passing props data to component which i can only access with routes - javascript

My router file
import DomainAction from './components/domainaction/DomainAction.vue'
{ path: '/domainaction' , component: DomainAction },
router link File
<router-link to="/domainaction" tag="li" class="list-group-item "class-active="active" exact > Domain Action</router-link>
From another routes going to the domainaction Route like this
My Actual DomainAction component
export default {
I want to pass data props from itemAction function .
How do i achieve this ?
I'm new to vue js .Sorry if my question is not very complete.

Well if you just need to pass a property (a value) to the component, you just need to use data passing via the router's props: mode.
And receive using this.$router within the component.
Alternatively you can use the Vuex for data passing.
So that you can make a communication between components outside this form that was informed, both components have to be parent and child, ie, 1 calls the other inside it, so yes you can pass the values, otherwise it should be used, or the data path via route, or via vuex which is the vue status manager.
There is also the following possibility, as requested in this question.
Passing props to Vue.js components instantiated by Vue-router

Note that sosmii is right about using a Vuex to share data across components.
But if you're looking into pass soma data as params using routes, you have to change a little bit how you're defining the components routes. Using a routers params you would be able to pass props, then you can push the route and add params. See example below.
And related question:
Passing props with programmatic navigation Vue.js
const DomainActionA = {
props: ['dataProp'],
template: '<div>A data: {{dataProp}}</div>'
const DomainActionB = {
props: ['dataProp'],
template: '<div>B data: {{dataProp}}</div>'
const routes = [
path: '/DomainActionA/:dataProp',
name: 'domainA',
component: DomainActionA,
props: true },
path: '/DomainActionB/:dataProp',
name: 'domainB',
component: DomainActionB,
props: true
const router = new VueRouter({
const app = new Vue({
methods: {
goToA() {
this.$router.push({name: 'domainA', params: {dataProp: "blah"}})
goToB() {
this.$router.push({name: 'domainB', params: {dataProp: "bleh"}})
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<h1>Hello Router!</h1>
<button #click="goToA()">Go A with params: { data: "blah" }</button>
<button #click="goToB()">Go B with params: { data: "bleh" }</button>
<h2>router view</h2>

you should use vuex
props are designed to pass variables from a parent component to child components,
so it is unusual to use it when you want to share data between pages.
an example of right usage of prop:
<child-component :data="data">
<child-component :data="anotherData">
so, if you want to share variables between pages, use vuex (store pattern) instead.
similar question:


How to resolve $route in VueRouter without mounting <router-view />?

I have a situation hard to handle, because of the way vue-router resolves itself.
So basically in an SPA:
I want to show a loader while fetching the current user's data & thus not render <router-view /> until then
because the page rendered could need the user's data
The loader shown depends on a route parameter
Currently I'm doing something similar to:
export default {
data: () => ({ authReady: false }),
created() {
// just imagine this fetches the user and sets it on the global state
this$store.dispatch('auth/fetch').finally(() => {
this.authReady = true
<div v-if="authReady"> <router-view /> </div>
<div v-else> <my-loader :type="$route.query.someParam" /> </div>
Full example here:
Try with url: inside the codesandbox browser
The issue here is that $route.query & even $route.params only exists when the route is resolved, and that only happens if <router-view /> is mounted.
How can I go around this?
Except by extracting <router-view /> outside the v-if & adding the v-if on all my route components :
which would be repetitive, cumbersome & prone to errors
My only solution today was to parse myself to determine the query params.
You could use a nested route off the main route in App.vue, so that a <router-view> would be mounted (and $route.query would thus be available):
Copy your existing App.vue (which conditionally renders the <router-view>) into Home.vue.
Update your root route config to point to Home.vue; and to include a children array, containing the route config for the target page (PageA) with a blank path:
// main.js
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: "history",
routes: [
name: "home",
path: "/",
component: () => import("./Home.vue"), // 1️⃣
// 2️⃣
children: [
name: "pageA",
path: "",
component: () => import("./PageA.vue")
Update App.vue to show the <router-view>:
<div id="app">
<router-view />
Okay so I found a clean enough method for my use-case: wait for the router to be resolved with router.onReady hook.
It seems the router gets resolved in that hook, even when no <router-view /> exists.
So the new code is:
export default {
data: () => ({ routerReady: false, authReady: false }),
created() {
// just imagine this fetches the user and sets it on the global state
this.$store.dispatch('auth/fetch').finally(() => {
this.authReady = true
this.$router.onReady(() => {
this.routerReady = true;
<div v-if="routerReady">
<div v-if="authReady"> <router-view /> </div>
<div v-else> <my-loader :type="$route.query.someParam" /> </div>

