vueJS mixin trigger multiple times in laravel 5.7 - javascript

I am new in Vue jS [version 2]. There are 3 component in my page. I want to use a axios get data available in all pages. I have done as follows in my app.js
const router = new VueRouter({mode: 'history', routes });
data: function () {
return {
pocketLanguages: [],
mounted() {
var app = this;
.then(function (response) {
app.pocketLanguages =;
const app = new Vue({
and using this pocketLanguages in a component like
{{ pocketLanguages.login_info }} this. Its working fine but My Issue is axios.get('') triggering 4 times when page load [in console]
Now how can I trigger this only once or anything alternative suggestion will be appreciated to do this if explain with example [As I am new in Vue]

You are using a global mixin, which means that every component in your app is going to make that axios get call when it's mounted. Since your page has several components in it, no wonder the call is being made several times. What you need to do here is either:
Create a normal mixin and only use it in the master/container/page component in every route that actually needs to fetch the data by providing the option mixins: [yourMixinsName]. That component can then share the data with the other components in the page.
If your data is common between pages then it's better to use a global store such as Vuex to simplify state management.
On a side note: It is usually better to handle your data initialization in the created hook. Handling it in the mounted hook can lead to some pitfalls that include repeated calls, among other things, due to parent/child lifecycle hooks execution order. Please refer to this article for more information on the subject.

Finally problem solved
In resources/js/components/LoginComponent.vue file
import translator from '../translation';
export default {
beforeCreate: function() {
document.body.className = 'login-list-body';
mounted() {
and my translation.js file at /resources/js
export default {
data: function() {
return {
pocketLanguages: []
methods: {
langTrans: function() {
var self = this;
.then(function (response) {
self.pocketLanguages =;


Possible/How to use a VueJS component multiple times but only execute its created/mounted function once?

I am trying to create a VueJS component that does the following: 1) download some data (a list of options) upon mounted/created; 2) display the downloaded data in Multiselct; 3) send selected data back to parent when user is done with selection. Something like the following:
<multiselect v-model="value" :options="options"></multiselect>
import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect'
export default {
components: { Multiselect },
mounted() {
getOptions() {
// do ajax
// pass response to options
data () {
return {
value: null,
options: []
<style src="vue-multiselect/dist/vue-multiselect.min.css"></style>
This is mostly straightforward if the component is only called once in a page. The problem is I may need to use this component multiple times in one page, sometimes probably 10s of times. I don't want the function to be called multiple times:
Is there a way to implement the component somehow so no matter how many times it is used in a page, the ajax call will only execute once?
Thanks in advance.
Update: I assume I can download the data in parent then pass it as prop if the component is going to be used multiple times, something like the following, but this defies the purpose of a component.
props: {
optionsPassedByParents: Array
mounted() {
if(this.optionsPassedByParents.length == 0)
this.options = this.optionsPassedByParents;
The simple answer to your question is: you need a single place in charge of getting the data. And that place can't be the component using the data, since you have multiple instances of it.
The simplest solution is to place the contents of getOptions() in App.vue's mounted() and provide the returned data to your component through any of these:
a state management plugin (vue team's recommendation: pinia)
a reactive object (export const store = reactive({/* data here */})) placed in its own file, imported (e.g: import { store } from 'path/to/store') in both App.vue (which would populate it when request returns) and multiselect component, which would read from it.
If you don't want to request the data unless one of the consumer components has been mounted, you should use a dedicated controller for this data. Typically, this controller is called a store (in fairness, it should be called storage):
multiselect calls an action on the store, requesting the data
the action only makes the request if the data is not present on the store's state (and if the store isn't currently loading the data)
additionally, the action might have a forceFetch param which allows re-fetching (even when the data is present in state)
Here's an example using pinia (the official state management solution for Vue). I strongly recommend going this route.
And here's an example using a reactive() object as store.
I know it's tempting to make your own store but, in my estimation, it's not worth it. You wouldn't consider writing your own Vue, would you?
const { createApp, reactive, onMounted, computed } = Vue;
const store = reactive({
posts: [],
isLoading: false,
fetch(forceFetch = false) {
if (forceFetch || !(store.posts.length || store.isLoading)) {
store.isLoading = true;
try {
.then((r) => r.json())
.then((data) => (store.posts = data))
.then(() => (store.isLoading = false));
} catch (err) {
store.isLoading = false;
app = createApp();
app.component("Posts", {
setup() {
onMounted(() => store.fetch());
return {
posts: computed(() => store.posts),
template: `<div>Posts: {{ posts.length }}</div>`,
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<Posts v-for="n in 10" :key="n" />
As you can see in network tab, in both examples data is requested only once, although I'm mounting 10 instances of the component requesting the data. If you don't mount the component, the request is not made.

