JSON route matching via regex - javascript

Consider I have following JSON object
var urls = {
and if I have string "GET/users/10". How can I use this as key to get the value from urls JSON i.e. "GET/users/10" should match "GET/users/:id".
I don't want to iterate urls JSON and use regex for every key.
Is there a way to access JSON object using regex?
Thanks in advance.

Here is something that should work for you. I took some of the pieces from the Durandal router's RegEx matching logic which basically dynamically creates a regular expression object based on a defined route string and then tests with it against a passed string.
Here is the working example:
var urls = {
"GET/users/:id": 1,
"POST/users": 0
const getRouteRegExp = (
routesAreCaseSensitive = false,
optionalParam = /\((.*?)\)/g,
namedParam = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g,
splatParam = /\*\w+/g,
escapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g
) => {
routeString = routeString.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&')
.replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?')
.replace(namedParam, function(match, optional) {
return optional ? match : '([^\/]+)';
.replace(splatParam, '(.*?)');
return new RegExp('^' + routeString + '$', routesAreCaseSensitive ? undefined : 'i');
const getRouteByString = (string) => {
var resultArr = Object.entries(urls).find(([k, v]) => {
var regEx = getRouteRegExp(k)
return regEx.test(string)
}) || []
return resultArr[0]
So what you have is the getRouteRegExp function which is the main thing here which would compose a regular expression object based on a passed route.
After that we go and for each existing route defined in urls we create one RegExp and try to match it against the provided string route. This is what the find does. If one is found we return it.
Since we are doing Object.entries we return the 0 index which contains the result.
Since this comes straight from the Durandal bits it supports all the route expressions that are built in Durandal ... like:
Static route: tickets
Parameterized: tickets/:id
Optional Parameter: users(/:id)
Splat Route: settings*details
You can read more about Durandal Router here

From your question what I can understand is your key is dynamic, so you can do something like this:
var urls = {
let id = 10
const yourValue = urls["GET/users/" + id]

You can use this code to
var urls = {
var regex = /"([^"]+?)"\s*/g;
var urlsJson = JSON.stringify(urls);
let result = regex.exec(urlsJson)
if(result && result.length > 0) {
var keyJson = result[1];
var value = urls[keyJson]
console.log('value', value)

Try Something like this:
const urls = (id) => ({
I hope it may be helpful.

The json would look fine, just do a replace on the url, so replace the ending integer with :id and then you have the key by which you can directly access the value in the json.
var url = "GET/users/10";
var urls = {
url = url.replace(/users\/\d+/, 'users/:id');
Do as many replaces on the url to convert all possible url's to the keys in your json.


How to replace this url to my a format id that i want, thanks [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Reference - What does this regex mean?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
Is there any way (maybe a regex) to replace the id dynamic to "id"
I use js and typescript
The original url:
The url i want:
Here's a solution using regex:
function replaceURL(url, data) {
Object.entries(data).forEach(([key, value]) => url = url.replace(new RegExp(`(?<=${key}\\/)\\w+`, 'g'), value));
return url;
// the original url
const url = 'localhost:4200/reservations/5eda023aed43c1e46d6ce804/properties/5ca199fdda8ba619695b5728';
// put what you want to replace in this object
const data = {
reservations: 'id',
properties: 'id'
const result = replaceURL(url, data);
I think I overthought the situation, if you just want to replace the text similar to 5eda023aed43c1e46d6ce804, you can just use the following regex:
const regex = /(?<=\/)[0-9a-f]{24,}/g;
let url = 'localhost:4200/reservations/5eda023aed43c1e46d6ce804/properties/5ca199fdda8ba619695b5728';
let result = url.replace(regex, 'id');
url = 'http://localhost:4200/minibar/items/5efdcee02c37c160e8a5bbe1';
result = url.replace(regex, 'id');
You can try this
let url = 'localhost:4200/reservations/5eda023aed43c1e46d6ce804/properties/5ca199fdda8ba619695b5728';
let replacedUrl = url.replace(/\/[a-fA-F0-9]{24}/g, "/id");
If your url format is fix then you can use this simple code.
var link=" localhost:4200/reservations/5eda023aed43c1e46d6ce804/properties/5ca199fdda8ba619695b5728";
//var link="http://localhost:4200/minibar/items/5efdcee02c37c160e8a5bbe1"
var hasNumber = /\d/;
var linkParts=link.split("/");
var i=link.indexOf("http")==0?3:2;
if(linkParts[i].length>20 && hasNumber.test(linkParts[i]))
You can simply replace the exact id with what you want.
let url = 'localhost:4200/reservations/5eda023aed43c1e46d6ce804/properties/5ca199fdda8ba619695b5728';
let id = '5eda023aed43c1e46d6ce804' // the id to replace
let rx = new RegExp(id,"g"); // use "g" to indicate it should should ALL ids in the string
url = url.replace(rx, "id") // this will replace the dynamic id with the word "id"
// localhost:4200/reservations/id/properties/id

Display page name in javascript?

