Es6 way to convert object key value to one single object - javascript

I want to convert all data into one object,
let d = {
"Coupon_Code": "code",
"Coupon_Name": "namie",
"Coupon_Desc": 1000,
"selectedCity": [
"Coupon_City_Name": "xyz"
"selectedCategory": [
"Coupon_Category_Name": "Shopping"
"selectedCompany": [
"Coupon_Company_Name": "Shopper Stop"
"selectedState": [
"Coupon_State_Name": "abc"
"Coupon_Date": "2222-02-22",
i tried some methods of Object like keys , entries but dont no what to use.
Final output should be
let d = {
Coupon_Code: "code",
Coupon_Name: "namie",
Coupon_Desc: 1000,
Coupon_City_Name: "xyz",
Coupon_Category_Name: "Shopping",
Coupon_Company_Name: "Shopper Stop",
Coupon_State_Name: "abc",
Coupon_Date: "2222-02-22",
what's the best and optimum way to have above result using Venila Js and Es6

Reduce the entries of the original object. If the entry's value is an array merge the 1st element, if not merge the original key and value. You can merge the properties into the object using object spread:
const data = {"Coupon_Code":"code","Coupon_Name":"namie","Coupon_Desc":1000,"selectedCity":[{"Coupon_City_Name":"xyz"}],"selectedCategory":[{"Coupon_Category_Name":"Shopping"}],"selectedCompany":[{"Coupon_Company_Name":"Shopper Stop"}],"selectedState":[{"Coupon_State_Name":"abc"}],"Coupon_Date":"2222-02-22"};
const result = Object.entries(data)
.reduce((r, [k, v]) => ({
...Array.isArray(v) ? v[0] : { [k]: v }
}), {});

You can use Array.reduce and Object.entries
let d = {"Coupon_Code":"code","Coupon_Name":"namie","Coupon_Desc":1000,"selectedCity":[{"Coupon_City_Name":"xyz"}],"selectedCategory":[{"Coupon_Category_Name":"Shopping"}],"selectedCompany":[{"Coupon_Company_Name":"Shopper Stop"}],"selectedState":[{"Coupon_State_Name":"abc"}],"Coupon_Date":"2222-02-22"};
d = Object.entries(d).reduce((a,[k,v]) => {
// If the value is an array, iterate over it to merge into the resultant object
if(Array.isArray(v)) Object.assign(a, ...v)
else Object.assign(a, {[k]:v}) // if it is not an array, merge into resultant object
return a;
}, {});

You could take a recursive approach.
fn = o => Object.assign(...Object.entries(o).map(([k, v]) => Array.isArray(v) ? Object.assign( : { [k]: v })),
d = { Coupon_Code: "code", Coupon_Name: "namie", Coupon_Desc: 1000, selectedCity: [{ Coupon_City_Name: "xyz" }], selectedCategory: [{ Coupon_Category_Name: "Shopping" }], selectedCompany: [{ Coupon_Company_Name: "Shopper Stop" }], selectedState: [{ Coupon_State_Name: "abc" }], Coupon_Date: "2222-02-22" },
result = fn(d);
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A possible iterative solution is:
function flatten(obj) {
let r = {}
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
Object.assign(r, value[0]);
} else {
Object.assign(r, {[key]: value});
return r;

Something like this:
const d = { Coupon_Code: "code", Coupon_Name: "namie", Coupon_Desc: 1000, selectedCity: [{ Coupon_City_Name: "xyz" }], selectedCategory: [{ Coupon_Category_Name: "Shopping" }], selectedCompany: [{ Coupon_Company_Name: "Shopper Stop" }], selectedState: [{ Coupon_State_Name: "abc" }], Coupon_Date: "2222-02-22" };
function toSingleObj(obj) {
var result = {};
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([key,value]) => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
Object.entries(value[0]).forEach(([k,v]) => {
result[k] = v;
} else {
result[key] = value;
return result;
console.log("Result: ", toSingleObj(d));