A React, Vue, or other code depends on an object, not yet available. The best ways to wait for that variable, before rendering component content?

When an HTML document defined a variable that is not available until a later time during the page load.
Issue: A React, Vue, or other block of code depends on an object that has not yet been declared and outside the direct scope of the component, like window['varname']. What are the proper way(s) to wait for that variable to be defined before rendering a component's real content.
My Attempt:
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import AppWrapper from "./components/AppWrapper";
const App = () => {
let intervalId
intervalId = setInterval(() => {
console.log('Waking up... checking if is defined')
if (window['app'] !== undefined) {
} else {
}, 1000)
if(app.ins.length === 0) {
return 'Loading...'
return (
<AppWrapper app={window['app']}></AppWrapper>
export default App
What other ways could you, should you, do it?
I will make it clearer for you :) I will describe exactly my problem: So I am writing a custom Joomla Component for Joomla. The Joomla Component is written in PHP and uses the Joomla Framework. Inside this component, I have written a Reactjs component. The way that you inject JavaScript into Joomla is via Joomla Methods. These methods either load the JS on the head of the document or in the body. Now, my Reactjs component is loaded during this process. This is fine and it works as long as I do not need to rely on outside variables.
I am using Joomla to store data that is need by the Reactjs component. The way that Joomla makes data available to JS is by a Joomla library that will inject the JS object into a script tag. This is also okay. The issue is that when the head tag loads the Reactjs component before the injected JS object, needed by the Reactjs component, is available. In my example above I store the global JS object into the window object as = Some Object. Because the object is not available at the time the Reactjs component has been loaded, I add a setInterval and check every 500 ms.
Then the setInterval wakes up and checks to see if the window["app"] is available yet. It keeps doing that until it is available. Once it is, it quits the interval and loads the Reactjs component container, passing in the required object.
Now, two things here:
I have no way of synchronizing this process in Joomla. Joomla is stubborn like that.
This is my attempted to only load the Reactjs container component once the data is available.
Question: Knowing the situation, what are the best strategies to accomplish this, apart from my current strategy?
Thanks :)
I believe, one of the approaches could be any kind of callback or subscription.
For example, you can define a function, which changes a state in state-container like redux.
async function loadAppData(store) {
const data = await fetch('/some-data');
const json = await data.json();
store.dispatch('data-loaded', json)
And in component
function App() {
const appData = useSelector(store => store.appData);
if (!appData) {
return 'Loading...'
return <Markup />
Other option can be subscription. Again you can add some function which emits some event:
async function loadAppData(store) {
const data = await fetch('/some-data');
const json = await data.json();
eventBus.emit('data-loaded', json)
// or
window.appData = json
In react you can
function App() {
const [appData, setAppData] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
}, [window.appData])
if (!appData) {
return 'Loading...'
return <Markup />
Or in Vue.js you could
data() {
return {
appData: ''
mounted() {
this.$on('data-loaded', this.onDataLoaded)
methods: {
onDataLoaded($event) {
this.appData = $event;

