How can I use aes encrption/decryption in api connect gateway script..
Below is the process i tried and the error I am getting help me understanding this issue
const crypto = require('crypto');
var encryptionKey = '0123456789abcd0123456789';
var iv = '12345678';
var plainText = 'Testing';
var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes128-cbc',encryptionKey,Buffer.from(iv, 'utf8'));
var ciph = cipher.update(plainText,'utf8','hex');
Response ---Error "Named shared secret key '0123456789abcd0123456789' not found"
Can someone share me script for encryption and decryption for aes algorithm?
From the Node.Js Documentation
The key is the raw key used by the algorithm and iv is an initialization vector. Both arguments must be 'utf8' encoded strings, Buffers, TypedArray, or DataViews. If the cipher does not need an initialization vector, iv may be null.
According to the documentation, the key and iv must both be either a UTF8 string, Buffer, TypeArray, or DataView. You may need to either change he key to a Buffer or the iv to a string.
var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes128-cbc',
Buffer.from(encryptionKey, 'utf8'),
Buffer.from(iv, 'utf8'));
I tried using this online tool to decrypt my string and it works perfectly fine, which I want to implement in my React app.
encrypted string: "iPPGVzyogeiPwpro65A0eUaQggN+8+J4mteJdeaEeFiCL4nTGWnI3F16SIjtZBIxsc7WJNlKm0HtZ754aGgzDIPzFaL/aK97"
decrypted string: "",
When I'm trying to code this the encrypted string comes out different if I try to encrypt and vice versa
Here is my code:
var encrypted = CryptoJS.DES.encrypt(
this gives a different output:
var encrypted =
var decrypted = CryptoJS.DES.decrypt(encrypted, "38346591");
that's why the decrypt also doesn't work.
Am I missing anything?
I'm trying to decode this AES string: (from here)
The page simply says it's been AES encrypted in ECB mode using the key YELLOW SUBMARINE.
The Crypto-JS library should be able to decode this. The docs show a simple method, and I'm using it like so:
// message is the base64 data in the link above
const decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(message, key, {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB
return decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
Except then it throws an error on the last line: "Malformed UTF-8 data". I've tried a number of different things including all the different paddings and trying to convert the base64 data to either hex or utf-8 first. It's always that same error.
I'm really at a loss of what I'm doing wrong here.
Here's a stupid simple jsfiddle:
The key must be passed to decrypt() as WordArray. This can be achieved with the Utf8 encoder.
The ciphertext can be passed directly as Base64 encoded string and is implicitly converted to a CipherParams object by CryptoJS.
This allows the ciphertext to be decrypted:
var message = "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";
const decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(message, CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(key), {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB
document.getElementById("pt").innerHTML = decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
<script src=""></script>
<p style="font-family:'Courier New', monospace;" id="pt"></p>
I'm attempting to using CryptoJS to decrypt a string, provided a 64 character string from SiteMinder.
The decrypted string looks like:
And the key provided to me is a 64-character Hex string, like so: B55E3CE5E4E335D61E3224B2EAAA79E68AFF43FFAAA85A9D4F2BA07618DF2D67
After the information is decrypted, it should present a string that shows something like:
The JavaScript code I am using to decrypt with CryptoJS looks like:
However, the decrypted value isn't coming back as expected. I've read some information about providing an IV to use a pre-defined key, but I don't have any information, only the key used when SiteMinder encrypts information from the database it is connected to.
Do I need to change the way I'm using CryptoJS?
Assuming you mean encrypted string looks like 8yi6XwyLPZq%2FNjV9fmoyHYtC2UUS48KlpPLMl063gPwDDLJYkLeUFAwC8hTcXrPJkShbjJTShlLUoh2y17kwOA%3D%3D.
And given that encryption is AES256/CBC/PKCS7.
We can make these observations:
The string looks URL-encoded and Base64-encoded (%3D is =, and Base64 often ends with =)
There is no IV which is required for CBC, so it is probably in the first 16 bytes of the encoded string. The remainder of the string is probably the ciphertext
So we can decrypt it with CryptoJS like this:
var encrypted = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(decodeURIComponent(encryptedStr));
var key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(hexKey);
var iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(encrypted).substr(0, 32));
var ciphertext = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(encrypted).substr(32));
var plaintext = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt({ciphertext: ciphertext}, key, {iv: iv});
Here's a working DEMO on jsFiddle.
I am encrypting a token that is sent from JAVA code to Angular using Base64 encryption:
String token = "1345BCHCNB";
Cipher ecipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
String mykey = "1234567891234567";
SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(mykey.getBytes(), "AES");
ecipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
byte[] utf8 = token.getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] enc = ecipher.doFinal(utf8);
String enctoken = Base64.encodeBase64(enc).toString());
Now i want to decrypt it on Angular side. I am not able to figure it out how to convert it back to actual token
Base64 is NOT about encryption, but it is an encoding flavour. You can always, with no key nor anything secret, get the original data.
In Javascript, it is implemented using the functions btoa and atob.
More infos here:
And a related topic: Base64 encoding and decoding in client-side Javascript
For the AES part, you could give a look at this topic: How to decrypt message with CryptoJS AES. I have a working Ruby example
I have a php function that generates an RC4 encrypted string. I would like to decode that string using Node - ideally using the built in Crypto module. But I am unable to do so - I just get a blank string.
The PHP code is here
My JS code is
crypto = require('crypto');
decipher = crypto.createDecipher("rc4", "MY SECRET KEY");
text = "HELLO";
decrypted = decipher.update(text, "utf8", "hex");
decrypted +="hex");
I don't get any output. I have checked that my OpenSSL implementation has RC4 using openssl list-message-digest-algorithms
I am on OSX 10.8, latest node.
I am open to using another module to decrypt - I tried the cryptojs module but did not figure out how to make it work - gave me errors when I tried RC4.
Figured it out
First one must use crypto.createDecipheriv otherwise the key is - I believe - md5 hashed instead of used raw.
Secondly the input encoding mut be set to binary.
Third - in my case I was dealing with POST data instead of a hardcoded string and I had to urldecode it - decodeURIComponent() jsut choked - but unescape() with removal of + signs did the trick ex:
var text = unescape(( + '').replace(/\+/g, '%20'))
var crypto = require('crypto');
decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv("rc4", key, '');
decrypted = decipher.update(text, "binary", "utf8");
decrypted +="utf8");