how to make all elements invisible in javascript? - javascript

I'm using the navigo vanilla javascript router library to make a single page application and I'm trying to implement this part.
.on('/products/list', function () {
// display all the products... here i need to hide and show
I thought the thing I need to do is hide and show some divs so how do i set all divs as invisible or make everything on the page invisible.
<div id="homepage">
<div id="ad">
<div id="errorpage">
<div class="state">
<span class="users">?</span> online
<script src=""></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>

Hide DIV using id
<div id="homepage">
using JQuery
Using Javascript
document.getElementById('homepage').style.display = 'none'; //hide
document.getElementById('homepage').style.visibility = 'hidden'; // hide
document.getElementById('homepage').style.display = 'block'; // Show
document.getElementById('homepage').style.display = 'inline'; // Show
document.getElementById('homepage').style.display = 'inline-block'; // Show
document.getElementById('homepage').style.visibility = 'visible'; // Show
If you want to hide all the div in page
Using JQuery
Using Javascript
var divs = ​document.getElementsByTagName("div");​
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
divs[i].style.display = 'none';

The easiest and most efficient way would be putting the products in a container (i.e. div) and set its display (to none and block) or it's visibility, or opacity (whichever floats your boat):
<div id="products">
to hide:
document.GetElementById("products").style.display = "none";
to show:
document.GetElementById("products").style.display = "block";


Count and display most recent blog posts in javascript

What is the javascript in order to only display posts 3 & 4 in order???
Also I need it be dynamic so if I put a 5th post it will only display 4th and 5th posts... I was thinking about something like a date function or a simple incrementor but can't seem to figure it out. I'm new to javascript and have been trying different things but no avail... Thanks in advance...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post4</h1>
<p class="post">post4</p>
<div id="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post3</h1>
<p class="post">post3</p>
<div id="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post2</h1>
<p class="post">post2</p>
<div id="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post1</h1>
<p class="post">post1</p>
// ???
You dont need script for that. You can do it with CSS.. I have changed your html little bit (made posts-div class in html).
.posts-div:nth-child(-n+2) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post5</h1>
<p class="post">post5</p>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post4</h1>
<p class="post">post4</p>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post3</h1>
<p class="post">post3</p>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post2</h1>
<p class="post">post2</p>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post1</h1>
<p class="post">post1</p>
// ???
You can test it on JSfiddle as well..
<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post4</h1>
<p class="post">post4</p>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post3</h1>
<p class="post">post3</p>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post2</h1>
<p class="post">post2</p>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post1</h1>
<p class="post">post1</p>
Try this:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
var allPosts = document.querySelectorAll(".posts-div");
// This is the number of posts you want displayed
var numberOfPostsToShow = 2;
for (var i = 0; i < allPosts.length; i++) {
if(i > numberOfPostsToShow - 1) {
allPosts[i].style.display = "none";
This way you will choose how many posts you want to be shown with the numberOfPostsToShow variable.
Let me know if this worked. Regards.
The way I interpreted your question, you need a way to:
show only the first n elements;
add new elements to the top of the list of posts, dynamically;
when you add them, update the visible elements.
Assuming a slightly modified version of your code, which corrects the id/class issue and adds a container for all the posts (this time with a proper id):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="posts-container">
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post4</h1>
<p class="post">post4</p>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post3</h1>
<p class="post">post3</p>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post2</h1>
<p class="post">post2</p>
<div class="posts-div">
<h1 class="post-title">post1</h1>
<p class="post">post1</p>
// ???
this code will do the trick and manage both the addition and the updates to the visibility of the posts:
function showOnly(visible, query){
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(query);
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){
if (i < visible - 1){
elements[i].style.display = 'block';
} else {
elements[i].style.display = 'none';
function publishPost(element, visible){
showOnly(visible, '#posts-container .posts-div')
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('#posts-container .posts-div'); = 'block';
if (elements.length > 0) {
document.querySelector('#posts-container').insertBefore(element, elements[0]);
} else {
The showOnly function (to be called with the number of elements to be shown and the string that identifies the elements with querySelectorAll) will only make visible the first n elements identified by the string. You can use it independently of the rest of the code if needed.
The publishPost function, on the other hand, is strictly dependent on the modified html above (to use it elsewhere you will need to adjust the strings fed to querySelector and querySelectorAll). It takes the element to be published as the first argument, the number of elements that need to be visible as the second. Then it updates the list of posts prepending the new one to it, and it also updates which posts are visible.
This is a code sample that uses it:
var elDiv = document.createElement('div');
var elH1 = document.createElement('h1');
var elP = document.createElement('p');
elDiv.classList = 'posts-div';
elH1.classList = 'post-title';
elP.classList = 'post';
elH1.innerText = 'some title';
elP.innerText = 'some text for the post';
publishPost(elDiv, 2);
This function starts by getting a list of the elements whose visibility must be managed:
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(query);
then it loops through the list and examines each element:
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){
if it has to be visible, it sets the style.display property to 'block':
if (i < visible){
elements[i].style.display = 'block';
otherwise it sets it to 'hidden':
else {
elements[i].style.display = 'none';
This function starts by showing only n-1 elements (because it will need to add a new, visible element to the top of the list):
showOnly(visible - 1, '#posts-container .posts-div')
then it retrieve the current posts:
var elements = document.querySelector('#posts-container .posts-div');
it makes the new element visible: = 'block';
finally, it adds the element to the top of the list (the different syntax depends on wether the list is empty):
if (elements.length > 0) {
document.querySelector('#posts-container').insertBefore(element, elements[0]);
} else {

