textContent returns undefined - javascript

I have a table in which I want to extract the text of the active item. I do this with the following code:
var addedWorkout = $("#custDropDownMenuA").find(".dropdown-item.active");
addedWorkout = addedWorkout.textContent;
The problem is that I keep getting undefined. I checked the console and it indeed finds the element I want without fail.
I am relatively new to Javascript, but after over an hour of Googling I could not find the issue and I don't understand why. I know that I can get the text element if I hardcore it using the following line:
but not with:
What is the difference between these 2? I read that textContent is part of the DOM, to my understanding it relates to objects and according to my console i think it is an object. I made some crazy attempts like putting the object I got into the querySelector, but nothing works.

With this line:
var addedWorkout = $("#custDropDownMenuA").find(".dropdown-item.active");
you're using jQuery to select the .dropdown-item.active inside #custDropDownMenuA, and when you select with jQuery, you get a jQuery object in response. So, addedWorkout is a jQuery object, and jQuery objects generally do not have the same properties/methods as standard HTMLElements. (querySelector is the vanilla Javascript method to retrieve an element)
Either select the [0]th item in the jQuery collection to get to the first matching element:
var addedWorkout = $("#custDropDownMenuA").find(".dropdown-item.active")[0];
Or use the jQuery method to get the text of the first matching element, which is .text():
var addedWorkoutText = addedWorkout.text();
(note the use of a new variable - you will likely find it easier to read and debug code when you create new variables rather than reassigning old ones, when possible)

Your var 'addedWorkout' is a Jquery object, not a html element.
To show the text use:
Alternatively, you can change the 'addedWorkout' to a html element by adding the index [0], like this:


Changing inner text value of tab through javascript

I'm learning Javascript right now, and attempting to change the text title of a particular tab. It's actually part of a larger Shiny dashboard project, but I want to add some custom functionality to a few tabs. Below are the tabs in question:
Simple enough. I first access my tabs in my Javascript file:
var tabScrub2 = $(document).find('[data-value="scrubTab2"]');
When I use Firefox's developer console, I see that the tab is an object:
Moreover, it looks like I need to change the innerText property of 0, whatever this is, since that corresponds to the title of my tab (the innerText of 1 corresponds to the text inside scrubTab2). However, I'm not familiar with the actual object type being returned here:
Simply put, how the heck do I access and manipulate properties from this? And am I actually accessing an array? When I type in
var scrub2 = tabScrub2["1"];
I get an HTML element. I'm seen the a element in CSS and jQuery, but am not super familiar with how to manipulate its properties programmatically? How do I go about accessing and manipulating the innerText properties of this via Javascript? For instance, how would I hide scrubTab2, or change its title to something else?
The first object you're seeing is jQuery's wrapper around the real DOM elements. It's not an actual array, but it does contain all of the elements that matched your query under zero-indexed properties (e.g. "0" and "1") which allows you to access to them via an array-like API (e.g. tabScrub[1]).
Your method of grabbing a node using tabScrub2["1"] is correct (see this question in the jQuery FAQ). It's more likely to see that done with a numeric key though (i.e. tabScrub[1]) because that matches the way you would access an element in a normal array.
As far as manipulating properties of the DOM node, the DOM's API is notoriously inconsistent and quirky (hence the need for things like jQuery in the first place). However, for your use case you can just assign a string to the innerText property directly (e.g. tagScrub2[1].innerText = "Tab title"). MDN is a great resource if you're looking for reference material on other parts of the DOM.
A side note: if you're looking for a specific element you should use a query that will only match that element. It's generally a bad sign if you're grabbing extra elements and then accessing the element you want at a key other than 0. If you're doing this then your code depends on other (potentially unrelated) nodes in the DOM existing before your node, and if/when you change those nodes your original code will break.
Just use jQuery eq method to get the relevant object index from the array.
For an example
//Query and get first element.
var tabScrub2 = $(document).find('[data-value="scrubTab2"]:eq(0)');
//Change title
tabScrub2.attr("title", "New Title Text");
Lean more about jQuery eq here.
Since you use jquery selectors tabScrub2[0] returns the native DOM element instead of another jQuery object. Therefore the hide function won't work in that object since the native DOM element doesn't implement such type of functionality for an element. That's why you have to use jQuery pseudo selector as above. Because hide will only work with a jQuery object.

Why is innerHTML returning 'undefined'?

