Vuejs generate elements from object inside components - javascript

I'm trying to create a component that will render elements inside VueJs virtual dom with a Vuex state.
The problem is I get this error but I don't understand why and how to fix it
Avoid using observed data object as vnode data: {"class":"btn btn-default"}
Always create fresh vnode data objects in each render!
Inside my Vuex state I store and object where I define the elements properties
type: 'a',
config: {
class: 'btn btn-default',
nestedElements: [
type: 'span',
value: 'test',
type: 'i',
My components code look like
methods: {
iterateThroughObject(object, createElement, isNestedElement = false) {
const generatedElement = [],
nestedElements = [];
let parentElementConfig = {};
for (const entry of object) {
let nodeConfig = {};
if (typeof entry.config !== 'undefined' && isNestedElement) {
nodeConfig = entry.config;
} else if (typeof entry.config !== 'undefined') {
parentElementConfig = entry.config;
if (entry.nestedElements) {
nestedElements.push(this.iterateThroughObject(entry.nestedElements, createElement, true));
if (!isNestedElement) {
nodeConfig = parentElementConfig;
nodeConfig === {} ? entry.value : nodeConfig,
if (isNestedElement) {
return generatedElement;
return createElement('ul', generatedElement);
render(createElement) {
const barToolsElements = this.$store.state.titleBar.barToolsElements;
if (barToolsElements) {
return this.iterateThroughObject(barToolsElements, createElement);
return false;
The error is produced when I try to pass inside my last generatedElement.push() definition.
Because entry.value is {"class":"btn btn-default"}.
I don't understand why it tell me to recreate a fresh Vnode object while this value is used only once.
Did I miss or misunderstand something?

Might be because you're passing references to objects in your store's state, which might lead inadvertently to their mutation. Try creating deep clones of these objects when you pass them around, like for example ..
nodeConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(entry.config));
parentElementConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(entry.config));
nodeConfig === {} ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(entry.value)) : nodeConfig,


JS proxy SET function does not get triggered when object property value gets changed [duplicate]

