how to prevent a key input from appearing in input field? - javascript

I am trying to validate user input in a text input field.
I have written a javascript function for the same purpose which fires on onkeyup event.
The goal is to only allow user input if it's a numeric value less than 100 and with at most 1 decimal place.
The function is working fine but if a enter an invalid character ,say 'a', it will flash in the input box before being removed.
What I want is that if the entered character violates the defined condition it should not appear in the input box (as it is flashing right now for a split second).
Here's my code:
function validatePercent(event) {
var txt = $("#tds_input").val();
// alert(event.source);
if (!parseInt(txt)) {
if (isNaN(txt / 1)) {
txt = txt.substr(0, txt.length - 1);
if (txt > 100) {
txt = txt.toString();
txt = txt.substr(0, txt.length - 1);
txt = txt.toString();
if (txt.indexOf('.') > -1) {
if (txt.substr(txt.indexOf('.') + 1, txt.length).length > 1) {
txt = txt.substr(0, txt.length - 1);

Using type=number (and not text) can help
function validatePercent(event)
var txt=$("#tds_input").val();
input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
-webkit-appearance: none;
margin: 0;
<script src=""></script>
<input type="number" id = "tds_input" onkeyup="validatePercent()">

You could store the value of the when the focus is in the input.
When the user enters a valid percentage (integer only), replace the value stored. When inputs is incorrect, just replace with the old value.
var decimalSeparator = 1.1.toLocaleString().replace(/\d/g, ''),
pattern1 = "^(\\d{1,3})?([",
pattern2 = "]?\\d{1})?$",
regex = new RegExp(pattern1+decimalSeparator+pattern2),
resetContent = function () {
matchRegex = function (value) {
return value.match(regex);
$('#tds_input').bind('focusin', (e) => {
$('#tds_input').data('val', $('#tds_input').val());
// handle input (keys, paste)
$('#tds_input').bind('input', (e) => {
let txtValue = $('#tds_input').val();
// input is empty
if (txtValue === "") {
$('#tds_input').data('val', "");
// value does not match regex
if (!matchRegex(txtValue)) {
// maybe it ends with the decimal character?
if (txtValue[txtValue.length - 1] === "." && txtValue !== "100.") {
// simulate the user enters a decimal next
if (matchRegex(txtValue + "1")) {
$('#tds_input').data('val', txtValue);
// check between 0 and 100
let value = parseFloat(txtValue);
if (value >= 0 && value <= 100) {
// store new valid number
$('#tds_input').data('val', value);
// put the value as an integer in the input
} else resetContent();
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="tds_input"/>


Masking With Phone Number Formats With Spaces

I have already a code that format it to the correct number format but the problem is
1.The position of the number input after the first and second hyphen don't have correct position. Sample. When i Input 12345 after the first (-) it will be 123465 The position got swap.
2. The user cannot add in the middle of the number if it already reach the maximum number which. What is happening right now is if i click on the middle of the text box i can add numbers and all the last parts are replaced.
Telephone: <input type="text" value="____-___-___" data-mask="____-___-___"/><br/>"*[data-mask]"), applyDataMask);
function applyDataMask(field) {
var mask = field.dataset.mask.split('');
// For now, this just strips everything that's not a number
function stripMask(maskedData) {
function isDigit(char) {
return /\d/.test(char);
return maskedData.split('').filter(isDigit);
// Replace `_` characters with characters from `data`
function applyMask(data) {
return {
if (char != '_') return char;
if (data.length == 0) return char;
return data.shift();
function reapplyMask(data) {
return applyMask(stripMask(data));
function changed() {
var oldStart = field.selectionStart;
var oldEnd = field.selectionEnd;
field.value = reapplyMask(field.value);
field.selectionStart = oldStart;
field.selectionEnd = oldEnd;
field.addEventListener('click', changed)
field.addEventListener('keyup', changed)
<input id="txtPhone" data-mask="(___) ___-____" type="text" />
Javascript:"*[data-mask]"), applyDataMask);
function applyDataMask(field) {
var mask = field.dataset.mask.split('');
// For now, this just strips everything that's not a number
function stripMask(maskedData) {
function isDigit(char) {
return /\d/.test(char);
return maskedData.split('').filter(isDigit);
// Replace `_` characters with characters from `data`
function applyMask(data) {
return (char) {
if (char != '_') return char;
if (data.length == 0) return char;
return data.shift();
function reapplyMask(data) {
return applyMask(stripMask(data));
function changed(e) {
var i = field.value.indexOf('_');
if (e.keyCode == undefined) {
i = 0;
field.value = reapplyMask(field.value);
field.selectionStart = i;
field.selectionEnd = i;
field.addEventListener('click', changed)
field.addEventListener('keyup', changed);

Adding Comma seperator to the input field number displays as NAN

The commas are getting added correctly, but I'm getting this error message in the console:
"The specified value "NaN" is not a valid number"
I tried by making it as type="number", still the same warning.
jQuery(function() {
var extra = 0;
var $input = jQuery(".total_crm_records");
$input.on("keyup", function(event) {
// When user select text in the document, also abort.
var selection = window.getSelection().toString();
if (selection !== '') {
// When the arrow keys are pressed, abort.
if ($.inArray(event.keyCode, [38, 40, 37, 39]) !== -1) {
if (event.keyCode == 38) {
extra = 1000;
} else if (event.keyCode == 40) {
extra = -1000;
} else {
var $this = jQuery(this);
// Get the value.
var input = $this.val();
var input = input.replace(/[\D\s\._\-]+/g, "");
input = input ? parseInt(input, 10) : 0;
input += extra;
extra = 0;
$this.val(function() {
return (input === 0) ? "" : input.toLocaleString("en-US");
<script src=""></script>
Input field : <input type="text" data-type="number" maxlength="20" class="total_crm_records">

