How to modularise function in Chakram to get values - javascript

I have an API that returns data in this format -
"data": [
"id": 121,
"id_type": "some string",
"id_value": "test",
"attribute1": {
"attr_id": 140,
"attribute_client_id": null,
"attribute2": {
"attr2_id": 143,
"attribute2_client_id": null,
"status": "some string",
"person_name": "James Allen",
"friends": [
"friend_id": 1,
"data_id": null,
"friend_id": 2,
"text_description": "Some string",
"text_format": [
"job_description": "new string",
"is_member": false,
"is_external": false
I want to have a function that calculates if of array with is_member is true.
I can do this in the code itself using the filter function with something like this - I am using Chakram library to hit the API end points.
describe('Check if is member is true',()=>{
it('get data',()=>{
let length_of_arr
return response.then((resp)=>{
let length_of_arr =;
length_of_arr.length= Object.keys(length_of_arr).length;
let new_arr = Array.from(length_of_arr);
let r = new_arr.filter(({is_member})=>is_member === true);
}) ;
This works perfectly fine and I am able to get the correct results. However, I need to use this same test for the same API at other places too. So I wanted to have a function which can do it.
In the root directory, I created a file custom_functions.js, which has code like
module.exports = {
let length_of_arr;
let length_of_arr =;
length_of_arr.length= Object.keys(length_of_arr).length;
let new_arr = Array.from(length_of_arr);
let r = new_arr.filter(({attr})=>attr === true);
However, this is not correct and it gives error that data is not defined. How can I achieve this kind of modularisation when using Javascript. I would also welcome if there are suggestions to improve how to approach this problem as well.

As i understand you want to define a function that you can call it in many tests:
function has_member(data){
return data.filter(res => res.is_member).length > 0;
module.exports = {
// in your test you can call this function like this :
const { has_member } require ('./custom_functions');
describe('Check if is member is true',()=>{
it('get data',() => {
return response.then((resp)=>{
const data =;
const has_member = has_member(data);


How to create new object with limited data from other object in Vue JS

I am trying to create a search app that looks for products. I’ve got a PHP script that returns results in JSON format when a keyword is posted to it. I post to there with axios.
Now if there are 40 results for example the dropdown of results will be too long. So I want to create a new object from the object of 40 results and limit this object to 6.
I tried this by creating a function inside computed like this:
Object(this.responseData) is my full object with all results from my PHP script in a JSON object.
filteredData is my new object that I added in my data.
var fullResults = Object(this.responseData);
var number = 0;
for (var key in fullResults) {
if(!number > 6){
this.filteredData[number] += fullResults[key]
But my log just shows: Proxy {}. What am I doing wrong? I need to get all results from the old object, and add them to a new empty object with a limit of 6.
This is my full JS:
let app = Vue.createApp({
data: function(){
// Object to fill with JSON response
// Object to fill with filtered result (max 6)
filteredData: {},
showResultDiv: false,
totalResults: 0
// Function to show loading dots until json returned
loadDiv(condition, content){
this.showResultDiv = condition
async fetchResults(){
await'includes/searchproducts_json.php', {
// Post data, add value of input to searchterm
searchterm: this.$refs.searchterm.value
this.responseData =
// Get length of returned object and add to totalResults
this.totalResults = Object.keys(this.responseData).length
computed: {
return this.responseData
var fullResults = Object(this.responseData);
var number = 0;
for (var key in fullResults) {
if(!number > 6){
this.filteredData[number] += fullResults[key]
// Set totalResults with matching string
if(this.totalResults == 1){
return this.totalResults + ' resultaat'
return this.totalResults + ' resultaten'
Your search result set should really be an array (of result objects).
Something like:
{"id": 1, "text": "foo"},
{"id": 2, "text": "bar"},
{"id": 3, "text": "baz"},
Or, more elegant:
"searchterm": "input value"
"total_results": 31,
"limit": 10,
"page": 2,
"results": [
{"id": 1, "text": "foo"},
{"id": 2, "text": "bar"},
{"id": 3, "text": "baz"},
Then, the computed should be as simple as:
data() {
return {
results: []
computed: {
resultsToShow() {
return this.results.slice(0, 6)
fetchResults() {'includes/searchproducts_json.php', {
// Post data, add value of input to searchterm
searchterm: this.$refs.searchterm.value
.then((response) => {
if (response.status === 200 && {
this.results =
See a working demo:
And because it's just a simple slice, you could even remove (the overhead of) the computed property and just write it into the template inline expression:
<li v-for="(result, index) in results.slice(0, 6)" :key="index">
{{ result.text }}
Object.keys() returns an array of the object keys, which could be the thing you are looking for if i understand correctly. Then you could create a computed property something like this:
test() {
return Object.keys(this.responseData).map((key) => this.responseData[key]).slice(0,6);
This transforms the object to an an array after which you can use a simple slice method to get the first 6 elements.