How would I add location.href.split('/').pop() to a html document to display the page name? (not the whole URL) I would like to display the page name ONLY.
if the page was "www.example.com/whaterver/mypage.html"
it would display "mypage".
What would be the full script? I am new to javascript and I found this online but I don't know the whole code. could anyone help me out?
I would stick it in a function in case you need to reuse it elsewhere in your code. Just split the page name at the end and take the first element:
function getPageName(url) {
return url.split('/').pop().split('.')[0];
You can pass in the actual URL:
var pageName = getPageName('www.example.com/whaterver/mypage.html'); // mypage
Or, using location.href:
var pageName = getPageName(location.href); // mypage
I might also be inclined to return something if there is no match for *.html, so here's a revised function that returns null if there isn't a match:
function getPageName(url) {
var pageName = url.split('/').pop().split('.')[0];
return pageName.length > 0 ? pageName : null;
Note: If you do .split('.') like other solutions instruct, you will miss the base names from many URLs.
You can find the last forward slash and search ahead for the first ., ?, & or # to catch variations of URLs. This is the equivalent of PHP's basename
function getBaseName(url) {
if(!url || (url && url.length === 0)) {
return "";
var index = url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1;
var filenameWithExtension = url.substr(index);
var basename = filenameWithExtension.split(/[.?&#]+/)[0];
// Handle '/mypage/' type paths
if(basename.length === 0) {
url = url.substr(0,index-1);
basename = getBaseName(url);
return basename ? basename : "";
and use it like so
var url = "http://www.example.com/whaterver/mypage.html";
var file = getBaseName(url);
var file = getBaseName(location.pathname); // The current script page
http://www.example.com/whaterver/mypage/ => "mypage"
http://www.example.com/whaterver/mypage.html => "mypage"
http://www.example.com/whaterver/mypage => "mypage"
http://www.example.com/whaterver/mypage/ => "mypage"
http://www.example.com/whaterver/mypage#works => "mypage"
http://www.example.com/whaterver/mypage?ver=1 => "mypage"
JSBin Demo

Search URL parameters with Angular JS

Say I have a URL like this:
Now, I need to access those URL parameters individually using Angular JS.
I've tried using location.search inside my controller:
Which nicely returns the full query string:
But it seems to return a string, not an object. Is there an easy way to access the individual ids and values in the string?
I've also tried:
Which seems to return an empty object.
Try with
var account = ($location.search()).account;
but the url should be like /#!/?account=1
have your tried using it as a function instead?
pure js way:
var getParamFromURL = function(_url) {
var url = _url;
var _paraString = url.indexOf("&") > -1 ? url.substring(url.indexOf("?") + 1, url.length).split("&") : url.substring(url.indexOf("?") + 1, url.length).split('');
var _paraObj = {};
for (i = 0; p = _paraString[i]; i++) {
_paraObj[p.substring(0, p.indexOf("=")).toLowerCase()] = p.substring(p.indexOf("=") + 1, p.length);
return _paraObj;
via angular js:
// Given:
// URL: http://server.com/index.html#/Chapter/1/Section/2?search=moby
// Route: /Chapter/:chapterId/Section/:sectionId
// Then
$routeParams ==> {chapterId:'1', sectionId:'2', search:'moby'}
Great. #Cooper is right.

How to obtain the query string from the current URL with JavaScript?