How to throw data to main App.vue from views? [duplicate]

I have two components:
In my App.vue component, I have a property that I would like to access from Sidekick.vue
<div id="app">
<p>{{ myData }}</p>
<div class="sidebar">
<router-view/> // our sidekick component is shown here
export default {
name: 'App',
data () {
return {
myData: 'is just this string'
<div class="sidekick">
{{ myData }}
export default {
name: 'Sidekick'
I would like access to myData (which is declared in App.vue) from Sidekick.vue
I have tried importing App.vue from within Sidekick.vue by doing something like:
Sidekick.vue (incorrect attempt)
import App from '#/App'
export default {
name: 'Sidekick',
data () {
return {
myData: App.myData
I have read about props - but have only seen references to child / parent components. In my case, Sidekick.vue is shown in a div inside App.vue (not sure if this makes it a "child"). Do I need to give access of myData to <router-view/> somehow?
UPDATE: (to show relationship between App.vue and Sidekick.vue
index.js (router file)
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import Sidekick from '#/components/Sidekick',
import FakeComponent from '#/components/FakeComponent'
const router = new Router({
routes: [
path: '/',
redirect: '/fakecomponent'
path: '/sidekick',
name: 'Sidekick',
component: Sidekick
path: '/fakecomponent',
name: 'FakeComponent',
component: FakeComponent
export default router
Sidekick.vue gets rendered when we hit /sidekick
Just keep in mind, the rule of thumb is using props to pass data in a one-way flow
props down, events up.
Quick solution:
Global event bus to post messages between your <App/> and <Sidekick/> components.
Long term solution:
Use a state management library like vuex to better encapsulates data in one place (a global store) and subscribe it from your components tree using import { mapState, mapMutations } from 'vuex'
When you have parent-child communication, the best and recommended
option is to use props and events. Read more in Vue docs
When want to have shared state between many components the best and
recommended way is to use Vuex.
If you want to use simple data sharing you can use Vue observable.
Simple example: Say that you have a game and you want the errors to be accessible by many components. (components can access it and manipulate it).
import Vue from "vue";
export const errors = Vue.observable({ count: 0 });
import { errors } from 'path-of-errors.js'
export default {
computed: {
errors () {
get () { return errors.count },
set (val) { errors.count = val }
In Component1 the errors.count is reactive. So if as a template you have:
Errors: {{ errors }}
<button #click="errors++">Increase</button>
While you click the Increase button, you will see the errors increasing.
As you might expect, when you import the errors.js in another component, then both components can participate on manipulating the errors.count.
Note: Even though you might use the Vue.observable API for simple data sharing you should be aware that this is a very powerful API. For example read Using Vue Observables as a State Store
<router-view pass_data='myData'/>
export default {
name: "Sidekick",
props: ["pass_data"],
created() {
alert("pass_data: "+this.pass_data)
If App.js(Parent) and Sidekick(Child)
in Template
In script
import Sidekick from './Sidekick.vue:
props: ['myData']
now you can access myData anywhere in sidekick.
In template myData and
in scripts this.myData

