G-SVG doesnt show my Image inside it - react-native - javascript

I'm using react-native-svg. I want to show my image inside it but G doesnt show it:
<G x={endCoord2.x-widthHeight} y={endCoord2.y-widthHeight}>
<Image resizeMode='stretch' style={{width:50,height:50,margin:4}} source={{uri: 'https://javacupcake.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/IceCreamConeCupcakes_0307.jpg'}} />
but below code show a white circle:
<G x={endCoord2.x-widthHeight} y={endCoord2.y-widthHeight}>
<Circle r={widthHeight}
where is my wrong?

you should import Image from react-native-svg:
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice"


SVG graph and Javascript: Which is the best way to add animation to and SVG file?

I'm new at coding.
I'm studying the way to make an animated portfolio like Sean Halpin or Stephanie Walter one. I want to put a face, in which, blinking eyes and a moving the mouth would be the animated elements. Basically, I want to play with the visibility of the closed eyes and open mouth. As an example, I drew a face as follows:
<svg id="Capa_1" data-name="Capa 1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 429 429">
.cls-1 {
fill: #fff;
.cls-2 {
fill: none;
stroke: #000;
stroke-miterlimit: 10;
<g id="face">
<path class="cls-1" d="M611,608.5a214,214,0,1,1,151.32-62.68A212.6,212.6,0,0,1,611,608.5Z" transform="translate(-396.46 -180)" />
<path d="M611,181a212.9,212.9,0,1,1-83.1,16.78A212.11,212.11,0,0,1,611,181m0-1c-118.46,0-214.5,96-214.5,214.5S492.5,609,611,609s214.5-96,214.5-214.5S729.43,180,611,180Z" transform="translate(-396.46 -180)" />
<g id="eyes">
<g id="eye_r">
<circle class="cls-1" cx="319.15" cy="128.63" r="48.5" />
<path d="M715.61,260.62a48,48,0,1,1-48,48,48.06,48.06,0,0,1,48-48m0-1a49,49,0,1,0,49,49,49,49,0,0,0-49-49Z" transform="translate(-396.46 -180)" />
<g id="iris_r">
<circle cx="319.15" cy="128.63" r="19" />
<g id="eye_l">
<circle class="cls-1" cx="109.85" cy="128.63" r="48.5" />
<path d="M506.32,260.62a48,48,0,1,1-48,48,48.06,48.06,0,0,1,48-48m0-1a49,49,0,1,0,49,49,49,49,0,0,0-49-49Z" transform="translate(-396.46 -180)" />
<g id="iris_l">
<circle cx="109.85" cy="128.63" r="19" />
<line id="closed_eye_l" class="cls-2" x1="62.04" y1="128.5" x2="158.04" y2="128.5" />
<line id="closed_eye_r" class="cls-2" x1="270.69" y1="128.23" x2="366.69" y2="128.23" />
<g id="closed_mouth">
<ellipse cx="214.5" cy="309" rx="108.5" ry="11.5" />
<path d="M611,478c29.08,0,56.41,1.25,77,3.51,30.68,3.38,31,7.32,31,7.49s-.35,4.11-31,7.49C667.37,498.75,640,500,611,500s-56.41-1.25-77-3.51c-30.69-3.38-31-7.32-31-7.49s.35-4.11,31-7.49c20.55-2.26,47.88-3.51,77-3.51m0-1c-60.2,0-109,5.37-109,12s48.8,12,109,12,109-5.37,109-12-48.8-12-109-12Z" transform="translate(-396.46 -180)" />
So, I thought three ways to do this:
Place the svg inside an tag, calling then a function that takes into consideration the loading of the file. An example of what I'm saying is found in the following resource: https://www.petercollingridge.co.uk/tutorials/svg/interactive/javascript/, in the "External SVG + External JavaScript" part. It didn't work. The contentDocument ALWAYS returns "null".
In my example, it would be:
<object id="face" data="path/to/face.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
var svgObject = document.getElementById('face').contentDocument;
var svg = svgObject.getElementById('closed_eye_r');
Inline SVG - call a "transform" property. Sean Halpin does it but I'm not sure what he does.
HTML: https://www.seanhalpin.design/
JS: https://www.seanhalpin.design/js/scripts.js
Inline SVG, use getElementById and apply functions to animate the internal parts of the SVG file.
a. Is Inline SVG a good practice?
b. Which is the best way to animate an SVG?
I hope to have been clear. Let me know if something is not well presented, I want to learn to edit questions in order to make them as clear as possible.