HTML/Javascript/CSS Collapsible Menu not staying closed when refreshed

as it states in the title, my collapsible menu is not staying closed when the page is refreshed. Every time the page is loaded, the collapsible menu is fully expanded out, even if before the refresh it was completely closed. This is a bit of a problem, because there is a lot of stuff in this collapsible.
Here is basic code for it:
//some code here for the design, background color and stuff that shouldn't matter,
// .active is what I think I need
.active, .collapsible:hover{
background-color: #02538D;
<button class="collapsible">Tutorials</button>
<div class="content">
//some php here for output of collapsible
<div class="content">
//some php here for output of collapsible
var coll = document.getElementsByClassName("collapsible");
var i;
for(i = 0; i< coll.length; i++) {
coll[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
var content = this.nextElementSibling;
if( === "block") { = "none";
else { = "block";
I'm a beginner when it comes to JavaScript so I'm pretty sure that's where the error is but any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
In the code you've provided, the state of the menu is never saved - so when the page is refreshed everything is simply 'reset' to the default.
One solution is of course to use 'display:none;' as the default in your css. That would make the menu hidden on page-refresh but the problem would persist if you need it to also stay visible between refreshes if the users have opened it.
In that case you could set a cookie with javascript at the time you toggle the styles:
<button class="collapsible">Collapsible 1</button>
<div class="menu-item">
<p>Content 1</p>
<div class="menu-item">
<p>Content 2</p>
var coll = document.getElementsByClassName("collapsible");
for(i = 0; i< coll.length; i++) {
var cookies = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split(";");
for(i=0;i<cookies.length;i++) {
if(cookies[i] == "menu-state=hide") {
var content = coll[i].nextElementSibling; = "none";
coll[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
var content = this.nextElementSibling;
if( === "block") { = "none";
document.cookie = "menu-state=hide";
else { = "block";
document.cookie = "menu-state=display";
The above code will check if there is a cookie with the name and value "menu-state=hide". If there is, the menu will be hidden initially. This cookie is set and changed when you click the toggle.
About cookies in javascript:
Hope this helps!

Show different form based on what image is clicked

I've got 3 images in the screen. Each image should display a different form in the SAME POSITION in the screen and hide the other 2 forms.
Image1: When clicked show form1 and hide form2 and form 3
Image2: When clicked show form2 and hide form1 and form 3
Image3: When clicked show form3 and hide form1 and form 2
Forms should be shown at the same position. I just see a solution calling the whole page by sending a parameter in the URL stating which form to show on the screen. I would really like to show the right form depending on what image is clicked at the moment without that.
I'm using HTML5, Bootstrap 4 and JavaScript - any suggestion using any of these languages would be perfect.
There are a lot of answers to things like this, try looking around before asking a question.
Here is one of the simplest approaches you will ever see using only JS and HTML
const imageOne = document.getElementById('imageOne');
const imageTwo = document.getElementById('imageTwo');
const imageThree = document.getElementById('imageThree');
const formOne = document.getElementById('formOne');
const formTwo = document.getElementById('formTwo');
const formThree = document.getElementById('formThree');
imageOne.addEventListener("click", function() { = "block"; = "none"; = "none";
imageTwo.addEventListener("click", function() { = "none"; = "block"; = "none";
imageThree.addEventListener("click", function() { = "none"; = "none"; = "block;
<img id="imageOne" src="">
<img id="imageTwo" src="">
<img id="imageThree" src="http://last.image">
<div id="formOne" style="display: none">
<div id="formTwo" style="display: none">
<div id="formThree" style="display: none">
Ok, you need:
the 3 images
the 3 forms, with position absolute or fixed (so that they stay in the same position)
a JS function attached to the click event of every image that changes the correspondet form style to display:block and the others to display:none.
Something like:
var form1 = document.getElementById('form1')
document.getElementById('form1').onclick = function() { = 'block' = 'none' = 'none'
For each one of your forms.
Here is a working pen I made to show how to do it.
This is all made with pure js (vanilla). You should try to learn this first and after you get a good grasp of it, I recommend taking a look at VueJS.
I just made a simple skeleton in jsFiddle as per your requirements, have a look at the code.
<script type='text/javascript' src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="jsImgWrp">
<img src="" class="jsImg" data-formid="form1" />
<img src="" class="jsImg" data-formid="form2"/>
<img src="" class="jsImg" data-formid="form3" />
<div class="jsFormWrp form-wrapper">
<div class="jsFrm form1 active">
form 1
<div class="jsFrm form2">
form 2
<div class="jsFrm form3">
form 3
.form-wrapper .jsFrm {
border:solid 2px #eee;
.form-wrapper {
.jsImgWrp img {
var imgWrapper = $('.jsImgWrp');
var formWrapper = $('.jsFormWrp');
$('.jsImg', imgWrapper).on('click', function(){
var formId = $(this).data('formid');
$('.' + formId).addClass('active');
Hope this may help you.