I have this code in js bin:
var validator = {
set (target, key, value) {
return true
var person = {
firstName: "alfred",
lastName: "john",
inner: {
salary: 8250,
Proffesion: ".NET Developer"
var proxy = new Proxy(person, validator)
proxy.inner.salary = 'foo'
if i do proxy.inner.salary = 555; it does not work.
However if i do proxy.firstName = "Anne", then it works great.
I do not understand why it does not work Recursively.,js,console
You can add a get trap and return a new proxy with validator as a handler:
var validator = {
get(target, key) {
if (typeof target[key] === 'object' && target[key] !== null) {
return new Proxy(target[key], validator)
} else {
return target[key];
set (target, key, value) {
return true
var person = {
firstName: "alfred",
lastName: "john",
inner: {
salary: 8250,
Proffesion: ".NET Developer"
var proxy = new Proxy(person, validator)
proxy.inner.salary = 'foo'
A slight modification on the example by Michał Perłakowski with the benefit of this approach being that the nested proxy is only created once rather than every time a value is accessed.
If the property of the proxy being accessed is an object or array, the value of the property is replaced with another proxy. The isProxy property in the getter is used to detect whether the currently accessed object is a proxy or not. You may want to change the name of isProxy to avoid naming collisions with properties of stored objects.
Note: the nested proxy is defined in the getter rather than the setter so it is only created if the data is actually used somewhere. This may or may not suit your use-case.
const handler = {
get(target, key) {
if (key == 'isProxy')
return true;
const prop = target[key];
// return if property not found
if (typeof prop == 'undefined')
// set value as proxy if object
if (!prop.isProxy && typeof prop === 'object')
target[key] = new Proxy(prop, handler);
return target[key];
set(target, key, value) {
console.log('Setting', target, `.${key} to equal`, value);
// todo : call callback
target[key] = value;
return true;
const test = {
string: "data",
number: 231321,
object: {
string: "data",
number: 32434
array: [
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
const proxy = new Proxy(test, handler);
console.log(proxy.string); // "data"
proxy.string = "Hello";
console.log(proxy.string); // "Hello"
console.log(proxy.object); // { "string": "data", "number": 32434 }
proxy.object.string = "World";
console.log(proxy.object.string); // "World"
I published a library on GitHub that does this as well. It will also report to a callback function what modifications have taken place along with their full path.
Michal's answer is good, but it creates a new Proxy every time a nested object is accessed. Depending on your usage, that could lead to a very large memory overhead.
I have also created a library type function for observing updates on deeply nested proxy objects (I created it for use as a one-way bound data model). Compared to Elliot's library it's slightly easier to understand at < 100 lines. Moreover, I think Elliot's worry about new Proxy objects being made is a premature optimisation, so I kept that feature to make it simpler to reason about the function of the code.
let ObservableModel = (function () {
* observableValidation: This is a validation handler for the observable model construct.
* It allows objects to be created with deeply nested object hierarchies, each of which
* is a proxy implementing the observable validator. It uses markers to track the path an update to the object takes
* <path> is an array of values representing the breadcrumb trail of object properties up until the final get/set action
* <rootTarget> the earliest property in this <path> which contained an observers array *
let observableValidation = {
get(target, prop) {
this.updateMarkers(target, prop);
if (target[prop] && typeof target[prop] === 'object') {
target[prop] = new Proxy(target[prop], observableValidation);
return new Proxy(target[prop], observableValidation);
} else {
return target[prop];
set(target, prop, value) {
this.updateMarkers(target, prop);
// user is attempting to update an entire observable field
// so maintain the observers array
target[prop] = this.path.length === 1 && prop !== 'length'
? Object.assign(value, { observers: target[prop].observers })
: value;
// don't send events on observer changes / magic length changes
if(!this.path.includes('observers') && prop !== 'length') {
this.rootTarget.observers.forEach(o => o.onEvent(this.path, value));
// reset the markers
this.rootTarget = undefined;
this.path.length = 0;
return true;
updateMarkers(target, prop) {
this.rootTarget = this.path.length === 1 && prop !== 'length'
? target[prop]
: target;
path: [],
set rootTarget(target) {
if(typeof target === 'undefined') {
this._rootTarget = undefined;
else if(!this._rootTarget && target.hasOwnProperty('observers')) {
this._rootTarget = Object.assign({}, target);
get rootTarget() {
return this._rootTarget;
* create: Creates an object with keys governed by the fields array
* The value at each key is an object with an observers array
function create(fields) {
let observableModel = {};
fields.forEach(f => observableModel[f] = { observers: [] });
return new Proxy(observableModel, observableValidation);
return {create: create};
It's then trivial to create an observable model and register observers:
// give the create function a list of fields to convert into observables
let model = ObservableModel.create([
// define the observer handler. it must have an onEvent function
// to handle events sent by the model
let profileObserver = {
onEvent(field, newValue) {
'handling profile event: \n\tfield: %s\n\tnewValue: %s',
// register the observer on the profile field of the model
// make a change to profile - the observer prints:
// handling profile event:
// field: ["profile"]
// newValue: {"name":{"first":"foo","last":"bar"},"observers":[{}
// ]}
model.profile = {name: {first: 'foo', last: 'bar'}};
// make a change to available games - no listeners are registered, so all
// it does is change the model, nothing else
model.availableGames['1234'] = {players: []};
Hope this is useful!
I wrote a function based on Michał Perłakowski code. I added access to the path of property in the set/get functions. Also, I added types.
const createHander = <T>(path: string[] = []) => ({
get: (target: T, key: keyof T): any => {
if (key == 'isProxy') return true;
if (typeof target[key] === 'object' && target[key] != null)
return new Proxy(
createHander<any>([...path, key as string])
return target[key];
set: (target: T, key: keyof T, value: any) => {
console.log(`Setting ${[...path, key]} to: `, value);
target[key] = value;
return true;
const proxy = new Proxy(obj ,createHander<ObjectType>());