I have URL like this:
What I need to do is to get the details after the ? sign (query string) - that is ProjectID=462. How can I get that using JavaScript?
What I've done so far is this:
var url = window.location.toString();
I don't know what to do next.
Have a look at the MDN article about window.location.
The QueryString is available in window.location.search.
If you want a more convenient interface to work with, you can use the searchParams property of the URL interface, which returns a URLSearchParams object. The returned object has a number of convenient methods, including a get-method. So the equivalent of the above example would be:
let params = (new URL(document.location)).searchParams;
let name = params.get("name");
The URLSearchParams interface can also be used to parse strings in a querystring format, and turn them into a handy URLSearchParams object.
let paramsString = "name=foo&age=1337"
let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(paramsString);
searchParams.has("name") === true; // true
searchParams.get("age") === "1337"; // true
The URLSearchParams interface is now widely adopted in browsers (95%+ according to Can I Use), but if you do need to support legacy browsers as well, you can use a polyfill.
Use window.location.search to get everything after ? including ?
var url = window.location.search;
url = url.replace("?", ''); // remove the ?
alert(url); //alerts ProjectID=462 is your case
.replace('?', '')
.map(param => param.split('='))
.reduce((values, [ key, value ]) => {
values[ key ] = value
return values
}, {})
If you happened to use Typescript and have dom in your the lib of tsconfig.json, you can do:
const url: URL = new URL(window.location.href);
const params: URLSearchParams = url.searchParams;
// get target key/value from URLSearchParams object
const yourParamValue: string = params.get('yourParamKey');
// To append, you can also leverage api to avoid the `?` check
params.append('newKey', 'newValue');
You can use this for direct find value via params name.
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const myParam = urlParams.get('myParam');
This will add a global function to access to the queryString variables as a map.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add function for 'window.location.query( [queryString] )' which returns an object
// of querystring keys and their values. An optional string parameter can be used as
// an alternative to 'window.location.search'.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add function for 'window.location.query.makeString( object, [addQuestionMark] )'
// which returns a queryString from an object. An optional boolean parameter can be
// used to toggle a leading question mark.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!window.location.query) {
window.location.query = function (source) {
var map = {};
source = source || this.search;
if ("" != source) {
var groups = source, i;
if (groups.indexOf("?") == 0) {
groups = groups.substr(1);
groups = groups.split("&");
for (i in groups) {
source = groups[i].split("=",
// For: xxx=, Prevents: [xxx, ""], Forces: [xxx]
(groups[i].slice(-1) !== "=") + 1
// Key
i = decodeURIComponent(source[0]);
// Value
source = source[1];
source = typeof source === "undefined"
? source
: decodeURIComponent(source);
// Save Duplicate Key
if (i in map) {
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(map[i]) !== "[object Array]") {
map[i] = [map[i]];
// Save New Key
else {
map[i] = source;
return map;
window.location.query.makeString = function (source, addQuestionMark) {
var str = "", i, ii, key;
if (typeof source == "boolean") {
addQuestionMark = source;
source = undefined;
if (source == undefined) {
str = window.location.search;
else {
for (i in source) {
key = "&" + encodeURIComponent(i);
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(source[i]) !== "[object Array]") {
str += key + addUndefindedValue(source[i]);
else {
for (ii = 0; ii < source[i].length; ii++) {
str += key + addUndefindedValue(source[i][ii]);
return (addQuestionMark === false ? "" : "?") + str.substr(1);
function addUndefindedValue(source) {
return typeof source === "undefined"
? ""
: "=" + encodeURIComponent(source);
You can simply use URLSearchParams().
Lets see we have a page with url:
On that page, you can get the query string using window.location.search and then extract them with URLSearchParams() class.
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
// 1
// game
Another example using a dynamic url (not from window.location), you can extract the url using URL object.
const url = new URL('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xJ27BtlM0c&ab_channel=FliteTest')
// ?v=6xJ27BtlM0c&ab_channel=FliteTest
This is a simple working snippet:
const urlInput = document.querySelector('input[type=url]')
const keyInput = document.querySelector('input[name=key]')
const button = document.querySelector('button')
const outputDiv = document.querySelector('#output')
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
const url = new URL(urlInput.value)
const params = new URLSearchParams(url.search)
output.innerHTML = params.get(keyInput.value)
div {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
<label>URL</label> <br>
<input type="url" value="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xJ27BtlM0c&ab_channel=FliteTest">
<label>Params key</label> <br>
<input type="text" name="key" value="v">
<button>Get Value</button>
<div id="output"></div>
You can use this function, for split string from ?id=
function myfunction(myvar){
var urls = myvar;
var myurls = urls.split("?id=");
var mylasturls = myurls[1];
var mynexturls = mylasturls.split("&");
var url = mynexturls[0];
here is the fiddle
window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1);
You can use the search property of the window.location object to obtain the query part of the URL. Note that it includes the question mark (?) at the beginning, just in case that affects how you intend to parse it.
You should take a look at the URL API that has helper methods to achieve this in it as the URLSearchParams: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URLSearchParams
This is not currently supported by all modern browsers, so don't forget to polyfill it (Polyfill available using https://qa.polyfill.io/).
var queryObj = {};
var queryString = url.split("?")[1];
now you have the query part in queryString
First replace will remove all the white spaces, second will replace all the '&' part with "," and finally the third replace will put ":" in place of '=' signs.
queryObj = JSON.parse('{"' + queryString.replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/&/g, '","').replace(/=/g,'":"') + '"}')
So let say you had a query like abc=123&efg=456. Now before parsing, your query is being converted into something like {"abc":"123","efg":"456"}. Now when you will parse this, it will give you your query in json object.
8 years later, for a one-liner
const search = Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(location.search));
Down-side, it does NOT work with IE11
To explain
The URLSearchParams interface defines utility methods to work with the query string of a URL. (From , https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URLSearchParams)
The Object.fromEntries() method transforms a list of key-value pairs into an object. (From, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/fromEntries)
// For https://caniuse.com/?search=fromEntries
> Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(location.search))
> {search: "fromEntries"}
Convert that into array then split with '?'
var url= 'http://localhost/PMApp/temp.htm?ProjectID=462';
url.split('?')[1]; //ProjectID=462
Try this one
* Get the value of a querystring
* #param {String} field The field to get the value of
* #param {String} url The URL to get the value from (optional)
* #return {String} The field value
var getQueryString = function ( field, url ) {
var href = url ? url : window.location.href;
var reg = new RegExp( '[?&]' + field + '=([^&#]*)', 'i' );
var string = reg.exec(href);
return string ? string[1] : null;
Let’s say your URL is http://example.com&this=chicken&that=sandwich. You want to get the value of this, that, and another.
var thisOne = getQueryString('this'); // returns 'chicken'
var thatOne = getQueryString('that'); // returns 'sandwich'
var anotherOne = getQueryString('another'); // returns null
If you want to use a URL other than the one in the window, you can pass one in as a second argument.
var yetAnotherOne = getQueryString('example', 'http://another-example.com&example=something'); // returns 'something'
I think it is way more safer to rely on the browser than any ingenious regex:
const parseUrl = function(url) {
const a = document.createElement('a')
a.href = url
return {
protocol: a.protocol ? a.protocol : null,
hostname: a.hostname ? a.hostname : null,
port: a.port ? a.port : null,
path: a.pathname ? a.pathname : null,
query: a.search ? a.search : null,
hash: a.hash ? a.hash : null,
host: a.host ? a.host : null
console.log( parseUrl(window.location.href) ) //stacksnippet
//to obtain a query
console.log( parseUrl( 'https://example.com?qwery=this').query )
This will return query parameters as an associative array
var queryParams =[];
var query= document.location.search.replace("?",'').split("&");
for(var i =0; i< query.length; i++)
var temp = query[i].split("=");
queryParams[temp[0]] = temp[1]
For React Native, React, and For Node project, below one is working
yarn add query-string
import queryString from 'query-string';
const parsed = queryString.parseUrl("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon?offset=10&limit=10");
console.log(parsed.offset) will display 10