How to replace multiple async/await calls with Promise.all?

I have the following try/catch block which is making 3 different api calls.
The following code is working fine but it is taking lot of time to execute when firstData has large dataset.
try {
const firstData = await myservice1.myservice1Func();
for(let i=0; i<; i++){
const hostName = firstData.rows[i]['hostname'];
if (hostName !== null && firstData.rows[i]['myservice1Id'] !== null) {
const aRes = await myService2(hostName);
firstData.rows[i]['mylist'] =
if (hostName !== null && firstData.rows[i]['type'].includes('type1')) {
const oRes = await myService3(hostName);
firstData.rows[i]['ores'] = oRes.rows[0];
if (hostName !== null && firstData.rows[i]['type'].includes('type2')) {
const vRes = await myService4(hostName);
firstData.rows[i]['vRes'] = vRes.rows[0];
return firstData;
} catch (err) {
const firstData =
"total": 2,
"rows": [
"hostname": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"myservice1Id": "ee0f77c9-ef15",
"type": "type1"
"hostname": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"type": "type2",
"myservice1Id": null
const aRes =
"listType": "list1",
"createdAt": "2020-12-07"
const oRes =
"rows": [
"status": "FAIL"
const vRes =
"rows": [
"status": "FAIL"
The final value of firstData returned is as following:
"total": 2,
"rows": [
"hostname": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"myservice1Id": "ee0f77c9-ef15",
"type": "type1",
"oRes": {
"status": "PASS"
"mylist": {
"listType": "list1",
"createdAt": "2020-12-07"
"hostname": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"type": "type2",
"myservice1Id": null,
"vRes": {
"status": "FAIL"
Here, one thing to notice is that all the 3 if blocks can be executed in parallel because they are independent of each other.
Can I use Promise.all to execute all the 3 if blocks in parallel?
If yes, how the updated code will look like using Promise.all?
Simplest tweak would be to push each Promise to an array inside the ifs:
const proms = [];
if (hostName !== null && firstData.rows[i].myservice1Id !== null) {
.then(aRes => firstData.rows[i].mylist = aRes[0].dataValues)
// other ifs changed around the same way
await Promise.all(proms);
You could also make the code easier by making the hostName check only once, and it looks like you're iterating over the whole array, which can be done more easily by invoking the iterator:
try {
const firstData = await myservice1.myservice1Func();
for (const row of firstData.rows) {
const hostName = row.hostname;
if (hostName === null) continue;
const proms = [];
if (row.myservice1Id !== null) {
.then(aRes => row.mylist = aRes[0].dataValues)
// etc
Hi you have bit of code alterations,
for(let i=0; i<; i++){
const hostName = firstData.rows[i]['hostname'];
//check if condition inside the service and return a null (a promise)
Promise.all([myService2(hostName), myService3(hostName), myService4(hostName)]).then((values) => {
Now the problem here is you have to wait until the slowest iteration to complete,
You can fix that with promise pool use,
MDN Promise Medium Blog Source

Return 1 array of several api call

Is it possible to create a function who return an array of result of several api call ?
Instead of this :
var func1;
var func2;
var func3;
apicall1().then((res) => {
func1 = res;
apicall1("string").then((res) => {
func2 = res;
apicall1(int).then((res) => {
func3 = res;
Have something like this :
var result = [];
var Json = "{
"functions": [{
"name": "apicall1",
"args": null
}, {
"name": "apicall2",
"args": "string"
}, {
"name": "apicall2",
"args": [0, "string"]
MyFunction(Json) {
for (i = 0; i < functions.lenght; i += 1) {
functions[i].name(functions[i].args).then((res) => { result.push(res); });
return result;
I juste search something to avoid to have X callapi one behind the other.
Thanks ;D
You can use Promise.all to get results in an array:
Promise.all([apicall1(), apicall1("string"), apicall1(int)])
.then(results => {
// Destructure the results into separate variables
let [func1, func2, func3] = results;
//access the results here
You should use
Promise.all([ api1,api2,api2,...]).then(function(results){
result will be an array with all responses in respective indexes. Here one thing you need to handle is exception. if any of the API call occurs in any kind of exception it will go to catch.
If you want to trigger the calls one after the other, you can use async/await :
let result = [];
let funcs = [{
"name": "apicall1",
"args": null
}, {
"name": "apicall2",
"args": "string"
}, {
"name": "apicall2",
"args": [0, "string"]
async makeCalls() {
for (let func of funcs) {
let res = await
return result;

