create personalised videos based on user values - javascript

I'll do my best to explain my question clearly so apologies if it isn't crystal clear.
What I want to know (if it's possible) is how you would create a generic video, and somehow pass variables into some form of method, that would turn the video into a personalized video for the user based on their details. A good example of this is the Facebook videos that pop up every now and again saying "Hey, you've been friends with this person for x number of years! here's a video!" then the video is maybe 30 seconds of details about the friendship.
I can't imagine Facebook manually create those videos for billions of users, and that is my question, How is this done?
I'm looking at building an android app and potentially IOS as well.
Any help or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance

Facebook knows who your friends are and has access to both timelines and may look for tags or optical recognition to collect together a bunch of photos.
You can then put together process like a slideshow with variable text holders, the kind of thing you can find as an after effects template that will then output a video. There are a number of services who will do this for you too.
Animoto is another. If you look more in this direction I am sure you will be able to learn more about how it's done or find a third party who will do it for you.
You may find this the answer you are looking for: Javascript - Adding Full Screen Video to Image Slideshow


How to extend \ change \ customize the look and feel of AdaptiveCards?

We were able to release a working bot chat app within out company and all is good. But our UX team wants to make it look even better. I understand that there is a botchat.css which is part of the webChat component and we have made required changes to make it look as per the branding. But they have a few specific requirement.
for example, when there are more than 4 cards, we show it as carousel. UX team, wants to change this behavior and display 4 tiles. Out of which, first 3 tiles will be thumbnails and then 4th one will be "number" of remaining cards. (just like FB or What's App shows, when it has more pictures to show). Then when the user clicks on this 4th tile, it will open up a different screen/popup and show all the cards as list with a back button.
I understand that I probably dig around and find a way to do this through C# code and create columnSets and put these images as explained above, with help of site. With the help of those samples we were able to deliver the first version of our app and was very helpful.
What I am looking for is some high level opinion about what options we have to customize the look and feel of the client.
How about HostConfig? is it even an option?

Is it possible to make a mobile site using jQuery inside the ordinary html webpage?

This is my first time asking questions here and I have just started learning jQuery mobile so if it is not quite relevant or if it is just really obvious I apologize in advance.
What I am trying to do is build a mobile site for an online catalog for lots of books.
The original website has a very sophisticated way of filtering and sorting the search results based on the user's input and preference so unless it's absolutely necessary, I would really like to keep the original functionality of the website.
I was thinking maybe I can create a "mask" that looks like a mobile site to cover the real content; and whatever the user requests, I will go "underneath" the mask, do the search and when the data is loaded in the original website, I will then present them in a more mobile-friendly way.
So here is my question:
Is it possible to somehow include/embed a mobile site in the original html?
If so, could you please give me a few hints (books, articles, tutorials, anything) as to how I can approach this?
If not, could you please tell me how I should make the mobile site without having to re-create all the nice functionality that original website already has?
Thank you so much! :)
You could do this but you shouldn't. Mobile websites are optimized for mobile users. Not only as layout but also in loading weight. The direction you are heading you end up with a regular side (probably big in load) and add an overlay (extra load) to rebuild the layout (CPU heavy). So it's not the right way. A better solution is to create a optimized layout for mobile users only.

Disabling back, forward, seek for videos to be run on flash player

I want to take much control of the flash player playing my videos for the users on my website like I want to restrict them seeking to a position in the video, to initialize the video from the place the user left of at the first time they logged in and they wont be able to see again what they have already seen so far etc. Could you please help me how can I achieve this? I have never done ActionScript programming before but I know Javascript pretty well. Would that be possible with JS or so? Thanks.
The player would have to been deliberately designed to be configurable/scritable via JavaScript. If it is not, you are out of luck.

On Tumblr, is there a way to specify track titles for the Streampad player?

I'm using Streampad on a Tumblr-powered site and am running into an irritating little problem. By default, Streampad takes the captions to audio posts and uses them for the track titles, chopping them off awkwardly mid-sentence when it runs out of space (516px worth).
If you just use the "artist - track title" format for posts, that works just fine. As soon as you decide to start adding any kind of description or commentary, however, Streampad becomes a confusing mess for anyone interested in knowing what they're listening to.
I was wondering if there was any way to specify which text to include in Streampad's audio caption while excluding the rest of the post. Ideally, I'd like to have the player take the track information from Tumblr's {artist} and {TrackName} blocks, but I'd be happy with anything that allows me to add commentary to audio posts without it showing up in the Streampad player. If it's possible to do it cleanly with Javascript, great. I'd settle for a hack, though.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Try Tumblr Music Player instead at and all your problem will be solved.
I just made a post about Streampad here:
If you scroll to the bottom, you can find a script that instructs Streampad to grab the ID3 artist and ID3 title via Tumblr's API, instead of the usual audio post description.
There's a fallback too, in case there is no ID3 metadata.
I'm a year late, but just wanted to give you and anyone else a heads up in case anyone's still looking for a solution to this. :)

Is there a flash or javascript Solari Board available for use on a webpage?

I'm working on a web page which will display information updated periodically via javascript. I want to have it displayed in a Solari Board, complete with the flipping tiles animation. Is there an existing Flash or Javascript implementation I can use?
the real thing
Here's my super-lousy javascript test for one letter. The solution should take a string and figure out how to flip the existing letters to update it. On a real board they all start at once and each stop after the number of flips needed.
My demo
I found this other question here on Stack Overflow.
That led me to this example.
I think that person has worked out all the "nitty gritty" of doing the flip animation. That should be all you need to put together a working Solari board.
good luck.
I assume from the picture you used that you've seen this?
Maybe good for anyone else who is looking though.

