Heroku Logs Not Loading - javascript

In my Heroku dashboard or on my command, when I try to open my logs i get a 503 Service Unavailable and I can't file a support ticket because I am using a free account. Does anyone know why this would be happening? The Heroku status monitor also says that Heroku services are all good https://status.heroku.com/. My app is also currently running and it does not seem to be affected. I am pretty sure this is an issue with Heroku but I can't get any support due to being a free account.


How to deploy the application of bodgeit store on Heroku

the bodgeit store (https://bodgeit.herokuapp.com) was running on that same url. now its not working and I wanted to host it again but new for Heroku.
Here is the GitHub link for that application (https://github.com/psiinon/bodgeit). I tried deploying it on herokuapp but it failed with error "not able to identify Buildpack"
Can you please tell me that process to deploy it on Heroku app?
Thanks in advance!

Google Cloud Storage - "Error: Could not load the default credentials"

While developing my app in Node.js, I decided to persist my data by using the Google Cloud Storage client libraries.
I came across the error mentioned in the title when uploading to storage:
Error: Could not load the default credentials
I did some digging, and figured out how to solve the issue:
Navigating to google cloud console credentials and creating a service account.
Setting the role for the service account to have full object permissions across my project and my buckets
Creating a key for the service account and downloading the associated .json file
Installing Cloud SDK and running the commands:
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud config set project [MY_PROJECT_ID]
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=C:/path/to/json/file
In my code passing in the .json credentials file into my new client instance:
const storage = new Storage({keyFileName: "auth.json"})
These steps described fixed the issue... in development. When I deployed my app to production the same error message comes back
I tried a few things to solve the issue. I assumed it was an issue with my web host: A2. After talking with their tech support they reassured me my file paths are correct inside their file structure, but they would not help me troubleshoot the credentials error otherwise.
So, why would my credentials be working just fine in development, but then suddenly stop working in production? Is it because I had the localhost as the callback URI instead of the domain name (or something)? Do I need to specify the domain somewhere in SDK or in the cloud console?
The error message points me to https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started, but I have read and reread the documentation many times, so if someone can point me to the specific place in the docs that says what I need to do that would be appreciated, but be aware that I have done my homework and I RTFM, but I am still unable to solve this issue.

Heroku app crashing after a while from deployment. (node.js exress)

So my heroku app crashes with h10 codes and description is "app crashed". No more information. I will attach a screenshot about this (there is like 800 critical errors I can see in my heroku dashboard, and after deployment before a point it doesn't get any errors, then for some reason it starts having these critical errors then shuts down.)
Restarting the server fixes this but after a while it will crash again so I want to fix this properly.
https://imgur.com/22Uhcra Here is three of the errors with the "/" and favicon being more prominent.
An "app crashed" means the process running your app has crashed. This is probably an unhandled NodeJS exception crashing the process.
When this happens, Heroku will automatically restart the app, up to a certain point (apps restarting too often leads to capacity issues).
You should inspect your app's logs (a log retention add-on such as logentries will help there), and see where the first H10 is.
Right before that first H10, there will probably be a stacktrace showing where in your code the crash happens.
If you are using MYSQL make sure you have your connection set with createPool and not createConnection.
CreatePool dynamically creates db connections per your need, whereas createConnection will crash when overloaded.

Mean app login not working on heroku

I have followed many tutorials on how to get mongodb and MEAN to work on heroku, and none of them have worked for me, I keep getting the 503 application error.
First I create the app, I do heroku addons:docs mongolab in the commandline, and after that I check my config and change my code so the mongoose connection is changed to the config string like this:
mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGOLAB_URI || mongodb://example:example#ds053312.mongolab.com:53312/todolist');
the second part is just an example, the one I use is the one with my information.
So after this I push my app to heroku, but when I try to run it, it still gives me the application error, and in f12 it says it's
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503
(Service Unavailable)
What am I doing wrong? I have tried everything and none of the tutorials are working for me
EDIT: I have managed to get rid of the error by doing the following:
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "initial version"
$ heroku apps:create
however, now that my app loads, it appears that the login and sign up features of my app doesn't work, I fill out the sign in/log in form and submit but the page just stays where it is without changing. Is there something else I was supposed to do to get these features to work?
I came here because my Heroku - deploy Login wasn't working, but Localhost was. Turns out I forgot to change the Login POST route.

How do I add information to my Heroku database?

I am currently trying to deploy a Node.js application to Heroku. The website is working until I try and login or do other operations that call the database. I have the database attached and keep getting the Error: write EPIPE error. From what I can tell from my research, it seems like I need a worker process. Right now I have my web process as ./bin/www and I do not know what to set my worker process to. I tried setting it to the same thing, but the app crashes. How do I add information from my app to a Heroku database?