Separating (n) keys from array of objects into a single array with keys names

I need to perform filter in the array of objects to get all the keys. Although, whenever there is a obj inside of that key, I would need to get the key name and concat with the key name from the obj, so for example:
const data = [ id: 5, name: "Something", obj: { lower: True, higher: False } ]
result = ["id", "name", "obj.lower", "obj.higher"]
I could manage to do the above code, but, if there is more objs inside the data, I would need to keep adding a if condition inside of my logic, I would like to know if there is any other way, so it doesn't matter how many objects I have inside the objects, It will concat always.
The code I used from the above mention:
const itemsArray = [
{ id: 1, item: "Item 001", obj: { name: 'Nilton001', message: "Free001", obj2: { test: "test001" } } },
{ id: 2, item: "Item 002", obj: { name: 'Nilton002', message: "Free002", obj2: { test: "test002" } } },
{ id: 3, item: "Item 003", obj: { name: 'Nilton003', message: "Free003", obj2: { test: "test003" } } },
const csvData = [
Object.keys(itemsArray[0]), => Object.values(item))
].map(e => e.join(",")).join("\n")
// Separating keys
let keys = []
const allKeys = Object.entries(itemsArray[0]);
for (const data of allKeys) {
if (typeof data[1] === "object") {
const gettingObjKeys = Object.keys(data[1]);
const concatingKeys = => data[0] + "." + key);
} else {
const flattingKeys = keys.reduce((acc, val: any) => acc.concat(val), []);
What I would like to achieve, lets suppose I have this array of object:
const data =
{ id: 10, obj: {name: "Name1", obj2: {name2: "Name2", test: "Test"}}}
Final result = ["id", "", "obj.obj2.name2", "obj.obj2.test"]
OBS: The first obj contains all the keys I need, no need to loop through other to get KEYS.
I would like to achieve, all the keys from the first object of the array, and if there is objects inside of objects, I would like to concat the obj names (obj.obj2key1)
You could map the key or the keys of the nested objects.
getKeys = object => Object
.flatMap(([k, v]) => v && typeof v === 'object'
? getKeys(v).map(s => `${k}.${s}`)
: k
getValues = object => Object
.flatMap(([k, v]) => v && typeof v === 'object'
? getValues(v)
: v
data = { id: 1, item: "Item 001", obj: { name: 'Nilton001', message: "Free001", obj2: { test: "test001" } } },
keys = getKeys(data),
values = getValues(data);
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something like this
const itemsArray = [
{ id: 1, item: "Item 001", obj: { name: 'Nilton001', message: "Free001", obj2: { test: "test001" } } },
{ id: 2, item: "Item 002", obj: { name: 'Nilton002', message: "Free002", obj2: { test: "test002" } } },
{ id: 3, item: "Item 003", obj: { name: 'Nilton003', message: "Free003", obj2: { test: "test003" } } },
const item = itemsArray[0];
const getAllKeys = (obj, prefix=[]) => {
if(typeof obj !== 'object'){
return prefix.join('.')
return Object.entries(obj).flatMap(([k, v]) => getAllKeys(v, [...prefix, k]))
The OP solution can be simplified by accepting a prefix param (the parent key) and a results param (defaulted to [] and passed into the recursion) to do the flattening...
let obj = { key0: 'v0', key1: { innerKey0: 'innerV0', innerInner: { deeplyNested: 'v' } }, key2: { anotherInnerKey: 'innerV' } }
function recursiveKeys(prefix, obj, result=[]) {
let keys = Object.keys(obj);
keys.forEach(key => {
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object')
recursiveKeys(key, obj[key], result);
return result;
console.log(recursiveKeys('', obj))
function getKeys(obj) {
return Object.keys((typeof obj === 'object' && obj) || {}).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
const keys = getKeys(obj[key]);
keys.forEach((k) => acc.add(`${key}.${k}`));
} else {
return acc;
}, new Set());
// accumulate the keys in a set (the items of the array may
// have different shapes). All of the possible keys will be
// stored in a set
const s = itemsArray.reduce(
(acc, item) => new Set([...acc, ...getKeys(item)]),
new Set()
console.log('Keys => ', Array.from(s));
You can use recursion as follows. Since typeof([1,3,5]) is object, we also have to confirm that value is not an array, !Array.isArray(value):
const obj = { id: 10, obj: {name: "Name1", obj2: {name2: "Name2", test: "Test"}}};
const getKeys = (o,p) => Object.entries(o).flatMap(([key,value]) =>
typeof(value) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value) ?
getKeys(value, (p?`${p}.`:"") + key) :
(p ? `${p}.`: "") + key
console.log( getKeys(obj) );