Svg issues on Safari

I am using svg icons for expanding and collapsing a component. They are rendering correctly as you can see in the following image:
but when I expand a component and perform an action the svgs begin to look like this:
I have verified there is absolutely no change in the svg component and they return to the correct view after I expand another component. This issue is occuring at multiple locations where I am using svg icons. I am using React and the svg icons are loaded as components. This only occurs on Safari and no other browser
The code for the svg is :
export const CollapseIcon = () => (<svg
viewBox="0 0 24 24">
d="M7.146 9.146c.174-.173.443-.192.638-.057l.07.057L12 13.293l4.146-4.147c.174-.173.443-.192.638-.057l.07.057c. 4.5c-.174.173-.443.192-.638.057l-.07-.057-4.5-4.5c-.195-.196-.195-.512 0-.708z"
<g fill="none" fillRule="evenodd">
<g transform="translate(-956 -290) translate(956 290)">
<mask id="reyuf8n5tb" fill="#fff">
<use xlinkHref="#gt4gdtq39a" />
<use fill="#000" fillRule="nonzero" xlinkHref="#gt4gdtq39a" />
<g fill="#F7274A" mask="url(#reyuf8n5tb)">
<path d="M0 0H24V24H0z" />
and I am using it as a simple component like:
{expanded ? <CollapseIcon /> : <ExpandIcon />}

how to use svg into lightning component in Salesforce

I am following this tutorial : https://archive-2_1_4.lightningdesignsystem.com/resources/lightning-svg-icon-component-helper on how to use svg on lightning component but for some reason it is not working for my case:
I have already created the component svgIcon and added all the code into it.
In my case it does not seem to work since its showing a non sense blue square.
I uploaded the svg file into static resource and tried smth like this:
<c:svgIcon svgPath="{!$Resource.feedIcon}" category="standard" size="large" name="user" />
While this part on the tutorial looks as following:
<c:svgIcon svgPath="/resource/slds214/assets/icons/standard-sprite/svg/symbols.svg#user" category="standard" size="large" name="user" />
Dosnt specify where does they store the svg and also dont know what #user stands for in this case
The svg file I uploaded to salesforce static resources looks as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="82px" height="82px" viewBox="0 0 82 82" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 55.2 (78181) - https://sketchapp.com -->
<title>Group 4</title>
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="Icons-for-svg-export" transform="translate(-119.000000, -118.000000)" fill="#8B8D8E">
<g id="Group-4" transform="translate(120.000000, 119.000000)">
<g id="Group-3" stroke="#8B8D8E" stroke-width="0.4">
<g id="chat">
<path d="M68.2614576,11.7212036 C60.7001948,4.16069852 50.6693958,0 39.979772,0 C29.2899367,0 19.2593492,4.16069852 11.6980863,11.7212036 C-2.91552041,26.3339658 -3.9306097,49.72521 9.17822921,65.5056316 C7.8922944,68.0929603 5.8291323,71.1039699 2.76758412,72.6094747 C1.2957998,73.3363284 0.467405755,74.9094868 0.720913785,76.5331741 C0.974421815,78.1568613 2.22652736,79.4253669 3.85033192,79.6788567 C4.61106745,79.7976733 5.69381525,79.9158558 7.01273359,79.9158558 C10.5485257,79.9158558 15.758232,79.0866759 21.0861293,75.2481778 C27.0229533,78.4441778 33.5185944,80 39.9632802,80 C50.3144,80 60.5646663,75.9921564 68.2779494,68.2796421 C75.8390008,60.7189256 80,50.6899085 80,40 C80,29.3111486 75.8216633,19.2810744 68.2614576,11.7212036 Z M65.0303403,65.0489696 C53.6129644,76.4655204 35.9369638,78.7314944 22.0335601,70.5631637 C21.12017,70.0213003 19.9868898,70.1906458 19.2593492,70.9181338 C19.1916907,70.9521721 19.1238207,71.0024894 19.0734997,71.0528068 C14.4896347,74.6048341 9.99013149,75.3488126 7.01273359,75.3488126 L6.99624183,75.3488126 C10.429489,72.8458396 12.5949846,69.1253125 13.863582,66.2331196 C14.066769,65.7426308 14.1005982,65.2348057 13.9817729,64.7614417 C13.9314519,64.3047796 13.7456024,63.8481176 13.4233787,63.4755998 C1.04229177,49.4882108 1.68483631,28.1779502 14.9125005,14.9512418 C28.7317539,1.13298696 51.2112983,1.13298696 65.0130028,14.9512418 C78.8495937,28.7692852 78.8495937,51.2307148 65.0303403,65.0489696 Z" id="Fill-1"></path>
<path d="M40,39 C45.5228475,39 50,34.5228475 50,29 C50,23.4771525 45.5228475,19 40,19 C34.4771525,19 30,23.4771525 30,29 C30,34.5228475 34.4771525,39 40,39 Z M40,34 C37.2385763,34 35,31.7614237 35,29 C35,26.2385763 37.2385763,24 40,24 C42.7614237,24 45,26.2385763 45,29 C45,31.7614237 42.7614237,34 40,34 Z" id="Oval" fill-rule="nonzero"></path>
<path d="M53.3820358,52.1419451 L53.3820358,58.0287934 L58.3820358,58.0287934 L58.3820358,52.0610237 C58.3820358,50.6620146 57.7745968,49.3319332 56.7172836,48.4157917 L56.7172836,48.4157917 C47.0341731,40.0255636 32.5627654,40.3598339 23.2773818,49.188209 C22.7810083,49.660152 22.5,50.3150789 22.5,51 L22.5,58.0287934 L27.5,58.0287934 L27.5,52.1101962 C34.9103462,45.7645802 45.9109476,45.7203441 53.3820358,52.1419451 Z" id="Path-3" fill-rule="nonzero"></path>
Any idea how can I use svg icons in lightening component?
Add Svg in static resources and use like this.
"{!$Resource.delawareSVGs + '/Icons/exclamation-mark.svg'}"

How do I print a list in an SVG element in react?

