The internal of hot reloading - javascript

I have been using webpack hot reload in development and it is awesome. It saves me a lot of time. I have been searching over the web today to get a good grasp of how it actually works and have not found any good explanation about the internal working of it. So, I am asking here to get a good understanding of how it actually works.
I have come a bit in my mini hot reload project. For now, I have set up a node server and a simple client side Javascript code. The client is connected to the server via websocket and the server fires change events to client based on function from node.jsthat watched my code folder for every file change.
I am stuck at how I can patch the update I recieve from server in client code. Right now, I have just index.js file in index.html. So I am wondering how bundling tools like webpack achieves hot reload, specifically how they patch the update.
I've read from webpack docs that they have a thin hrm runtime in client code that update the patch, but I could not seem to find any detailed info on how they achieve this feat. Do they open the client index.js file using FileReader, read the file and write(?) back? Again, I do not have a clear understanding of how this works. So, if you guys could give me some direction, I could dig deeper into it.
So my question is, how do they patch(insert) the new code into the already existing client code which resides in index.js?


Do I need to keep uploading all files even if I make a small change on NuxtJS

I am new to NuxtJS and JavaScript frameworks in particular. To host the files on an online server I need to generate static files. Even if I make a small change on one file I have to re-upload all the files again. Is that productive? Normally I can open the server and make changes to one file and upload it. But here I have to upload all files everytime.
Some of the reasons why:
Your generated files are not supposed to be versioned, so any changes you make there, won't (shouldn't) be committed and pushed to git.
If you change the generated files and forget to change the actual code, the next time you generate the files again, those changes will be overwritten.
It's not going to be easy at all to make even small changes directly into the generated files.
You shouldn't be making changes straight into production. Also, the changes you make there shouldn't be reflected in your localhost, so you're going to have version conflicts pretty soon if you keep doing it like that.
There is, however, a way to make all of that easier. With continuous integration/continuous deployment, you can have it all set up so for every change committed/merged into a specific branch on you version control will be built and automatically pushed to your production server.
It seems to me like you are not familiar with version control (mainly git) nor continuous integration, so here's some topics on the matter:
Learn git concepts, not commands
5 Free Courses to Learn Git and Github in Depth
Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
Understanding Continuous Integration
Explain Continuous Integration Like Im Five

How to alter a javascript extension and use it in my project without waiting for approvals?

I'm using an extension in my project called cytoscape in my Ember.js project and along with it, cytoscape-context-menushttps. I needed to make one tiny change to it to accommodate the needs of my project. I have done so and it works great (I tested it locally by simply monkey-patching the code in the relevant JS file in the extension and confirming it works).
I just want to know, how am I supposed to incorporate this change into my project, without having to manually change that bit of code every time we build our project? I know that I can pull down the repo and make a PR on it and get it approved, but that could take days/weeks/months. There must be a way I can manage this myself.
Fork the repository and use your own fork as the dependency. Maintain your fork and keep it up to date with the upstream repository. Switch back whenever your pull request is incorporated.

How to run Webpack Hot Module Replacement (HMR) in Production

Id like to run HMR in production, using it for seamless application updates. I cannot seem to find any docs or tutorials regarding how to do this.
My setup is currently "serverless", and statics are served from AWS S3. My first thought is i would create an "Update" server of some sort, wherby the HMR clients would poll for updates, and the magic would work.
My questions:
a) How do I run this in production (optimally)
b) For this to work the "Update" server will have to know of module changes, how?
I know the json file with the updates is what HMR relies on to know of the changes, will i have to push some sort of this file to the server?
Or, Do I have the server watch S3 files somehow, and recompile, in turn triggering updates.
A complete solution would be awesome, but also just some sudo logic as to how this could work would be great.
Read this two documents to understand how it works:
No idea to what you mean by "serverless"... How would you serve a website without a server? You will need at least webpack or a nodejs/express instance running somewhere
This will not be optimal. This feature is thought to be used for development. HMR will add listeners to the application for file changes and add code for replacing old modules with new ones. This adds overhead to your code. Optimal would be no hmr.

trying to understand node js server concept

I’m good at jQuery but I’m new to modern js frameworks introduced over the last couple of years. I understand how index.html works in the following example and I can infer that server.js serves the request made from index.html. However, I’m not clear on how server.js gets initialized.
There does not appear to be a src ref from index.html to server.js which appears to indicate that server.js gets initialized in some other way although that's all I'm able to infer. This is a knowledge gap on my end but can you explain how to initialize server.js so that it can be called by index.html?
Node.js is a platform built on top of javascript. Non blocking threads due to its asynchronous behaviour, still event driven.
Node.js provision many use cases. You can refer this & this.
Coming to your point is required to create a webserver on top of node.js http/https modules. Once this server started by nodejs, it is ready to serve http clients.
Open source dev communities built some of great web app framework like express which are easy to learn. github, npmjs are full of great node modules / packages which are ready to plug into your app.

Rails asset pipeline hangs

I am running Rails 3.2 in the development environment. Somehow, I have gotten into a situation where any change to code while debugging hangs up in the asset pipeline while trying to deliver the new page. By hangs, I means it takes a very very long time which usually causes a timeout somewhere. At present I'm debugging some javascript so all of the assets are unchanged except for one JS file. There are no error messages I can see anywhere. When I use Chrome to look at network activity it is always hung on a pending delivery of application.js, which is where the js manifest lives.
The work around seems to be:
clear the cookies and cache on the browser
restart the app server
go to localhost:3000 to re-sign-in.
I have to do this every time I change a line of code in JS.
Clearly I am doing something wrong and this used to work fine. No new gems, so new workflow. I did not accidentally precompile assets to my knowledge.
Why would the pipeline hang delivering my custom JS (not bootstrap or angular)? Why in such a way that the work around works?
I notice several unresolved questions about this so if anyone has a clue it might help a few of us.
I just had the same experience. Deleting Rails' tmp folder seems to have solved it for now.