Loop through an object and only return certain keys together with their values

Given the following object, how can I loop through this object inorder to obtain both keys and values but only for the following keys:
"myName": "Demo"
"active": "Y"
"myCode": "123456789"
"myType": 1
let a = {
"values": {
"myName": "Demo",
"active": "Y",
"myCode": "123456789",
"myType": 1,
"myGroups": [
"myGroupName": "Group 1",
"myTypes": [
"myTypeName": "323232",
"myTypeId": "1"
"myGroupName": "Group 2",
"myTypes": [
"myTypeName": "523232",
"myTypeId": "2"
I have tried:
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(a.values)) {
console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
but this will return all keys with their values.
You can use a dictionary (array) to contain the keys you want to extract the properties for, and then reduce over the values with Object.entries to produce a new object matching only those entries included in the dictionary.
let a = {
"values": {
"myName": "Demo",
"active": "Y",
"myCode": "123456789",
"myType": 1,
"myGroups": [{
"myGroupName": "Group 1",
"myTypes": [{
"myTypeName": "323232",
"myTypeId": "1"
"myGroupName": "Group 2",
"myTypes": [{
"myTypeName": "523232",
"myTypeId": "2"
const arr = [ 'myName', 'active', 'myCode', 'myType' ];
const out = Object.entries(a.values).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
if (arr.includes(key)) acc[key] = value;
return acc;
}, {});
The best answer would be to set up an array of the desired keys and then iterate over that array instead of an array of the original object's entries. This is how you would achieve that:
let a = {
values: {
myName: "Demo",
active: "Y",
myCode: "123456789",
myType: 1,
myGroups: [{
myGroupName: "Group 1",
myTypes: [{
myTypeName: "323232",
myTypeId: "1"
}, {
myGroupName: "Group 2",
myTypes: [{
myTypeName: "523232",
myTypeId: "2"
const keys = ['myName', 'active', 'myCode', 'myType'];
const cherryPick = (obj, keys) => keys.reduce((a,c) => (a[c] = obj[c], a), {});
console.log(cherryPick(a.values, keys));
The above example will work for many provided keys. If a key does not exist in the supplied object, its value will be undefined. If you want to only keep properties which have values, simply add an optional filter to the cherryPick() function, like this:
let test = {
a: 1,
b: 2
const keys = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const cherryPick = (obj, keys, filter = 0) => keys.filter(key => filter ? obj[key] : 1).reduce((acc,key) => (acc[key] = obj[key], acc), {});
console.log('STORE undefined :: cherryPick(test, keys)', cherryPick(test, keys));
console.log('FILTER undefined :: cherryPick(test, keys, 1)', cherryPick(test, keys, true));
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Javascript: merge cartesian array of objects

I have below array of objects
and I want to convert it format below
How do we go about it, basic assumption what multi-tier map based operation, food for thoughts
Assistance is appreciated!
Beside the hardcoded answer, you could take a dynamic approach and get first an object with flat arrays of data and build an array of the cartesian product.
function getCartesian(object) {
return Object.entries(object).reduce((r, [k, v]) => {
var temp = [];
r.forEach(s =>
(Array.isArray(v) ? v : [v]).forEach(w =>
(w && typeof w === 'object' ? getCartesian(w) : [w]).forEach(x =>
temp.push(Object.assign({}, s, { [k]: x }))
return temp;
}, [{}]);
data = { roleid: [{ rolename: [1639] }], modnameid: [{ mname: [1516, 1515, 1514] }], accesstype: [{ accesstype: ["VO", "AA"] }] },
flat = v => v && typeof v === 'object'
? Object.values(v).flatMap(flat)
: v;
temp = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(data).map(([k, v]) => [k, flat(v)]));
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can user
let data = {
"roleid": [{ "rolename": [1639] }],
"modnameid": [{ "mname": [1516, 1515, 1514] }],
"accesstype": [{ "accesstype": ["VO", "AA"] }]
let roles = []
data.roleid.forEach(element => {
roles = [...roles, ...element.rolename]
let names = []
data.modnameid.forEach(element => {
names = [...names, ...element.mname]
let types = []
data.accesstype.forEach(element => {
types = [...types, ...element.accesstype]
let informations = []
roles.forEach(role => {
names.forEach(name => {
types.forEach(type => {
informations.push({ "modnameid": role, "accesstype": type, "roleid": name })