I'm trying to catch the "value" inside this div, which is editable:
<div class="editable-div" contentEditable="true">Hey</div>
I figured I could do this simply via JavaScript:
var changedText = $('.editable-div').innerHtml
However, this variable will always return "undefined", which confuses me.
Can someone enlighten me on how to reach this "value"?
It is jQuery - you have to use:
A jQuery wrapped object is actually not the raw DOM node, but essentially an array of raw DOM nodes that can be acted upon with jQuery specific methods, such as .html(). If you want to interact with the DOM node, you can retrieve it by either iterating through the list or getting the element of that list if you know which one it is:
$('div').each(function(index, element) {
element.innerHTML // ...
Note that while it is "kind of" like an array, in that you can get DOM nodes using the array syntax of $('div')[0], you can't treat it like an array in Javascript. In other words, you can't do this:
$('div').forEach(function(element) {
innerHtml is used with javascript selector and you are using jQuery. so replace innerHtml with .html() or .text() function.
Use this:
var changedText = $('.editable-div').html();
innerHtml is DOM. try $('.editable-div')[0].innerHtml

live function with out arguments in jQuery

I wanna select some item by jQuery which has been added after loading page,so I wanna use live() function.I used it before for clicking like following code:
but now when I wanna use it in another function.
but It will not work with out argument,like it live()
for e.g followin code will alert test (work)
var pos_eq=Math.abs($('.myList').css("left").replace("px","")/$('.myList').children('li').eq(0).css('width').replace("px","")) + 1;
but this will not.
var pos_eq=Math.abs($('.myList').live().css("left").replace("px","")/$('.myList').live().children('li').eq(0).css('width').replace("px","")) + 1;
how can I solve it?
You want a function, not a variable. It looks like you are trying to keep pos_eq up to date after elements have been added to the page. Having a variable auto-update when the DOM changes in the way you are trying to do is not possible with JavaScript. What you can do is use a function instead of a variable. This way whenever the value is accessed you are getting the latest value because it is computed on demand:
function pos_eq() {
var list = $('.myList');
var left = parseInt(list.css("left"));
var width = parseInt(list.children('li').eq(0).css('width'));
return Math.abs(left / width) + 1;
I broke your code up into multiple statements to make it more readable. You would use this function the same as you used the variable, but instead add parens to the end to invoke the function:
To get a set of objects at the time you need them, just do $("selector"). That will do a query at that time and get the set of objects. There is no need to use .live() in order to query objects on the page. It does not matter whether the objects were part of the original page or were added dynamically later. When you do $("selector"), it will search the contents of the current page and get you the objects that are currently in the page that match the selector.
There is no way to do a live selector query and save it and have it automatically update in jQuery or any other library I know of. The way you solve that issue with a dynamic page is that you just do a new query when you need current results.
The description of live() is: Attach a handler to the event for all elements which match the current selector, now and in the future. It does not give you a live node list despite its name. jQuery does not have any method that returns a live node list(such as those returned by getElementsByTagName etc.) as far as I know.

JQuery select by ID vs document.GetElementByID

I'm just starting with JQuery and am working through a tutorial vid. At one point the presenters go for javascript instead of a JQuery selector. Just wondering why the javascript getElementById below works fine when passing an object to a function, but the second one doesn't?
// works
addTask(document.getElementById('taskText'), evt);
// doesn't
addTask($('#taskText'), evt);
getElementById() returns a DOM element reference.
jQuery's selector returns a jQuery object. You can get the element reference from the jQuery object using
See http://api.jquery.com/get/
To add to the other answer, regarding the result, if you want to use jQuery (which is easier to read), you can get the dom node directly like so:
addTask($('#taskText')[0], evt);
$('#taskText') returns a jQuery object reference.
document.getElementById('taskText') returns a DOM element reference.
If your addTask() function doesn't know how to convert them to what it needs, then that would be the issue since one of them will need a conversion.
If you want to get the first DOM element reference from the jQuery object, you can do so with this:
So these two should be identical:
Both are not exactly same
document.getElementById('taskText'); //returns a HTML DOM Object
var contents = $('#taskText'); //returns a jQuery Object
var contents = $('#taskText')[0]; //returns a HTML DOM Object
so you have to change it to get HTML Dom Object
addTask($('#taskText')[0], evt);
As #Phil and #jfriend00 have pointed out, document.getElementById('taskText') is a DOM element, and $('#taskText') is a jQuery object. The latter is an object of all DOM elements that match the selector.
Think of it as a zero based array, you could pass in the DOM element by doing this:
addTask($('#taskText')[0], evt);

Syntax error - how to get value of textbox

I have a trouble getting value from text box. Conventional javascript getElementByName returns error :undefined. I was able to use jQuery in other examples with select. But can't find a reference anywhere about input tags. This line shows syntax error:
var total = = $('input[name='+formQty+'] :text').val();
What is a jquery for picking value/text of a textbox?
you have 2 equal signs.
var total = $('input[name='+formQty+'] :text').val();
It might be easier also to stick an ID attribute on the input tag and use this
var total = $('#myInputId').val();
make sure you are calling it from a loaded dom:
$(function() {
var total = $('#myInputId').val();
From what I understand your query selector is incorrect.
It should be 'input[name='+formQty+']:text' the :text as you have it is trying to select any text elements underneath the current input resulting in nothing. You can even get rid of the :text and only select the element based on name. .val() should then work if you have properly selected the input element.
You should also debug this by just performing the $('...') method without the function call and see what elements are returned.
Regarding your problem getting this to work with getElementByName() - that's probably because the method is actually getElementsByName() - note the plural elementS. It returns a list of all elements with the specified name, accessible via array syntax; even if there is only one matching element you still get a list (with only one thing in it).
If you are sure there will be exactly one element with the specified name you can do this:
var elementValue = document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value;

