ArcGIS API for JavaScript - Search widget with external geocode service - javascript

To be brief, I want to add to my Search widget new geocode service that is not exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API (more precisely - OneMap REST API - I wonder if it is possible to add this service as widget source using Locator object and how to do that.
Thanks for every advice.


ArcGIS - how to overwrite "ArcGIS Online World Geocoding service" on search widget

I am new and just exploring ArcGIS API
Wondering how to overwrite the default "ArcGIS Online World Geocoding service" each time i search it calls that service.
I wanted to call our own geocoding service. to add up.. i can't also call my MapServer query using the sandbox using the search widget, but the sample 'Query' sandbox can call our MapServer.
Is there any important things i missed like set-up on our ArcGIS server for the search functionalities to function?
Thanks in advance.

Connect to non user calendar with google calendar api

I am building a web page for bookings.
This page needs to check one of my public agendas to see if a trailer is available:
Example event
I want to use the google calendar API for this purpose, the API needs to give me a list of the dates in the google calendar. For this purpose I made a page based on the google calendar API javascript quickstart.
The only problem is that it loads the calendar of the current user (for example but I want it to open my calendar ( How do I modify the google API calendar javascript quickstart code to achieve this goal?
Google Calendar API Javascript quickstart
The references you've seen involve non-REST APIs. Getting this programatically is possible using a service account. Details on how to create a service account are on Google's page about two-legged OAuth, a snippet is
Typically, an application uses a service account when the application
uses Google APIs to work with its own data rather than a user's data.
For example, an application that uses Google Cloud Datastore for data
persistence would use a service account to authenticate its calls to
the Google Cloud Datastore API.
Since this method involves putting a private key on machine initiating the API call, it seems that doing it directly from the browser in JavaScript is not going to be viable. An intermediate server would be needed.
The better alternative for JavaScript would be to invoke an Ajax REST API of a public calendar which is now in version 3. You can find documentation on the API at

Android address autocomplete using Google maps javascript api v3

I want to add an address autocomplete to a native android app. I read that there is an option that requires API key and have a limit and another one that doesn't require an API key and have no limit (Google maps javascript api v3?).
Is there an example for the latter? I only found non-native examples and couldn't understand how to convert them into a native one.
Is it even recommended to do it or the API key required method is more recommended?
The example here: shows the api key as part of the app itself but a later note says it should be done on the server and proxied to the app... I'm confused, how should I do it then?

Google Maps API, without Login

I have google maps api on my application and I would like to create new maps on google map from my application. I know that this can be done, but you have to login and than data is send to you account. What I would like to do is to send data to just one accout, so that my users will not need to sign in to google.
If you are referring to API keys, starting with V3 you can access the Google Maps API without a key (it's no longer required).
Note: This version of the Google Maps JavaScript API no longer needs API keys!

API access to a manually-created Google Map

I have a number of public custom Google Maps created via - obviously associated with my google account.
Can I access these maps via the Google Maps javascript api? The api doesn't appear to work with the manually created maps located on from what I can tell?
And if not, is there another way to store overlay data (markers, etc) that the javascript api can grab and load into the map on the client's browser?
Am thinking a service like dabbleDB, except that I don't think they offer write access via javascript (this would be necessary for the user adding markers to the map, for example)
Obviously I could create a db layer on my server, but am looking for a 'cloud' solution that removes the strain from my databases!!
Digging into the no longer available Google Maps Data API lead me to that powerful and comprehensive Google Fusion where you can search nearest places within your own dataset such as find features within a radius. Enjoy !
See if GData Maps API is what you need.