Extracting parameters from JavaScript include tag using a Regex

I am currently trying to parse parameters from a path to a JavaScript file (inside a script tag). At the moment I know which parameters I expect to be there but instead of looking for the expected params I would rather like to just extract all params given.
Example of the script tag which includes a JavaScript file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://url/widget.js?param1=A&param2=bb></script>
At the moment I'm just doing this (seperately for each parameter):
jQuery('script').each(function() {
var script = this;
if (!script.src) {
var matchKey = script.match(/https\:\/\/url\/widget\.js\?param1=([A-Z]+)/);
if (matchKey) {
oSettings.param1 = matchKey[1];
So what I need is a regex that extracts both the name of the parameter and the value from the included sript.
Thanks for the assistance!
This tested function works:
function parse_query_vars(text)
{ // Extract name=value pairs from URL query string.
// Empty object to store name, value pairs.
var qvars = {},
// Capture non-empty query string in $1.
re_q = /\?([^#]+)/, // From '?' up to '#' or EOS.
// Capture variable name in $1 and value in $2.
re_nv = /([^=]+)=([^&]*)(?:&(amp;)?|$)/gi,
// Match array for query string and va=val pairs.
m = text.match(re_q),
// Query string plucked from URL
q = '';
// If there is a query string, copy to q var.
if (m) q = m[1];
while (m = re_nv.exec(q)) {
qvars[m[1]] = m[2];
return qvars; // Return results in object
It first extracts any query string from the URL, then iteratively parses out name=value pairs and returns the results in an object. It handles name value pairs separated by either & or & and works if the URL has a #fragment following the query.
Use something like this, or this, or this.
They're not all regex solutions, but then you don't necessarily need a regex. That was a detail that could probably have been left out of the question.
Hope that helps.
(This isn't actually tested)
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), i = scripts.length;
var reMatch = /https\:\/\/url\/widget\.js/, path;
// find the correct script
do {
path = scripts[i--].src;
while (!reMatch.test(path));
var map = {}, pairs = path.substring(path.indexOf("?") + 1).split("&"), atoms;
i = pairs.length;
// extract the name-value pairs
while (i--) {
atoms = pairs[i].split("=");
map[decodeURIComponent(atoms[0])] = decodeURIComponent(atoms[1]);

