Async/Await on return variable from promise - javascript

I've got into the pattern of using async await in my aws nodejs lambda functions, and I common thing I run into is the need to await the result of a promise and use the response in the next async/await promise, and sort of repeat this pattern until I've run all my logic.
let userId;
await GetUserId({AccessToken: headers.accesstoken}).then(function(res){
userId = res;
let username;
await GetUserName(userId).then(function(res){
username = res;
Is there anyway I can declare and assign userId a value in the same line as invoking the function.
sudo code:
let userId = await GetUserId().then(()=>{ //bubble response up to userId })
The reason I'm asking is that it just sort of messing/wrong initializing a variable separately. Maybe I need a different pattern, or it's just something I'll have to live with.
var ExampleFunction = async() => {
try {
const userId = await GetUserId('token');
const username = await GetUserName(userId);
console.log(`userId: ${userId}`);
console.log(`username: ${username}`);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Exit Function`);
function GetUserId(token) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (!token)
reject('no token');
function GetUserName(userId) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (!userId)
reject('no userId');

The await is supposed to replace the then syntax (except you really need to distinguish fulfillment from rejection with it). The await expression either throws the rejection reason as an exception to catch, or results in the fulfilment value of the promise. You can directly use that:
const userId = await GetUserId({AccessToken: headers.accesstoken});
const username = await GetUserName(userId);
(I assume that it was unintentional that your current code ignored errors and continued with undefined values).

The keyword await makes JavaScript wait until that promise resolves and returns its result.
let userId = await GetUserId({AccessToken: headers.accesstoken});

if you assign the result of await to var it will be the promise resolve value
so you can
let userId = await GetUserId({AccessToken: headers.accesstoken});
let username = await GetUserName(userId);
PS. don't forget error handling using try/catch.


Async function does not await

I am having a problem where an async function does not appear to be waiting. I am calling one async function from another, with the second returning a value after async operations have completed and then the first should be returning this as it has awaited it. But when logging accessToken in the first function it logs before awaiting the return from the second. Where am I going wrong? Thanks in advance.
export const confirmCode = async (verificationId, code) => {
try {
const credential = await firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(verificationId, code);
const accessToken = await authenticate(credential);
console.log(accessToken); // prints undefined as does not wait for above function call?
return accessToken;
} catch (error) {
// this.showMessageErrorByCode(e.error.code);
const authenticate = async (credential) => {
try {
await firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential).then(result => {
const user = result.user;
user.getIdToken().then(accessToken => {
return accessToken;
} catch (error) {
You should not mix async/await with the older version .then().
Just use it without then() like so:
export const confirmCode = async (verificationId, code) => {
try {
const credential = await firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(verificationId, code);
const accessToken = await authenticate(credential);
console.log(accessToken); // prints undefined as does not wait for above function call?
return accessToken;
} catch (error) {
// this.showMessageErrorByCode(e.error.code);
const authenticate = async (credential) => {
try {
let result = await firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential); // <-- use await
const user = result.user;
accessToken = await user.getIdToken(); // <-- use await
return accessToken;
} catch (error) {
For more detailed explanation, why your code does not work:
You are returning from within a .then() which is not possible
If you would want to use the old way of writing async functions, you would need to use:
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* Code ... */ }); to wrap your function content
resolve(accessToken) instead of return
.then() and .catch() instead of await and try/catch
and some rejects where you can't resolve anything (so probably in the catch block)
But I would suggest you to use the async/await approach, as it is easier to read.

Using async in a promise because of db-calls. How can I fix this antipattern?

I have a Firebase Function which sends back data from databases. The problem is sometimes I have to return data all of 3 collections, sometimes only need from 1 and sometimes 2 of them. But this is an antipattern. How can I improve my code?
Right now I'm creating a function, which returns a promise, in which I'm using await for getting db values and this is wrapped in try{} block.
module.exports.getList = (uid, listType) => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let returnValue = [];
try {
if (listType.contains("a")) {
const block = await db.collection('alist').doc(uid).get();
if (listType.contains("b")) {
const like = await db.collection('blist').doc(uid).get();
if (listType.contains("c")) {
const match = await db.collection('clist').doc(uid).get();
} catch (e) {
return reject(e);
return resolve(returnValue);});
How should I modify this snippet in order to not be an antipattern? Or is it not because of the try-catch block?
You can make the getList function async instead, without new Promise or try/catch:
module.exports.getList = async (uid, listType) => {
const returnValue = [];
if (listType.contains("a")) {
const block = await db.collection('alist').doc(uid).get();
if (listType.contains("b")) {
const like = await db.collection('blist').doc(uid).get();
if (listType.contains("c")) {
const match = await db.collection('clist').doc(uid).get();
return returnValue;
Calling it will return a Promise that rejects with an error if there's an asynchronous error, or it will resolve to the desired array.
Note that unless there's a good reason to await each call in serial, you can use Promise.all instead, so that the requests go out in parallel, and make the code a lot more concise in the process:
module.exports.getList = (uid, listType) => Promise.all(
['alist', 'blist', 'clist']
.filter(name => listType.contains(name[0]))
.map(name => db.collection(name).doc(uid).get())