Vue Router - call function after route has loaded

I'm working on a project where I need to call a function AFTER the route has finished loading. However, when using the 'watch' functionality, it only loads on route change, but does so before route has finished loading. So when I attempt to run a script that targets DOM elements on the page, those elements don't exist yet. Is there any functionality in Vue Router that would allow me to wait until everything is rendered before running the script?
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
watch: {
'$route': function (from, to) {
data: {
some data
template: `
You should use Vue.nextTick
In your case this would translate to:
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
watch: {
$route() {
data() {
return {};
methods: {
routeLoaded() {
//Dom for the current route is loaded
mounted() {
/* The route will not be ready in the mounted hook if it's component is async
so we use $router.onReady to make sure it is.
it will fire right away if the router was already loaded, so catches all the cases.
Just understand that the watcher will also trigger in the case of an async component on mount
because the $route will change and the function will be called twice in this case,
it can easily be worked around with a local variable if necessary
this.$router.onReady(() => this.routeLoaded());
template: `<router-view/>`
This will call the routeLoaded method every time the route changes (which I'm deducing is what you need since you are using the <router-view> element), if you also want to call it initially, I would recommend the mounted hook (like in the example) or the immediate flag on the watcher
In my opinion on this situation, you should use component life cycle method of the loaded component, either use mounted method or created method.
or if your script doesn't depend on any vue component (store) you can use router.afterEach hook
router.afterEach((to, from) => { if ( !== 'ROUTENAME'){ // do something }});
The solution for me was to set up a custom event in every page's mounted() hook with a mixin and listen for that event on the body for example. If you wanted to strictly tie it with the router's afterEach or the route watcher to ensure the route has indeed changed before the event was fired, you could probably set up a Promise in the afterEach and resolve it in the page's mounted() by either the event or sharing the resolve function through the window.
An example:
// Component.vue
watch: {
'$route': function (from, to) {
new Promise((resolve) => {
window.resolveRouteChange = resolve;
}).then(() => {
// route changed and page DOM mounted!
// PageComponent.vue
mounted() {
if(window.resolveRouteChange) {
window.resolveRouteChange = null;
In case of router-view, we can manually detect router-view.$el change after $route is changed
watch: {
'$route'(to, from) {
// Get $el that is our starting point
let start_el = this.$refs.routerview.$el
this.$nextTick(async function() { await this.wait_component_change(start_el)})
methods: {
on_router_view_component_changed: function() { }
wait_component_change: async function(start_el) {
// Just need to wait when $el is changed in async manner
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
console.log('calc_has_dragscroll ' + i)
if(start_el) {
if (!start_el.isSameNode(this.$refs.routerview.$el)) {
// $el changed - out goal completed
else {
// No start_el, just wait any other
if(this.$refs.routerview.$el) {
// $el changed - out goal completed too
await this.$nextTick()
You can accomplish this by hooking into VueJS lifecycle hooks:
Use VueJS Lifecycle Hooks:
Here is a summary of the major VueJS lifecycle hooks. Please consult the documentation for the full description.
i. beforeCreate: This function will be called before the component is created
ii. created: This function will be called after the component is created, but note although the component is created, it hasn't been mounted yet. So you won't be able to access the this of the component. However, this is a good place to make Network Requests that will update the data properties.
iii. mounted: This function is called once the component has been rendered and the elements can be accessed here. This is what you're looking for.
iv. beforeDestroy: This function is called before the component is destroyed. This can be useful to stop any listeners (setTimeout, setInterval..), that you created.
See the diagram below for the details.
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
some data
template: `
Use Vue Router Navigation Guards: Vue Router also expose some lifecycle hooks that can you hook into. However, as you will see below they do not fit your requirements:
i. beforeRouteEnter: called before the route that renders this component is confirmed. oes NOT have access to this component instance, because it has not been created yet when this guard is called!
ii. beforeRouteUpdate: called when the route that renders this component has changed, but this component is reused in the new route.
iii. beforeRouteLeave: called when the route that renders this component is about to be navigated away from.
VueJS Documentation (LifeCycle): VueJS Instance
Vue Router Documentation (Navigation Guards): Navigation Guards

Aurelia inject mock dependency

I have this aurelia component for displaying a feed to the user which depends on a custom API service class called Api for fetching the feed. The Api class has a get() function which in turn uses HttpClient to fetch the data.
Trying to test the component I want to mock the service class, specifically the get function, to return suitable test data and have this mock injected into the component via aurelia's DI container. The DI part I am having trouble with.
Here is the relevant part of component's js file
import {bindable, inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Api} from 'services/api';
export class Feed {
events = null;
constructor(api) {'feed.js constructor, api:', api)
this.api = api;
And the relevant code from my test
beforeEach(done => {
let mockApi = new Api();
spyOn(mockApi, 'get').and.returnValue(mockGetResponse);
const customConfig = (aurelia) => {
let conf = aurelia.use.standardConfiguration().instance("Api", mockApi);'Registering Api:', conf.container.get("Api"));
return conf;
const ct = new ComponentTester();
ct.configure = customConfig;
sut = ct.withResources('activityfeed/feed');
sut.inView('<feed username.bind="username"></feed>')
.boundTo({username: TEST_USER});
sut.create(bootstrap).then(() => {
This code is actually working the way I intended as far as I can tell. On creation of the component my customConfig function is called and the mockApi instance is logged to the console.
However later in the bootstrapping process the component constructor still receives an instance of the actual Api service class instead of my mock instance which was registered to the container.
Spent the last couple of hours trying to dig up any documentation or examples for doing things like this without success so if anyone can assist I would greatly appreciate it.
Or if there is / are alternative ways to accomplish this that would work just as well.
When testing a standard component that consists of both a view and a view model, using the aurelia-testing package, I find that a cleaner approach might be to let Aurelia create both the view and view-model, and use mocked classes for all view model dependencies.
export class MockApi {
response = undefined;
get() { return Promise.resolve(this.response) }
describe("the feed component", () => {
let component;
let api = new MockApi();
beforeEach(() => {
api.response = null;
component = StageComponent
component.bootstrap(aurelia => {
aurelia.container.registerInstance(Api, api);
it("should work", done => {
api.response = "My response";
component.create(bootstrap).then(() => {
const element = document.querySelector("#selector");
expect(element.innerHTML).toBe("My response, or something");
This approach lets you verify the rendered HTML using the normal view model class, mocking the dependencies to control the test data.
Just to answer my own question, at least partially, if it can be useful to someone.
By using the actual Api class constructor as the key instead of the string "Api" the mock seems to be correctly injected.
import {Api} from 'services/api';
let conf = aurelia.use.standardConfiguration().instance(Api, mockApi);