Textbox Maxlength Issue for amount field

I have a situation having a textbox having 15 as a max length property. That field works as a amount field. it is working correctly in normal cases.
lets say if i enter 11234567890.99 this amount in textbox it displays it as 112,34,567,890.99 which is expected.
But, if i copy & paste 112,34,567,890.99 amount in textbox last two digits gets truncated because the length gets out of bound.
Is there any ways to change this without modifying the exact behavior? allowing to paste whole 112,34,567,890.99 amount.
$(document).on("focusout","#txtformate1",(function () {
if (this.value != null && this.value != "") {
$(document).on('keyup', '.Amt', function () {
var val = $(this).val();
val = val.replace(/([~!#$%^&*()_+=`{}\[\]\|\\:;'<>,\/? ])+/g, '');
if(isNaN(val) && val!="-")
/*if (isNaN(val)) {
val = val.replace(/(?!^)-/g, '');
val = val.replace(/[`*\/]/g, '');
else{val = val.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, '');}
if (val.split('.').length > 2)
val = val.replace(/\.+$/, "");
else if(val==".")
val ="";
$(document).on('focusout', '.Amt', function () {
var val = $(this).val();
val = val.replace(/(?!^)-/g, '');
if(isNaN(val) && val.indexOf(',')>-1){
if (val == "0.00"){
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" class="form-control Amt" id="txtformate1" maxlength="15" />`

regular expression for last 4 digits of alphanumeric

I have the following code to mask all but the the last 4 digits of a field, but when a user enters an alphanumeric in last 4 digits then it gives Null exception. Example input: 1a1a1a1a
How could I accept characters as well?
var mask = val.match(/^(.*?)(\d{4})$/);
return (mask[1] ? mask[1].replace(/\d/g, '*') : '') + (mask[2] ? mask[2] : '')
The return line is giving an error: Error: '1' is null or not an object
You don't need to use regex for this. Just use string length functions.
Here's a jQuery solution:
$(function() {
var contents = "";
$("#masking").blur(function() {
contents = $(this).val();
$("#masking").focus(function() {
if (contents.length > 0) {
function mask(unmaskedValue) {
if (unmaskedValue.length > 1) {
var masked = "";
var remain = 0;
if (unmaskedValue.length <= 4) {
masked += "*";
remain = unmaskedValue.length - 1;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < unmaskedValue.length - 4; i++) {
masked += "*";
remain = 4;
masked += unmaskedValue.substring(unmaskedValue.length - remain, unmaskedValue.length);
return masked;
} else
return "";
<script src=""></script>
<input id="masking" type="text">

more than currency input field

I have this input tag where you put the total of your receipt :
<input type="text" name="currency" id="currency" class="text-input" onBlur="this.value=formatCurrency(this.value);" />
The Javascript is as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
function formatCurrency(num) {
num = num.toString().replace(/\$|\,/g,'');
if(isNaN(num)) {
num = "0";
sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num)));
num = Math.floor(num*100+0.50000000001);
cents = num % 100;
num = Math.floor(num/100).toString();
if(cents < 10) {
cents = "0" + cents;
for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length-(1+i))/3); i++) {
num = num.substring(0,num.length-(4*i+3))+','+num.substring(num.length-(4*i+3));
return (((sign)?'':'-') + '$' + num + '.' + cents);
Users can only enter receipts more than $10.00 bucks, how can I set that on my script? Also they need to know they can not enter currency less than $10.
From what I can gather from your question I think you are looking for something like this. Basically if we have a valid entry such as $100.00 we continue, return true etc, else if we have something that looks like an int or float we can reformat this and recurse the function, else hint user for of vaild entry
var foo = document.getElementById('foo');
foo.addEventListener('blur', function(e) {
var val =;
var err = document.getElementById('err');
var errMsg = 'please enter a value $10.00 or greater';
var patt = /^\$\d+\.\d{2}$/;
var amount = parseInt(val.replace(/\$|\./g, ''));
if (val !== '') {
if (patt.test(val)) {
if (amount < 1000) {
err.textContent = errMsg;
} else {
.textContent = 'processing request';
} else if (typeof amount == 'number' && !/[a-z]/g.test(val)) {
if (/\.\d{2}/.test(val)) { = '$' + (amount / 100);
} else { = '$' + amount + '.00';
} else {
err.textContent = errMsg;
here is a demo
You can apply a validation function when submitting the form to test if the value is below a threshold, such as:
function validate()
value = document.getElementById('currency');
if (value <= 10.00)
return false
} else
return true;
You could also apply this to the onblur event, but my preference is to present validation errors when the form is submitted.
It looks like you're trying to parse a string, convert it nicely into dollars and cents, and reject it if it's less than 10. There's a much nicer way to do that:
function formatCurrency(num) {
// Remove the dollar sign
num = num.replace("$", "");
// Change the string to a float, and limit to 2 decimal places
num = parseFloat(num);
Math.round(num * 100) / 100;
// If its less than 10, reject it
if(num < 10) {
alert("Too small!");
return false;
// Return a nice string
return "$" + num;
At the end, are you trying to return -$99.94 if the number is negative?