Search for a related json data

How can i find data that is related to the already known data?
( I'm a newb. )
For example here is my json :
{ "id": "1", "log": "1","pass": "1111" },
{ "id": 2, "log": "2","pass": "2222" },
{ "id": 3, "log": "3","pass": "3333" }
Now i know that "log" is 1 and i want to find out the data "pass" that is related to it.
i've tried to do it so :
The POST request comes with log and pass data , i search the .json file for the same log value and if there is the same data then i search for related pass
fs.readFile("file.json", "utf8", function (err, data) {
var jsonFileArr = [];
jsonFileArr = JSON.parse(data); // Parse .json objekts
var log = loginData.log; // The 'log' data that comes with POST request
/* Search through .json file for the same data*/
var gibtLog = jsonFileArr.some(function (obj) {
return obj.log == log;
if (gotLog) { // If there is the same 'log'
var pass = loginData.pass; // The 'pass' data that comes with POST request
var gotPass = jsonFileArr.some(function (obj) {
// How to change this part ?
return obj.pass == pass;
The problem is that when i use
var gotPass = jsonFileArr.some(function (obj) {
return obj.pass == pass;
it searches through the whole .json file and not through only one objekt.
Your main problem is that .some() returns a boolean, whether any of the elements match your predicate or not, but not the element itself.
You want .find() (which will find and return the first element matching the predicate):
const myItem = myArray.find(item => item.log === "1"); // the first matching item
console.log(myItem.pass); // "1111"
Note that it is possible for .find() to not find anything, in which case it returns undefined.
The .some() method returns a boolean that just tells you whether there is at least one item in the array that matches the criteria, it doesn't return the matching item(s). Try .filter() instead:
var jsonFileArr = JSON.parse(data);
var log = loginData.log;
var matchingItems = jsonFileArr.filter(function (obj) {
return obj.log == log;
if (matchingItems.length > 0) { // Was at least 1 found?
var pass = matchingItems[0].pass; // The 'pass' data that comes with the first match
} else
console.log("error"); // no matches
Using ES6 Array#find is probably the easiest, but you could also do (among other things)
const x = [{
"id": "1",
"log": "1",
"pass": "1111"
}, {
"id": 2,
"log": "2",
"pass": "2222"
}, {
"id": 3,
"log": "3",
"pass": "3333"
let myItem;
for (let item of x) {
if (item.log === '1') {
myItem = item;

Advanced Array.prototype.filter with Javascript

I have an Javascript object like so...
var strategies = [{
"strategy": {
"category": "war"
}, {
"strategy": {
"category": "farming"
I then have an array that indicates which results I'd like back. It can be any of the following: [] OR ["war"] ["farming"] OR ["war", "farming"].
If we have the [], I want to return no results. But if ["war", "farming"] I want to return both of the results above.
How do I accomplish this with Array.prototype.filter? I saw this post, but couldn't reason through it.
strategies.filter((strategy) =>
Thanks for your help.
You can just check the value with indexOf:
var categories = ['war', 'farming'];
var filtered = strategies.filter((obj) => {
return categories.indexOf(obj.strategy.category) > -1;
Your object, strategy was a wrapped object, so my first line was setting it to its inner strategy and then filter as needed.
var strategies = [{
"strategy": {
"category": "war"
}, {
"strategy": {
"category": "farming"
var b = ["war", "farming"];
strategy = strategy.strategy;
for(var i in b){
if (b[i] == strategy["category"]) {
return true;
return false;
Tests the input array to see if it's empty as per your requirements:
function filterObj(arr) {
return !arr.length ? arr :
strategies.filter((el) => arr.indexOf(el.strategy.category) > -1);
filterObj(['war', 'farming'])