Catch Promise rejection at a later time [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Waiting for more than one concurrent await operation
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
How do I retrieve the result of a promise at a later time? In a test, I am retrieving an email before sending further requests:
const email = await get_email();
assert.equal(email.subject, 'foobar');
await send_request1();
await send_request2();
How can I send the requests while the slow email retrieval is going on?
At first, I considered awaiting the email later:
// This code is wrong - do not copy!
const email_promise = get_email();
await send_request1();
await send_request2();
const email = await email_promise;
assert.equal(email.subject, 'foobar');
This works if get_email() is successful, but fails if get_email() fails before the corresponding await, with a completely justified UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning.
Of course, I could use Promise.all, like this:
await Promise.all([
async () => {
const email = await get_email();
assert.equal(email.subject, 'foobar');
async () => {
await send_request1();
await send_request2();
However, it makes the code much harder to read (it looks more like callback-based programming), especially if later requests actually depend on the email, or there is some nesting going on. Is it possible to store the result/exception of a promise and await it at a later time?
If need be, here is a testcase with mocks that sometimes fail and sometimes work, with random timings. It must never output UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning.
const wait = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const send_request1 = () => wait(300), send_request2 = () => wait(200);
async function get_email() {
await wait(Math.random() * 1000);
if (Math.random() > 0.5) throw new Error('failure');
return {subject: 'foobar'};
const assert = require('assert');
async function main() {
// catch possible error
const email_promise = get_email().catch(e => e);
await send_request1();
await send_request2();
// wait for result
const email = await email_promise;
// rethrow eventual error or do whatever you want with it
if(email instanceof Error) {
throw email;
assert.equal(email.subject, 'foobar');
(async () => {
try {
await main();
} catch(e) {
console.log('main error: ' + e.stack);
In case it's guaranteed that promise rejection will be handled later, a promise can be chained with dummy catch to suppress the detection of unhandled rejection:
try {
const email_promise = get_email();
email_promise.catch(() => {}); // a hack
await send_request1();
await send_request2();
const email = await email_promise;
assert.equal(email.subject, 'foobar');
} catch (err) {...}
The problem with this approach is that there are two concurrent routines but the code doesn't express this, this is a workaround for what is usually done with Promise.all. The only reason why this workaround is feasible is that there are only 2 routines, and one of them (get_email) requires to be chained with then/await only once, so a part of it (assert) can be postponed. The problem would be more obvious if there were 3 or more routines, or routines involved multiple then/await.
In case Promise.all introduces unwanted level of lambda nesting, this can be avoided by writing routines as named functions, even if they aren't reused anywhere else:
async function assertEmail() {
const email = await get_email();
assert.equal(email.subject, 'foobar');
async function sendRequests() {
await send_request1();
await send_request2();
try {
await Promise.all([assertEmail(), sendRequests()]);
} catch (err) {...}
This results in clean control flow and verbose but more intelligible and testable code.
So, I want to explain why we behave this way in Node.js:
// Your "incorrect code" from before
const email_promise = get_email(); // we acquire the promise here
await send_request1(); // if this throws - we're left with a mess
await send_request2(); // if this throws - we're left with a mess
const email = await email_promise;
assert.equal(email.subject, 'foobar');
That is, the reason we behave this way is to not deal with the "multiple rejections and possibly no cleanup" scenario. I'm not sure how you ended up with the long code for Promise.all but this:
await Promise.all([
async () => {
const email = await get_email();
assert.equal(email.subject, 'foobar');
async () => {
await send_request1();
await send_request2();
Can actually be this:
let [email, requestData] = await Promise.all([
// do whatever with email here
It's probably what I would do.

Javascript: SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function

I am on Node 8 with Sequelize.js
Gtting the following error when trying to use await.
SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function
async function addEvent(req, callback) {
var db ='db');
var event = req.body.event
where: {
owner_id: req.user_id,
}).then((app) => {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("done!"), 6000)
// I get an error at this point
let result = await promise;
// let result = await promise;
// ^^^^^
// SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function
Getting the following error:
let result = await promise;
SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function
What am I doing wrong?
You can run await statement only under async function.
So, you can write your
}).then((app) => {
}).then(async (app) => {
addEvent is a mixture of async..await and raw promises. await is syntactic sugar for then. It's either one or another. A mixture results in incorrect control flow; db.App.findOne(...).then(...) promise is not chained or returned and thus is not available from outside addEvent.
It should be:
async function addEvent(req, callback) {
var db ='db');
var event = req.body.event
const app = await db.App.findOne({
where: {
owner_id: req.user_id,
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("done!"), 6000)
let result = await promise;
Generally plain callbacks shouldn't be mixed with promises. callback parameter indicates that API that uses addEvent may need to be promisified as well.
async/await only works if the immediate function has the async keyword, you need this:
}).then(async app => { // <<<< here
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("done!"), 6000)
// I get an error at this point
let result = await promise;
// let result = await promise;
// ^^^^^
// SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function
You can use await only inside a function which is async. Also you can await only a piece of code that returns a promise.
Here you are using await inside a different context. Better you use then() here to solve the problem.
await only works if the immediate function that encloses it is async.

using async and await in nodejs getting Promise { <pending> }

In my case , i am able to get the token but not the way i wanted ie i do not want to print promise pending and my output after running in tokenDisp.js is :
output: Promise { pending }
module.exports = async function doLogin() {
const token = await loginToken();
const myToken = JSON.parse(token);
return console.log(myToken);
const myToken = require('./login.js);
Can someone help ?
All async functions return a promise and you still have to use .then() or await on the return value from the async function in order to use that. If you return a value from your async function, it will be the resolved value of the returned promise. If you throw an exception, the exception will be the reason for the rejection of the returned promise.
The use of await inside the function is a convenience INSIDE the async function. It does not magically make an asychronous operation into a synchronous one. So, your function returns a promise. To get the value out of it, use .then() on it.
module.exports = async function doLogin() {
const token = await loginToken();
const myToken = JSON.parse(token);
return myToken; // this will be resolved value of returned promise
const myToken = require('./login.js);
myToken().then(token => {
// got token here
}).catch(err => {
Note: your login.js module produces the same result as if it was written like this (without using async or await):
module.exports = function doLogin() {
return loginToken().then(token => {
const myToken = JSON.parse(token);
return myToken; // this will be resolved value of returned promise