Recursive function in javascript that outputs JSON

In plain javascript, I am trying to create a function that will return a tree structure (json) of a folder, its subfolders and any files. I'm trying to achieve this using recursion.
The problem with the below code is that it stops after the first recursive call.
I know that in JS you do references, and I need to create a new object that I pass the values from the previous call to, but I am struggling to do so.
function fun(file, json) {
var tempJson = {
'name' : || '',
'children' : obj.children || new Object()
if (file.type == 'file') {
tempJson.type = 'file';
tempJson.children = {}; // this will be empty, since there are no children
else {
tempJson.type = 'dir';
var listed = file.listFiles();
if (listed.length > 0) {
for each (var item in listed) {
tempJson.children = fun(item, tempJson);
} else {
tempJson.children = {};
return tempJson;
From a directory structure like:
I would like to get a json like:
name: 'root',
type: 'dir',
children : [
name: 'file1',
type: 'file',
children: {}
name: 'dir1',
type: 'dir',
name: 'file1.1',
type: 'file',
children: {},
name: 'dir2',
type: 'dir',
children: {}
First call:
var object = new Object();
fun(rootdir, object);
Hope this makes sense.
As pointed out in the comments, children should be an array:
function fun(entry) {
var entryObj = { // construct the object for this entry
name: || "",
type: entry.type, // put the type here instead of using an if
children: [] // children must be an array
if(entry.type === "dir") { // if this entry is a directory
var childEntries = entry.listFiles(); // get its child entries
for(var childEntry of childEntries) { // and for each one of them
entryObj.children.push(fun(childEntry)); // add the result of the call of 'fun' on them to the children array
return entryObj;
Then call it like so:
var tree = fun(rootEntry);

realm-js - Copy local realm data to sycned realm

I am using realm-js to store data for a user on their device with React Native and there is a point in the workflow where I would like to copy all of the data in the local realm into a synced realm (to persist on ROS). I am running into an issue where in our schemas we have created pseudo relationships by adding a property referencing one object into another object and vice-versa and in doing so we have created circular data structures.
This has actually worked fine in the app but now we are attempting to copy the data from the local realm into the synced realm and it crashes, seemingly, because of the circular references.
For example the schemas look something like this.
class Person extends Realm.Object {}
Person.schema = {
name: 'Person',
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'string',
optional: true,
staffAccount: {
type: 'StaffAccount'
class StaffAccount extends Realm.Object {}
StaffAccount.schema = {
name: 'StaffAccount',
properties: {
id: {
type: 'string',
people: {
type: 'list',
objectType: 'Person',
In this example when creating a Person you would define a staffAccount property and that staff account property would have a people property which has a list of the people with that staff account and in that list there would be the person initial person in the Person schema.
Is there any way of getting around this problem when copying data from one realm to another?
Take a look at this code that takes a local .realm file and copies it into a remote synced Realm. The code could be simplified since it looks like you already know the schema - this code dynamically loads the schema. Hope it helps
// Copy local realm to ROS
const Realm = require('realm');
const realm_server = 'localhost:9080';
const source_realm_path = './localRealm.realm'; // path on disk
const target_realm_path = '/syncRealm'; // path on server
function copyObject(obj, objSchema, targetRealm) {
const copy = {};
for (var key in {
const prop =[key];
if (prop.type == 'list') {
const propObjSchema = targetRealm.schema.find((s) => == prop.objectType)
copy[key] = obj[key].map((obj) => copyObject(obj, propObjSchema, targetRealm))
else if (prop.type == 'object') {
const propObjSchema = targetRealm.schema.find((s) => == prop.objectType)
copy[key] = obj[key] ? copyObject(obj[key], propObjSchema, targetRealm) : obj[key];
else {
copy[key] = obj[key];
return copy;
function getMatchingObjectInOtherRealm(sourceObj, source_realm, target_realm, class_name) {
const allObjects = source_realm.objects(class_name);
const ndx = allObjects.indexOf(sourceObj);
// Get object on same position in target realm
return target_realm.objects(class_name)[ndx];
function addLinksToObject(sourceObj, targetObj, objSchema, source_realm, target_realm) {
for (var key in {
const prop =[key];
if (prop.hasOwnProperty('objectType')) {
if (prop['type'] == "list") {
var targetList = targetObj[key];
sourceObj[key].forEach((linkedObj) => {
const obj = getMatchingObjectInOtherRealm(linkedObj, source_realm, target_realm, prop.objectType);
else {
// Find the position of the linked object
const linkedObj = sourceObj[key];
if (linkedObj === null) {
// Set link to object on same position in target realm
targetObj[key] = getMatchingObjectInOtherRealm(linkedObj, source_realm, target_realm, prop.objectType);
function copyRealm(user, local_realm_path, remote_realm_url) {
// Open the local realm
const source_realm = new Realm({path: local_realm_path});
// Create the new realm (with same schema as the source)
const target_realm = new Realm({
sync: {
user: user,
url: remote_realm_url,
schema: require('./realmmodels')
// Copy all objects but ignore links for now
target_realm.schema.forEach((objSchema) => {
console.log("copying objects:", objSchema['name']);
const allObjects = source_realm.objects(objSchema['name']);
target_realm.write(() =>
allObjects.forEach((obj) => {
// Add this object to the target realm
target_realm.create(, copyObject(obj, objSchema, target_realm), true)
const remote_realm_url = "realm://" + realm_server + target_realm_path;
source_realm_path, remote_realm_url);

