
from: "cars",
localField: "car.aid",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "matchcars"
$addFields: {
"car.carName": { $arrayElemAt: ["$", 0] }
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
cars: { $push: "$matchcars" }
const result = await matchTable.aggregate(pipeline).exec();
Please make sure, aid field inside car array (in matchTable collection) is an ObjectId because its being matched to _id (which is an ObjectId) inside cars collection.

Updated nested object by matching ID

I have an array with nested objects that I need to update from another array of objects, if they match.
Here is the data structure I want to update:
const invoices = {
BatchItemRequest: [
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "11110" },
Amount: 2499,
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10111" },
Amount: 2499,
Here is the array of objects I want to update it from:
const accounts = [
{ AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
{ AccountCode: "11110", Id: "5" },
{ AccountCode: "10111", Id: "81" },
I want to update invoices, using accounts, by inserting Id if AccountCode matches, to get the following structure:
const invoices = {
BatchItemRequest: [
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "11110", Id: "5" },
Amount: 2499,
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10111", Id: "81" },
Amount: 2499,
I have tried various methods, such as the following:
const mapped = => {
return Object.assign(
accounts.find((item2) => {
return item2 && item1.Invoice.Line.ItemAccountRef.AccountCode === item2.AccountCode;
Problem with this approach (it doesn't work as I think I need to do another nested map), but it also creates a new array, only including the nested elements of invoices.
Does anyone know a good approach to this?
This isn't the cleanest of code but it gets the job done:
function matchInvoiceWithAccount(invoices, accounts) {
const mappedInvoices = => {
// Shouldn't modify input parameter, could use Object.assign to create a copy and modify the copy instead for purity
request.Invoice.Line = => {
const accountCode = line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemAccountRef.AccountCode;
// If accounts was a map of AccountCode to Id you would't need to search for it which would be more effective
const account = accounts.find((account) => account.AccountCode === accountCode);
if (account) {
line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemAccountRef.Id = account.Id;
return line;
return request;
return {
BatchItemRequest: mappedInvoices,
What you could and probably should do to improve this is to not modify the input parameters of the function, but that requires that you in a better way copy the original, either using Object.assign or spread operator.
At first, it will be good to create Map from your accounts array. We will go one time for array with O(n) and then will read ids by code with O(1). And nested fors is O(m*n), that will be much more slower at big arrays.
const idsByAccountCodes = new Map();
accounts.forEach((data) => {
idsByAccountCodes.set(data.AccountCode, data.Id);
or shorter:
const idsByAccountCode = new Map( => [data.AccountCode, data.Id]))
then if you want to mutate original values you can go through all nesting levels and add values
for ( const {Invoice:{ Line: line }} of invoices.BatchItemRequest){
for ( const {SalesItemLineDetail: {ItemAccountRef: item}} of line){
item.Id = idsByAccountCodes.get(item.AccountCode) || 'some default value'
// also if you don't have ids for all codes you need to define logic for that case
If you don't need to mutate original big object "invoices" and all of nested objects, then you can create recursive clone of if with something like lodash.cloneDeep

Combine several objects with weird structure into one

I have an array with a few objects which I'm trying to combine into one single object
{ user: { '563D': { pId: '12', seasion: '120', value: true } } },
{ user: { '563D': { pId: '11', seasion: '120', value: false } } },
pId is unique
seasion is the same for each object (almost never changing)
value can be anything
I want to have something like this:
id: '563D',
seasion: '120',
types: {
12: // pId
value: true
value: false
I tried to use reduce and forEach but I wasnt been able to achieve my goals
due to poor understanding of those 2 methods.
forgot about several users input, sorry
users: {
'563D': [Object],
'4b07': [Object]
users: {
'563D': [Object],
'4b07': [Object]
users: {
'563D': [Object],
'4b07': [Object]
You could use reduce and destructuring to group the objects based on the first key inside user. Then use Object.values() to get the array of each group values:
Get user from each object by destructuring the parameter
Destructure the first entry of the user to get the key (like '563D') and the nested properties separately)
Use the || operator to check if the accumulator already has the id as it's property. If yes, use it. Else assign a new value with { id, seasion, types: {} }. This is using the Shorthand property names.
Update the types with pId as key and { value } as it's value
const input = [{user:{'563D':{pId:'12',seasion:120,value:true}, '4b07':{pId:'12',seasion:120,value:true}}},{user:{'563D':{pId:'11',seasion:120,value:false},'4b07':{pId:'11',seasion:120,value:false}}}]
const output = input.reduce((r, { user }) => {
for(const [id, { pId, seasion, value }] of Object.entries(user)) {
r[id] = r[id] || { id, seasion, types: {} };
r[id].types[pId] = { value };
return r;
}, {})
If you have only one unique id in the array, you can simplify the reduce to:
const input = [{user:{'563D':{pId:'12',seasion:120,value:true}}},{user:{'563D':{pId:'11',seasion:120,value:false}}}]
const output = input.reduce((r, { user }) => {
const [id, { pId, seasion, value }] = Object.entries(user)[0];
return { id, seasion, types: { ...r.types, [pId]: { value } } }
}, {})