Basic Vue help: Accessing JS object values in component

I’ve been experimenting with vue.js and I'm having difficulty accessing JS object values in components when routing.
Using this repo to experiment,, I'm just trying to replicate a basic a “product list” and “product description” app, but I can't get it working. The repo's homepage (the SearchPage.vue component) serves as the "product list," and I'm just trying to add the "product description" component to display only one item at a time.
I've added a "description page" component (calling it "item.vue") to allow a user to click on one of the languages/frameworks that will then route to item.vue to just display that specific object's associated information (, item.logo, etc.), i.e., and not display any of the other languages.
Following some tutorials, here's what I've tried:
First, I added ids to the JS objects (found in data/data.js), i.e., id:'1'.
const data = [
id: '1',
name: 'vue js',
logo: 'http://... .png',
stack: [ 'framework', 'frontend', 'web', 'mobile' ],
id: '2',
name: 'react js',
logo: 'http://... .png',
stack: [ 'framework', 'frontend', 'web', 'mobile' ]
export default data
Then, I wrapped the (in ItemCard.vue) in router-link tags:
<router-link :to="'/item/'"> {{}} </router-link>
I then added a new path in router/index.js:
path: './item/:id',
component: item,
props: true
But, when that router-link is clicked I can only access the ".id" (via $, but I can't get .name or .logo. How do I access the other values (i.e., item.logo, etc.)? I have a feeling I'm going down the wrong track here.
Thank you so much for your help.
The only reason you have access the id because it's an url param: ./item/:id.
You have a couple options here, which depends on what you're trying to accomplish:
As suggested by #dziraf, you can use vuex to create a store, which in turn would give you access to all the data at any point in your app:
export default {
computed: {
data() {
return this.$;
Learn more here:
As an alternative, you can just import your data, and grab the correct item by its id:
import data from './data.js';
export default {
computed: {
data() {
return data.find(d => === this.$;
Just depends on what you're trying to do.
I guess you just need a wrapper component that takes the desired item from the URL and renders the proper item. Let's say an ItemWrapper:
<item-card :item="item"></item-card>
import ItemCard from './ItemCard.vue';
import data from '../data/data';
export default {
components: {
props: {
stackNameUrl: {
required: true,
type: String,
data() {
return {
item: {},
computed: {
stackName() {
return decodeURI(this.stackNameUrl);
created() {
this.item = data.find( fw => === this.stackName);
This component takes a prop which is a stack/fw name uri encoded, decodes it, finds the fw from data based on such string, and renders an ItemCard with the fw item.
For this to work we need to setup the router so /item/vue js f.i. renders ItemWrapper with 'vue js' as the stackNameUrl prop. To do so, the important bit is to set props as true:
import Vue from 'vue';
import Router from 'vue-router';
import SearchPage from '#/components/SearchPage';
import ItemWrapper from '#/components/ItemWrapper';
export default new Router({
routes: [
path: '/',
name: 'SearchPage',
component: SearchPage
path: '/item/:stackNameUrl',
name: 'ItemWrapper',
component: ItemWrapper,
props: true,
Now we need to modify SearchPage.vue to let the stack boxes act as links. Instead of:
<!-- iterate data -->
<item-card v-for="(item, index) in filteredData" :key="index" :item="item"></item-card>
we now place:
<template v-for="(item, index) in filteredData" >
<router-link :to="'/item/' +" :key="index">
<item-card :key="index" :item="item"></item-card>
So now every component is placed within a link to item/name.
And voilá.
Some considerations:
the :param is key for the vue router to work. You wanted to use it to render the ItemCard itself. That could work, but you would need to retrieve the fw from data from the component created(). This ties your card component with data.js which is bad, because such component is meant to be reusable, and take an item param is much better than go grabbing data from a file in such scenario. So a ItemWrapper was created that sort of proxies the request and pick the correct framework for the card.
You should still check for cases when an user types a bad string.
Explore Vue in depth before going for vuex solutions. Vuex is great but usually leads to brittle code and shouldn't be overused.

Why is component props undefined (vue router)