Vue.js computed property not updating

I'm using a Vue.js computed property but am running into an issue: The computed method IS being called at the correct times, but the value returned by the computed method is being ignored!
My method
computed: {
filteredClasses() {
let classes = this.project.classes
const ret = classes && => {
const klassRet = Object.assign({}, klass)
klassRet.methods = klass.methods.filter(meth => this.isFiltered(meth, klass))
return klassRet
return ret
The values printed out by the console.log statement are correct, but when I use filteredClasses in template, it just uses the first cached value and never updates the template. This is confirmed by Vue chrome devtools (filteredClasses never changes after the initial caching).
Could anyone give me some info as to why this is happening?
<div class="card light-blue white-text">
<div class="card-content row">
<div class="col s4 input-field-white inline">
<input type="text" v-model="" id="filter-name">
<label for="filter-name">Name</label>
<div class="col s2 input-field-white inline">
<input type="text" v-model="filter.status" id="filter-status">
<label for="filter-status">Status (PASS or FAIL)</label>
<div class="col s2 input-field-white inline">
<input type="text" v-model="filter.apkVersion" id="filter-apkVersion">
<label for="filter-apkVersion">APK Version</label>
<div class="col s4 input-field-white inline">
<input type="text" v-model="filter.executionStatus" id="filter-executionStatus">
<label for="filter-executionStatus">Execution Status (RUNNING, QUEUED, or IDLE)</label>
<div v-for="(klass, classIndex) in filteredClasses">
<ClassView :klass-raw="klass"/>
import ClassView from "./ClassView.vue"
export default {
name: "ProjectView",
props: {
projectId: {
type: String,
default() {
return this.$
data() {
return {
project: {},
filter: {
name: "",
status: "",
apkVersion: "",
executionStatus: ""
async created() {
// Get initial data
const res = await this.$lokka.query(`{
project(id: "${this.projectId}") {
classes {
methods {
// Augment this data with latestReport and expanded
const reportPromises = []
const reportMeta = []
for(let i = 0; i < res.project.classes.length; ++i) {
const klass = res.project.classes[i];
for(let j = 0; j < klass.methods.length; ++j) {
res.project.classes[i].methods[j].expanded = false
const meth = klass.methods[j]
if(meth.reports && meth.reports.length) {
report(id: "${meth.reports[meth.reports.length-1]}") {
steps {
status platform message time
.then(res =>
classIndex: i,
methodIndex: j
// Send all report requests in parallel
const reports = await Promise.all(reportPromises)
for(let i = 0; i < reports.length; ++i) {
const {classIndex, methodIndex} = reportMeta[i]
.latestReport = reports[i]
this.project = res.project
// Establish WebSocket connection and set up event handlers
computed: {
filteredClasses() {
let classes = this.project.classes
const ret = classes && => {
const klassRet = Object.assign({}, klass)
klassRet.methods = klass.methods.filter(meth => this.isFiltered(meth, klass))
return klassRet
return ret
methods: {
isFiltered(method, klass) {
const nameFilter = this.testFilter(, + "." +
const statusFilter = this.testFilter(
method.latestReport && method.latestReport.status
const apkVersionFilter = this.testFilter(
method.latestReport && method.latestReport.apkVersion
const executionStatusFilter = this.testFilter(
return nameFilter && statusFilter && apkVersionFilter && executionStatusFilter
testFilter(filter, item) {
item = item || ""
let outerRet = !filter ||
// Split on '&' operator
filter.toLowerCase().split("&").map(x => x.trim()).map(seg =>
// Split on '|' operator
seg.split("|").map(x => x.trim()).map(segment => {
let quoted = false, postOp = x => x
// Check for negation
if(segment.indexOf("!") === 0) {
if(segment.length > 1) {
segment = segment.slice(1, segment.length)
postOp = x => !x
// Check for quoted
if(segment.indexOf("'") === 0 || segment.indexOf("\"") === 0) {
if(segment[segment.length-1] === segment[0]) {
segment = segment.slice(1, segment.length-1)
quoted = true
if(!quoted || segment !== "") {
//console.log(`Item: ${item}, Segment: ${segment}`)
//console.log(`Result: ${item.toLowerCase().includes(segment)}`)
//console.log(`Result': ${postOp(item.toLowerCase().includes(segment))}`)
let innerRet = quoted && segment === "" ?
postOp(!item) :
//console.log(`InnerRet(${filter}, ${item}): ${innerRet}`)
return innerRet
}).reduce((x, y) => x || y, false)
).reduce((x, y) => x && y, true)
//console.log(`OuterRet(${filter}, ${item}): ${outerRet}`)
return outerRet
execute(methID, klassI, methI) {
this.project.classes[klassI].methods[methI].executionStatus = "QUEUED"
// Make HTTP request to execute method
this.$"/api/Method/" + methID + "/Execute")
.then(response => {
}, error =>
console.log("Couldn't execute Test: " + JSON.stringify(error))
registerExecutorSocket() {
const socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:4567/api/Executor/")
socket.onmessage = msg => {
const {methodID, report, executionStatus} = JSON.parse(
for(let i = 0; i < this.project.classes.length; ++i) {
const klass = this.project.classes[i]
for(let j = 0; j < klass.methods.length; ++j) {
const meth = klass.methods[j]