Transform a nested object using lodash

const a = {
"8": [{
"strategy": 123,
"id": 1,
"config": {
"global_dag_conf": {
"algo_v2_conf": {
"features_to_combine": [],
"segments": [],
"force_performance": false,
"min_bid": 0,
"max_bid": 13
"13": [{
"strategy": 456,
"id": 2,
"config": {
"global_dag_conf": {
"algo_v2_conf": {
"ivr_measured": []
"8": [
"global_dag_conf": {
"algo_v2_conf": {
"features_to_combine": [],
"segments": [],
"force_performance": false,
"min_bid": 0,
"max_bid": 13
"algo_id": 1
"13": [
"global_dag_conf": {
"algo_v2_conf": {
"ivr_measured": []
"algo_id": 2
I tried below solution which works fine but need to know if is there any better way to do this using lodash and JS.
result =, (algoType) => {
addtionalAlgos[algoType] =[algoType], v => _.assign(v.config, { algo_id: }));
return addtionalAlgos;
Here's a solution without using lodash:
Use Object.entries() to get an array of key-value pairs
Create a new object by using reduce over the array
Use map to create a new array of objects.
Destructure each object to get id and config. Spread the config variable to remove one level of nesting
const input = {"8":[{"strategy":123,"id":1,"config":{"global_dag_conf":{"algo_v2_conf":{"features_to_combine":[],"segments":[],"force_performance":false,"min_bid":0,"max_bid":13}}}}],"13":[{"strategy":456,"id":2,"config":{"global_dag_conf":{"algo_v2_conf":{"ivr_measured":[]}}}}]}
const output =
.reduce((r, [key, value]) => {
r[key] ={ id, config }) => ({ algo_id: id, ...config }));
return r;
}, {})
Use _.mapValues() to iterate the keys, and with object destructuring and spread syntax to reformat the object:
const data = {"8":[{"strategy":123,"id":1,"config":{"global_dag_conf":{"algo_v2_conf":{"features_to_combine":[],"segments":[],"force_performance":false,"min_bid":0,"max_bid":13}}}}],"13":[{"strategy":456,"id":2,"config":{"global_dag_conf":{"algo_v2_conf":{"ivr_measured":[]}}}}]}
const result = _.mapValues(data,
arr =>{ id: algo_id, config }) =>
({ algo_id, ...config })
<script src=""></script>
A pure Lodash solution using mapValues, map and assign methods
let data = {"8":[{"strategy":123,"id":1,"config":{"global_dag_conf":{"algo_v2_conf":{"features_to_combine":[],"segments":[],"force_performance":false,"min_bid":0,"max_bid":13}}}}],"13":[{"strategy":456,"id":2,"config":{"global_dag_conf":{"algo_v2_conf":{"ivr_measured":[]}}}}]};
let res = _.mapValues(data, arr =>, obj => _.assign({
'global_dag_conf': obj.config.global_dag_conf
<script src=""></script>
An alternative without lodash.
The function reduce allows to generate an object which will be filled using the function map which transforms the original objects to the desired structure.
const a = { "8": [{ "strategy": 123, "id": 1, "config": { "global_dag_conf": { "algo_v2_conf": { "features_to_combine": [], "segments": [], "force_performance": false, "min_bid": 0, "max_bid": 13 } } } }], "13": [{ "strategy": 456, "id": 2, "config": { "global_dag_conf": { "algo_v2_conf": { "ivr_measured": [] } } } }] };
let result = Object.entries(a).reduce((a, [key, arr]) => {
return Object.assign(a, {[key]:{id: algo_id, config}) => ({algo_id, ...config}))});
}, Object.create(null));
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How can i get an object from an array of objects

At the entrance I have such an array with objects.
Function that converts an incoming array of objects into an object.
Using the function, I need to bring it to this form.
var array = [
{ k1:v1 },
{ k2:v2 },
{ k3:v3 }
function arrayToObject(array) { return object }
var object = {
v1: k1,
v2: k2,
v3: k3,
You could taske Object.assign and spread the reversed objects.
var array = [ { k1: 'v1' }, { k2: 'v2' }, { k3: 'v3' }],
object = Object.assign( => Object
.reduce((r, [k, v]) => Object.assign(r, { [v] : k }), {})
Use forEach loop
var array = [
{ k1:'v1' },
{ k2:'v2' },
{ k3:'v3' }
function a()
var obj={};
You can use Object.entries() and .reduce() methods to get the desired output:
const array = [
{ k1:'v1' },
{ k2:'v2' },
{ k3:'v3' }
const obj = Object.entries(
array.reduce((r, c) => Object.assign(r, c), {})
).reduce((r, [k, v]) => (r[v] = k, r), {});
Array.reduce and use Object.keys over each array element.
var array = [
{ k1: 'v1' },
{ k2: 'v2' },
{ k3: 'v3' }
var obj = array.reduce((obj, item) => {
Object.keys(item).forEach(key => obj[item[key]] = key)
return obj
}, {})
And another one:
const result = {};
for(const [[key, value]] of
result[value] = key;
I am not sure why the other answers go through hoops to make this as clever as possible.
I find this more readable. I am not using reduce because I find the word misleading. A simple forEach makes more sense to me
const array = [
{ k1:'v1' },
{ k2:'v2' },
{ k3:'v3' }
let newObj={};
array.forEach((obj) => {
let key = Object.keys(obj)[0];
your answer..
var array = [
{ k1: v1 },
{ k2: v2 },
{ k3: v3 }
function arrayToObject(array) {
obj = {};
for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
o = array[i];
key = Object.keys(o)[0];
obj.key = o.key;
return obj;