MarionetteJS: who is responsible for showing sub-applications?

I am building a quite simple Marionette application; I am not using Marionette.Module since it's deprecated and since I want to use ES2015 with Webpack.
I have just a couple of "pages": one is the Welcome screen and the other one is the Playground. Each one of those pages are Applications, plus there is a root application with a Layout with just three regions: header, main and footer.
The view (or layout) of those applications are meant to fill the main region of the root layout.
Now, whenever I want to show one of those sub-applications, I don't know exactly how (or, I am not finding the most satisfying way) to ask the Layout of the root application to showChildView of the view/layout of those sub-apps.
So far, I came up with two approaches (none of which is fantastic):
EDIT: I added another approach at the end of the Q
on the controller of each sub-application, trigger the event "application:show" passing in the view. The root application is listening to this event and showChildView as soon as it receives the message
whenever I start a sub-application, I pass it the root application instance. Whenever the sub-application needs to show itself, it will call the showChildView inside the main region
The first approach is weak, because it's totally asynchronous (fire and forget). I'd like to know when my application is shown (attached to the DOM) but relying again on another event seems cumbersome
The second approach is more robust but it sucks, because of course I don't want the sub-application's views to be responsible of their own rendering in the root layout. The root application knows better.
Some code follows to try to show both ideas:
// Approach #1
// In the root app
welcomeApp.on('app:show', (view) => {
rootApp.rootView.showChildView('main', view);
// In the Welcome sub-app
var Controller = {
show() {
app.trigger('app:show', new WelcomeView());
// Approach #2
// In the root application
const welcomeApp = new WelcomeApp({
rootApp: this
// In the Welcome sub-app
var Controller = {
show() {
app.rootApp.rootLayout.showChildView('main', new WelcomeView());
EDIT: 12 Jan.
OK, digging a bit more in the documentation I found what I think is the correct way to do that. The idea is that the root Application will listen for Commands from the subapplications.
So, in my root view I will have:"application:show", function(view) {
this.rootView.showChildView('main', view);
In all the other subapplications, I will have (for example, in the WelcomeView):
getController() {
const greet = function () {'application:show', new WelcomeView());
return {
greet: greet
Personally I wouldn't use multiple applications, this seems to be just getting around the issue of modules being removed. Have you tried using a single application with a LayoutView, a Region for each component or (module) and the base of the component either being a singleton JS object, or you could try Backbone.Service to split it up. If you are using multiple routes, you could have a look at Backbone.Routing, with each Route being the base 'controller' for the 'page'.
I find a brilliant architecture for large scale Marionette applications is James Kyle's Marionette Wires. This uses Service for reusable components, and routers/routes for different data types.
Another way of architecting using services, but if you don't want the root application's regions show methods to be called from child components, would be to import the instantiated application into the child component and use the app.addRegions method to add regions within the child. EG
import { Application } from 'backbone.marionette';
const App = Application.extend({
onStart() {
export const app = new App();
import { Service } from 'backbone.service';
import { SubmoduleController } from './controller';
const SubmoduleService = Service.extend({
requests() {
show: 'show',
hide: 'hide'
setup(options = {}) {
this.el = options.el
start() {
this.controller = new SubmoduleController({
el: this.el
show() {;
hide() {
export const submoduleService = new SubmoduleService();
import { Object as Controller, Region } from 'backbone.marionette';
import { View } from './view';
import { app } from '../app';
export const SubmoduleController = Controller.extend({
initialize(options = {}) {
this.el = options.el;
_addRegions() {
const region = new Region({
el: this.el
submoduleRegion: region
show() {
const view = new View();;
onDestroy() {
import { submoduleService } from './submodule/service';
const config = {
submodule: {
el: '#submodule';
A gotcha with doing it this way is the submodule's region needs it's element to exist in the DOM when it's region's show method is called. This can either be achieved by having a root view on the application, whose template contains all component root elems, or to have a root submodule - page or something.