I am new to Vue and I'm trying to learn how to apply Vue router. I got normal routing to work no problem. When I try to use dynamic routing everything continued to work fine. When I tried to pass props to dynamic routes however my code breaks.
I'm using these cdn versions of Vue and Vue router which are the versions suggested by the official websites:
<div id="app">
<h1>{{ message }}</h1>
<router-link to="/">Home</router-link>
<router-link to="/about">About</router-link>
<router-link to="/user/John">Name</router-link>
<!-- route outlet -->
<!-- component matched by route will render here -->
The JS
// Route components
const Home = { template: '<div>Home</div>' };
const About = { template: '<div>About</div>' };
const User = { props: ['name'], template: `
<div>User {{ name }}</div>
<button #click="checkName">Check</button>
methods: {
checkName: function() {
console.log('Params name: ' + this.$;
console.log('Props name: ' +;
// Routes for router
const routes = [
{ path: '/', component: Home },
{ path: '/home', redirect: Home },
{ path: '/about', component: About },
{ path: '/user/:name', component: User, props: true }
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: routes
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'VueJS Router'
router: router
When I navigate to the 'Name' page the static text renders fine but the dynamic text fails to load. I added a button that will log the value of name from props and from $route.params to the user. When clicked it turns out that the value of name in props is undefined but the value of name from params is correct. Why is this?
If you're sticking with VueRouter#2.0.0 or lower :
The name that you expect is not passed as a prop but as a route param, cf. Dynamic route matching.
You need to access it from your template as follow : $
You could also use a computed value instead.
If you can update VueRouter
As stated in another answer, and according to the release note of VueRouter#2.2.0, passing down route params as props has only been introduced in v2.2.0, you were using v2.0.0. If you would like to use props you would need to update to (at least) v2.2.0.
CDN link provided on the Vue Router installation page was outdated. Instead of:
Answer provided here:

Vuejs Share Data Between Components

I have two components:
In my App.vue component, I have a property that I would like to access from Sidekick.vue
<div id="app">
<p>{{ myData }}</p>
<div class="sidebar">
<router-view/> // our sidekick component is shown here
export default {
name: 'App',
data () {
return {
myData: 'is just this string'
<div class="sidekick">
{{ myData }}
export default {
name: 'Sidekick'
I would like access to myData (which is declared in App.vue) from Sidekick.vue
I have tried importing App.vue from within Sidekick.vue by doing something like:
Sidekick.vue (incorrect attempt)
import App from '#/App'
export default {
name: 'Sidekick',
data () {
return {
myData: App.myData
I have read about props - but have only seen references to child / parent components. In my case, Sidekick.vue is shown in a div inside App.vue (not sure if this makes it a "child"). Do I need to give access of myData to <router-view/> somehow?
UPDATE: (to show relationship between App.vue and Sidekick.vue
index.js (router file)
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import Sidekick from '#/components/Sidekick',
import FakeComponent from '#/components/FakeComponent'
const router = new Router({
routes: [
path: '/',
redirect: '/fakecomponent'
path: '/sidekick',
name: 'Sidekick',
component: Sidekick
path: '/fakecomponent',
name: 'FakeComponent',
component: FakeComponent
export default router
Sidekick.vue gets rendered when we hit /sidekick
Just keep in mind, the rule of thumb is using props to pass data in a one-way flow
props down, events up.
Quick solution:
Global event bus to post messages between your <App/> and <Sidekick/> components.
Long term solution:
Use a state management library like vuex to better encapsulates data in one place (a global store) and subscribe it from your components tree using import { mapState, mapMutations } from 'vuex'
When you have parent-child communication, the best and recommended
option is to use props and events. Read more in Vue docs
When want to have shared state between many components the best and
recommended way is to use Vuex.
If you want to use simple data sharing you can use Vue observable.
Simple example: Say that you have a game and you want the errors to be accessible by many components. (components can access it and manipulate it).
import Vue from "vue";
export const errors = Vue.observable({ count: 0 });
import { errors } from 'path-of-errors.js'
export default {
computed: {
errors () {
get () { return errors.count },
set (val) { errors.count = val }
In Component1 the errors.count is reactive. So if as a template you have:
Errors: {{ errors }}
<button #click="errors++">Increase</button>
While you click the Increase button, you will see the errors increasing.
As you might expect, when you import the errors.js in another component, then both components can participate on manipulating the errors.count.
Note: Even though you might use the Vue.observable API for simple data sharing you should be aware that this is a very powerful API. For example read Using Vue Observables as a State Store
<router-view pass_data='myData'/>
export default {
name: "Sidekick",
props: ["pass_data"],
created() {
alert("pass_data: "+this.pass_data)
If App.js(Parent) and Sidekick(Child)
in Template
In script
import Sidekick from './Sidekick.vue:
props: ['myData']
now you can access myData anywhere in sidekick.
In template myData and
in scripts this.myData