if( === methodID) {
this.project.classes[i].methods[j].latestReport = report
this.project.classes[i].methods[j].executionStatus = executionStatus
prettyName: function(name) {
const split = name.split(".")
return split[split.length-1]
components: {
"ClassView": ClassView
<style scoped>
If your intention is for the computed property to update when project.classes.someSubProperty changes, that sub-property has to exist when the computed property is defined. Vue cannot detect property addition or deletion, only changes to existing properties.
This has bitten me when using a Vuex store with en empty state object. My subsequent changes to the state would not result in computed properties that depend on it being re-evaluated. Adding explicit keys with null values to the Veux state solved that problem.
I'm not sure whether explicit keys are feasible in your case but it might help explain why the computed property goes stale.
Vue reactiviy docs, for more info:
I've ran into similar issue before and solved it by using a regular method instead of computed property. Just move everything into a method and return your ret.
Official docs.
I had this issue when the value was undefined, then computed cannot detect it changing. I fixed it by giving it an empty initial value.
according to the Vue documentation
I have a workaround for this kind of situations I don't know if you like it. I place an integer property under data() (let's call it trigger) and every time the object that I used in computed property changes, it gets incremented by 1. So, this way, computed property updates every time the object changes.
export default {
data() {
return {
trigger: 0, // this will increment by 1 every time obj changes
obj: { x: 1 }, // the object used in computed property
computed: {
objComputed() {
// do anything with this.trigger. I'll log it to the console, just to be using it
// thanks to this.trigger being used above, this line will work
return this.obj.y;
methods: {
updateObj() {
this.trigger += 1;
this.obj.y = true;
here's working a link
If you add console.log before returning, you may be able to see computed value in filteredClasses.
But DOM will not updated for some reason.
Then you need to force to re-render DOM.
The best way to re-render is just adding key as computed value like below.
v-for="(klass, classIndex) in filteredClasses"
Don’t use non-primitive values like objects and arrays as keys. Use string or numeric values instead.
That is why I converted array filteredClasses to string. (There can be other array->string convert methods)
And I also want to say that "It is recommended to provide a key attribute with v-for whenever possible".
You need to assign a unique key value to the list items in the v-for. Like so..
<ClassView :klass-raw="klass" :key=""/>
Otherwise, Vue doesn't know which items to udpate. Explanation here
I have the same problem because the object is not reactivity cause I change the array by this way: arrayA[0] = value. The arrayA changed but the computed value that calculate from arrayA not trigger. Instead of assign value to the arrayA[0], you need to use $set for example.
You can dive deeper by reading the link below
I also use some trick like adding a cache = false in computed
compouted: {
data1: {
get: () => {
return data.arrayA[0]
cache: false
For anybody else being stuck with this on Vue3, I just resolved it and was able to get rid of all the this.$forceUpdate()-s that I had needed before by wrapping the values I returned from the setup() function [and needed to be reactive] in a reference using the provided ref() function like this:
import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'CardDisplay',
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
itemComponent: Object,
maxItemWidth: { type: Number, default: 200 },
itemRatio: { type: Number, default: 1.25 },
gapSize: { type: Number, default: 50 },
maxYCount: { type: Number, default: Infinity }
setup () {
return {
containerSize: ref({ width: 0, height: 0 }),
count: ref({ x: 0, y: 0 }),
scale: ref(0),
prevScrollTimestamp: 0,
scroll: ref(0),
isTouched: ref(false),
touchStartX: ref(0),
touchCurrentX: ref(0)
computed: {
touchDeltaX (): number {
return this.touchCurrentX - this.touchStartX
After doing this every change to a wrapped value is reflected immediately!
If you are adding properties to your returned object after vue has registered the object for reactivity then it won't know to listen to those new properties when they change. Here's a similar problem:
let classes = [
my_prop: 'hello'
my_prop: 'hello again'
If I load up this array into my vue instance, vue will add those properties to its reactivity system and be able to listen to them for changes. However, if I add new properties from within my computed function:
computed: {
computed_classes: { entry => entry.new_prop = some_value )
Any changes to new_prop won't cause vue to recompute the property, as we never actually added classes.new_prop to vues reactivity system.
To answer your question, you'll need to construct your objects with all reactive properties present before passing them to vue - even if they are simply null. Anyone struggling with vues reactivity system really should read this link:

Search whole javascript object with children

I currently have this object:
var obj = {
1: {
title: 'test',
children: {
2: {
title: 'test2',
children: {}
3: {
title: 'test3',
children: {}
The whole idea is I make a function to add an item to this object. As parameter I send the parent.
Now, I was wondering how I would get the right item object. For example if I send parent '2', it would get 2: from the children of 1:. The only way I can think of is a for loop, but I don't know if there's a more efficient way. The children can be extended even more, so a parent has children, those children have children endlessly. That's the whole idea at least.
I think with a few items a for loop is okay, but I think if I have over 50 items it's already slow, and it'll even be slower with more.
This solution use Object.keys() for getting all keys of the given object and an array iteration with short ciruit Array.prototype.some() looks for the key. If found the reference is returned, otherwise the item is checked for an object. If so the object reference is taken for a new search with getReference().
var obj = { 1: { title: 'test', children: { 2: { title: 'test2', children: {} }, 3: { title: 'test3', children: {} } } } };
function getReference(o, p) {
var r;
Object.keys(o).some(function (k) {
if (k === p) {
r = o[k];
return true;
if (typeof o[k] === 'object') {
r = getReference(o[k], p);
return !!r;
return r;
var x = getReference(obj, '2');
If you want adding to be fast, you can preserve indexes of your child nodes in object or map (ES6). It could look like this:
function Tree() { = {};
this.indexes = {0:};
Tree.prototype = {
addNode: function(parentIndex, index, node) {
// handle cases when parentIndex does not exist
// handle cases when index already exists
this.indexes[index] = node;
var parent = this.indexes[parentIndex];
parent.children = parent.children || {};
parent.children[index] = node;
var tree = new Tree();
tree.addNode(0, 1, { title: 'test' });
tree.addNode(1, 2, { title: 'test2' });
tree.addNode(1, 3, { title: 'test3' });