How to insert array items in mongoose?

i'm making a web site with MEAN Stack
I made a schema.
below is the schema.
const StoreSchema = mongoose.Schema({
storename: {
type: String
storenumber: {
type: Number
product: [{
pname: String,
pcode: Number,
price: String,
detail: String
product is array.
when i make this schema, mongoose make it like this.
now there is a problem .
i want to insert values to pname, pcode, price, detail in product array.
but i can't push the values to the array.
below is the inserting value code.
module.exports.addProd = function(newProd, callback) {
storenumber: number
}, {
$push: {
pname: newProd.pname
$push: {
pcode: newProd.pcode
$push: {
price: newProd.price
$push: {
detail: newProd.detail
}, callback);
but it doesn't work.
even i wrote product.
the values in newProd are all correct
what i want is like this
product[0] = {
detail:blah blah
how can i insert values to array in mongoose?
please help me
You have to push the whole object together rather than each field like this -
storenumber: number
}, { $push: { "product": newProduct } }, callback);
and also rather than using callback you should use async await -
module.exports.addProd = async newProd => {
let res = await Store.updateOne({
storenumber: number
}, { $push: { "product": newProduct } });
return res;

React - Loop through multiple nested arrays json object response then update State

I have some data that has the following shape. The schedule data also has other identifying information attached to it, being schedules.included which is an array of arrays. I want to loop through each included array and find it by type element. I'm not entirely sure how to get each included[] by type then update state with data from each array, respectively. Is forEach the correct approach?
const schedules = {
data: [
id: "2147483610",
type: "Schedule"
included: [
id: "21468486",
type: "Query",
name: "Query1"
id: "43573457345",
type: "DataSource",
name: "DataSource1"
I then want to update state with whatever data I need.
getData = () => {
method: "get",
url: `/endpoint/with/this/data`
.then(response => {
var obj = schedules.included[i].type;
obj.forEach(function(type) {
//update with name from type Query
.catch(error => console.log(error.response));
If you want to find the name of the element from the included array which has type = Query, and there is only one such element:
var query = schedules.included.find(el => el.type == "Query");
console.log(; // output Query1
If there is more than one query element you could use filter to get all query elements, then loop thru them doing stuff with each one.
var queries = schedules.included.filter(el => el.type == "Query");
queries.forEach(q => console.log(;
If there is only one element with the type you are looking for then you can use find or if there is more use filter.
const schedules = {
data: [
id: "2147483610",
type: "Schedule"
included: [
id: "21468486",
type: "Query",
name: "Query1"
id: "43573457345",
type: "DataSource",
name: "DataSource1"
const typeMatched = schedules.included.find( included => included.type === "Query");
console.log(': ', typeMatched);
const schedulesObj = {
data: [
id: "2147483610",
type: "Schedule"
included: [
id: "21468486",
type: "Query",
name: "Query1"
id: "43573457345",
type: "DataSource",
name: "DataSource1"
id: "21468482",
type: "Query",
name: "Query2"
id: "21468484",
type: "Query",
name: "Query3"
const typeMatchedArray = schedulesObj.included.filter( included => included.type === "Query");
console.log('Query Type List: ', typeMatchedArray)