jQuery: show/hide are instantaneous

I've one div that contains to other one:
<div id="card-container">....</div>
<div id="wait-for-result-container" style="display: none;">...</div>
On some event, I want to change the displayed element, with a fadeIn/fadeOut effect.
(I put some big number to really see the effect)
But when I trigger my effect, it is instantaneous, there is no fade-in/fade-out.
I'm not sure it matters, but I'm using jquery-3.1.1 and bootstrap 4 alpha.
Any idea what is going wrong?
As asked, here is some clarification.
The element that I'm trying to hide is hided immediatly and the one I show is appearing immediately.
I tried to put a demo here with the code from above:
<script src=""></script>
<div id="card-container">First one</div>
<div id="wait-for-result-container" style="display: none;">Second one</div>
<button id="myBt">Click me</button>
If you can use the full version of jQuery, give jQuery fadeOut and fadeIn a try :)
var duration = 5000;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="card-container">First one</div>
<div id="wait-for-result-container" style="display: none;">Second one</div>
<button id="myBt">Example1</button>
If you have to stick with the slim version, you can use setInteval
var duration = 5000;
var op = 0.9; // initial opacity
var timer1 = setInterval(function () {
if (op <= 0.1){
op = 0;
$('#card-container')[0].style.display = 'none';
$('#card-container')[0].style.opacity = op;
op -= 100/duration;
}, 100);
var timer2 = setInterval(function () {
if (op <= 0){
$('#wait-for-result-container')[0].style.opacity = 0;
if (op >= 1){
$('#wait-for-result-container')[0].style.opacity = op;
op += 100/duration;
}, 100);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="card-container">First one</div>
<div id="wait-for-result-container" style="display: none;">Second one</div>
<button id="myBt">Example2</button>

Multiple toggle links

I'm working with HTML and JavaScript and I need to make two instances of a toggle link. Here is my code for a single one:
<script language="javascript">
function toggle() {
var ele = document.getElementById("toggleText");
var text = document.getElementById("displayText");
if( == "block") { = "none";
text.innerHTML = "link1";
else { = "block";
text.innerHTML = "link1";
<body> <a id="displayText" href="javascript:toggle()" style="font-size:160%;">link1</a>
<div id="toggleText" style="display: none; font-size:160%;"><p>paragraph1</p></div><br></body>
I need the two toggle links to independently show/hide different paragraphs of text when each one is clicked. How can I add a second instance below the first?
Add an event handler and a data-toggle-id attribute to each link. In your event handler, get the value of the data-toggle-id and use that to find the paragraph that you would like to show. Then use the toggle method of the element's classList to add/remove a class that shows the paragraph.
var links = document.querySelectorAll('[data-toggle-id]');
for (var ix = 0; ix < links.length; ix++) {
links.item(ix).addEventListener('click', function() {
.toggleText {
display: none;
.show {
display: block;
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />
<div class="container">
<a data-toggle-id="paragraph1">link1</a>
<div class="toggleText" id="paragraph1">
<div class="container">
<a data-toggle-id="paragraph2">link2</a>
<div class="toggleText" id="paragraph2">
<div class="container">
<a data-toggle-id="paragraph3">link3</a>
<div class="toggleText" id="paragraph3">
If you hate for loops, you can use Nick's suggestion and convert the NodeList to and array and use the forEach method:'[data-toggle-id]')).forEach(function(element) {
element.addEventListener('click', function(){