I am trying to print a list inside of a rectangular element in React. Currently, the list is printing correctly (so I know am formatting everything correctly in regards to including li tags around the items, etc.) above the rectangle, and the rectangle prints below it. The text "Title Here" prints correctly inside the box. The problem is that the list must be represented by a state, and is of unknown size. How do I print this list inside the rectangle?
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 610 150" version="1.1">
<linearGradient x1="51.7971499%" y1="47.5635228%" x2="52.4921324%" y2="48.1654036%" id="linearGradient-1">
<stop stopColor="#9198A1" offset="0%"></stop>
<stop stopColor="#888D95" offset="100%"></stop>
<rect id="path-2" x="0" y="0" width="610" height="150" rx="7.2"></rect>
<g id="Patient-Page" stroke="none" strokeWidth="1" fill="none" fillRule="evenodd">
<g id="Desktop-HD" transform="translate(-732.000000, -106.000000)">
<g id="Medications" transform="translate(732.000000, 106.000000)">
<g id="Rectangle-7">
<use fillOpacity="0.55" fill="url(#linearGradient-1)" fillRule="evenodd" xlinkHref="#path-2"></use>
<text fontFamily="Helvetica" fontSize="32" fontWeight="normal" fill="#000000">
<tspan x="165" y="39">Title Here</tspan>
You can use a foreignObject to embed HTML in your SVG.
You can use jQuery to manipulate the foreignObject DOM properties and to append HTML such as your list.
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<span id='cont'>
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 610 150" version="1.1">
<linearGradient x1="51.7971499%" y1="47.5635228%" x2="52.4921324%" y2="48.1654036%" id="linearGradient-1">
<stop stopColor="#9198A1" offset="0%"></stop>
<stop stopColor="#888D95" offset="100%"></stop>
<rect id="path-2" x="0" y="0" width="610" height="150" rx="7.2"></rect>
<g id="Patient-Page" stroke="none" strokeWidth="1" fill="none" fillRule="evenodd">
<g id="Desktop-HD" transform="translate(-732.000000, -106.000000)">
<g id="Medications" transform="translate(732.000000, 106.000000)">
<g id="Rectangle-7">
<use fillOpacity="0.55" fill="url(#linearGradient-1)" fillRule="evenodd" xlinkHref="#path-2"></use>
<text fontFamily="Helvetica" fontSize="32" fontWeight="normal" fill="#000000" >
<tspan x="165" y="39">Title Here</tspan>
<foreignObject width="100" height="300"
<body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<p>Here is my list</p>
var ul = $('<ul>');
["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"].forEach(function(item) {
$('foreignObject body').append(ul);

How to use markerEnd in react to draw an arrow

I want to draw an arrow with react. I found that maker-end is supported, see: React Docs. It is called markerEnd instead of marker-end. It expect a 'url(#markerArrow)' but it doesn't seem to work in react. How to make an arrow with svg and react?
Here is my approach in a component subclasses render function: It draws the line but not the arrow head.
render() {
<svg className='Line' style={{ height:height, width:width, top:top, left:left }}>
<marker id="markerArrow" markerWidth="13" markerHeight="13" refX="2" refY="6"
<path d="M2,2 L2,11 L10,6 L2,2" style={{fill: '#000000'}} />
<line x1={lx1} y1={ly1} x2={lx2} y2={ly2} markerEnd={ 'url(#markerArrow)' } style={{ stroke: 'red', strokeWidth: 2 }} />
There should be an arrow on the bottom left of the red line.
keep your <defs> tag inside svg element
<marker id="markerArrow" markerWidth="13" markerHeight="13" refX="2" refY="6" orient="auto">
<path d="M2,2 L2,11 L10,6 L2,2" />
<svg width=200 height=200>
<line x1="10" y1="10" x2="100" y2="100" style="stroke:#006600; marker-end: url(#markerArrow)" />
<svg width=200 height=200>
<marker id="markerArrow1" markerWidth="13" markerHeight="13" refX="2" refY="6" orient="auto">
<path d="M2,2 L2,11 L10,6 L2,2" />
<line x1="10" y1="10" x2="100" y2="100" style="stroke:#006600; marker-end: url(#markerArrow1)" />
if this didnt work,try moving <defs> outside of react component and place in seperate svg in the page.you can check the implementation here
Just to help others who are looking for an implementation of marker-end in React:
Your code is totally correct!
There is most likely another problem. Perhaps a different element is on top of your <line>. You could check that for example by giving all of your elements an opacity attribute.

